141 lines
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141 lines
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Sega Master System
x Manufacturer Number Name
x Activision R Cyborg Hunter
x Activision R Galaxy Force
Activision R R.C. Grand Prix
Activision R Rampage
x Sega 5055 R Action Fighter
Sega R Aerial Assault
x Sega 9001 R After Burner
x Sega 5067 R Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Sega R Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Sega 5116 R Alex Kidd in High Tech World
x Sega 7005 R Alex Kidd--The Lost Stars
Sega R Alf
x Sega 7006 R Alien Syndrome
Sega 7018 R Altered Beast
x Sega 5069 R Astro Warrior
Sega 5100 R Aztec Adventure
Sega Basketball Nightmare
Sega 5054 R Black Belt
Sega 8005 R Blade Eagle 3-D
Sega Bomber Raid
Sega R Califonia Games
Sega R Captain Silver
Sega R Casino Games
x Sega 5051 R Choplifter
x Sega R Columns
Sega CS Combat & Rescue
Sega Cyber-Shinobi
Sega 7030 R Dead Angle
Sega R Dick Tracy
Sega R Donald Duck: The Lucky Dime Caper
Sega 7012 R Double Dragon
Sega R Dynamite Dux
Sega R E-Swat
Sega 5077 R Enduro Racer
xI Sega 4005 R F-16 Fighting Falcon
x Sega 5052 R Fantasy Zone
Sega 7004 R Fantasy Zone II
x Sega 5108 R Fantasy Zone: The Maze
Sega Gain Ground
Sega 5074 R Gangster Town
Sega Gauntlet
Sega 4002 R Ghost House
Sega R Ghost and Ghouls
Sega 5065 R Ghostbusters
x Sega 5102 R Global Defense
Sega R Golden Axe
Sega 7505 R Golden Axe Warrior
Sega 7017 R Golvellius Valley of Doom
x Sega 5061 R Great Baseball
Sega 5071 Great Basketball
Sega 5058 Great Football
Sega 5057 Great Golf
Sega Great Ice Hockey
Sega 5059 Great Soccer
Sega 5070 Great Volleyball
Sega R Hang On/Astro Warrier
Sega R Hang On/Safari Hunt
Sega Impossible Mission
Sega R James "Buster" Douglas Boxing
Sega R Joe Montana Football
Sega 7013 R Kenseiden
Sega 5078 R Kung Fu Kid
Sega CS Lord of the Sword
Sega 6003 R Marksman/Trap Shooting
Sega 8003 R Maze Hunter 3-D
Sega Maze Hunter 3-D II
Sega R Mickey Mouse: Castle of Illusion
Sega 7500 R Miracle Warriors
x Sega 8001 R Missile Defense 3-D
Sega 5500 R Monopoly
Sega R Montezuma's Revenge
Sega R Moonwalker
Sega 4001 R My Hero
Sega 5066 R Ninja, The
Sega 7003 R Out Run
Sega Out Run 3-D
Sega R Paperboy
Sega 5103 Parlour Games
Sega CS Party Games
Sega R Pat Riley Basketball
Sega 5501 R Penguin Land
Sega 9500 R Phantasy Star
Sega 8006 R Poseidon Wars 3-D
Sega 5109 R Power Strike
Sega 5056 R Pro Wrestling
x Sega R Psycho Fox
Sega 5073 R Quartet
Sega 9002 R R-Type
Sega 5064 R Rambo First Blood Part II
Sega 7015 R Rambo III
Sega R Rastan
x Sega R Reggie Jackson Baseball
Sega 5106 Rescue Mission
Sega 7002 R Rocky
Sega R Scramble Spirits
x Sega 5110 R Shanghai
Sega 7009 R Shinobi
Sega 5072 R Shooting Gallery
Sega Slap Shot Hockey
Sega R Sonic the Hedgehog
x Sega 7001 R Space Harrier
Sega 8004 R Space Harrier 3-D
x Sega R Spider-Man
Sega R Sports Pad Football
x Sega 4010 R Spy vs. Spy
Sega Strider
Sega Super Hang-On
Sega R Super Monaco GP
Sega 4007 Super Tennis
Sega R Teddy Boy
Sega R Tennis Ace
Sega 7011 R Thunder Blade
Sega 7024 R Time Soldiers
Sega 4004 R TransBot
Sega Ultima IV
Sega R Vigilante
Sega R Walter Payton Football
Sega Warrior Quest
x Sega R Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
x Sega 5068 R Wonder Boy
Sega 7007 R Wonder Boy in Monster Land
Sega 7026 R Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap
Sega R Woody Pop
Sega 5053 R World Grand Prix
Sega R Y's
Sega 8002 R Zaxxon 3-D
x Sega 5075 R Zillion
Sega 5105 R Zillion II: Tri Formation
This list last compiled 03/16/94 by Dean Dierschow (dean@xocolatl.com).
Contact at: 3634 Congress Court, Fremont, California, 94538, (510) 226-8219.
This list is available on Usenet via mailserver. For more info, send e-mail
to "mail-server@xocolatl.com" with "help" as the body of the message.
For the cartridges index, put "send CARTS.LST" in the body of the message.
That file also contains the magic decoder ring for the rest of these files.