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Path: pdxgate!ogicse!uwm.edu!psuvax1!rutgers!netnews.upenn.edu!wharton.upenn.edu!millerl
From: millerl@wharton.upenn.edu (Loren J. Miller)
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp
Subject: ADMIN: Archive sites with FRP material
Message-ID: <1991Oct15.163705.1@wharton.upenn.edu>
Date: 15 Oct 91 21:37:05 GMT
Expires: 1 Nov 91 21:37:25 GMT
Sender: news@netnews.upenn.edu
Organization: Moss and Fern, Inc.
Lines: 275
Posted: Tue Oct 15 14:37:05 1991
Nntp-Posting-Host: wilma.wharton.upenn.edu
There is no general archive of rec.games.frp postings. However, several
people maintain public-access archives of interesting and/or generally
useful material as a courtesy to their fellow netters. In addition to
archived articles, some of these archive sites offer articles which are
never posted to rec.games.frp. If you want to find these articles you
will have to use an archive server of some sort.
eklektik frp archive
Tabolport archive
Navero archive
Universal Simulation Mailing List (usml) archive
The Guildsman (an amateur zine) archive
The ADnD ftp site at tybalt
AD&D ftp and AFS site at Stanford
Ars Magica and Traveller-Vehicles ftp site
Champions archive
The Jayhawk series archive sites
FTP server at iesd.auc.dk
FTP Archives
Anonymous FTP archives can be accessed from Unix machines on the
Internet by typing ftp <address>, where <address> is either an Internet
address or a routing number. At the "Name:" prompt, type "anonymous"; at
the "Password:" prompt, type your userid or "guest" (or something
equally thoughtful). For further information on ftp, check the
documentation at your site or consult a local guru.
Users at non-Internet sites (especially those on BITNET/Netnorth/EARN)
may want to try the BITNET FTP server at Princeton. To obtain directions
on the use of the server, send a mail file containing the line
to BITFTP@PUCC.BITNET. An alternative is the ftpmail service at
decwrl.dec.com. Again send a message containing the one line
to ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com.
Name: eklektik frp archive
Address: eklektik.cs.pitt.edu (
Contact: Anthony Kapolka <anthony@cs.pitt.edu>
Info Updated: 31-May-1991
Notes: eklektik is once again available as an anonymous ftp site. it
contains directories with many rec.games.frp postings chosen as
particularly relevant by Anthony Kapolka, the sysop. Other
directories of interest include ones for the RQdigest, the
GURPS digest, Traveller, Champions, and the Mythos Delvers.
Name: Tabolport archive
Address: f.ms.uky.edu (]
Contact: jemearl@ms.uky.edu, jemearl@UKMA.BITNET, !ukma!jemearl
Info Updated: 1-Feb-1991
Notes: Jemearl T. Smith maintains an anonymous FTP archive which
contains material relating to Tabolport, a fantasy city being
designed cooperatively by the readers of rec.games.frp.
Look in the pub/tabolport directory.
[For the time being, the FTP site at f.ms.uky.edu is only
available during off-peak hours (6 PM to 8 AM Eastern Time.
When (if) it returns to all-day operation, I would appreciate
it if someone would tell me so I can remove this notice.]
(Jim Bassman Davenport, who was in charge of the Tabolport
project, has graduated and no longer has net access. Freeland
K. Abbott, the semi-official administrator, can be reached at
fabbott@athena.mit.edu. If anyone has access to Project Athena
at MIT, Freeland has also put a set of the Tabolport files in
a publicly-accessible locker named "tabolport".)
Name: Navero
Address: ics.uci.edu
Info Updated: 15-Aug-1991
Notes: All issues (including the latest) of the Navero series of
stories are available in
/usenet/rec.games.frp/navero. The issues are compressed, so be
sure to use binary mode to transfer them. In addition, there
are a few other items in /usenet/rec.games.frp, like an Excel
AD&D 2nd Edition character generator (written by John Roy
<roy@ics.uci.edu>) and some postscript character sheets.(Thanks
to Mark Nagel (nagel@ics.uci.edu) for setting this up.)
Archive sites are also set up for the LaTeX versions of the
Navero saga:
ftp.cc.gatech.edu pub/frp/navero/navero.tar.Z
ftp.white.toronto.edu pub/frp/navero/navero.tar
ASCII LaTeX files:
potemkin.cs.pdx.edu pub/frp/stories/navero/tex/.
Note: This last site also has copies of EPIC and EEPIC, which
are needed to creeate some of the graphics contained in the
files. It is described fully in the readme file.
Name: Universal Simulation Mailing List (usml) ftp site
Address: topgun.agps.lanl.gov (
Info Updated: 25-Feb-1991
Notes: Once upon a time, some net.people made a joke about writing a
program or two that simulated the Universe. Ho ho ho. Pretty
funny. But other people took them seriously and thus was born
the short lived mailing list called usml, and thus were written
a number of programs which simulated various parts of the
universe. There are subsector generators for Traveller, star
system generators using several methods, and plate tectonic
generators to generate random land masses (not very pretty).
