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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 3 Num. 45
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Why King Center Ejected National Park Service
By Dennis Speed
[*New Federalist*, January 9, 1995]
ATLANTA, Dec. 28 (EIRNS) -- Dexter King, son of the Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King and the new chairman and chief executive
officer of the King Center for Non-Violent Social Change, today
announced that the National Parks Service, previously employed as
tour guides, has been ejected from the King Center. This action
comes as a result of the ongoing dispute between civil rights
activists, including the King family, and the Park Service, which
has announced its intention to build an $11 million Visitors
Center in time for the Olympics, on the site of what the Center
intended to be the location of a museum dedicated to the slain
civil rights leader.
Initially, Coretta King and others had actually lobbied for the
Parks Service involvement in a project in King's honor and
memory. "The NPS (National Park Service) was invited into this
(historic) district by my mother, Coretta Scott King, to be a
tour guide of the King birth home... serving in a support role of
the King Center's programs, mission, and purpose. They began as a
tour guide, but in their dark ambition they have become
landlords. I don't expect any of my beloved neighbors to see
this, because I am ashamed to admit that my family did not see it
until it was too late," said Dexter King.
-+- The NPS and the Klan -+-
Readers of New Federalist newspaper will not be surprised at the
nefarious role attributed by Dexter King to the National Park
Service. In 1993, spokesmen for the NPS, including Gary Scott,
chief historian for the Washington, D.C. District, opposed the
removal of the statue of Ku Klux Klan founder Albert Pike from
Judiciary Square. Scott contended that "there was no evidence
that proved" Pike was a Klansman -- despite evidence gleaned from
members of Pike's family and other Klansmen proving that indeed
he was.
The same Gary Scott has also written a book praising the Kappa
Alpha Society, the official campus recruiting group of the Klan.
J. Edgar Hoover, the late director of the FBI and a chief
opponent of Martin Luther King, was the head of his chapter of
the Kappa Alpha fraternity at George Washington University.
Further, recent revelations in the King assassination,
particularly in Memphis [CN -- suppressed by U.S. media],
implicate the FBI in a coverup of the actual story behind the
King murder.
-+- Why Is NPS Worried? -+-
If the King Center were left free to present a non-doctored,
uncensored view of the civil rights movement, undefined by the
federal government, that view must directly affect every nation
in the world whose nationals attended the 1996 Olympics [in
Atlanta]. With over 100,000 visitors a day expected during the
height of the Olympics, and over 2 billion people expected to
watch some portion of the proceedings, an independent
representation of the facts concerning the King legacy, and the
assassination, would, from the standpoint of interested parties
in the Park Service, need to be controlled -- especially if the
former FBI director, a Kappa Alpha "brother," is implicated in
the murder.
To the end of effecting control, the King family has been
attacked in the pages of the Atlanta Constitution [newspaper] as
"profiteers" who are seeking to "exploit" King's legacy, as
opposed to the "disinterested" National Park Service -- whose
chief historian in Washington [CN -- recently fired] happens to
be a defender of the founder of the Ku Klux Klan. The Dec. 23 New
York Times reported that Coretta King stated, "It seems that the
same evil forces that killed Martin Luther King are now trying to
destroy his family."
Andrew Young, co-chairman of the Atlanta Committee for the
Olympic Games, former mayor of Atlanta, U.S. ambassador to the
United Nations, and an aide to King in the civil rights movement,
contended: "In the case of the Parks Department and the King
family, so far the King family has been excluded from full
partnership... The King family has to control the planning and
vision of the project." Young, however, correctly notes that
"this should not be viewed as a partisan political struggle" --
since the King legacy, and not "the King family" -- is the real
-+- The True Issue... -+-
Those consulting King's own writings, such as his last speech to
his Southern Christian Leadership Conference, might find
enlightenment as to what the true issue in this case is. "The
tendency to ignore the Negro's contribution to American life and
to strip him of his personhood is as old as the earliest history
books and as contemporary as the morning's newspaper. To upset
this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an
affirmation of his own Olympian (sic) manhood. Any movement for
the Negro's freedom that overlooks this necessity is only waiting
to be buried."
Dexter King asserted in his remarks to the press, "What we are
witnessing in 1994 is a classical encroachment and annexation of
a people and their history by the federal government in 1996,
through their agent the NPS."
Meetings are expected to occur the first week of January, in
which Congressional and other forces will seek to intervene in
the situation.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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