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! Waht to do on a Clear !
! Summer Night !
! !
! By: Cablecast 0perator !
! and Pyro Maniac !
! !
! Second Article in The !
! Series "Vandalism: !
! A Tutorial" !
Ya! School is finally out! It's a
warm 70 degrees with no wind, the
stars are bright, and the moon is
full-not a cloud in the sky! Scince
the BBS's aren't able to be logged on
to until after everyone is asleep,
why not get a friend or two and go
:=> Waht You Need
35mm Camera
Lots Of Film!
At Least a 230mm Lens
Infra Red Filter (if applicable)
Video Camera or A Camcorder
CCD Helps-You Wont Have 30 or 40
Footcandles To Operate a Newvicon
With! Try 8mm, It's Small Enough.
40x Telescope
35mm Camera Attachment Helps!
Shotgun Microphone
(Or Any SPY-Mike type pickup)
Walkie Talkies
(With Earphones!!)
Dark Clothing (No Jams)
Lighters (Matches SUCK!)
Firecrackers, Bottle Rockets, and
Just General Explosives
Moby Flashlight
Ya'know, With A Flourescent, and
A High Beam And....
BB Guns
(Pump or CO2, as long as they don't
make a lot of noize!)
Remote Controller For Cable Boxes
On Your Block
You might want to have a backpack
dark in color to stuff all of this
:=> During Daylight Hours
Scout out the storm drainage system
underneath your block. This will be
beneficial later. Steal some steel
rods about 4 feet long from a nusery
or someplace like that and hide them
near each manhole cover. Draw a map
of, or memorize the sewer system so
you now where you are going in the
Find all the bedrooms of the
good-looking chicks on your block, or
at least the ones with big tits. Also
find bushes, or a place to hide a
moderate distance away from their
bedroom window. Far enough not to be
seen, close enough for the 230mm lens
or the telescope. Draw a map or
Plot escape routes or places to hide
incase someone comes out a door, or a
car drives by. These will be more
important than you think.
But most important of all, you
should memorize the bowels of your
neighborhood, so you know where you
are going when ther is little or no
:=> Now It's DARK!!
Wait until it's really dark and get
your dark clothes on and don your
backpack. Get your friend(s) and
let's go! Sneak around for a while if
this is your first time, and get to
know everything in the dark. Get that
map of where to hide and look in
windows. Go to some place and try it
out. If no one is getting ready for
ed yet, see waht they are having for
dinner. Eventually, they will have to
go to bed! We've pulled some
all-nighters, but it's paid off! You
might want to bring aloksome food
and have a snack while you wait.
About 9:00 or so, everyone is
watching TV. All the cable boxes on
our block are rigged for remote
controllers. And guess who has a
spare? You guessed it! The same guys
ewith the black backpack! It's a real
blast changing channels on them or
turning the power off or the volume
up! You will have to get almost up to
the window for some remotes. Be
careful. This is especially effective
if the TV set comes on at 3:00 AM!
Still got your BB gun? Pump it up
around 5 times depending on how far
away you are and how powerful your
gun is. Now aim at the post lamp or
the light above their garage or door.
Have you ever seen a 300w
incandescant bulb explode after being
hit with a BB? If a squirrel scares
the shit out of you, waste him, too.
Grab some money. Because now we're
going to 7-11! Ditch the backpack in
an out of the way place where nobody
can find it when you are going in to
7-11. The How To Rob A 7-11 article
would be especially helpful here.
Find a way onto everyone's roof
making as little noise as possible.
You get a great view of evryone
else's second story window from up
Lots of times on our block, the chicks
that live here bring their boyfriends
over and make out on the back porch.
Whip out the shutgun mike and make
tape of it, use the CCD or 35mm to
'Capture The Memories', and when you're
sick to your stomach, scream some
vulger terms or launch bottle rockets
at them.
Oh Boy! GARBAGE NIGHT! People have to
mow their lawn in the summer, right?
Well, at least some people do! I know
I don't! Grass is put into waht?
GRASS BAGS! Waht do the garbage men
do with these? They just pick them up
and sling 'em in the back of the truck.
Wouldn't it be a shame if there was a
hole in the bottom of the bag made with
a knife and the grass went all over
the curb? I guess you get the hint!
Have you ever stolen a garbage can?
Makes the old people on our block
REALLY pissed! I guess they have a
passion for garbage cans! Metal ones
are a lot easier to crush and hide in
the woods than plastic, though. But
have you ever heard an M80 go off in
metal can? More or less a Hefty bag?
Not as tough as they say! Still got
a metal can that you stole? Cut the
bottom out and then take it to a
house with another metal can. Place
yours down on the street and don't move
it. Transfer all the trash from the
goos one into yours. Now steal the
good one and wait for garbagemen to
try and pick up the trick can! Ha-ha!
This last one you will have to be
real careful with! Even we don't like
to do it that much, but it can be done!
Sometimes, the dumb neighbors leave
their sliding glass doors open to
ventalate the house and then forget
to close them when they go to bed.
Hungry? This gives you access to the
kitchen! Don't stop to make a
sandwich, just take all the lunchmeat
and run!
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& the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845
Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649
Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766
realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043
Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102
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