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Atari 5200
x Manufacturer Number Name
Activision Beamrider
xP Activision Decathlon
x Activision Dreadnought Factor
Activision H.E.R.O.
x Activision Kaboom!
x Activision Keystone Kapers
Activision Megamania
x Activision Pitfall
x Activision Pitfall II
xP Activision River Raid
x Activision Space Shuttle
x Activision Zenji
x Activision Zone Ranger
xI Atari CX5255 Ballblazer
Atari Battlezone
xI Atari CX5221 Berzerk
Atari PR Black Belt
xIO Atari CX5215 Centipede
Atari Choplifter!
xI Atari CX5210 Countermeasure
Atari Crystal Castles
xIO Atari CX5218 Defender
Atari FDS100144 Diagnostic Cartridge
xI Atari CX5211 Dig Dug
xIO Atari CX5206 Galaxian
xP Atari CX5257 Gremlins
xI Atari CX5240 Joust
Atari PR Jr. Pac-Man
xP Atari CX5222 Jungle Hunt
x Atari CX5229 Kangaroo
Atari PR Last Starfighter
Atari PR Looney Tunes Hotel
xI Atari Mario Brothers
Atari PR Meebzork
Atari PR Millipede
Atari PR Miniature Golf
xIO Atari CX5202 Missile Command
x Atari CX5241 Moon Patrol
xP Atari CX5243 Ms. Pac-Man
xIO Atari CX5208 Pac-Man
xI Atari CX5236 Pengo
xI Atari CX5217 Pole Position
xIO Atari CX5212 QIX
IO Atari CX5209 Realsports Baseball
Atari CX5219 PR Realsports Basketball
xI Atari CX5207 Realsports Football
xI Atari CX5213 Realsports Soccer
Atari CX5214 Realsports Tennis
x Atari CX5254 Rescue on Fractalus
Atari PR Roadrunner
P Atari CX5225 Robotron 2084
x Atari CX5232 Space Dungeon
x O Atari CX5204 Space Invaders
Atari PR Spitfire
x Atari CX5237 PR Sport Goofy
x Atari CX5205 Star Raiders
Atari Stargate
xIO Atari CX5203 Super Breakout
Atari CX5220 Tempest
Atari PR Track and Field
x Atari CX5216 Vanguard
Atari PR XARI Arena
Atari PR Xevious
xP Big Five Bounty Bob Strikes Back
x Big Five Miner 2049er
Big Five Scaper Caper
Broderbund Lode Runner
x CBS Blue Print
x O CBS Gorf
CBS K-Razy Shoot-out
xP CBS Mountain King
CBS Omega Race
xP CBS Wizard of Wor
Imagic Fathom
Imagic Moonsweeper
Intellicon Meteorites
x Parker Brothers Astro Chase
x Parker Brothers Frogger
Parker Brothers Frogger II Threedeep!
xP Parker Brothers Gyruss
Parker Brothers James Bond 007
x Parker Brothers Montezuma's Revenge
Parker Brothers Mr. Do's Castle
Parker Brothers Popeye
x Parker Brothers Q*Bert
Parker Brothers Star Wars: Death Star Battle
Parker Brothers Star Wars: The Arcade Game
xI Parker Brothers Super Cobra
Parker Brothers Tutankham
xI Sega Buck Rogers
x Sega Congo Bongo
xI Sega Star Trek
Sega Zaxxon
x Sunrise Software Quest for Quintana Roo
This list last compiled 10/25/93 by Dean Dierschow (dean@xocolatl.com).
Contact at: 3634 Congress Court, Fremont, California, 94538, (510) 226-8219.
This list is available on Usenet via mailserver. For more info, send e-mail
to "mail-server@xocolatl.com" with "help" as the body of the message.
For the cartridges index, put "send CARTS.LST" in the body of the message.
That file also contains the magic decoder ring for the rest of these files.