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Filename: Hacking USA
-->Hackin' USA
-->I was in the 'fast lane' of computer hacking for about 3 or 4 years (more
than enough) and am now semi-retired. It is now time to pass the torch to those
with extra time, the will and those under age (very important as you will soon
find out).
What is about to follow can be found in many many underground philes that are
available. I have compiled the highlights of the best philes here and more
details can be found in these other philes which are available on any good Cat-
fur. One note...all of this is true (hard to believe but not streching the truth
one bit, I've even seen most of it myself at one tyme or an other).
Firstly, the most important tool of the hacker is the Apple Cat modem.
Anyone who is someone has one (and even some losers have them too!). The reason
for this is that it does 1200 baud at a 300 baud price and you can also do lots
of neat illegal things with it (more on this later).
The first most important piece of information is the L05ER. This is a person
(person?) usually about 14-15 years old who acts like a geek "I got more wares
than anyone else and I want two wares for one I give you" or "no you can't have
my new MCI number I found", or uploads COPYA to a cat-fur line in order to get
access to the good wares on drive 2. They are all around pests but it is
sometymes fun to get your friends together on the phone lines for some fun
ragging on the L05ER!
Much worse than the L05ER is the nark. This is the guy who will tell on your
activities to your parents, school and the authorities. These are dangerous and
require the best hackers to exterminate. (this is done by hacking Ma Bell, and
giving the nark a $5000 phone bill, after this his parents will usually
confiscate the modem, computer and the nark is never heard from again).
Then finally is the all famous Dude. This is the person who wish to trade
wares with, will cover for you when the feds get on your case, and helps you rag
on L05ERS and eliminate narks. He is in all cases a real 'dude'.
There are a few things needed to make it in the 'underworld' of hacking. This
can be divided further into 4 catagories:
1)Piracy (very mild form...anyone can do it, means you say 'phuck the copyright
and cat-fur all nite and all day). Most losers and leeches are experts in this
field...can set up cat-fur recieve faster than you can hang up a phone. (Some
real losers still use AE and don't even have Apple-Cats (more on Cats later)
2)Phreaking: This is the next rung up the ladder. This involves ripping off the
phone company and call for free all over the world. Many do this by finding MCI
and Sprint (American phone companies) codes (very easy to do) and call for hours
on end Cat-fur-ring the latest wares everywhere from Kalamazoo to Moscow. You
have to be a real L05ER to get caught by MCI or sprint (use the same code for a
year), so its a good way of weeding out the losers early in thier career.
Pirates who know how to phreak are a bit above those who don't know a soul from
out of his local calling district and then there is the other genre of phreakers
who have been around long before the hackers....The boxers. These were the
people in the 1960's who built electronic devices (the contents were placed in
box like casings, hence the name 'boxing') that would emulate the tones of a
phone company. It requires much more skill than MCI phreaking, so there aren't
all that many losers in this field. Now-a-days, the phone company knows about
phreaking with boxes and it is quite dangerous. Apple Cats can do the tones that
the old boxes of the 60's did, so thats why they (Cats) are phun. (They are also
used to 'wargames' hack and dial for MCI accounts and hidden computer lines).
Most of you have probably heard of boxes. (In fact, the apple computer wouldn't
have been created with these since Steve Wosniak met Steve Jobs (Apple's
founders) in order to create one of those infamous blue boxes). These are some
of the most famous boxes:
Black box (the first box invented), this lets you recieve f!!@<40>9