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Its another file by those gods of watermelon:
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For all your phun stuff...
FISH presents...
How to get REVENGE!!
DISCLAIMER: This file is for informational porpoises only. If you are
not a porpoise, do not read this file. If you are a porpoise, do not
take anything in this file seriously. The FISH Gang will not be held
responsible for your irresponsibility, nor will the author of this
file, so tell your mommy to shove her lawsuit up her private parts.
Part 1: Well, little Timmy with the Messed-Up Brain is at it again. This
time you caught him sodomizing your hamsters, eh? Well, you can shoot
him and wipe him off the planet, but that would be too easy, and you
might get caught, because you have a motive. So, what do you do? Well,
the FISH Gang is here to rescue you again. Kind of like the cavalry, but
I bet the Cavalry doesn't have as nice of taste in hats as us. Anyway,
getting back to the fun part.. You are a pulsating bloody messy pus-
filled pile of hatred and disgust.. or you might just be a little
angry. Nonetheless, you seek vengeance. Here's a few ideas for you to
use against little Timmy.