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cDc communications
updated: 07/01/1993
Currently: 256 releases - Collect 'em all! Trade 'em with your friends!
# Title Author
_________________________________________________ ______________________
1. Gerbil Feed Bomb Swamp Rat
2. Wizardry Docs Swamp Rat
3. Wizardry Spells Swamp Rat
4. Rescue Raiders Docs Swamp Rat
5. Renegade Cows HAL 9000
6. Assembly Fun Sid Vicious
7. Slow Death Swamp Rat
8. Book of Cow Franken Gibe
9. Society Sucks Psychotic Opposition
10. P.E.A.C.E. Psychotic Opposition
11. Suicidal Tendencies-Join the Army (lyrics) Wasted Pandemonium
12. Metallica-Master of Puppets (lyrics) Swamp Rat
13. NPA List Franken Gibe
14. UNIX Bible Franken Gibe
15. Yellow Pages Vol.I Franken Gibe
16. A Fucked Life Swamp Rat
17. Gnu Christmas Story Franken Gibe
18. Bunny Lust Tippy Turtle
19. The Cat in the Hat Swamp Rat
20. Green Eggs & Ham Swamp Rat
21. The Cold Truth 2600
22. How to Card Shit, When You Live With Your 'rents L.E. Pirate
23. How the Grinch Stole Christmas Swamp Rat
24. EZ Destruction Dial Tone
25. Method of Destruction-USA for MOD (lyrics) Swamp Rat
26. The Phone Sex Scandal L.E. Pirate
27. Frankie's Fireside Phreak Primer Franken Gibe
28. Yellow Pages Vol.II Franken Gibe
29. Cow Chronicles #1 Franken Gibe
30. The Bovine Epic of Creation Franken Gibe
31. A Feature on MONEY - Today's Monster Psychedelic Warlord
32. Dirty Rotten Imbeciles-Crossover (lyrics) Swamp Rat
33. Fun With Traffic Lights Dial Tone
34. Dead Kennedys-Give Me Convenience...(lyrics) Suicidal Amoeba
35. Scarfing Suicidal Amoeba
36. On BLACK FLAG... Suicidal Amoeba
37. A Few Good Songs off of Eat Your Paisley Psychedelic Warlord
38. Area Code and Time Zone List Dial Tone
39. Fuck The World Swamp Rat
40. Sex With Satan (dist.) Psycoe
41. The Mentors-Up the Dose (lyrics) Mr. Drunkfux
42. Apple Shape Tables The Dark Static
43. Metallica-Kill 'Em All (lyrics) Swamp Rat
44. Mail Fraud L.E. Pirate
45. Beaming Dream: a poem Tequila Willy
46. Fun With Small Animals and Other Household Pets Sunspot
47. Hacking Into Hell The Raver
48. Evil Poetry: Vol. I The Raver
49. The Queen is Dead: a poem Sunspot
50. The Song of the Cow: a poem Psychedelic Warlord
51. The Day My Kid Turned Punk The Dark Static
52. Cross Of Iron 1.1 The Raver/editor
53. Cross Of Iron 1.2 The Raver/editor
54. Cross Of Iron 1.3 The Raver/editor
55. About Cross Of Iron #1 The Raver
56. The Prophecy of Cow Franken Gibe
57. History of the Bovinomicon The Raver
58. The Nameless Pasture The Raver
59. Interview With Neo-Nazi 'Ausderau' Psychedelic Warlord
60. Megadeth-so far, so good... so what! (lyrics) Swamp Rat
61. Bovine Death The Raver
62. Scotty's Tale of Sex and Death Racer X
63. Sesame St. Possession Swamp Rat
64. Death Angel-Frolic through the park (lyrics) Swamp Rat
65. Agnostic Front-Liberty & Justice For...(lyrics) Racer X
66. Dayglo Abortions-here today guano tomorrow(lyrics) Swamp Rat
67. Thrasher's Metallica Interview Part 1 Racer X
68. Thrasher's Metallica Interview Part 2 Racer X
69. Testament-The New Order (lyrics) Swamp Rat
70. The cDc compilation: volume one (Apple II/2 sides) Swamp Rat/editor
71. The *ONLY* Way To Get Telenet Thingies Tequila Willy
72. Toxik-World Circus (lyrics) (dist.) The Omen
73. Visions From The Last Crusade Psychedelic Warlord
74. The Camping Trip Franken Gibe
75. Metallica-...And Justice For All (lyrics) Swamp Rat
76. Institutionalized Necrovore
