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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 5 Num. 55
("Quid coniuratio est?")
I neither necessarily agree nor disagree with either all or parts
of the following. Persons mentioned are invited to send their
rebuttals, of reasonable length, to bigxc@prairienet.org for
probable distribution.
-- Brian Francis Redman, Editor-in-Chief
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Part Two
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Israel brokered the purported dealings that have come to be known
as the "October Surprise". That is, negotiations, in 1980, in
various places in Europe and elsewhere, to delay release of the
American hostages held by Iran, to sabotage Jimmy Carter's bid
for re-election as president and to put in the Reagan-Bush
ticket. The hostages were released just as Reagan was being sworn
in as president on Inauguration Day, January, 1981.
Some contend Israel both brokered the deal as well as being
facilitators and spectators at the secret meetings. One purpose
was for Israel to use Iran against Iraq, a bloody enemy of the
Jewish state, in the then-ongoing war between Iraq and Iran
starting in the fall of 1980.
Part of the deal -- called treasonous by some Americans -- was to
secretly ship arms to Iran, by way of Israel, starting on or
about February, 1981, or even earlier. Some of the weapons and
supplies were taken from NATO supplies stored in various places
in Western Europe.
Thus developed a secret linkage between the Reagan administration
and Israel. U.S. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger himself
reportedly had a financial interest in the weapons business. As
later became clear, Vice-President (and later as President)
George Bush at the same time received personal financial benefits
from arms sent from the U.S. to Iraq. Part of the Saddam
Hussein/George Bush private joint business ventures, as secret
partners, were part of suppressed bank records in the Chicago
federal court case involving stopping the release of records of
Banca Nazionale Delavoro [BNL], Italy's largest bank owned in
part by the Vatican. This author was the only journalist
reporting on the federal court proceedings, particularly the
federal appeals court.
Bush, together with attorneys Vincent W. Foster, Jr., and Hillary
Rodham Clinton, on behalf of Jackson Stephens and the Rose Law
Firm, arranged for the BNL-Atlanta, Georgia branch to launder
some 5 billion dollars of Iraqi weapons funds plundered and
disguised as U.S. Agriculture loans. Foster and Hillary were
instrumental in enabling BNL to penetrate the American market
along with Bank of Credit and Commerce International [BCCI].
Congress has never seen fit to investigate the strange goings-on
of the *Chicago* *branches* of BNL and BCCI. One reason: BCCI-
Chicago financed both political parties' presidential candidates
in 1988 -- Bush and Dukakis. The Massachusetts governor, however,
was restricted in his bid for president when his TV campaign ad
funds were cut off when the Reagan Justice Department and other
Reagan federal agencies jointly seized and closed down BCCI-
Chicago on Columbus Day, just before the 1988 election. Dukakis
was moreso damaged by the fund cut-off than Bush.
As described in Part One of this article, Foster had the
equivalent rank of a military general in the National Security
Agency [NSA]. As secretly authorized by both Vice President Bush
and Caspar Weinberger, Foster, as part of the linkage with
Israel, made secret nuclear missile data, tracking and targeting
codes, and similar top secrets available to Israel, via a Naval
Intelligence analyst, Jonathan Pollard. The idea was to enable
Israel to be a nuclear power, as a buffer against the Soviet
Union, at a time when Israel was not yet proficient in such
At the hearings after Pollard pleaded guilty, Weinberger was
particularly bloodthirsty against Pollard, demanding that he be
dealt with by the rope and the gallows or similar means. Some
speculated that the "Mr. X" in the Pollard case was an
unidentified Jewish-American businessman. There may have been, in
fact, a "Mr. X", a "Mr. Y", and even a "Mr. Z". Among those
previously unidentified persons was Foster.
The secret report, referred to in Part One, under the authority
of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, was the net result
of massive compilation of data showing the apparent treason of
Bush, Weinberger, and others in their circle, using Foster as
their instrument, and Foster, in turn, using Pollard. The
profound damage to the U.S., referred to by Weinberger in the
Pollard court matter, was actually done by Weinberger himself
jointly with Bush. Foster was a major player, who later paid for
his deeds by apparently being murdered {1}. Pollard, on the other
hand, was, at best, a minor player; more a puppet on a string
than a treasonous Benedict Arnold.
Little known to the American people are super-secret federal
agencies whose very acronym is forbidden to be mentioned in the
press. One such agency has a subsidiary with vast authority to
guard plutonium-producing facilities and similar. Anyone trying
to interfere with nuclear secrets is perceived by the subsidiary
as an enemy of the state, not entitled to due process of law. One
way of dealing with such a purported "enemy of the state" would
be to crudely murder him and dump his body near the high fence of
a nuclear-producing facility; and then, release a quiet report
that the dead person was shot while attempting to scale the
A version of this apparently was the manner authorized by the
operation of the subsidiary to deal with Foster. That is, to
murder him in or near the White House and dump his body in a
federal park, location of Civil War relics.
