2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Godiva was a lady who through Coventry did ride
To show to the royal villagers her fair and pure white hide.
The most observant man of all, an engineer of course,
Was the only man who noticed that Godiva rode a horse.
We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the engineers.
We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers.
Drink rum, drink run, drink rum all day and come along with us.
For we don't give a damn for any old man who don't give a damn for us!
An artsman and an Engineer once found a gallon can,
Said the artsman ``Match me drink for drink, let's see if you're a man.''
They drank three drinks, the artsman falls, his face was turning green,
But the Engineer drank on and said ``It's only gasoline.''
Caesar set out for Egypt at the age of fifty three,
But Cleopatra's blood was warm, her heart was young and free.
And every night when Julius said goodnight at three o'clock,
There was a Roman engineer waiting just around the block!
An engineer once staggered in though the Roderick Gate,
He was carrying a load you would expect to ship by freight.
The only thing that kept him upright and on his course,
Were the boundary conditions and the coriolis force.
The Ballad of 5.60
(To the tune of ``The Battle Hymn of the Republic'')
Free energy and entropy were whirling in his brain
With partial differentials and greek letters in their train
While delta, sigma, gamma, theta, epsilon and pi
Were driving him distracted as they danced before his eye.
Glory, glory dear old thermo
Glory, glory dear old thermo
Glory, glory dear old thermo,
We'll pass you by and by.
Heat, Content, and fugacity revolved within his brain
Like molecules and atoms that you never have to name.
And logarithmic functions doing cakewalks in his dreams,
And partial molar quantities devouring chocolate creams.
They asked him on the final if a mole of any gas
In a vessel with a membrane through which Hydrogen could pass
Were compressed to half its volume what the entropy would be
If two-thirds delta-sigma equalled half of delta-P.
He said he guessed the entropy would have to equal four
Unless the second law should bring it up a couple more
But then, it might be seven if the Carnot law applied,
Or it might be almost zero if the delta-T should slide.
The professor read his paper with a corrugated brow.
For he knew he'd have to grade it and he didn't quite know how
'Til an inspiration in his cerebellum suddenly smote,
And he seized his trusty fountain pen and this is what he wrote:
Just as you have guessed the entropy, I'll have to guess your grade,
But the second law won't raise it to the mark you might have made.
For it might have been a 100 if your guesses all were good,
But I think it must be zero 'till they're rightly understood.
Glory, glory dear old thermo
Glory, glory dear old thermo,
Glory, glory dear old thermo,
We'll try again next term.
Tech Cheer
E to the U du dx, E to the X dx!
Cosine! Secant! Tangent! Sine!
3 point 1 4 1 5 9!
Integral, radical, mu dv
Slipstick, slide rule, M.I.T.!
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