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By: John Johnson, KWV8BP
description frequency range
=========== ===============
civilian govt. low band 30 - 50 mhz.
6 meter amateur radio 50 - 54 mhz.
tv channels 2 - 4 54 - 72 mhz.
industrial/rc paging/rptr.links 72 - 76 mhz.
tv channels 5 - 6 76 - 78 mhz.
fm broadcast 88 - 108 mhz.
civilian aircraft vhf 108 - 136 mhz.
weather - geo satellites 136 - 138 mhz.
military aircraft - satellites 138 - 144 mhz.
2 meter amateur radio 144 - 148 mhz.
military bases 148 - 150.8 mhz.
civilian - govt. high band 150.8 - 174 mhz.
tv channels 7 - 13 174 - 216 mhz.
inland waterway navigation 216 - 220 mhz.
land mobile/amateur/satellite 220 - 225 mhz.
military aircraft uhf 225 - 400 mhz.
weather balloons/satellite telemetry 400 - 406 mhz.
federal govt. land mobile 406 - 420 mhz.
amateur 420 - 450 mhz.
civilian uhf band 450 - 512 mhz.
tv uhf channels 512 - 806 mhz.
cellular/microwave mobile 806 - 960 mhz.
telemetry data 960 - 1200 mhz.
business/mobile/aeronautical 1.0 - 1.2 ghz.
amateur radio 1.215 - 1.3 ghz.
" " 2.3 - 2.45 ghz.
" " rptrs. 2.4 - 2.45 ghz.
" " 3.3 - 3.5 ghz.
L - band military radars 1.22 - 1.35 ghz.
amateur dx, use a lna 1.296 ghz.
" " " 2.304 ghz.
" " " 3.456 ghz.
" " " 5.65 - 5.925 ghz.
radio astronomy 1.420 ghz.
" " 2.69 - 2.7 ghz.
hydrogen maser resonators 1.420 ghz.
" " " 1.405 ghz.
" " " 1.751 ghz.
" " " 1.786 ghz.
business/mobile/aeronautical 1.427 - 1.435 ghz.
satellite telemetry 1.435 - 1.535 ghz.
satellite communications 1.535 - 1.559 ghz.
radio astronomy 1.612 - 1.727 ghz.
satellite communications 1.635 - 1.66 ghz.
weather sondes 1.66 - 1.69 ghz.
meteorological satellites 1.69 - 1.7 ghz.
goes satellite fm fax 1.6910 ghz.
meteosat satellite fm fax 1.6945 ghz.
n0aa8 satellite, on command only 1.698 ghz.
space research 1.7 - 1.71 ghz.
" " 2.29 - 2.3 ghz.
noaa8 sat on command only 1.702 ghz.
government 1.71 - 1.85 ghz.
" " 2.2 - 2.29 ghz.
usaf space shuttle uplinks 1.7757 - 1.8318 ghz.
studio to transmitter links 1.99 - 2.11 ghz.
media satellite downlinks 3.7 - 4.2 ghz.
nasa space shuttle uplinks 2.0419 - 2.1064 ghz.
" " " " fm 2.205 ghz.
" " " " pulse 2.2175 ghz.
public common carrier 2.110 - 2.18 ghz.
ptp/omni/tv " " "
ptp fixed 2.80 - 2.2 ghz.
goes 4 satellite on command only 2.2090 ghz.
goes 5,6 " " " 2.2090 ghz.
goes 4,5,6 " " 2.214 ghz.
nimbus 7 , tdrs 1 satellite 2.211 ghz.
" " " 2.2325 ghz.
" " " 2.2735 ghz.
nasa space shuttle tv 2.215 ghz.
isee 1 satellite on command 2.2155 ghz.
iue satellite 2.2498 ghz.
iras satellite 2.2530 ghz.
isee2 satellite 2.2608 ghz.
isee1 satellite 2.2648 ghz.
landsat 2 satellite on command 2.2295 ghz.
landsat 4 " " 2.2655 ghz.
nasa space shuttle downlink fm 2.250 ghz
" " " " pulse 2.2875 ghz.
nasa beacon on the moon 2.2760 ghz.
atv 2.375 ghz.
oscar 9 satellite beacon 2.401 ghz.
microwave ovens 2.450 ghz.
radar 2.45 - 2.5 ghz.
instructional tv 2.5 - 2.69 ghz.
insat tv-1 dbs satellite 2.560 - 2.59 ghz.
10.7 cm solar flux noise 2.8 ghz.
10 cm radars 3.00 - 3.246 ghz.
6 cm radars 5.46 - 5.65 ghz.
att multiplex and others 3.70 - 4.20 ghz.
media satellites downlink 3.70 - 4.20 ghz.
media satellites uplink 5.925 - 6.425 ghz.
military systems - meteorological 4.4 - 5.1 ghz.
" los systems 7.125 - 8.4 ghz.
defense satellite comm. downlink 7.25 - 7.75 ghz.
xband military radars 8.5 - 9.6 ghz.
cesum atomic beam resonators 9.192 ghz.
" " " " 9.631 ghz.
" " " " 9.770 ghz.
3 cm marine radar 9.320 - 9.50 ghz.
amateur radio 10.00 - 10.50 ghz.
" " 24.0 - 25.25 ghz.
" " 48.0 - 50.0 ghz.
" " 71.0 - 76.0 ghz.
communications satellite downlink 10.7 - 10.95 ghz.
" " " 11.2 - 11.45 ghz.
" " " uplink 12.5 - 12.75 ghz.
direct broadcast tv 11.7 - 12.45 ghz.
cars/catv link 12.7 - 12.95 ghz.
satellite uplink 14.0 - 14.5 ghz.
" " 17.7 - 21.2 ghz.
18 mm surveillance radar 16.0 - 16.5 ghz.
8 mm " " 36.0 - 39.0 ghz.