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Doing a bit of research in various alt.drugs files, and some textbooks
I discovered that Bufo Alvarus (Sonoran Desert or Colorodo River Toad)
has a venom in its paratoidal gland that contains from 6-16% of 5-MeO DMT.
Having experienced this (or a related) drugs once before, I was exited at
the chance of obtaining a readily available supply of it.
After consulting with the local herpetologist, and checking with several
biological supply houses, I discovered that B. Alvarus is a common enough
toad, but not available this time of the year. The price for a B. Alvarus
is generally around $10 plus $25 (US) for shipping.
Luckily for me, the local pet-shop had three specimins. Since they were
rather exorbitantly priced, I decided to have a go at conning them out of
some venom. I used the story that I was a biochemistry student interested
in certain indole alkaloids present in the venom of Bufo Alvarus. Basically,
I told them the truth. After checking with the management, they gave me the
go ahead.
Extracting the venom was somewhat problematic. _Venomous Animals and their
Venoms_ gives a procedure where the toad is pressed firmly down with one hand
and the paratoidal gland (behind the "ear") is sqeezed firmly with the other.
A piece of glass is suspended above the toad to catch the viscous venom as it
squirts from the toad. I found this method awkward. The best way (after
breif experimentation) I was able to discover was to hold the toad in one hand,
squeeze the gland with the other, and have an assistant hold some glass in the
firing line of the paratoidal gland. This should be repeated once after the
toad is allowed to rest for 20 minutes or so. You must apply a considerable
amount of pressure to release any poison; I was hesitant in this as I was
afraid I would injure the toads (especially with the manager standing next
to me). Because I didn't apply as much pressure as I should have, I only
obtained 80-100 mg of venom from the three toads. According to _Venomous
Animals and their Venoms_ I should have obtained something more like 400mg
per toad.
In any case, after letting the poison dry, I scraped it off the glass,
obtaining a fine crystaline substance. I took 1 gram of Harmala seeds
for my experiment (I weigh 160 lbs) and a freind (who weighs 260) took 1.7
grams of the same substance. We also smoked one MJ cigarrete.
Instead of freebasing the 5-MeO-DMT (as would have been most efficient) we
mixed it with some MJ and smoked it in a pipe. The taste was unusual, but
not intensely unpleasant.
Halfway through smoking the quantity, we stopped. I noticed an odd feeling
and slight buzz from the MJ, the freind noticed nothing. We continued
smoking, and after finishing both noticed some rather extreme effects.
Objects appeared extremely distorted, colors were intensified and facial
quirks were magnified, giving people a clown-like appearance. Perception
of distance was extremely disorted; objects within arms reach seemed
miles away. Height perceptions were also distorted, one minute I seemed
like a giant compared to those around me, the next minute I seemed a dwarf
in comparison. Light sources provoked an unusual reaction; they seemed
surrounded by moving, prismatic colors. Walking was problematic; the
sidewalk reminded me of the famous films of the "galloping gertie" bridge
in washington state. I felt as if I was surfing rather than walking.
Observations of the facial expressions of the passerbys seemed to indicate
that my manner of walking was no different than that of any of the other
pedestrians that night. My freind (who was, for the record, rather out
of shape) claimed to experience racing heart, but I had no such difficulties.
After walking for approximately 15 minutes, the intensity of the experience
subsided, and we felt able to go to the bar as we had intended. We were both
rather strongly intoxicated for the next hour, drinking several beers in
that time. Paranoiac feelings, and some mild visual/auditory hallucinations
persisted for approximately 2 hours after taking the substance.
Conclusion: the venom of B. Alvarus seems to contain the quantities of
5-MeO-DMT that are claimed for it in the various publications. Its use
with harmaline seemed to powerfully increase the already present marijuana
intoxication (unlike LSD, which often has an antagonistic effect with THC),
as well as provoking uniquely powerful visual hallucinations. The steroidal
poisons in the venom _may_ have a toxic cardiac effect when the venom is
smoked, or (more likely IMHO, due to my lack of similar reaction) the
heart-racing may have been due to the effects of the THC intoxication, or
the effects of the 5-MeO-DMT itself. It would probobly be a very bad idea
to ingest this substance orally in conjunction with harmaline as a kind
of animal ayahuasca; the steroidal poisons are doubtless much more harmful
when an orally active dose is taken, due both to the greater quantity that
would be required, and to the lack of steroid pyrolysis in an oral dose.
Further experiments will be undertaken under different, more controlled
Newsgroups: alt.drugs
>Ok, I got a couple of questions and and help or knowledge would be greatly
>appreciated. First of all, what is the percent composition of 5-MeO-DMT in
>the skins of dried Bufo Americanus skins?
Absolutely none; you want Bufo Alvarus -not americanus.
According to "Venomous Animals and Their Venoms" (highly recommended), the
venom (from B Alvarus) contains 6-16% 5MeO-DMT- the rest is mostly mucus.
As for the whole skin; why kill the toad when you can milk it for its venom?
I recall the skin percentage to be something like 0.3-0.1% by weight (since
this probably includes the venom glands, it really isn't much).
Americanus skin has mostly bufotenin which has never been shown to be
psychedelic below toxic doses. It also contains some adrenal poisons.
Bad idea. Leave them poor little froggies alone!
>How much would one have to smoke to
>get the "effects"?
An active dose is 2-5 milligrams. You do the math.
>Must it be freebased (i.e. smoked in a "crack pipe"), or
>can it be mixed in with a little MJ and smoked through a pipe?
Either way will work, but freebasing is much more efficient. More will be
pyrolized if you mix the stuff with a burning substance.
>Has anyone had
>any experience with the skins sold from JLF?
What the heck would you do with those? Those are not Bufo Alvarus, and hence
contain NO 5-MeO-DMT. All they have are bufotenin and steroidal poisons
related to adreneline. Yukky stuff; the Bufo Marinus skin is potentially
lethal (this is the stuff that young punks in Callifornica are licking &
getting sick from. According to a herpetologist I know, B. Marinus is a
controlled substance in Callie.)
You want some Bufo Alvarus; Sonoran desert toad; Colorado River Toad.
They sell them in the petstore near my house & there are plenty of other
places you ken get them, but I am not going to tell you where.
Why not?
Because, if you are not smart enough to find 'em yourself, you should
not even attempt this. Besides; I tell you, you tell someone else, eventually
the gestapo find out and everyone else is PHUCKED for posession of a controlled