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397 lines
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Bimbo Male
Bimboette Female
Bimbino Young Bimbo
BimJAP Jewish Bimboette
Bimini Island of Bimbos
Bimini-skirt Native dress of Bimboettes
Biminister Holy Bimbo
Bimgouster Bimbo with baggy pants
Bimgeezer Dirty old Bimbo
Bimbozo Bimbo with red hair
Bimball One on one with a Bimbo
Bimballs What is takes to admit being a Bimbo
Bimgoose Direct hit by a wild-eyed Bimbo
Bim Brown Bimbo football player and actor
Bimmearle Memorex CE
Bimbottle Container for Bimbooze
Bimmed Bimbo under the influence of Bimbooze
Bimbooze That by which a Bimbo gets 'Bimmed'
Bimboat Transport vehicle on Bimini
Bymnasium Bimbo exercise room
Bimattress Sleeping cushion on a Bimbed
Bimbed Major furniture item in a Bimbedroom
Bimbrain Imaginary item
Bimazing The concept of a non-imaginary Bimbrain
Bimbouncer Bimbo employed in a nightclub
Bimmoose Nick-name for a Bimbouncer
Mr B Famous former Bimbouncer and actor
Bimistake Common cause of Bimbinos
Bimmer Nick-name for a sporty German car; Also,
result of bad Bimbo acid
Bimwit Bimbo of greater than average intelligence
Bimwit &
Teller Famous Bimbo department store
Bimboese Language of Bimbos
Bimboa Long feathery item of Bimboette apparel
Bimbro Black Bimbo
Bimbob Southern Bimbo
Bimgrits Favorite side dish for Bimbros and Bimbobs
Bimbazooms Reasons why Bimbos like Bimboettes
Bimballoons Bimbazoom enhancers
Bimkaboom Sound made by overused or abused Bimballoons
Bimbored Normal Bimbo mental state
Bimbroke Normal Bimbo financial state; Also, condition
of Bimballoon after going Bimkaboom
Bimbread Item, the lack of which is known as being
Bimbroke; Also, place to put Bimbutter
Bimbutter High-calorie spread for Bimbread
Bimbang Activity leading to Bimistakes
Bimbanger A meat product that is usually placed between
the halves of Bimbuns
Bimbuns That upon which a Bimbo sits
Bimazola Liquid often present at Bimbangs
Bimorgy Group Bimbang
Bimetallic General appearance of a Bimbo knight in full
Sir Bimbo Only known Bimbo in King Arthur's court
Bimbi Well known Bimbo nursery story
Bimagination Facility by which Bimbos dream
Bimbecile Average Bimbo
Bimbibe Process of ingesting Bimbooze
Bimmaculate What a Bimbo's house never is
Bimmigrant The first Bimbo to reach this country
Bimmune What Bimbos are, relative to insults
Bimpetuous What a Bimbo becomes when he sees a Bimboette
with big Bimbazooms
Bimbottom See Bimbuns
Bimbones Bimbo gambling devices; Also, a favorite food
of Bimbro's
Bimbarrel What a Bimbo is over when he runs low on
Bimbar Where a Bimbo can order individual servings
of Bimbooze
Bimbarf What a Bimbo does after too much Bimbooze
Bimportant What a Bimbo will never be
Bimbrandy A type of Bimbooze
Bimbaboon Bimbo Ancestor
Bimbabble Normal Bimbo conversation
Bimbabushka Type of Bimboette headgear
Bimband Bimbo Bimusical group
Bimbachelor Unmarried Bimbo
Bimbaffle Easy achievement with a Bimbo
Bimbadge Device by which a Bimbo can remember his name
Bimbag Old Bimboette
Bimbaggage Bimbo luggage
Bimbagel Type of Bimbread favored by BimJAPs
Bimbahai A Bimbo religion
Bimbail Activity which keeps Bimboats afloat
Bimbakery Place to get Bimbread and Bimbagels
Bimballad Song of Bimbo achievements. Very short
Bimballast Stabilizing weights used in Bimboats
Bimbamboo Bimbo torture device
Bimbank Place to save Bimoney
Bimbanshee Screaming Bimbo
Bimbarbarian Description of Mr. B
Bimbarbell Device used in a Bymnasium
Bimbargain What a BimJAP can always get you
Bimbarn Place to keep Bimanimals
Bimbasic Bimbo computer language
Bimbass Member of a Bimband; Also, large-mouthed
Bimbo sports fish
Bimbathe A forbidden Bimbo activity
Bimbattle Bimorgy gone wrong
Bimbeagle Popular Bimbo canine
Bimbeard Result of not going to a Bimbarber
