1021 lines
50 KiB
1021 lines
50 KiB
Atari 2600
Manufacturer Number St Name
(unknown) Brick Kick
(unknown) Clown Down Town
(unknown) Criminal Pursuit
(unknown) TP-605 Dragon Defender
(unknown) TP-617 Farmyard Fun
(unknown) Flying Saucer
(unknown) TP-606 Hole Hunter
(unknown) Kid Vid
(unknown) Lie Low
(unknown) NR Lost And Found
(unknown) Mariana/River Raid II/Car Racing/Pyramid War...
(unknown) Missile Attack
(unknown) Motocross / Boom Bang
(unknown) Number Zapper
(unknown) OOPS
(unknown) Pitfall/Super Invaders
(unknown) Planet Patrol / Wall Defender
(unknown) NR Planet Protector
(unknown) Predatori Del'Arca Perduta
(unknown) Ski Hunt
(unknown) Ski Runner
(unknown) Space Ark
(unknown) Stomp It
(unknown) Treasure Island
(unknown) UFO Patrol
(unknown) Wolf Fighting
(unknown) Wrestling
Absolute EU My Golf
xI Absolute AK-045 Pete Rose Baseball
x Absolute AG-042 Skate Boardin': A Radical Adventure
xI Absolute AG-041 Title Match Pro Wrestling
xI Absolute AK-046 Tomcat: The F-14 Fighter Simulator
Access LipStik Plus
Action Hi-Tech Bank Heist
Action Hi-Tech 605077 Crab Control (or Activision Crackpots)
Action Hi-Tech F-18 vs. Aliens
Action Hi-Tech Galaxy Invaders
Action Hi-Tech Space Grid
Action Hi-Tech Tank City
Action Hi-Tech War Zone
xI Activision AX-013 Barnstorming
xI Activision AZ-036 Beamrider
xI Activision AG-002 Boxing
x Activision AX-006 Bridge
x Activision AG-003 Checkers
xI Activision AX-015 Chopper Command
xI Activision AK-043 Commando
Activision AZ-041 Contenders
x Activision AG-038 Cosmic Commuter
xI Activision AX-029 Crackpots
x Activision AZ-030 Decathlon
xI Activision AX-024 Dolphin
xI Activision AK-050 Double Dragon
xI Activision AG-001 Dragster
Activision NR Dreadnaught Factor
xI Activision AX-026 Enduro
xI Activision AG-004 Fishing Derby
xI Activision AX-009 Freeway
xI Activision AX-031 Frostbite
x Activision AZ-108 Ghostbusters
xI Activision AX-014 Grand Prix
x Activision AZ-036 H.E.R.O.
xI Activision AX-012 Ice Hockey
xI Activision AX-010 Kaboom
xI Activision AX-025 Keystone Kapers
xI Activision AX-039 Kung Fu Master
xI Activision AG-008 Laser Blast
xI Activision AX-017 Megamania
xI Activision AX-023 Oink!
xI Activision AB-035 Pitfall II: Lost Caverns
x Activision AX-018 Pitfall!
xI Activision AX-027 Plaque Attack
x Activision AZ-032 Pressure Cooker
xI Activision AG-034 Private Eye
x Activision AK-049 Rampage
x Activision AX-020 River Raid
xI Activision AK-048 River Raid II
xI Activision AZ-028 Robot Tank
xI Activision AX-022 Seaquest
xI Activision AG-005 Skiing
xI Activision AX-019 Sky Jinks
xI Activision AZ-033 Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space
xI Activision AX-021 Spider Fighter
xI Activision AX-011 Stampede
xI Activision AX-016 Starmaster
xI Activision AG-007 Tennis
Activision NR Zenji
xI American Tax Avoiders
x Amiga 3120 Mogul Maniac
Amiga 3105 NR Mogul Maniac (for Power Module)
xI Amiga 3130 P Off Your Rocker
Amiga 3115 NR Off Your Rocker (for Power Module)
Amiga NR Power Play Arcade 1
Amiga NR Power Play Arcade 2
Amiga NR Power Play Arcade 3
Amiga NR Power Play Arcade 4
Amiga NR Power Play Arcade 5
Amiga 2105 NR SAC Alert
Amiga 3135 NR SAC Alert (for Power Module)
Amiga 2100 NR Scavenger Hunt (for Power Module)
Amiga 2115 NR Strafe (for Power Module)
Amiga 3125 Surf's Up
Amiga 3110 NR Surf's Up (for Power Module)
Amiga 1100 NR 3-D Ghost Attack/Depth Charge (for Power Module
Amiga 2110 NR 3-D Havoc (for Power Module)
Androbot NR Androman
Answer ASC2001 P Confrontation
Answer ASC1002 Gauntlet
x Answer ASC1001 Malagai
Answer Personal Game Programmer
xI Apollo AP2009 Final Approach
Apollo AP2008 Guardian
xI Apollo AP2006 Infiltrate
Apollo AP2007 Kyphus
Apollo AP2005 Lochjaw (or Shark Attack)
xI Apollo AP2004 Lost Luggage
Apollo AP2011 Pompeii
xI Apollo AP2003 Racquet Ball
x Apollo AP2005 Shark Attack (or Lochjaw)
xI Apollo AP1001 Skeet Shoot
x Apollo AP2002 Space Cavern
xP Apollo AP2001 Space Chase
Apollo AP2012 Squoosh
xI Apollo AP2010 Wabbit
Artic SM8002 Astrowar
Artic SM8001 Space Robot (or Atari Missile Command)
Atari CX26133 P A-Team, The
xP Atari CX2613 Adventure
Atari CS Adventures Of Max
xI Atari CX2602 Air-Sea Battle
x Atari CX26103 Alpha Beam With Ernie
Atari CX2696 EU Asterix (or Taz)
xI Atari CX2649 Asteroids
xI Atari CX2617 Backgammon
Atari NR Baseball (for VC)
x Atari CX2661 Basic Math (or Fun With Numbers)
x Atari CX2620 BASIC Programming
xI Atari CX2624 Basketball
xI Atari CX2681 Battlezone
Atari NR Battlezone (for VC)
xI Atari CX2650 Berzerk
Atari NR Berzerk (for VC)
xIO Atari CX26104 Big Bird's Egg Catch
Atari NR Bionic Breakthrough
xI Atari CX2651 Blackjack
Atari CX26190 BMX Airmaster
Atari CX26128 NR Boing (or First Star?)
