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I'm here today to tell my tale to the world. This was exactly a week
ago today (Nov. 17). Don't let this dicourage you from trying frying,
though. It's still the best thing in the world...
My little tripper girl (TG) called me at about midnight told me to
come take a litte trip at a park by her house. I, being only 14, have
no way to get to this park. I know this is only a minor setback and I
tell her that I would be there in about an hour. I really didn't care
about punishment that night. I still don't. After smoking all the bud
I had, I hop on my bike and make it there by 1:15 (12 miles isn't
really that far when you have something to look forward to. I lean my
bike against a nearby house (stupid move) and walk through a swamp
(really stupid move). I really have no idea where I'm going. I can
hear people talking and laughing; I head that direction. There were
about 20 people there, all fryed (yes, I mean fryed, not fried) out
of their minds. I only knew a few of them, but I found TG and got
some doses (I thought I got 3, but I'll explain that later). I
started noticing tracers within 15 minutes, and I figured I was in
for a good time. I sat and listened to KMFDM on my walkman and
started feeling my stomach churn. Everyone wanted cigarrettes, but no
one had any. I figured now would not be the time to have a smoke.
After about a half hour I was seeing hardcore tracers. I had to
have a smoke. It took me about ten minutes to stop staring at the
flame on my lighter. Lighters are so fun to just play with. The group
split in two directions so there were only about 8 of us now. We
started walking down the path, going deeper into the park. I had no
idea where the hell I was, but it was cool. I heard someone metion
the "circle of trees." Me and TG lagged behind the others, trippin
with each other. Walking finally got to be too much to handle, so I
layed down on the path and stared at the midnight purple sky. The
clouds were covering the entire sky and the light of the moon was
just barely peeking around the billowed cloud edges. I couldn't see
them splitting apart, but something just as good. I would stare at a
section of the clouds, and a hole would open up in the middle of them.
I would stare at another part, and another hole would emerge. Then
the clouds would return to cover up the blank spots. I just sat with
TG on my lap, staring at the sky. I probably would have spent the
whole time there, but TG noticed that she had blood all over her hand.
I'm not sure if it was really there or not cause by now I was really
trippin. We stood there for a while, staring at the blood running
down her hand. It was really cool to watch. We caught up with the
group and she kept saying "I'm bleeding, like, bleeding. But my hand
is bleeding too. That's really wierd." Indeed. We walked for what
seemed like an hour (probably only 5 minutes, but I don't know) and
kept trying to find this damn "circle of trees." I guess we got there
and everyone was sitting just staring at stuff. I had to sit again.
The trees were driving me insane. The branches and leaves were making
a dome over us, and I could see bits of the sky through the millons
of leaves. We sat there for a while and someone came with another
smoke. Wow, what a god. We must have sat there for a couple hours.
Then everyone started to leave...
I had no idea where I was, and no idea how to get home. I didn't
know where they were going. I figured (in my fucked up state) that
they didn't want to be around me. I am always thinking that people
are thinking that. I told them to just leave me there, and that I was
going to go to sleep (yeah, right). They just left me in the middle
of this park. I guess it's my own fault. But now here's where the
trouble starts...
I guess I just sat there for a while. When I got up, I didn't
remember being there. I didn't remember being with anyone. All I knew
is that I was wet and cold and lost. I just started walking. I
remember coming to a house, but I didn't realize it was a house. I
know now, after being there sober, that I was on someone's back porch.
I kept trying to climb into people's porch lights. I think I wanted
to be warm. I got to a neighborhood and started running around. I was
trying to get warm and I was running from door to door, trying to get
inside. This was about 3:30 in the morning. I knocked on one guy's
door (my friends told me this the next day, I don't remember any of
it happening) and he came to the door, groggy and tired. He asked me
what I wanted, and I told him I wanted to lay down. He then asked who
I was and where I was supposed to be. I didn't know. I walked away
and jumped on top of his truck. I remember this part. He started
chasing after me and I ran as fast as I could. I got to another group
of houses and stared freaking out I was really cold and wanted to get
away from it. I decided that my clothes were to blame, so I took them
off. Everything. I stripped myself naked and was running around
screaming that I was nothing. I wasn't being seen or heard. No one
cared. I felt like I was the only one left on the earth. This was
real bad, cause with no one left, I could do what I wanted. I just
kept running from house to house trying to climb into the porch
lights, tearing a couple of them off in the process. I finally came
to a house that was unlocked. NOT GOOD! I walked in and layed down on
the couch. I didn't know I was naked yet. The people came in the room
and called the police. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't care.
I was getting warm and that's all that mattered. They told me to
just lie there and cover up, I still didn't know I was naked, so I
got up and started pressing 666...666...666 etc. on their alarm
console. They told me to lie down again, so I did. That's all I
remember until the ambulance came and took me to the hospital. I
thought they were taking me to hell, and I don't even believe in that
bullshit. I ended up in the hospital telling them that I needed
insulin. I have no idea why I said that. I could have died from that.
They gave me sedatives and a big blanket and my dad came with clothes.
I THEN realized I was naked, and I still didn't really care. I had
to go back to the neighborhood that day and find my clothes. I still
don't have my bike back. I was told later that I had taken 6 doses
instead of 3. I had never taken 6 before, and I think that's what
fucked me up. I now have to pay a $400 ambulance bill and $100 to fix
one guy's porch light. I have now, on my record, being under the
influence of one of the world's most potent substances. I am truly
The moral to the stroy is. Never take a trip in a place you've never
been. Never take a trip alone, Never take more than you can handle. I
didn't tell this story to scare people away from LSD. I would never
say that LSD is bad. I already am thinking about when I will fry
again. LSD is good. LSD is very good. Just don't go too insane, or
you could wind up on a strangers couch, naked at 5 in the morning. My
tale is complete. I just had the urge too let people know what
happened. It feels good to get it out.