Bimbald Result of going to a Bimbarber
Bimbeauty One view of a Bimboette
Bimbeast Alternate view of a Bimboette
Bim Beam Another type of Bimbooze
Bimbedouin Arabian Bimbo
Bimbees With Bimbirds, an explanation for the
existence of Bimbinos
Bimbeer Popular type of Bimbooze
Bimbelch Frequent ocurrance after Bimbibing of Bimbeer
Bimbelfry Hangout for Bimbats
Bimbelly Device for temporary storage of Bimbeer
Bimbelt Restraining device for a Bimbelly
Bimbra Containment device for Bimbazooms
Bimbench Place to rest Bimbottoms
Bimbeaver Social animal frequently found at Bimbangs
Bimberet Type of Bimbo headgear
Bim Bertha Large historical Bimbo weapon
Bimbible Reference Bimbook used by Biministers
Bimbicarb Bimedicine often used after Bimbibing
Bimbicycle Form of Bimbo transportation
Bimbigamy Carrying a Bimorgy too far
Bimbigwig A Bimbo of consequence
Bimbill Price of a Bimeal
Bimeel Slippery Bimbo
Bimmink Fur used to make Bimboette outer apparel
Bimbinge That which comes between Bimbibing and
Bimbingo A religious money-raising activity
Bimbirth The emergence of a Bimbino
Bimboss One who tries to control a group of Bimbos
Bimbishop Biministers Bimboss
Bimblabber See Bimbabble
Bimblank Frequent Bimbo facial expression
Bimblarney Bimbrag
Bimblood What one gets by Bimbleeding
Bimbleed What a Bimbo does upon encountering a
Bimblimp A very large Bimbo(ette)
Bimblob Amorphous Bimbo
Bimbug Cause of errors in Bimbo computer programs
Bimblow Another popular activity at Bimorgies
Bimblubber Substance, the excess of which creates
Bimblobs and Bimblimps
Bimbaloney Verbal output of Bimbo politicians
Bimbolshevik Russian Bimbo
Bimbooboo See Bimistake
Bimboner See Bimbooboo, and Bimbanger
Bimbooster Fan of Bimbos
Bimbordello Residence for Bimbawds
Bimbaud Bimbo telecommuncation term
Bimbourbon Another Bimbooze
Bimbox Container for a Bimbeaver
Bimbrat Ill-mannered Bimbino
Bimbroad Bimboette
Bimbungle Bimbotch
Bimbubbles Nickname for a sexy Bimboette
Bimbo Male
Bimboette Female
Bimbino Young Bimbo
BimJAP Jewish Bimboette
Bimini Island of Bimbos
Bimini-skirt Native dress of Bimboettes
Biminister Holy Bimbo
Bimgouster Bimbo with baggy pants
Bimgeezer Dirty old Bimbo
Bimbozo Bimbo with red hair
Bimball One on one with a Bimbo
Bimballs What is takes to admit being a Bimbo
Bimgoose Direct hit by a wild-eyed Bimbo
Bim Brown Bimbo football player and actor
Bimmearle Memorex CE
Bimbottle Container for Bimbooze
Bimmed Bimbo under the influence of Bimbooze
Bimbooze That by which a Bimbo gets 'Bimmed'
Bimboat Transport vehicle on Bimini
Bymnasium Bimbo exercise room
Bimattress Sleeping cushion on a Bimbed
Bimbed Major furniture item in a Bimbedroom
Bimbrain Imaginary item
Bimazing The concept of a non-imaginary Bimbrain
Bimbouncer Bimbo employed in a nightclub
Bimmoose Nick-name for a Bimbouncer
Mr B Famous former Bimbouncer and actor
Bimistake Common cause of Bimbinos
Bimmer Nick-name for a sporty German car; Also,
result of bad Bimbo acid
Bimwit Bimbo of greater than average intelligence
Bimwit &
Teller Famous Bimbo department store
Bimboese Language of Bimbos
Bimboa Long feathery item of Bimboette apparel
Bimbro Black Bimbo
Bimbob Southern Bimbo
Bimgrits Favorite side dish for Bimbros and Bimbobs
Bimbazooms Reasons why Bimbos like Bimboettes
Bimballoons Bimbazoom enhancers
Bimkaboom Sound made by overused or abused Bimballoons
Bimbored Normal Bimbo mental state
Bimbroke Normal Bimbo financial state; Also, condition
of Bimballoon after going Bimkaboom
Bimbread Item, the lack of which is known as being
Bimbroke; Also, place to put Bimbutter
Bimbutter High-calorie spread for Bimbread
Bimbang Activity leading to Bimistakes
Bimbanger A meat product that is usually placed between
the halves of Bimbuns
Bimbuns That upon which a Bimbo sits
Bimazola Liquid often present at Bimbangs