Here are the contents of pub/usml:
Actual accrete.c shebs
Archive accretion.amiga siod.c
Digests accretion.src starcul.shar
List archive starform
OtherSun.src cellsim_1.5.tar.Z system.arc
Psychohistory fractal.c traveller.tar
README plates.c xc5.1-tar.Z
Universe references
Name: The Guildsman (an amateur zine) FTP sites
Address: watnxt1.ucr.edu (
watnxt2.ucr.edu (
watnxt3.ucr.edu (
potemkin.cs.pdx.edu (
Info Updated: 4-Apr-1991
Notes The Guildsman is an amateur RPG zine which is regularly
inundated by fantasy and science fiction by a variety of
writers both on and off the net. It is currently available via
anonymous ftp in LaTeX source (and occasional PostScript)
format from four separate nodes.
The directory is /pub/ucrgg or
Name: The ADnD ftp site at tybalt
Address: tybalt.caltech.edu (
Contact: Gary `Lanz' Fuller <garyf@tybalt.caltech.edu>
Info Updated: 12-Apr-1991
Notes: ADnD and compatible stuff, including versions of the infamous
net.spellbook and net.priestbook.
Name: AD&D ftp and AFS site at Stanford
Address: greyhawk.stanford.edu (
Contact: Mark Steiglitz <steig@cs.stanford.edu>
Info Updated: 19-May-1991
Notes: This site contains most of the organized AD&D-related material
posted to rec.games.frp. The files are stored either in their
natural form or as tar archives. The archive currently
contains the UCR Guildsman, various versions of the net
spellbooks, character sheets, and hex graph paper, Alpha's
Spells, the Elf's Gamebook, the Net Monster Manual, the
Penultimate MU Spell List, the Spell Description Language, and
the WATSFIC Tournament.
ftp directory /D_D
incoming files: /incoming
The contents are also available on the worldwide AFS file
system [AFS is the Andrew File System, if you don't know what
it is, you probably can't use it. -LM].
The files are stored here in their natural form.
AFS directory: /afs/ir.stanford.edu/users/s/steig/D_D
incoming files: /afs/ir.stanford.edu/users/s/steig/incoming
Name: Ars Magica and Traveller-Vehicles ftp site
Address: ocf.berkeley.edu ( or
plague.berkeley.edu (
tornado.berkeley.edu (
Contact: Shannon Appel <appel@soda.berkeley.edu> (Ars Mag)
George W Herbert <gwh@ocf.berkeley.edu> (Traveller)
Info Updated: 24-Jul-1991
Notes: An FTP-able archive exists in the pub/Ars_Magica and
pub/Traveller/vehicles directory, and maybe others.
Name: Champions archive
Address: potemkin.cs.pdx.edu (
Contact: trent@cs.pdx.edu
Info Updated: 24-Apr-1991
Notes: The champions archive is now active and accepting submissions.
There are already many characters, stories, plots, and gadgets,
but we're always looking for more. To submit anything, place it
in the tmp/ directory, and send mail to trent@cs.pdx.edu
telling him what it is, and into which sub-directory it should
directories: Bases.Vehicles.Gadgets/ Misc/ Characters/
Plots-Stories/ Organizations/
Name: The Jayhawk series archive sites
Address: ftp.white.toronto.edu
Info Updated: 1-May-1991
Notes: Mary Kuhner's <mkkuhner@genetics.washington.edu> Jayhawk series
of stories (high quality shadowrun writeups) are available in
several archive sites. Mary has offered to mail the stories if
you can't get to one of the servers.
site1: ftp.white.toronto.edu
file: /pub/frp/shadowrun/jayhawk
site2: potemkin.cs.purdue.edu
directory: /pub/frp/stories/jayhawk
Name: iesd.auc.dk FTP server
Address: iesd.auc.dk (
Contact: Soren Parbaek <parbaek@iesd.auc.dk> or
Info Updated: 1-Oct-1991, good until 31-Jan-92
Notes: Contains: Archive site for the Rolemaster list,
Complete scenarios to misc. roleplaying games, A list
of rpg-clubs in Denmark and info on danish
convensions. Submissions to Soren Parbaek or in the
incoming directory.
Address: GRASS-SERVER@wharton.upenn.edu
Contact: GRASS-REQUEST@wharton.upenn.edu
Info Updated: 14-Sep-1991
Notes: GRASS is a project to explore (Generic, i.e. usable for any
game system) Religions and Secret Societies for roleplaying
Archives of GRASS and of the Mythos Delvers lists, and
interesting postings from rec.games.frp and other newsgroups
which are appropriate to GRASS may be retrieved via the
GRASS-SERVER. To use the GRASS-SERVER, send mail containing the
command HELP within the subject line and/or the body of the
mail message to the server address. Address comments to the
Included among the files on the grass server are the
rec.games.frp administrative postings.
Info Updated: 9-May-1991
Notes: Most of the net spell books are available here. all you have to
do is send a mail file or BITNET style interactive message to
that address. Each line of the mail message should include a
single command. The most important command to know is GET. The
second most important command to know is INDEX, which will give
a listing of the available files. Maybe you should start with
the HELP command.
Some of the files on the server include:
GNSB MAGIC the great net.spellbook
MAGIC ITEMS the magic items list
POISON DIGEST the poisons list
TOME MAGIC tome of might magic
MONSTER MANUAL fairly small monster manual
Loren Miller internet: MILLERL@wharton.upenn.edu
Metal-boy go sky high dropping hat flowers asunder firmament