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ݱ06 Jan 88±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±_ROR_-_ALUCARD_±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±Ý Þ°
Ý Ý A Þ°
Ý B U D Ý Þ°
Ý All The BUD Days of the Year A ßßßßß°
Ý Tfile Þ°
Ý By: Bud The Budweiser Person Distribution Þ°
ÜÜÜÜÜ & Centere Þ°
Ý Þ Sir Death - RoR - Þ°
Ý A Þ_____________________________________________________________________Þ°
Ý Þ Shawn-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc.úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúÞ°
BUD is the lord of our time
Hey BUD as I walk through the valley of the shadow of ANHEUSER-BUSCH
I fear no Coors
Thy alcohol consume me thy 3.2% BUDWEISER comfort me and I will walk
with the glory of alcohol on my breath all the days of my life
JANUARY 1 National Alcohol Day
2 Alcohol Replenishing Day
3 PrePost Alcohol Replenising Day
4 Post Alcohol Replenising Day
6 Coors Hating Day
7 BUD Lovers Day
8 Alcohol Respect Day
9 Alcohol Lovers Day
10 St. BUD Day
11 Sixpack Day
12 12 Pack Day
13 Case Day
14 BUD Party Day
15 BUD Drinking Day
16 BUD Recovory Day
17 Precious Bodily Fluid Day
18 King Of Beers Day
19 Beer Day
20 Ice Cold BUD Day
21 This BUD'S For You Day
22 Happiness Is A Cold BUD Day
23 Drink Day
24 Two Fisted Drinking Day
25 See Now Much One Can Drink Day
26 BBQ & BUD Day
27 Beach BUD Day
28 Love That BUD Day
29 BUD Festivities Day
31 Genuine BUDWEISER Day
- Ed Smith - AKA - Bud The Budweiser Person
Repeat For The Rest Of The BUD Year
All of these days have been happily drunken upon by Bud, Sir Death and Doctor
Murdock. We beleive that you should put this calander to the same use that we
have. And be proud. Such as ourselves. As we sink into the depths of Time,
we can look back on our days of BUD and feel the warmth and saftey of our Beer
and Shawn-Da-Lay Boy to protect us. Fear no Coors!!
Call these other fine boards.....
-= The Legion Outpost.........................................415/521/7413 =-
-= C.A.M.E.L.O.T..............................................415/887/0983 =-
-= RAT HEAD...................................................415/524/3649 =-
-= International House Of Leeches.............................415/527/9444 =-
-= Lunatic Labs...............................................213/655/0691 =-
-= Skeleton Crue..............................................415/376/8060 =-
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RoR - Alucard -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-