xI Atari CX2628 Bowling
xI Atari CX2664 Brain Games
xI Atari CX2622 Breakout
xI Atari CX2607 Canyon Bomber
xI Atari CX2652 Casino
Atari NR Caverns Of Mars (for MFC)
xI Atari CX2676 Centipede
xI Atari CX2616 Championship Soccer (or Pele's Soccer)
Atari NR Children's Introduction To Programming (for MFC
Atari CX26124 NR Choplifter!
xI Atari CX2630 Circus Atari
xI Atari CX2643 Codebreaker
xI Atari CX2601 Combat
Atari CX2642 Concentration (or Hunt and Score)
xIO Atari CX26102 Cookie Monster Munch
Atari CX26142 CS Crack'd
Atari CX2683 Crazy Climber
x Atari CX26139 Crossbow
xI Atari CX26110 Crystal Castles
xI Atari CX26151 Dark Chambers
xI Atari CX2609 Defender
xI Atari CX26120 Defender II (or Stargate)
xI Atari CX2615 Demons To Diamonds
xI Atari CX26140 Desert Falcon
Atari MAO17600 Diagnostic Cartridge
x Atari CX2677 Dig Dug
xI Atari CX2637 Dodge 'Em
Atari CX26108 P Donald Duck's Speedboat Race
Atari NR Donkey Kong (for MFC)
x Atari CX26143 Donkey Kong (or Coleco)
x Atari CX26144 Donkey Kong Jr (or Coleco)
xI Atari CX26159 Double Dunk
Atari CX2678 P Dukes Of Hazzard
Atari CX26115 P Dumbo's Flying Circus
Atari CX26126 NR Elevator Action
xI Atari CX2674 ET: The Extra Terrestrial
Atari NR Family Finances (for MFC)
Atari CS Fatal Run
xI Atari CX2644 Flag Capture
Atari CX2693 NR Food Fight
xI Atari CX2625 Football
Atari NR Foxbat
Atari CX2665 P Frog Pond
Atari CX26147 NR Frogger (or Parker Brothers)
Atari CX2661 Fun With Numbers (or Basic Math)
Atari CX26116 NR Galaga
x Atari CX2684 Galaxian
Atari CX26132 NR Garfield
xI Atari CX2634 Golf
Atari CX26112 NR Good Luck Charlie Brown
xI Atari CX2685 Gravitar
Atari CX26127 Gremlins
Atari CX26106 P Grover's Music Maker
xI Atari CX2662 Hangman
xI Atari CX2654 Haunted House
Atari NR Home Filing Manager (for MFC)
xI Atari CX2623 Home Run
Atari CX26130 NR Honker Bonker
xI Atari CX2627 Human Cannonball
xI Atari CX2642 Hunt & Score (or Concentration)
Atari CX26177 Ikari Warriors
xI Atari CX2611 Indy 500
Atari NR Introduction To Programming (for MFC)
Atari CX26165 NR Jinks
x Atari CX2691 Joust
x Atari CX26123 Jr. Pac-Man
x Atari CX2688 Jungle Hunt
xI Atari CX2689 Kangaroo
Atari CS Klax
x Atari CX2682 Krull
Atari CX26134 NR Last Starfighter
x Atari CX2697 Mario Bros
xI Atari CX2658 Math Gran Prix
xI Atari CX2635 Maze Craze: A Game Of Cops And Robbers
x Atari CX26129 Midnight Magic
x Atari CX26118 Millipede
xI Atari CX2626 Miniature Golf
Atari CX26113 NR Miss Piggy's Wedding
xI Atari CX2638 Missile Command
Atari CX26131 NR Monstercise
x Atari CX2692 Moon Patrol
Atari CX26171 Moto Rodeo
Atari CX26141 NR Motorcycle
xI Atari CX26146 Mouse Trap (or Coleco)
xI Atari CX2675 Ms Pac-Man
xI Atari CX2633 Night Driver
Atari CX26117 P Obelix
xI Atari CX26168 Off The Wall
x Atari CX26101 Oscar's Trash Race
xI Atari CX2639 Othello
xI Atari CX2605 Outlaw
xI Atari CX2646 Pac-Man
Atari CX26135? NR Peek-A-Boo
Atari CX2616 Pele's Championship Soccer
Atari CX2616 Pele's Soccer
Atari CX2690 Pengo
xI Atari CX2673 Phoenix
xP Atari CX26114 Pigs In Space
xI Atari CX2694 Pole Position
Atari NR Preppie
xI Atari CX26150 Q*bert (Parker Brothers)
Atari CX2686 Quadrun
Atari CX26176 Radar Lock
xI Atari CX2659 Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Atari NR Rally-X
xI Atari CX2640 Realsports Baseball
Atari CX2679 NR Realsports Basketball
xI Atari CX26135 Realsports Boxing
x Atari CX2668 Realsports Football
x Atari CX2667 EU Realsports Football (international edition)
x Atari CX2667 Realsports Soccer
xI Atari CX2680 Realsports Tennis
