38 lines
1.8 KiB
Standard ML
38 lines
1.8 KiB
Standard ML
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Bulletin Board System
Some tips for buying used cars, from ``The Used Car Book'' by the editors of
Consumer Automotive Press (published by Ballantine Books, New York):
1. Don't expect dealers to tell you what's wrong with the car.
2. If you want a warranty, get it in writing.
3. If the contract says you are buying the car ``as is,'' be sure to get
promises in writing.
4. Don't be overly impressed with the looks of a car; be sure to rely on a
mechanical inspection. Do it yourself or have a trained mechanic do it.
5. Test drive the car.
6. Ask early about the price to leave no chance that the salesman will
later raise it.
7. Ask about the condition of the car and what, if anything, is wrong with
it; if the saleman tells you something is wrong, be safe and assume he is
playing the problem down.
8. Don't haggle over the price until after you road test the car and have
it checked mechanically; to do so earlier might be a waste of time.
9. Be reserved when you bargain.
10. Be prepared for your first offer to be turned down.
11. Don't pay more than your maximum. Be prepared to walk out
diplomatically if you don't get your deal.
12. If you have a car to trade, tell the salesman about it in the last
stages of negotiations; to explain your timing, say you'd been considering
keeping your old car as a second car but have now changed your mind.
13. Get everything in writing and read it carefully.
14. Keep simple, complete records.
15. Avoid last-minute unpleasantness; you might want to come back.
16. Sleep on it; don't give in prematurely.