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[DRI] Dirty Rotten Imbeciles [DRI]
by Swamp Ratte'
>>> A CULT Publication......1988 <<<
I lose you win
I lose you win
I lose you win
I lose again
But you're on my five year plan
Your time will come
When you least expect it, expect it!
The five year plan
You fucked me over
You did me wrong
You know why
I wrote this song
Until then I'll just pretend
That you are still my friend
But in the end your time will come
When you least expect it, expect it
I don't forget so easily
No, I'm not so quick to forget
I hold a grudge
I live for revenge
I win you lose
I win
Fighting this society there's only
One way to win
We must stick together through
All thick and thin
Cross over the line of
Your stubborn closed mind
Don't be surprised at what
You might find
Things you thought wrong may have
Always been right
You'll probably find fault
In your reasons to fight
You really don't differ from
What I can see
Ain't it time to unite or is it just me?
Just as we watch them
Build this empire
So they shall watch us tear it down
If not with our words then with
The power of our sound!
Fighting this society there's only
One way to win
We must stick together through
All thick and thin
Cross over the line of
Your stubborn closed mind
Don't be surprised at what
You might find
We are the future so
Let's get things straight
Combine our forces
Before it's too late
Fighting ourselves
Can't go on any longer
We must fight together
If we want to grow stronger
We can tear it down
We must tear it down
We will tear it down
A coffin is ugly
A coffin is sad
Destined to be
One's last pad
To lay in as a corpse
For the rest of your life
In another coffin, of course
Next to you, is your wife
A coffin is lonely
A coffin is bad
The shape of seclusion
A coffin is sad
They set the rules
They want me to break
Take all my money
Set me straight
Then they confine me
Make me check in
Analyze my piss
Ask me where I have been
They send me to classes
They say I've been bad
Take some more money
Prove to me I've been had
And they'll keep on trying
To straighten me out
And the more that they try
The more I doubt
This system of corrections
That they put me through
Hasn't brought about change
But this is nothing new
Look into my eyes
Tell me what you see
Amplified starlight
Pure energy
You cringe from my power
Go home and take a shower
I am intelligent life
You are less
Look into my heart
Tell me what you feel
Pain and agony
From a horrid ordeal
You flee from my sadness
Finding no gladness
I can handle it o.k.
You really can't
Look into my mind
Tell me what you think
Of the mange and madness
Of a missing link
You stiffen and turn sour
Descending from my tower
You fall and turn away
You are mine!
You ask me questions I can't answer
Give me problems I can't solve
Other suggestions I can't respect
Is there anything at all?
You give me reasons for your ideas
All the facts behind your thoughts
Tell me of your observations
And count the number of my faults
I hide a smile, I wear a frown
Always wanting to play the clown
I make my plan, I lose a chance
As I perform a long death dance
Life or death, it's all straight up
Make my choice and throw it up
Shot glass full, down the hatch
My mind's made up
No second chance
You're tied down
You're locked up
You've got no way out
You're broke down
You're fed up
Your lungs start to shout
You're wincing
You're aching with pain
Gasping for breath
And you're feeling insane
Hole after hole just proving your point
Point after point just digging your hole
Slow digging with a spoon
You're hooked on a drug
That's controlling your mind
Hocking your soul
For that measly last dime
You're dragged off
And thrown in your
Own padded cell
You've reached end of rope
At bottom of well
Yellow-black arm hole
Of eager junk acceptance
Thin steel prick cums in your arm
I see you fall over and over again
Hanging on to nothing you thought
Was a friend
You're bothering me
For anything free
Why can't you see?
I'm out on a limb
My nerves are stretched thin
You really don't win
You seriously ask
For my autograph
I can't help but laugh
Just leave me alone
Why can't you go home
A brain you don't own
Following me around
Just like a lost hound
And you're bringing me down
I tell you goodbye
And you ask me why
Guess I'm just shy
Way past overdrive
Full on redline
No easing up
Your life's flying by
Pushing and passing
Yourself you've just passed
First over the finish
You still come in last
Face turned to stone
Your eyes owl wide
No easing up
More speed is your high
Look and feel
Twice your age
Grinding in your silent rage
Dying at
Twice the speed
Yet not enojugh to
Quench your need
Won't see me on my knees
Take my soul and save it please
Ten Hail Marys for my sin
Paying heaven to get in
Got no money for your basket
A million times you can ask it
Find your Bible far too odd
Ain't got time for your God
I've made my decision
Don't want your religion
No more church bound prison
Or Jerry Falwell television
Don't forget he's coming back
So put your dollars in the stack
The second coming's getting close
So pay up now and get the most
Form a line for all to pay
And do the same next Sunday
Step right up and clean your soul
Single file, young and old
Wash your brain, a strange obsession
You're an angel post confession
Holy book tells right from wrong
Last donation, overdrawn
Step on mine, I'll step on yours
Take what's mine, I'll take what's yours
Bleed on me, I'll spit on you
Part of the game
Voted rules
Are always changed
Plans are made
But rearranged
And only one thing
Stays the same
Yell at me, I'll yell at you
Push on me, I'll push on you
Fuck with me and I'll screw you
I turn it up, you'll turn it down
I speed up, you'll slow down
And you'll reject what I accept
You stay healthy, I'll be sick
You dominate but you've been tricked
Think it's over, it's just begun
To you a nightmare, to me it's fun!
The day has come
The time is near
For all to end
It's true, it's here
It's all over now
No way to stop
The button's been pushed
The bomb's been dropped
The city is melting
The sky burns red
The ocean is boiling
We'll soon be dead
Death has come knocking
The door's open wide
He's let himself in
No place to hide
A tidal wave of power
Coming over the hill
A great wall of thunder
Swooping down for the kill
Leveling, destroying
Everything in its path
Just seconds left now
Till we feel its wrath
People run rabid
From the great blast
The Beast is upon us
It's here at last
The streets echo screams
Filled with fear
All through the universe
But no one will hear
Hey hey...my eyes are dead and the file's done.
...this is probably the first file of the year...aren't you glad you read it?
Amazin'... -S. Ratte'
(c)1988 cDc communications by Swamp Rat 1/1/88-32
All Rights Worth Shit