xI Atari CX2666 Realsports Volleyball
Atari CX2663 Road Runner
Atari Robotron: 2084
Atari CX2698 Rubik's Cube
Atari CX26119 NR Saboteur
Atari CS Saving Mary
xI Atari CX26170 Secret Quest
Atari CX26183 Sentinel
Atari CS Shooting Gallery
Atari MAO1760 Signal Tracing Cartridge
Atari CX26122 P Sinistar
xI Atari CX2629 Sky Diver
x Atari CX2653 Slot Machine
xI Atari CX2606 Slot Racers
x Atari CX26111 Snoopy & The Red Baron
Atari CX26107 NR Snow White
xI Atari CX26136 Solaris
x Atari CX26109 Sorcerer's Apprentice
xI Atari CX2632 Space Invaders
xI Atari CX2604 Space War
xI Atari CX26155 Sprintmaster
Atari CX2655 NR Star Castle
xIO Atari CX2660 Star Raiders
Atari NR Star Raiders (for VC)
xI Atari CX2603 Star Ship
x Atari CX26120 Stargate (or Defender II)
Atari CX2614 NR Steeplechase (or Sears)
Atari CX2619 NR Stellar Track (or Sears)
Atari CX26167 CS Street Fight
xI Atari CX2612 Street Racer
Atari CX2647 NR Submarine Commander (or Sears)
xI Atari CX26152 Super Baseball
xI Atari CX2608 Super Breakout
xI Atari CX26154 Super Football
Atari CX26138 NR Super Soccer
xI Atari CX2631 Superman
xI Atari CX2641 Surround
Atari CX2672 NR Swordquest: Airworld
xI Atari CX2656 Swordquest: Earthworld
xI Atari CX2657 Swordquest: Fireworld
Atari CX2671 Swordquest: Waterworld
xI Atari CX2699 Taz
Atari CX2687 NR Tempest
x Atari CX26125 Track & Field
Atari CX26148 NR Turbo (or Coleco)
Atari NR Typo Attack (for MFC)
xI Atari CX2669 Vanguard
xI Atari CX26145 Venture (or Coleco)
xI Atari CX2636 Video Checkers
xI Atari CX2645 Video Chess
Atari CX2670 Video Cube
xI Atari CX2621 Video Olympics
xI Atari CX2648 Video Pinball
xI Atari CX2610 Warlords
Atari CX26184 CS White Water Madness
Atari CX26172 Xenophobe
Atari CX2695 P Xevious
xI Atari CX2655 Yar's Revenge
Atari CX26149 NR Zaxxon (or Coleco)
Atari CX26121 NR Zookeeper
Atari CX26105 NR 3-D Asteroids
xI Atari CX2618 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe
Atari CX26163 32 in 1
Avalon Hill 50010 Death Trap
xI Avalon Hill 50020 London Blitz
Avalon Hill 50050 Out Of Control
Avalon Hill 50040 Shuttle Orbiter
xI Avalon Hill 50030 Wall Ball
Bit PG206 Bobby Is Going Home (or Coleco Smurf: Rescue)
Bit PG205 Dancing Plates
Bit Fishing
Bit PG207 Mission 3000AD
Bit PG209 Mr. Postman
Bit PG204 Open Sesame
Bit PG203 Phantom Tank
Bit PG201 Sea Monster
x Bit PG208 Snail Against Squirrel
Bit PG202 Space Tunnel
Bomb CA281 Assault
Bomb CA282 Great Escape
Bomb NR Splendour
Bomb CA285 Wall Defender
Bomb CA283 Z-Tack
Brasar Mr Postman
Broderbund NR Sky Blazer
Broderbund NR Solo
Carrere Octopus
x CBS Games 80030 Blue Print
xI CBS Games 80010 Gorf
CBS Games Kick Man
CBS Games NR Maddenness (John Madden Football)
x CBS Games 80080 Mountain King
xI CBS Games 80090 Omega Race
xP CBS Games 80020 Solar Fox
x CBS Games 80070 Tunnel Runner
CBS Games Wings
x CBS Games 80000 Wizard Of Wor
Chalk Board NR Bear Jam
Chalk Board NR Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush
Chalk Board NR Leo's Links
Chalk Board NR Leonardo's Logo
Chalk Board NR Logic Master
Chalk Board NR Micro Maestro
Chalk Board NR Music Math
Coleco CO2658 Berenstein Bears (for KV)
Coleco Berenstein Bears: Big Number Hunt (for KV)
Coleco Berenstein Bears: Great Letter Roundup (for KV)
Coleco Berenstein Bears: Spooky Spelling Bee (for KV)
xI Coleco CO2468 Carnival
Coleco CO2464 NR Cosmic Avenger
x Coleco CO2451 Donkey Kong
x Coleco CO2653 Donkey Kong Junior
x Coleco CO2665 Front Line
Coleco CO2463 Lady Bug
Coleco CO2654 NR Looping
x Coleco CO2459 Mouse Trap
xI Coleco CO2656 Mr Do!