77. Held Captive Racer X
78. Danzig (lryics) Racer X
79. The True Story of Cult of the Dead Cow Psychedelic Warlord
80. ...a Slayer kind of day... G.A. Ellsworth
81. Trail of Blood Sunspot
82. Geek: The Saga Continues The Pusher
83. Lyrics to Both Youth Of Today Albums The Pusher
84. Big Black Interview G.A. Ellsworth
85. cDc core #1 The Pusher
86. Screwdriver Flippin' Sunspot
87. A Tale of Two Sexes Swamp Rat
88. Armageddon's Coming: a poem Sunspot
89. The cDc compilation: volume two (Apple II/2 sides) Swamp Rat/editor
90. Cow-San Necrovore
91. The Reel Way The Pusher
92. "Group Revue" The Pusher
93. Las Vegas Mutantz From Hell! The Pusher
94. Fighting - The Clean Way! The Pusher
95. Impresario: Malcom McLaren and the British New... The Pusher
96. Dead Kennedys-Plastic Surgery Disasters (lyrics) Necrovore
97. Twisted Reality Necrovore
98. On The Porch Swing Suzy Rust
99. Top Gun Don Howland
100. The cDc #100 BamBam File The cDc cultees
101. cDc core #2 The Pusher
102. FUGAZI lyrics G.A. Ellsworth
103. cDc core #2 1/2 The Pusher
104. Gun Control The Pusher
105. POetRIE Obscure Images
106. Dream Tripped Racer X
107. cDc core #3 The Pusher
108. The End Obscure Images
109. A Feeling of Electricity In the Air Jennifer Petkus
110. The Flesh Man Richard Avis
111. Jack and Jack Obscure Images
112. Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children #1 Krass Katt
113. The cDc compilation: volume three (Ap2/2 sides) Swamp Rat
114. cDc core #4 The Pusher
115. Bear Trap of Love Krass Katt
116. A Slight Miscalculation Bob Cram
117. Lost Love Egyptian Alchemist
118. A Moment In Time Obscure Images
119. Retrospective Rock The Pusher
120. The Bus Driver Scum
121. Ultra Trendies Psychedelic Warlord
122. David and Goliath: Goliath's Point of View Leper Messiah & Swamp R.
123. Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children #2 Dave Louapre
124. It Hurts and Won't Make You Better Obscure Images
125. Sunday Peter Flechette
126. Stud Muffin R0dent Tequila Willy
127. Double Feature The Dark Static
128. Death and The Bovine Lady Carolin
129. Credit Card Fraud Ideas L.E. Pirate
130. My Day With The Dentist Psychedelic Warlord
131. The Three Cows Lady Carolin
132. The Wild One Obscure Images
133. White Rodent's Short Story Lump White Rodent
134. cDc core #5 The Pusher
135. Trickledown Josh Whalen
136. The Coming of Angels Obscure Images
137. Mourning in America Steve Ross
138. Life Sentence The Pusher
139. Bert: The Poem Racer X
140. The Burn Turns Two Into One - Part 1 Obscure Images
141. Smothered Hope Obscure Images
142. Fatal Attraction for Real G.A. Ellsworth
143. Inject Me Obscure Images
144. Whose Morality? Tequila Willy
145. Sanctified Obscure Images
146. Mudhoney Interview G.A. Ellsworth
147. Dance of the Cow Akira
148. The Burn Turns Two Into One - Part 2 Obscure Images
150. INJUSTICE FOR ALL: A Guide to U.S. Pot Laws Judy McGuire
151. Sex, Ecstasy and the Psychedelic Drugs R.E.L. Masters
152. cDc core #6 The Pusher
153. Excerpts from BLADE BARRIER Book #3 Dean Tetreault
154. The Jolly One The Usenet Oracle
155. No Experience Necessary The Pusher
156. The Happy Machine Obscure Images
157. Jack and Jack (revised) Obscure Images
158. That Dirty Beach Tequila Willy
159. Boredom and Innocence Obscure Images
160. Story of an Alternative Lifestyle The Pusher
161. A Kinder, Gentler Nation Tequila Willy
162. Until the Next Time Obscure Images