What is, indeed, puzzling, is that the U.S. Secret Service on
occasion uses groups of both criminologists and retired gangsters
as consultants on assassinations and attempted assassinations of
high federal government officials. Congressional testimony in the
1950s, seldom known or referred to, brought out that when the
President is to visit a large city, the Secret Service consults
with local mafia-types to see if they know of any "loner"
assassins who may be plotting injury to the president. Marketing
experts call such groups or meetings, focus groups. According to
the participants of one such group in late 1993, the Secret
Service set forth the "theory", to be discussed and explored by
the group, that White House aide Foster was murdered in or near
the White House and his body dumped in a distant park -- federal
parks being notorious for covering up murders as so-called
"suicides" because the park police are not well-trained in
investigating such matters.
Several participants of such a closed-door meeting came away with
the impression that the Secret Service knew a lot about the
demise of Foster and that they offered the "theory" as a cover-up
of the role of the Secret Service.
The secret document does not entirely answer the following
(1) Did Israel, in fact, blackmail Foster through the secret
coded accounts in Switzerland and elsewhere, coded to the name of
Vincent W. Foster, Jr., and with a beneficial interest in such
accounts being for Hillary Rodham Clinton?
(2) OR: Did some other person or entity set up those coded
accounts, purportedly with deposits supposedly from Israel, to
blackmail both Israel *and* *Foster*?
On the other hand, it seems clear from the report, abstracted in
this article, that George Bush and Caspar Weinberger benefited to
have the focus put on Israel and Foster, and Pollard, and away
from Bush, Weinberger, and their confederates.
The report details various happenings which require profound
related knowledge to correlate and comprehend. For example, on
behalf of the National Security Agency [NSA], from 1983 up to his
death, Foster operated an NSA proprietary in the Grand Caymans
specializing in gold bullion transactions with the aid of members
of the London Gold Pool.
Acting as a buffer or cut-out between NSA and Systematics,
specializing in bank software services, are three NSA
proprietaries including LSI Financial Group, Inc., of Little
Rock. Some contend Systematics is an NSA proprietary and spies on
banks overseas. By the way, the National Security Council,
through a spokesperson, contends it is not a crime for an
American firm to spy overseas; a Justice Department official says
about the same. (It becomes a lint-picking episode whether the
spying data violates any laws if brought back to the U.S.) Can
Systematics rightfully deny spying actually moreso done by cut-
outs or buffers between Systematics and NSA? Systematics through
a spokesperson vigorously denies Foster and Hubbell assisted it
in any spying on foreign banks, but remains apparently silent on
whether Hillary Rodham Clinton assisted Systematics in some
nefarious activities.
As to LSI Financial Group, Inc., they reportedly help launder
dope and gun smuggling loot, disguised as loan servicing, for
Household International and their unit, Household Bank, a
successor to the CIA-linked Nugan-Hand Bank of Australia. The 50
million dollars of Resolution Trust Corporation [RTC] funds,
parked with Household in the Chicago area, has been secretly
transferred to Little Rock. Purpose: to attempt to cover-up the
47 million dollars missing from Madison Guaranty S&L, for which
some are prepared to blame Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hillary's
crony, John E. Gierum of Park Ridge -- same place Hillary's
family is from -- is a lawyer who in January, 1994, confessed to
this writer that the Clinton White House is trying to "frame"
Gierum for the secret transfer which apparently went further
through LSI. Gierum's confession is a matter of federal court
record in the Joseph Andreuccetti affair; Gierum was served a
copy of the same and did not dispute the same. Funds from LSI are
washed, in turn, reportedly through Fuji Bank.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Since 1963, Mr. Skolnick has been founder/chairman, Citizens'
Committee to Clean Up the Courts, investigating judicial bribery
and political murders. Updates of the group's work are on a 5-
minute recorded phone message (a regular phone call): (312) 731-
1100. He is also, since 1991, part of a very popular public
access cable show in Chicago. Mr. Skolnick's comments and
disclosures also appear on Internet and other computer networks.
Office (8 a.m. to midnight, 7 days): 9800 So. Oglesby Ave.
Chicago, IL 60617. Phone: (312) 375-5741. Call before sending
fax. Donations for their non-profit work are appreciated.
---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
{1} Was Foster murdered? Conservative Consensus (July 3, 1995)
reports that Foster's neck may have suffered trauma before he was
killed. According to the newsletter, original Polaroid photos
never used by the Fiske Investigation show what "appears to be a
wound, puncture or other trauma" to Foster's neck. This may have
been a small caliber bullet hole. [Conservative Consensus, PO Box
17912, Seattle, WA 98107.]
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