Coleco CO2695 Mr Do's Castle
Coleco One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss
Coleco CO2655 NR Pepper II
x Coleco CO2667 Roc'N Rope
Coleco CO2652 NR Rocky Battles The Champ
x Coleco CO2465 Smurf: Rescue In Gargamel's Castle
Coleco CO2661 NR Smurfette's Birthday (for KV)
Coleco CO2511 Smurfs Save The Day (for KV)
Coleco 12813 Smurfs Save The Day: Greedy Smurf (for KV)
Coleco 12812 Smurfs Save The Day: Handy Smurf (for KV)
Coleco 12811 Smurfs Save The Day: Harmony Smurf (for KV)
Coleco 261905 NR Sword And The Sorceror
Coleco CO2662 NR Tarzan
Coleco CO2663 Time Pilot
Coleco CO2455 NR Turbo
xI Coleco CO2457 Venture
Coleco CO2660 NR Wild Western
x Coleco CO2454 Zaxxon
CommaVid CM008 Cakewalk
xI CommaVid CM003 Cosmic Swarm
xIO CommaVid CM001 MagiCard
CommaVid CM005 Mines Of Minos
CommaVid CM010 Mission Omega
xI CommaVid CM004 Room Of Doom
CommaVid NC Rush Hour
CommaVid CM009 Stronghold
CommaVid Underworld
CommaVid CM002 Video Life
Compumagic Pogoman
Cumma NR Atom Smasher
Cumma NR Look Ahead
Cumma NR Poltergeist
xI Data Age DA1004 Airlock
x Data Age 116007 Bermuda Triangle
xI Data Age DA1005 Bugs
xI Data Age DA1001 Encounter At L-5
x Data Age 116008 Frankenstein's Monster
x Data Age 116006 Journey Escape
Data Age 116006 Rock 'N Roll Escape (or Journey Escape)
Data Age P Secret Agent
xI Data Age DA1003 Sssnake
xI Data Age DA1002 Warplock
Dimax Astrowar
Dimax Space War
DSD/Camelot Tooth Protectors
El Duende Azul 13 Cosmic Ark/Barnstorming/Boby Bo Home...
Emag GN-070 NR A Mysterious Thief
Emag GN-040 Cosmic Corridor
Emag GN-020 Dishaster
Emag Fire Bug
Emag GN-080 NR Fire Spinner
Emag GN-010 I Want My Mommy
Emag GN-060 Immies & Aggies
Emag GN-050 Pizza Chef
Emag GN-030 Tanks But No Tanks
Entex NR Beginning Algebra
Entex NR Beginning Math
Entex NR Home Finance
Entex NR Logo
Entex NR Number Games
Entex NR Speed Reading
Entex NR Spelling Games
Entex NR Sports Statistics
Entex NR Touch Typing
Entex NR Word Games
xI Epyx 19319R California Games
xI Epyx 08519R Summer Games
Epyx CS Super Cycle
x Epyx 08919R Winter Games
Exus NR Exus Health Cycle Program
Exus Foor Craz Control
Exus Video Jogger
Exus Video Jogger/Video Reflex
Exus Video Reflex
Fantastic Game 0810 Berzerk/Sky Alien/Pitfall/Asteroid...
Fantastic Game 0814 Mariana/Laser Blast/Ice Hockey/Space Raid...
Fantastic Game 0807 Pac Man/Donkey Kong/Grand Prix/River Raid II...
Fantastic Game 0817 Paratroopers/Football/Laser Blast/Fancy Tank...
Fantastic Game 0818 Tennis/Space War/Fishing/Freeway/Boxing...
x First Star Boing!
Frobco The Frob
xI Froggo Games FG1007 Cruise Missile (or Sancho Exocet)
xI Froggo Games FG1001 Karate (or Ultravision Karate?)
xI Froggo Games FG1008 Sea Hawk (or Sancho Seahawk)
xI Froggo Games FG1009 Sea Hunt (or Sancho Scuba Diver)
x Froggo Games FG1002 Spiderdroid (or Parker Brothers Amidar)
x Froggo Games FG1003 Task Force (or Spectravision Gangster Alley)
x Funvision Bowling (or Atari)
x Funvision Chess (or Atari Othello)
x Funvision Cross Force
x Funvision Football (or Atari Pele's Soccer)
Funvision Galactic
x Funvision Little Bear (or Activision Frostbite)
x Funvision My Way
x Funvision Pac-Kong (or Coleco Donkey Kong)
x Funvision Pele's Soccer (or Atari)
x Funvision S. O. S. (or Imagic Fire Fighter)
x Funvision Seesaw (or Atari Circus Atari)
Funvision F2001 Space Monster (or Ultravision Condor Attack)
x Funvision Valleyball (or Atari Realsports Volleyball)
Gakken Marine Wars
Gakken Pooyan
Gakken Strategy X
Games People Pla NR Deep Throat
Gammation Gamma Attack
Garden & Green Video Fitness System
GCE NR Scramble
GCE NR Star Trek
Great Game Co NR Family Feud
Great Game Co NR Jeopardy
Great Game Co NR Joker's Wild
Great Game Co NR Password
Great Game Co NR Price Is Right
Great Game Co NR Tic-Tac-Dough
Great Game Co NR Wheel Of Fortune
HES Challenge
HES Hot Action Pack
HES Mega Funpack
HES Pigs N' Wolf
HES Rad Action Pack
HES Smash Hit Pack
HES Sports Action Pack
HES Star Warrior
HES Super Action Pack
HES Super Hit Pack
HES Wall Defender
Homevision 11 Asteroid Fire
Homevision 13 Base Attack
Homevision Col 'N'
Homevision Cosmic War
Homevision Frisco
Homevision 3 Gogo? Home Monster
Homevision IQ 180
Homevision 17 Lilly Adventure
Homevision Magic Carpet
Homevision Panda Chase
Homevision Parachute
Homevision Plate Mania
Homevision Racing Car
Homevision 83014 Repro Cart
Homevision 1 Robot Fight
Homevision 12 Sky Alien
Homevision Tanks War
Homevision Teddy Apple
Homevision Tennis
Homevision Topsy
Homevision 14 Wall Break
Homevision 2 War 2000
Homevision 9 World? Trap?
