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(Sorry this took me a while. News has been screwed up around here for
the last week or so.)
Here, as promised, is the list of state statutes recognizing the
medical value of marijuana. There are only 30 states in this list (29
+ Mass). ACT (the Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics) claims that
there are 34. If anyone knows what the other four are, I'd like to be
Thanks once again to ACT for the info.
State Statutes Recognizing Marijuana's Medical Value
Alabama Code SS 20-2-110 to -120 (1984)
Arizona Rev. Stat. Ann. SS 36-2601 to -2606 (supp. 1975-1984)
Arkansas Stat. Ann. SS 82-1007.1 to -1052 (supp. 1985)
California Health & Safety Code SS 11260-11270; S 11480 (West supp. 1985)
Colorado Rev. Stat. SS 25-5-901 to -907 (1982)
Connecticut Gen. Stat. Ann. SS 21a-240 to -308 (West 1985)
Florida Stat. Ann. S 402.36 (West Supp. 1985),
repealed by Laws 1984, ch. 84-115, S 9 (1984)
SS 893.01-.15 (West 1976 & Supp. 1985)
Georgia Code Ann. SS 43-34-120 to -126 (1984)
Illinois Rev. Stat. ch 56 1/2, SS 701-719 (Supp. 1985)
Louisiana Rev. Stat Ann. SS 40:1021-:1026 (West Supp. 1985)
Maine Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, SS 2401-2420 (1964 & Supp. 1984-1985)
Michigan Rev. Stat. Ann. SS14.15(7335)-(7336) (Callaghan Supp 1985-1986)
Minnesota Stat. Ann. S152.21 (West Supp. 1985)
Montana Code Ann. SS 50-32-101 to -405 (1983)
Nevada Rev. Stat. SS453.740-.810 (1983)
New Hampshire Rev. Stat. Ann. S318-B:10 (1984)
New Jersey Pub. Health Law SS 26:2L-1 to -9 (West Supp 1985)
New Mexico Stat. Ann. SS 26-2A-1 to -7 (supp. 1983)
New York Pub. Health Law SS 3397-a to -g (McKinney 1984-1985)
North Carolina Gen. Stat. S 90-101 (1981)
Ohio Rev. Code Ann. SS 3719.85-.87 (Page Supp. 1984),
repealed by 138v.S.184, S 4 (1984)
Oklahoma Stat. Ann. SS 2-101 to -610 (West 1984 and Supp. 1984-1985)
Oregon Rev. Stat S 475.515 (1983)
Rhode Island Gen. Laws SS 21-28.4-1 to -11 (1982)
South Carolina Code Ann. SS 44-53-610 to -660 (Law Co-op. 1985)
Tennessee Code Ann. SS 44-53-610 to -660 (Law Co-op. 1985)
Texas Stat. Ann art. 4476-15, SS 7.0-1-.10 (Vernon Supp. 1985)
Vermont Stat. Ann. tit. 18, S 4471 (1982)
Virginia Code S 18.2-251.1 (1982)
Massachussets Senate Bill 1582, passed by both houses and signed by
Governor William Weld on December 31, 1991
If you would like more information on marijuana's medical use please
contact the Alliance at (202) 483-8595.
The Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics (ACT) is a Washington based
patient-rights group founded in 1980. For more than a decade the
Alliance has provided patients and policy makers with up-to-date
information on marijuana's important therapeutic uses.
(I am not connected with ACT in any way. I merely requested
information from them, and they complied. I am now in the process of
passing some of that information on to others.)
Amazingly enough the last three states that I have lived in are on the
list. Texas, North Carolina and Oklahoma. If you can convince the
legistators in *these* three states about something as radical as the
medical use of marijuana, the evidence in favor must be overwhelming
indeed. (Believe me, none of the legislatures in these states could
be considered 'liberal' by any stretch of the imagination.)
| steve cochran | stevec@orodruin.tivoli.com |
| tivoli systems | (512) 794-9071 |
| 6034 west courtyard drive | (512) 794-0623 fax |
| suite 210 | (512) 469-9873 home |
| austin, tx 78730 | |
it's the truth even if it didn't happen.
-chief bromden