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[> HEaT <]
[> HackroNyms V.2.10 <] [>Page 1<]
[> By Rad Man <]
A.A.A. - Aces of ANSi Art
AMEX - AMerican EXpress
ANI - Automatic Number Identification [security type ph. co. uses]
ANSI - American National Standard Institute
APHA - American Phreak/Hack Association
API - American Pirate Industries
ASCII - American Standard Code of Information Institute
AT&T - American Telephone and Telegraph
BASIC - Beginner's All-Purpose Intruction Code
BBS - Bulletin Board System
BCC - 1. Boys from Company C
2. Bilbo's Cracking Club
BIOS - Basic Input Output System
BPS - Bits per second
BSP - Bently Sidwell Productions
CCIS - Common Channel (InterOffice) Signalling
CGA - Color Graphics Adapter
CHiNA - Communist Hackers in North America
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
CLASS - Custom Local Area Signalling System
CNA - Customer Name and Address
Cosmos - 1. A CAD program
2. AT&T's main computer system
CPI - Canadian Pirates Incorporated
CPS - Characters Per Second
CPU - Central Processing Unit
DEPBA - Digital Exchange Pirate Board Alliance
DMA - Direct Memory Access
DOS - Disk Operating System
DTMF - Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
DUNE - Dallas Underground Network Exchange (Part of Union)
ECA - Elite Crackers Association
ECHO - Elite Crackers / Hackers Orginization
EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adapter
EPAH - Ethical Phreakers and Hackers
ESS - Electronic Switching System
FCP - Fone ConsPiracy
FiRM - First in Releasing Most
Gfile - General file
GUiLD - Part of Union
HACK - Hacking And Computer Krashing
HEaT - Hackers Enterprising across Telecommunications
HST - High Speed Transfer
IBM - Internation Business Machines
ICE - International Cracking Elite
INC - International Network of Crackers
IRS - fIles Reviewing Society
ITT - International Telephone & Telegraph
[> HackroNyms V.2.00 <] [>Page 2<]
K.A.O.S. - Krackers Association of Sweden
LAN - Local Area Network
LMOS - Loop Maintenance Operating System
LOD/H - Legions of Doom/Legions of Hackers
MCGA - Multi-Color Graphics Array
MCI - MicroWave Communications Incorporated
MCM - Miami Cracking Machine (Part of INC)
MNP - Microcom Networking Protocol
NAPPA - North American Pirate Phreak Association
N.A.R.C. - Nuclear Hackers Phreakers Carders
NASA - 1. North American Society Anarchists
2. North American SysOp Alliance
NCC - Norwegian Cracking Company
NPA - 1. Northern Phreakers Alliance
2. Numeral Prefix Allocation
NSoC - National Society of Crackers
NUP - New User Password
ONI - Operator Number Identification
PAD - 1. Public Access Device
2. Packet Assembler/Dissasembler
PBX - Private Branch eXchange
PCP - 1. Personal Computer Pursuit
2. Pacific Coast Pirates
PCR - Post Call Ratio
Phreaking - Phone Company Hacking to make longdistance calls.
PPP - Phucking Phield Phreakers
PSI - Pirates Sick of Initials
PSN - Packet Switching Network
PTL - Pirates That Live
RAiD - Rebel Anarchists Incur Destruction
RAM - Random Access Memory
RawCrack - Piracy/Cracking Group
RLL - Run Length Limited
ROM - Read Only Memory
S.C.P.G. - Southern California Pirate Guild
SCSI - Small Computer Systems Interface
SIG - Special Interest Group
SIMM - Single Inline Memory Module
Spectra - Part of GUiLD
SPI - Software Pirates Incorporated
$print - $ for the money you save. Protection Removed In No Time. (Triad)
StOC Xchange - STraight Outta California eXchanges