Imagic IA3409 NR Aerial Ace
x Imagic IA3203 Atlantis
xI Imagic IA3204 Cosmic Ark
xI Imagic IA3200 Demon Attack
x Imagic IA3611 Dragonfire
x Imagic 03205 Fathom
xI Imagic IA3400 Fire Fighter
x Imagic 03208 Laser Gates
x Imagic 03207 Moonsweeper
xI Imagic IA3312 No Escape!
Imagic NR Nova Blast
x Imagic 03211 Quick Step
xI Imagic IA3600 Riddle Of The Sphinx
x Imagic IA3410 Shootin' Gallery
Imagic NR Sky Patrol
x Imagic 03206 Solar Storm
x Imagic IA3201 Star Voyager
x Imagic 03213 Subterranea
xI Imagic IA3000 Trick Shot
Imagic EIZ-002-04 Wing War
Interphase NR Blockade Runner
Interphase NR Sewer Sam
ITT Family Games554-33391 Meteor Defense (or Homevision ?)
K-Tel Flight Commander
K-Tel Space Monster (or Atari Missile Command)
K-Tel Spitfire Attack
x Konami 011 Marine Wars
x Konami 001 Pooyan
xI Konami 010 Strategy X
M-Network Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
M-Network MT7175 NR Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Tower Of Mystery
M-Network MT4325 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure Of Tarmin
x M-Network MT4317 Adventures Of Tron
x M-Network MT5861 Air Raiders
x M-Network MT5661 Armor Ambush
x M-Network MT5666 Astroblast
x M-Network MT7045 Bump 'n' Jump
x M-Network MT4518 Burgertime
M-Network MT4318 NR Computer Revenge
xI M-Network MT5667 Dark Cavern
x M-Network MT5664 Frogs And Flies
M-Network MT4627 NR In Search Of The Golden Skull
x M-Network MT5687 International Soccer
x M-Network MT4648 Kool-Aid Man
xI M-Network MT5663 Lock 'N Chase
M-Network MT4323 NR Locomotion
x M-Network MT4319 Masters of the Universe: Power of He-Man
M-Network Mystic Castle
M-Network Sea Battle
x M-Network MT5659 Space Attack
x M-Network MT4313 Star Strike
x M-Network MT5665 Super Challenge Baseball
x M-Network MT5658 Super Challenge Football
x M-Network MT5662 Tron Deadly Discs
M-Network MT4609 Tron Deadly Discs/Adventures Of Tron
M-Network MT4324 NR XIV Winter Olympics
Milton Bradley 3501 NR Scramble (GCE)
x Milton Bradley 4363 Spitfire Attack
Milton Bradley 3500 NR Star Trek (GCE)
x Milton Bradley 4362 Survival Run
Multivision NR Battle Of The Sexes
Multivision NR Harem
Multivision NR Heartbreak
Multivision NR Rescue Of Emmanuelle
xI Mystique 1002 Bachelor Party
Mystique NR Bachelorette Party
Mystique 1003 Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em
Mystique NR Burning Desire
Mystique NR Cat House Blues
xI Mystique 1001 Custer's Revenge
Mystique NR Gigolo
Mystique NR Jungle Fever
Mystique NR Knight On The Town
Mystique NR Lady In Wading
Mystique NR Philly Flasher
x Mythicon MA1002 Fire Fly
x Mythicon MA1001 Sorceror
x Mythicon MA1003 Star Fox
On Base Co. Splendour
Palmex NR Fire!
Panda NR Baseball
Panda NR Conservation: The Watt Way
Panda 106 Dice Puzzle (or Sancho)
x Panda 109 Exocet (or Sancho)
Panda NR Galactic Invaders
Panda 110 Harbor Escape
Panda NR Midnight Rider
Panda 104 Scuba Diver (or Sancho)
Panda 108 Seahawk (or Sancho)
I Panda 100 Space Canyon (or Apollo Space Cavern)
xI Panda 105 Stuntman (or Sancho Nightmare)
Panda 101 Tank Brigade (or Zimag Tanks But No Tanks)
Parker Brothers PB5920 EU Action Force (or GI Joe: Cobra Strike)
x Parker Brothers PB5310 Amidar
Parker Brothers NR Astrochase
xI Parker Brothers PB5300 Frogger
x Parker Brothers PB5590 Frogger II: Threeedeep!
xI Parker Brothers PB5920 GI Joe: Cobra Strike (or Action Force)
x Parker Brothers PB5080 Gyruss
Parker Brothers PB5940 NR Incredible Hulk
Parker Brothers PB5110 NR James Bond As Seen In Octopussy
x Parker Brothers PB5110 James Bond 007
Parker Brothers PB5950 NR Lord Of The Rings: Journey To Rivendell
Parker Brothers NR McDonald's
x Parker Brothers PB5760 Montezuma's Revenge: Starring Panama Joe
x Parker Brothers PB5820 Mr Do's Castle (or Coleco)
x Parker Brothers PB5370 Popeye
xI Parker Brothers PB5360 Q*bert
Parker Brothers PB5550 Q*bert's Qubes
x Parker Brothers PB5330 Reactor
xI Parker Brothers PB5350 Sky Skipper
xI Parker Brothers PB5900 Spider-Man
xI Parker Brothers PB5060 Star Wars Return Of The Jedi: Death Star Battle
Parker Brothers PB5065 Star Wars Return Of The Jedi: Ewok Adventure
xI Parker Brothers PB5000 Star Wars: Jedi Arena
Parker Brothers PB5540 Star Wars: The Arcade Game
xI Parker Brothers PB5050 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
x Parker Brothers PB5910 Strawberry Shortcake: Musical Match-ups
xI Parker Brothers PB5320 Super Cobra
xI Parker Brothers PB5340 Tutankham
Playaround 206 NR (unknown)
Playaround 205 Bachelor Party (Mystique)/Gigolo
Playaround 202 Bachelorette Party/Burning Desire
Playaround 204 Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em (Mystique)/Lady In Wading
Playaround 203 Jungle Fever/Knight On The Town
Playaround 201 Philly Flasher/Cathouse Blues
Probe 2000 NR Lord Of The Dungeon
Probe 2000 NR Pink Panther, Pursuit of the
Probe 2000 NR Power Lords: Quest For Vulcan
Probe 2000 NR War Room
Puzzy Bobby Is Going Home
Puzzy Boom Bang
Puzzy Chess (or Atari Othello)
Puzzy Cross Force (or Spectravision)
Puzzy Dancing Plate (or Zimag Dishaster)
Puzzy Earth Attack (or Atari Defender)
Puzzy Fancy Car (or Fox Bank Heist)
Puzzy Farmer Dan (or US Games Gopher)
Puzzy Fishing (or Froggo Seahunt)
Puzzy Football (or Atari)
Puzzy Mission 3000 A.D.
