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*\ /*
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*\ //\\//eon ||<<nights and //\\//\\etal Comm.,Inc. /*
*/ \*
*\ present for your enjoyment /*
*/ \*
*\ " A letter from a confirmed Geek" /*
*/ \*
*\ Published By Jolly*Roger /*
This letter was actually sent to me by your friend and mine (!) The Banshee of
Exstension 1200. I thought it quite amusing, so I've made a file out of it so
you can all have as good a laugh as I did...
J*R, seriously, i decided that the program (even though you don't believe any
shit nowadays) needed to ul therefore all the things you get don't turn out to
be a bad transfer. It is short and it checks all the shit needed to see if it
is a good transfer or not. Europe Ablaze turned out bad though, just wanted to
confirm that with you.
Last thing, you may think and be a stubborn person, but I really didn't post
your number. Why should I in the first place?Do I hate you that much? Do i
hate you enough to get you further access on the Monitor??? Or is it I hate you
so I don't give some new shit to play with???? Is it? Well, shit, if you think
i would actually do something like that, maybe you really don't want the monitor
access. I did it because I don't know any reason for the people up there to
hate you for whatever you did, but I asked and they did it. Fuck, i mean thats
why I would post your number on your AE and then get you SeUndercover Agent on
the monitor. At least, thats what I think they gave you. Big deal, right?
Well, thats fine if you really don't apprecaiate a local board aroudn here and
maybe its good that you have your 300 bps ae up. good for you, but I don't
appreciate the shit that you do for a blunt excuse that since I logged onto your
system as a "FAKE" allias ... i really want to check people out and maybe that
was the wrong way to do it, but hell, besides that time (talking behind my
back), I have heard you on conferences, 3 ways before.You can bring back the
allied Forces bullshit, but what the fuck did i actually do? I did shit, i
tried to get you lines that were 1200 bps and 10 megs systems all to join, but i
guess all of our favorite buddy Dave, "mr. Xerox" did you over. Fuck it, thats
the past and I hope you have fun with metal comm, I am having a great time with
Extension 1200. Fuck you if you don't like it, but what the hell is "call this
loser" If i really wanted to fuck you over as you did me, i could do much more
than sit on my ass taking this shit from you. WWatch what is going on ... call
me if you see someone posted some dumb message on your line. Shit, when you
find both lines free or something or call when I hang up and its free, maybe it
will prove your point that i did call and post those messages.but until then,
I think you are being really one-minded on this one. I even talked to andrei
and he never said anything about himself telling that i was that caller that
night!He said you were saying that i did do it and being stubborn as you are,
then you insinutated that he did. Fuck it man, if you want to start this
"hatred" between us, then thats fine. I won't have to call you and I won't have
to call this ae. So whatever, but someone set me up really good and I want to
find this asshole who did.
My Regards, The Banshee/Jim
I don't give a fuck if you hate me or if you consider me as a fag, but posted
numbers, names, shit like that really hits as being "fucked up" If you want me
to do the same thing, i can get your fucked up more tham me but the entire
things is really dumb in my words.
Call me tommorow and if you want to heat up, i will be here heating up also.
Talk to andrei, why would he talk behind my back? Real friends don't do things
like that. If so, he wouldn't be my friend, he would never get games, etc. If
you don't want to face it, then thats your fault, but someday you will say
something that i would like to hear.
... I hoped you enjoyed that letter as much as I did. Anyway, call these
Mettaland West.......10megs/AE/BBS/Cat-Fur..............503/538-0761
Mettaland East.......10meg/AE/1200 only!!..PW:ZANDAR....201/528-6467
The Metal AE.........300/1200....PW:KILL................201/879-(666)8
The MetalWorks AE.............PW:RAPE...................313/663-8103
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the place to get more | | | |___| | | | _/ / 20 Megs of TextFiles
like it.. |_| \_____/ |_||__/ SysOp: Mr. Pez
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