163. UPSetting Axiom Codex & Lazar
164. BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL - A Contemporary Interp... Tequila Willy
165. Winnie the Pooh - Part 1 A.A. Milne
166. Silent Applause Part 1 of 2 The Pusher
167. Silent Applause Part 2 of 2 The Pusher
168. Bank Fraud White Knight
169. Amerika's Most Wanted Lady Carolin
170. My Grey Matter Tequila Willy
171. Clockwork Obscure Images
172. Wet-Mount Slide Tequila Willy
173. Urban Womb EnTrOpY
174. Self Defense THE NIGHTSTALKER
175. Fuck You, Swamp Rat Swamp Rat
176. cDc core #7 The Pusher
177. Feed 'Em to the Lions! Tequila Willy
178. How Do I Love Thee? Suicidal Maniac
179. Hip-Hop Primer Birnbaum & Adler
180. Amazingly True Things #1 Swamp Rat
181. Life Lost; Prosperity Gained Suicidal Maniac
182. Woooaaahhh, Nelly! Tequila Willy
183. cDc core #8 The Pusher
184. It Looked Back at Me Tequila Willy
185. The Future Alien Hin
186. Hip-Hop Primer #2 Part 1 of 2 Mark Dery
187. Hip-Hop Primer #2 Part 2 of 2 Mark Dery
188. The Illusion of Motion Tequila Willy
189. My Circumcision Franken Gibe
190. The Greater of Two Evils Obscure Images
191. The Jesus Lizard Interview G.A. Ellsworth
192. Compact Disc Scam Tequila Willy
193. Butch Jane Delynn
194. SatanTrek Necrovore
195. Earth Goo Lady Carolin
196. Interesting Things to Do With a Scanner The Mad Hatter
197. Ruth Obscure Images
198. Some General Observations THE NIGHTSTALKER
199. Presumed Guilty Schneider, Flaherty
200. The cDc #200 Higgledy-Piggledy-Big-Fat-Henacious-
Mega-Mackadocious You-Can't-Even-Come-Close-So-
Jump-Back-K-B00MIDY-B00MIDY-B00M File Swamp Ratte'
201. One Wrong Move The Deth Vegetable
202. Monster Jennifer, or Celibacy Can Kill You Omega
203. The Briefing Reid Fleming
204. Life in General Video Vindicator
205. That Which Strikes Terror Into the Hearts of Men Lady Carolin
206. The Power of Art THE NIGHTSTALKER
207. F23 Obscure Images
208. A Visit to the Slaughterhouse Transderm-Nitro
209. Helmet Interview: July 17, 1992 G.A. Ellsworth
210. My Shit, and How to Strangle It Tequila Willy
211. Point of No Return Dave Ferret
212. The Krill File O.H. Krill
213. Smurf Impalement Tequila Willy
214. How to Break the Law Anonymous
215. Me As TV Franken Gibe
216. Amazingly True Things #2 Swamp Ratte'
217. Life in Wartime The Deth Vegetable
218. The Media and Campaign 1992 Lewis & Morgan
219. Sebadoh Interview: March 3, 1992 G.A. Ellsworth
220. A Child's Garden of Curses Lady Carolin
221. Sickness Franken Gibe
222. A Day in the Life of Debbie G1bs0n The Madwoman
223. The B!G Envelope Stuffing Scam Hanover Fiste
224. The Bird Obscure Images
225. Tequila Willy's Position Paper Reid Fleming & Omega
226. Simple Cryptology Dave Ferret
227. Big Ol' Heaping Pile of Shit Suicidal Maniac
228. ISDN: Fucking the Vacuum Cleaner Attachments Reid Fleming
229. The Evil Truth About Peter Pan Lady Carolin
230. The 2:00 O'Clock Bus Tequila Willy &
231. Sunday Night Inside the Net Obscure Images
232. Fred, the Boy Everyone Hated Allen Williams
233. Desert Road Dick Disaster Lady Carolin &
Renee O'Willsie
234. Hybrid Vigor Curtis Yarvin
235. Somethin' Franken Gibe
236. Easy Rider II Erik Radmall
237. The Fart of War Havok Halcyon
238. Clubbing Xibo (Mr. Coates)
239. Truckin' an' Fuckin' Omega
240. Condors, Ganja, Rah Rah Rah! Clifton Royston & kEvin
Bambi the Usurper
Also: cDc Global Domination Updates #1-13 Swamp Ratte'
The cDc compilations: volumes one-three Swamp Ratte'
[Apple II]