Puzzy Mr. Postman
Puzzy My Way
Puzzy Open Sesame
Puzzy Phantom Tank
Puzzy Pyramid War (or ACTV Chopper Cmd/diff. gfx)
Puzzy S.O.S. (or Imagic Fire Fighter)
Puzzy Sea Monster
Puzzy Seesaw (or Atari Circus Atari)
Puzzy Snail Against Squirrel
Puzzy Space Tunnel (or Bit Corp. [?])
Puzzy Spider (or Activision Spider Fighter)
Puzzy Tennis (or Activision Tennis)
QDI 87 Glib
Quelle Die Ente und der Wolf
Quelle Dschungel Boy
Rainbow Catch Time (or Activision Plaque Attack)
Rainbow Curtiss (or Imagic Atlantis)
Rainbow Hey! Stop! (or Activision Keystone Kapers)
Rainbow Mariana (or Activision Seaquest)
Rainbow Netmaker (or Parker Bros Amidar)
Rainbow Pac-Kong (or Tigervision King Kong?)
Rainbow Tom Boy (or Activision Pitfall)
Rainbow Tuby Bird (or Activision Dolphin)
Rainbow Vision SS-013 Bi! Bi! (or Sancho/Panda Scuba Diver)
Rainbow Vision SS-016 Boom Bang (or Activision Crackpots)
Rainbow Vision SS-015 Catch Time (or Activision Plaque Attack)
Rainbow Vision SS-019 Curtiss (or Imagic Atlantis)
Rainbow Vision SS-012 Hey! Stop! (or Activision Keystone Kapers)
Rainbow Vision SS-017 Mariana (or Activision Seaquest)
Rainbow Vision SS-006 Netmaker (or Parker Bros Amidar)
Rainbow Vision SS-003 Pac-Kong (or Tigervision King Kong?)
Rainbow Vision SS-020 Tuby Bird (or Activision Dolphin)
xP Rob Fulop Cubicolor
Roklan NR Ripley's Believe It Or Not
Salu EU Acid Drop
Salu EU Ghostbusters II
Sancho Dice Puzzle
Sancho Eli's Ladder
Sancho Exocet
Sancho TEC006 Forest
Sancho Nightmare
Sancho Scuba Diver
Sancho Seahawk
Sancho TEC003 Skin Diver
Sears 49 75154 Adventure (Atari)
Sears 99829 Arcade Golf (Atari Miniature Golf)
Sears Arcade Pinball (Atari Video Pinball)
Sears 49 75163 Asteroids (Atari)
Sears 99848 Backgammon (Atari)
Sears 99819 Baseball (Atari Home Run)
Sears 99826 Basketball (Atari)
Sears 99805 Blackjack (Atari)
Sears 99842 Bowling (Atari)
Sears 99818 Brain Games (Atari)
Sears 99813 Breakaway IV (Atari Breakout)
Sears 99841 Cannon Man (Atari Human Cannonball)
Sears 99828 Canyon Bomber (Atari)
Sears 99824 Capture (Atari Flag Capture)
Sears 99807 Chase (Atari Surround)
Sears Checkers (Atari Video Checkers)
Sears 99817 Chess (Atari Video Chess)
Sears 49 75122 Circus (Atari Circus Atari)
Sears 99815 Code Breaker (Atari)
Sears 99843 Dare Diver (Atari Sky Diver)
Sears 49 75186 Defender (Atari)
Sears Demons To Diamonds
Sears Dodger Cars (Atari Dodge 'Em)
Sears 99827 Football (Atari)
Sears 49 75121 Golf (Atari)
Sears 99822 Gunslinger (Atari Outlaw)
Sears Haunted House (Atari)
Sears 99808 Math (Atari Basic Math)
Sears 99825 Maze (Atari Slot Racer)
Sears 49 75157 Maze Mania (Atari Maze Craze)
Sears 99814 Memory Match (Atari Hunt & Score)
Sears 49 75166 Missile Command (Atari)
Sears 49 75119 Night Driver (Atari)
Sears 49 75162 Othello (Atari)
Sears 99803 Outer Space (Atari Starship)
Sears 49 75185 Pac-Man (Atari)
Sears 99816 Poker Plus (Atari Casino)
Sears 99806 Pong Sports (Atari Video Olympics)
Sears 99821 Race (or Atari Indy 500)
Sears 99823 Slots (Atari Slot Machine)
Sears Soccer (Atari Pele's Championship Soccer)
Sears 99812 Space Combat (Atari Space War)
xI Sears 49 75153 Space Invaders (Atari)
Sears Space Robot
Sears 99804 Speedway II (Atari Street Racer)
Sears 99811 Spelling (Atari Hangman)
Sears 49 75187 Star Raiders (Atari)
xI Sears 49 75126 Steeplechase
xI Sears 49 75159 Stellar Track
xI Sears 49 75142 Submarine Commander
Sears 49 75165 Super Breakout
Sears 99845 Superman (Atari)
Sears 99801 Tank Plus (Atari Combat)
Sears 99802 Target Fun (Atari Air-Sea Battle)
Sears 49 75127 Warlords (Atari)
Sears 49 75167 Yar's Revenge (Atari)
Sears 49 75123 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (Atari)
x Sega 005-01 Buck Rogers: Planet Of Zoom
x Sega 006-01 Congo Bongo
Sega 011-01 Spy Hunter
Sega 007-01 NR Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
x Sega 004-01 Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator
x Sega 002-01 Sub Scan
xI Sega 001-01 Tac Scan
x Sega 010-01 Tapper
xI Sega 003-01 Thunderground
x Sega 009-01 Up 'n Down
Simage Eli's Ladder
Sirius Squish 'Em
x Sirius/Fox 11002 Beany Bopper
x Sirius/Fox 11004 Deadly Duck
x Sirius/Fox 11003 Fast Eddie
x Sirius/Fox 11001 Worm War I
Sparrow Music Machine
