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By Bruce T. Goldman
(Source: Cosmopolitan Magazine)
There ÿare ÿmany ÿstores ÿthat remove designer labels ÿin ÿorder ÿto
discount ÿthe merchandise. ÿHowever the law specifies that a RN ÿor
WPL code must remain on the clothing. ÿThe following list will help
identify the original manufacturer.
By Manufacturer
RN36486 Act 1
RN36789 Act 1
RN51331 Act 1
RN30669 Anne Fogarty
RN48648 Anne Fogarty
RN40803 Anne Klein
RN51488 Bal Harbour
RN38344 Bill Blass
WPL10113 Bonnie Cashin
RN31691 Butte Knit
RN41327 Calvin Klein
RN42642 Calvin Klein
RN16578 Catalina
RN16580 Catalina
RN03005 Christian Dior
RN42992 Clovis Ruffin
RN39378 Cole of California
RN39375 Cole of California
RN31562 Cole of California
WPL03600 Cole of California
WPL03574 Cole of California
RN42424 College Town
RN38916 College Town
RN54042 Daniel Hechter
RN24903 Donnkenny
RN31691 Donnkenny
RN43517 Ecco Bay
RN35685 Evan-Picone
WPL08582 Evan-Picone
RN33293 Geoffrey Beene
RN52130 Gloria Vanderbilt
RN46616 Halston
RN41564 Halston
RN57302 Halston
RN40679 Harve Bernard
RN34104 Huk-a-Poo
RN51898 J. G. Hook
RN37966 Jantzen
RN34972 Jonathan Logan
RN44290 Jonathan Logan
RN39805 Lilly Pulitzer
RN29563 Lilli Ann
RN44290 Lilli Ann
RN52002 Liz Claiborne
RN43857 Leslie Fay
RN42711 Leslie Fay
RN16890 Leslie Fay
RN47396 London Fog
RN47398 London Fog
RN47400 London Fog
RN44278 Marisa Christina
RN32202 Oleg Cassini
RN29685 Pendleton
RN57272 Perry Ellis
RN56158 Ralph Lauren
RN19362 Rose Marie Reid
RN55862 St. Tropez
RN38494 Ship n' Shore
RN30219 Stanley Blacker
RN41550 Stanley Blacker
RN55639 Stanley Blacker
RN18220 Sue Brett
RN17470 Villager
RN31242 Villager
RN49528 Willi Smith
By Label
RN03005 Christian Dior
RN16578 Catalina
RN16580 Catalina
RN16890 Leslie Fay
RN17470 Villager
RN18220 Sue Brett
RN19362 Rose Marie Reid
RN24903 Donnkenny
RN29563 Lilli Ann
RN29685 Pendleton
RN30219 Stanley Blacker
RN30669 Anne Fogarty
RN31242 Villager
RN31562 Cole of California
RN31691 Butte Knit
RN31691 Donnkenny
RN32202 Oleg Cassini
RN33293 Geoffrey Beene
RN34104 Huk-a-Poo
RN34972 Jonathan Logan
RN35685 Evan-Picone
RN36486 Act 1
RN36789 Act 1
RN37966 Jantzen
RN38344 Bill Blass
RN38494 Ship n' Shore
RN38916 College Town
RN39375 Cole of California
RN39378 Cole of California
RN39805 Lilly Pulitzer
RN40679 Harve Bernard
RN40803 Anne Klein
RN41327 Calvin Klein
RN41550 Stanley Blacker
RN41564 Halston
RN42424 College Town
RN42642 Calvin Klein
RN42711 Leslie Fay
RN42992 Clovis Ruffin
RN43517 Ecco Bay
RN43857 Leslie Fay
RN44278 Marisa Christina
RN44290 Jonathan Logan
RN44290 Lilli Ann
RN46616 Halston
RN47396 London Fog
RN47398 London Fog
RN47400 London Fog
RN48648 Anne Fogarty
RN49528 Willi Smith
RN51331 Act 1
RN51488 Bal Harbour
RN51898 J. G. Hook
RN52002 Liz Claiborne
RN52130 Gloria Vanderbilt
RN54042 Daniel Hechter
RN55639 Stanley Blacker
RN55862 St. Tropez
RN56158 Ralph Lauren
RN57272 Perry Ellis
RN57302 Halston
WPL03574 Cole of California
WPL03600 Cole of California
WPL08582 Evan-Picone
WPL10113 Bonnie Cashin
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