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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11 Num. 92
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Commentary by Ru Mills, Editor, Rumor Mill News Agency
This morning, as I was half listening to the President give a
speech, my ears perked up when he mentioned a "rat borne illness"
that caused 50% of its victims to die.
The President went on to say that El Nino had picked up this
RAT-BORNE illness, and was spreading it across America. The
supposed reason for his mentioning this "rat borne illness" was
to point out the difference between spending money on real health
hazards as opposed to spending money on health hazards which are
caused by smoking.
His unusual choice of an example made my conspiracy mind perk up.
In the September, 1996 issue of Rumor Mill News, we ran a story
which was leaked to us by one of our high ranking Navy
Intelligence Sources. The story he leaked was about a project
called "Operation Rain Dance".
>From Rumor Mill News, September, 1996 issue:
This project was set into motion by the Department of the
U.S. Army, an Air Force Special Research Unit, and Bio
Medics from the U.S. Navy. It was officially born
in/during the first quarter of 1989, and held one purpose
in common; how to eradicate one special race of people.
(Through manipulation of genes, any race of people could be
the target group.)
The project was called LVNM Special Labs Division. It was
located at an insane asylum in Las Vegas, New Mexico.
(That's where the LVNM came from). It also bore the code
signal SB-17.
SB-17 was a virus they were working on to target and kill
only native Americans. Desert rats were used to carry the
virus into towns and municipalities. There the virus was
transmitted, via fecal matter, into the local water supply,
and broken down bacteriologically, it was able to enter the
food chain.
Do you remember the 7-9 Navajo Indians who died of
mysterious circumstances. The coroner's report was "death
induced by unknown virus". The experiment was a success.
Only America Indians died of the virus which we now
mistakenly call, the Hanta virus."
I could not help but remember this article on "Operation Rain
Dance" as the President pointed out that money needed to be spent
on discovering the cause of the rat borne virus that was being
spread by El Nino, and not on people dying from smoking
Could the President be sending certain people in power a very
powerful message? Could that message be.... "Don't mess with
me. I now control Operation Rain Dance, and I am willing to
target any group in America that I want to."
It should also be pointed out that the government already
possesses the antidote for "the rat borne virus", but only the
Elite will be able to receive it.
If this speech was a message to the "enemies of Bill", then we
must now realize that his "friends" are in possession of a
weapon, far more deadly than any gas or other chemical weapon.
With minor alterations, this virus could be used against any race
of people and it would cause death within 5 days.
According to the source who supplied this information the E-Coli
bacteria is also out of government labs... specifically Ft.
Meade. It also kills. All the government would have to do is
alter its strain, and many, many people could die of it. The
Source went on to say that there are 65 of these "animals" ready
to set loose up mankind.
Will El Nino be blamed for the coming plagues that will eliminate
half the world's population? Once when I sat at a table of high
ranking Navy Intelligence types, they told me the story about,
"The Great Dying". They said that the old plagues like cholera
and malaria would soon break out in South America and Central
America and millions of dying people would be crawling northward,
desperately trying to escape the death that awaited them in the
muddy waters of their homelands.
The men who told me this tale said that the "official" story of
"The Great Dying" had already been written and made into a
Fantasia type cartoon, complete with a classical score from
"Night on Bald Mountain" and other classical works.
I was told that the survivors of "The Great Dying" would be too
ignorant and unschooled to read books or appreciate a newsreel
type program, so it was decided that a Disney type animated film
would be the way to teach these people. As the men who worked on
the project described the millions of men, women and children who
were stretched out on the muddy ground, crawling their way to
salvation in the United States, I could actually hear the strains
of "Night on Bald Mountain" playing behind the images they
created in my mind.
Has the President threatened to unleash "The Great Dying" on
America? I sincerely hope that was not the message behind his
mention of the El Nino borne rat illness. If it was, I pray that
there are people in positions of power in this country who will
take his threat to the world very seriously.
The President is worried about how he will go down in history.
If half the world's population is wiped out, and there is no one
to oppose him, all he has to do is move to Hollywood and take
over a Disney-type studio. Then he can write his own version of
history, one in which a cartoon hero-version of President William
Jefferson Clinton becomes a combination of all the politically
correct heros in the world. "Super Clinton" will become the
stuff Arthurian legends are made of.
Commentary by Ru Mills, Editor of RMNews Agency
The Uncensored National Rumor... the Only Rumor You Can Trust!!!
P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95003
e-mail address: RMNewsAgt@aol.com
Fax: 408 462 3949
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