Sparrow GCG 1001T
Spectravision SA-218 Bumper Bash
Spectravision NR Cave-In
xI Spectravision SA-206 Challenge of Nexar (or Fox)
Spectravision Chase the Chuckwagon
Spectravision SA-205 China Syndrome
Spectravision SA-203 Cross Force
Spectravision SA-216 NR Drive 'Em Crazy
Spectravision SA-221 NR Eagle Mountain
x Spectravision SA-201 Gangster Alley
Spectravision SA-217 Gas Hog
Spectravision SA-211 Glactic Tactic
Spectravision SA-212 Mangia'
Spectravision SA-210 Master Builder
Spectravision SA-222 NR Master Cylinder
xI Spectravision SA-202 Planet Patrol
Spectravision SA-209 NR Protobob
Spectravision SA-224 Romper Room 1
Spectravision SA-225 Romper Room 2
Spectravision SA-226 Romper Room 3
Spectravision Save the Whales
Spectravision SA-220 NR Sector Alpha
xI Spectravision SA-204 Tape Worm
Spectravision SA-213 NR Time Scape
Spectravision SA-218? NR Vertinko
Spectravision SA-217? NR Vortex
Starpath Clone Attack
xI Starpath AR4101(2) Communist Mutants From Space
x Starpath AR4400(6) Dragonstomper
Starpath AR4200(5) Escape From The Mindmaster
Starpath NR Excalibur
xI Starpath AR4300(3) Fireball
Starpath NR Frantic
Starpath AR4105(9) Frogger
Starpath NR Jungle Raid
Starpath AR4103(7) Killer Satellites
Starpath Labyrinth
Starpath Last Line of Defense
xP Starpath AR4302(10) Party Mix
xI Starpath AR4000(1) Phasor Patrol
Starpath AR4104(8) Rabbit Transit
xI Starpath AR4102(4) Suicide Mission
Starpath AR4401(12) Survival Island
Starpath NR Sweat: The Decathlon Game
Starpath AR4201(11) Sword Of Saros
Studio Games NR Knight Rider
Studio Games NR Magnum PI
Sunrise Glacier Patrol
Sunrise NR Noah And The Ark
Sunrise 1603 Quest For Quintana Roo
Sunrise Snowplow
Suntek 9 Bermuda (or Activision River Raid)
Suntek 2 Galactic
Suntek 6 Netmaker (or Parker Bros Amidar)
Suntek 3 Pac-Kong (or Tigervision King Kong?)
Suntek 4 Pyramid War (or Activision Chopper Command)
Suntek 1 Time Race
Synapse NR Relax
Syncro NR Kamikaze Saucers
System Garden Video Fitness
Technovision Adventures Of GX-12 (or Mattel Advents Of Tron)
Technovision Nuts
Technovision Pharoah's Curse
Technovision Save Our Ship
Telegames Adventures Of GX-12 (or M-Network Adv. Of Tron)
Telegames Air Raiders (M-Network)
Telegames Armor Ambush (M-Network)
Telegames Astroblast (M-Network)
Telegames Bobby's Cosmic Adventure
Telegames 5861 A030 Bogey Blaster (M-Network Air Raiders)
Telegames Bump 'n' Jump (M-Network)
Telegames Burgertime (M-Network)
Telegames Deadly Discs (M-Network Tron Deadly Discs)
Telegames Dungeon Masters (M-Network)
Telegames Frogs And Flies (M-Network)
Telegames 5667 A106 Glacier Patrol (Sunrise)
Telegames In Search Of The Golden Skull (M-Network)
Telegames International Soccer (M-Network)
Telegames Kung Fu Superkicks: Pursuit Of The Ninja
Telegames Lock 'N Chase (M-Network)
Telegames Night Stalker (M-Network)
Telegames 6057 A227 Quest For Quintana Roo (Sunrise)
Telegames Space Attack (M-Network)
Telegames Star Strike (M-Network)
Telegames Super Challenge Baseball (M-Network)
Telegames Super Challenge Football (M-Network)
Telegames 7602 A305 Universal Chaos (M-Network)
Telesys NC Bouncing Baby Monkeys
x Telesys 1001 Coconuts
x Telesys 1002 Cosmic Creeps
Telesys 1006 Demolition Derby
xI Telesys 1003 Fast Food
Telesys NR Impossible Game
Telesys Quest for Quintana Roo
Telesys 1004 Ram It
Telesys Space Maze
x Telesys 1005 Stargunner
Thorn EMI Jumbo Jet Pilot
Tigervision TV7-013 NR Changes
Tigervision Condor Attack
Tigervision TV7-012 Espial
Tigervision TV7-009 NR Intuition
Tigervision TV7-002 Jawbreaker
x Tigervision TV7-001 King Kong
x Tigervision TV7-005 Marauder
xI Tigervision TV7-008 Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob
Tigervision TV7-011 Miner 2049er Volume II
Tigervision TV7-007 Polaris
Tigervision TV7-004 River Patrol
Tigervision TV7-010 NC Scraper Caper
Tigervision TV7-014 NR Sky Lancer
Tigervision TV7-006 Springer
Tigervision TV7-015 NR Super Crush
x Tigervision TV7-003 Threshold
TNT Games CX26190 BMX Airmaster
Ultravision 1043 Condor Attack
Ultravision NR Karate
Ultravision 1007 NR Quest For The Idol
Ultravision 1006 NR Spider Kong
Unitronics NR (?) (?) Hunt
Unitronics NR BASIC
Unitronics NR Dazzler
Unitronics NR Those Little (?)