Bimorgy Group Bimbang
Bimetallic General appearance of a Bimbo knight in full
Sir Bimbo Only known Bimbo in King Arthur's court
Bimbi Well known Bimbo nursery story
Bimagination Facility by which Bimbos dream
Bimbecile Average Bimbo
Bimbibe Process of ingesting Bimbooze
Bimmaculate What a Bimbo's house never is
Bimmigrant The first Bimbo to reach this country
Bimmune What Bimbos are, relative to insults
Bimpetuous What a Bimbo becomes when he sees a Bimboette
with big Bimbazooms
Bimbottom See Bimbuns
Bimbones Bimbo gambling devices; Also, a favorite food
of Bimbro's
Bimbarrel What a Bimbo is over when he runs low on
Bimbar Where a Bimbo can order individual servings
of Bimbooze
Bimbarf What a Bimbo does after too much Bimbooze
Bimportant What a Bimbo will never be
Bimbrandy A type of Bimbooze
Bimbaboon Bimbo Ancestor
Bimbabble Normal Bimbo conversation
Bimbabushka Type of Bimboette headgear
Bimband Bimbo Bimusical group
Bimbachelor Unmarried Bimbo
Bimbaffle Easy achievement with a Bimbo
Bimbadge Device by which a Bimbo can remember his name
Bimbag Old Bimboette
Bimbaggage Bimbo luggage
Bimbagel Type of Bimbread favored by BimJAPs
Bimbahai A Bimbo religion
Bimbail Activity which keeps Bimboats afloat
Bimbakery Place to get Bimbread and Bimbagels
Bimballad Song of Bimbo achievements. Very short
Bimballast Stabilizing weights used in Bimboats
Bimbamboo Bimbo torture device
Bimbank Place to save Bimoney
Bimbanshee Screaming Bimbo
Bimbarbarian Description of Mr. B
Bimbarbell Device used in a Bymnasium
Bimbargain What a BimJAP can always get you
Bimbarn Place to keep Bimanimals
Bimbasic Bimbo computer language
Bimbass Member of a Bimband; Also, large-mouthed
Bimbo sports fish
Bimbathe A forbidden Bimbo activity
Bimbattle Bimorgy gone wrong
Bimbeagle Popular Bimbo canine
Bimbeard Result of not going to a Bimbarber
Bimbald Result of going to a Bimbarber
Bimbeauty One view of a Bimboette
Bimbeast Alternate view of a Bimboette
Bim Beam Another type of Bimbooze
Bimbedouin Arabian Bimbo
Bimbees With Bimbirds, an explanation for the
existence of Bimbinos
Bimbeer Popular type of Bimbooze
Bimbelch Frequent ocurrance after Bimbibing of Bimbeer
Bimbelfry Hangout for Bimbats
Bimbelly Device for temporary storage of Bimbeer
Bimbelt Restraining device for a Bimbelly
Bimbra Containment device for Bimbazooms
Bimbench Place to rest Bimbottoms
Bimbeaver Social animal frequently found at Bimbangs
Bimberet Type of Bimbo headgear
Bim Bertha Large historical Bimbo weapon
Bimbible Reference Bimbook used by Biministers
Bimbicarb Bimedicine often used after Bimbibing
Bimbicycle Form of Bimbo transportation
Bimbigamy Carrying a Bimorgy too far
Bimbigwig A Bimbo of consequence
Bimbill Price of a Bimeal
Bimeel Slippery Bimbo
Bimmink Fur used to make Bimboette outer apparel
Bimbinge That which comes between Bimbibing and
Bimbingo A religious money-raising activity
Bimbirth The emergence of a Bimbino
Bimboss One who tries to control a group of Bimbos
Bimbishop Biministers Bimboss
Bimblabber See Bimbabble
Bimblank Frequent Bimbo facial expression
Bimblarney Bimbrag
Bimblood What one gets by Bimbleeding
Bimbleed What a Bimbo does upon encountering a
Bimblimp A very large Bimbo(ette)
Bimblob Amorphous Bimbo
Bimbug Cause of errors in Bimbo computer programs
Bimblow Another popular activity at Bimorgies
Bimblubber Substance, the excess of which creates
Bimblobs and Bimblimps
Bimbaloney Verbal output of Bimbo politicians
Bimbolshevik Russian Bimbo
Bimbooboo See Bimistake
Bimboner See Bimbooboo, and Bimbanger
Bimbooster Fan of Bimbos
Bimbordello Residence for Bimbawds
Bimbaud Bimbo telecommuncation term
Bimbourbon Another Bimbooze
Bimbox Container for a Bimbeaver
Bimbrat Ill-mannered Bimbino
Bimbroad Bimboette
Bimbungle Bimbotch
Bimbubbles Nickname for a sexy Bimboette