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S By tERMiNAl jUNkiE S
0k...... now, some of you may be wondering.... Why is this
idiot writing about a fucking spice...... Or mabey you
aren't... How the fuck should I know? anyway.....
NUtMEG is a spice..... that makes you trip like a
cyber-monkey... REALLY. It is the drug of choice of monkeys.
but that probably has something to do with it growing in the
jungle... more on that somewhere else..... anyway....
yes, it is LEGAL.....
How to tRiP off of NUTMEG:
Obtain a jar of WHOLE nutmeg. The ground stuff is all dried
up, and not fresh, and does not work. Whole nutmeg can be
found in the spice section of your local grocery store. The
best nutmeg I have seen so far is the brand they sell at
ALBERTSONS grocery stores. It has a foil seal on the jar, and
is the freshest I have seen. But any brand works.
Get a coffee grinder or a cheese grater. Grind or shave up 5
whole nutmeg for one trip. The more you take, the more you
trip..... 5 is the usual dose. Do more after you get used to
it. Savor the fragrent aroma........
Dump the ground nutmeg in an empty glass. Fill the glass with
about an inch of water. (you want it to be one swallow's worth
of water.....) Stir up the nutmeg in the water untill it is as
well mixed as it will get. (no, it wont disolve. It looks like
a glass full of that constipation fiber drink....) Drink it
all. The faster the better. It doesn't taste BAD, just helluv
strong. Be prepared to drink something else right after....
ok. your done. now, wait 5-7 hours. Yeah, thats one problem
with it. it takes 5-7 hours to kick in. You may feal a little
something not too long after drinking it, but not really.
In 5-7 hours, you will start tripping. It is really fun. The
trip lasts around 20 hours. The more you take the longer and
more intense the trip. Like, 8 or so goes for almost 2 days...
now THATS a trip.....
Grind the nutmeg up as above. Instead of drinking it in water,
fill little gelitin capsules with the ground nutmeg. You can
either buy the capsules empty, or buy something like Blue
Green Algea pills and empty the algea out and fill with
nutmeg. It take alot of capsules. I use an unsharpened pencil
to pack it in the capsules. just swallow all the capsules to
just chew up and swallow the whole nut. Works, but not as good
as the other ways, grinding it up fine works better. And this
tastes effing NAST-Y..... but, you shoudl experience it at
least once..... If you can take it.....
Grind up the nuts, and wrap a little of the powder in little
pieces of kleenex. and swallow. Just like you can do with
crank..... It takes alot and is a bitch, but if you cant stant
the taste.....
Supposedly you can snort it. But I haven't tried yet. it looks
liek you would want to grind it REALLY fine. I dunno.....
The actual drug in the nutmeg that fucks you up is called
ELIMICIN. It is supposedly close in chemical structure to XTC.
But, the trip is different. I can't really describe the trip,
just do it and find out.....
What I usually do/feal...... I usually take 5-6 nutmeg, in a
glass of water 7 hours before I want to trip. Then I do
whatever. When the trip starts kicking in, I go in my room
where it is compleatly dark. Sometimes I turn on my black
light and look at the pretty colors.... I listen to good trip
music, loud and with headfones for the full sterio effect. I
lay down on my back on my bed with my eyes closed and enjoy
the floating sensations..... But of course, as allways, the
best thing to do when ingesting funny chemicals, is to read
SLF trip files........You know which ones.....
What to listen to when on Elimicin :
PIGFACE's FOOK album...... FLAMING MONKEYS (Look for a file on
how to obtain thier tape), the SMOKING BANANA PEALS album by
the DEAD MILKMEN, and any other good sterio trip music..... if
it's cool on ACiD and pot, it's good on elimicin......
application, and call Chiba City Blues (916) 478-0436..
Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven
& the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845
Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766
realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662
Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699
The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK
The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674
Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560
"Raw Data for Raw Nerves"