Universal Gamex 1005 X-Man
Universal Picts NR Jaws
US Games Catch
US Games Darts
xI US Games VC2003 Eggomania
x US Games VC2007 Entombed
US Games Fly, The
x US Games VC2001 Gopher
x US Games VC1012 MAD
US Games Maze Chase
US Games Missile Intercept
x US Games VC2004 Picnic
US Games VC2005 Piece O'Cake
US Games VC2006 Raft Rider
xI US Games VC2002 Squeeze Box
x US Games VC1009 Towering Inferno
US Games Weird Bird
USA Air Raiders
USA Armor Ambush
USA Astroblast
USA Bobby's Cosmic Adventure
USA Burgertime
USA Deadly Disks
USA Dungeon Masters
USA Frogs And Flies
USA In Search Of The Golden Skull
USA International Soccer
USA Lock 'N Chase
USA Night Stalker
USA Space Attack
USA Star Strike
USA Super Challenge Baseball
USA Super Challenge Football
Venture Vision NR Inner Space
Venture Vision VV2001 Rescue Terra I
Venture Vision NR Solar Defense
VidCo NR A Mysterious Thief
VidCo NR Fireball Spinner
VidCo NR Immies And Aggies
VidCo Pizza Time
VidCo Video Copy Cart
Video Game Ind. Chase the Chuckwagon
Video Gems Missile Control
Video Gems Mission Survive
Video Gems Steeple Chase
Video Gems Surfer's Paradise: But Danger Below!
Video Gems Treasure Below
Video-Spiel Bobby Geht Heim
Videosoft VS1000 Color Bar Generator
x VidTec VC1004 Commando Raid
x VidTec VC1007 Name This Game
VidTec VC1004 Robot Commando Raid
x VidTec VC1002 Sneak 'N Peek
xI VidTec VC1001 Space Jockey
x VidTec VC1003 Word Zapper
Wizard Video NR Flesh Gordon
xI Wizard Video 007 Halloween
x Wizard Video 008 Texas Chainsaw Massacre
xI Xonox 99004 Artillery Duel
x Xonox XO6230 Artillery Duel/Chuck Norris Superkicks
Xonox NR Artillery Duel/Ghost Manor
Xonox XO7210 Artillery Duel/Spike's Peak
I Xonox 99003 Chuck Norris Superkicks
Xonox NR Chuck Norris Superkicks/Ghost Manor
Xonox XO6003 Chuck Norris Superkicks/Spike's Peak
Xonox 99002 Ghost Manor
x Xonox XO6210 Ghost Manor/Spike's Peak
I Xonox 99008 Motocross Racer
Xonox 99005 Robin Hood
Xonox XO6220 Robin Hood/Sir Lancelot - The Joust
Xonox 99006 Sir Lancelot
Xonox 99001 Spike's Peak
Xonox 99007 Tomarc The Barbarian
xI Zellers Frontline
xI Zellers Laser Volley
xI Zellers Ocean City Defender
xI Zellers Radar
xI Zellers Turmoil
Zimag 708-111 Cosmic Corridor
Zimag 711-111 Dishaster
Zimag 710-111 I Want My Mommy (KidStuff series)
Zimag Immies & Aggies
Zimag Pizza Chef
Zimag 707-111 Tanks But No Tanks
xI 20th Cent. Fox 11006 Alien
x 20th Cent. Fox 11012 Bank Heist
20th Cent. Fox NR Challenge Of Nexar (or Spectravision)
x 20th Cent. Fox 11031 Crash Dive
x 20th Cent. Fox 11009 Crypts Of Chaos
x 20th Cent. Fox 11020 Earth Dies Screaming
20th Cent. Fox 11018 NR Fall Guy
x 20th Cent. Fox 11008 Fantastic Voyage
xI 20th Cent. Fox 11015 Flash Gordon
xI 20th Cent. Fox 11011 M*A*S*H
x 20th Cent. Fox 11005 Megaforce
20th Cent. Fox 11029 NR Meltdown
xI 20th Cent. Fox 11013 Porky's
x 20th Cent. Fox 11016 Revenge Of The Beefsteak Tomatoes
20th Cent. Fox Six Pack
x 20th Cent. Fox 11022 Spacemaster X-7
x 20th Cent. Fox 11007 Turmoil
20th Cent. Fox 9 to 5
This list last compiled 03/16/94 by Dean Dierschow (dean@xocolatl.com).
Contact at: 3634 Congress Court, Fremont, California, 94538, (510) 226-8219.
This list is available on Usenet via mailserver. For more info, send e-mail
to "mail-server@xocolatl.com" with "help" as the body of the message.
For the cartridges index, put "send CARTS.LST" in the body of the message.
That file also contains the magic decoder ring for the rest of these files.