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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11 Num. 74
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Ru Mills:
Monica-Gate Linked To Marv Alpert Case
Gore/Rockefeller Co-Presidency Planned
By "Ru Mills" (Pseudonym)
Like Peter Dale Scott, I too believe that the whole "fornigate"
matter is an intelligence community dirty tricks campaign.
About two years ago my sources in Faction 2 told me that they
were trying to decide how to get rid of him. The number one
solution that everyone wanted at that time was to have his plane
crash. But cooler heads prevailed because after studying the
matter, they realized that a dead Clinton would be seen as a
hero, and those who were close to him, especially Hillary, could
benefit from his death and ride his casket into the White House
or possibly the Secretary General of the United Nations.
The plan that was set in motion at that time was to discredit him
so entirely and completely that he would be so damaged he would
be like a leper. The group that planned his demise knew that he
had a "sexual addiction" problem, and so they went into motion
gathering the pieces of the puzzle that would finally add up to
such a mountain of sleeze that no American could look at him
again without feeling ashamed that he was their president. What
we have seen is only the beginning. If he doesn't resign, it
will continue to get worse.
The Marv Albert trial was created to send a message to the
President as to how ugly a sexual trial can get. If Clinton
agrees to step down and to totally disgrace himself, the rest of
the story won't ever come out. But if he ever tries to regain a
position of power, like Nixon did when he rehabilitated himself
and became an elder statesman, then the rest of the dirty laundry
will come out. There are hundreds of women and at least one
child, maybe more. If Clinton tries for a come back, all the
diry linen will come out of the closet... with the videos and
photos that the dirty tricks team has been taking for years.
At the moment, I am having doubts that this particular operation
is being carried out by Faction 2 of the intelligence community.
As your loyal readers know, F-2 is made up of operatives who are
opposed to the New World Order and who are secretly trying to
restore the Constitution and our country's sovereignty. The
reason I am beginning to wonder is that I have heard through the
grapevine that the NWO rulers have decided that Al Gore and Jay
Rockefeller will share a kind of Co-Presidency. If this happens,
then the US will be set on the road to creating a type of
parliamentary type of government, similar to what England has.
If this happens, then I will be sure that this latest "dirty
trick" ie FORNIGATE, was in fact orchestrated by the dirty tricks
team from Faction 1. It is my belief that the NWO see him as
damaged goods, and in order to get as much of their agenda
through as possible in the next two years, they need new faces.
This may be their plan, but I don't think it will work. Al Gore
has too many skeletons in his closet, and Faction 2 did in Nelson
Rockefeller with a convenient little drug in his martini... given
to him by a CIA assassin posing as his girlfriend. What makes
Jay Rockefeller think that he is immune from the same kind of
heart condition that afflicted his Uncle? Also remember, that
the gossip in Arkansas is that Clinton is the grandson of
Winthrop Rockefeller and a member of the British royal family.
Supposedly his mother knew the truth and had told it to too many
people. She loved being an illegitimate Rockefeller! This is
why she had to die suddenly, before she told too many people the
truth about her son.
Sometimes Faction 1 and Faction 2 cooperate on things that they
both agree on. The more I think about this FORNIGATE scandal, I
am beginning to believe that the two factions may be cooperating
to get rid of Clinton... and as soon as they are rid of him, then
they will begin to fight over who will replace him.
One of my well placed sources outside of the White House told me
that rumors have been flying that HIllary is threatening to pull
a Lorraine Bobbitt on Billy if he doesn't stop sharing his bent
pole with America. If she really pulls this off, will we be able
to call the President Billy Bob-it? Or should we say "Hillary
bobbed it?"
Jokes such as this one will be told about this White House
forever... let's just hope that the office of the Presidency
hasn't been so damaged by its current residents that the American
people will wholeheartedly embrace the parlimentarian type of
government that the NWO is wanting to shove down our throats.
This could be the real plan behind putting such a sleezy, smarmy
sexually driven weasel in the White House. All of Clinton's
escapades and sexual exploints were well known to his handlers.
The photos of him in bizarre sexual encoutners are what they have
been using to keep him in check. Now that it is time to throw
him away, maybe they have decided to use him for one last thing,
and that is to destroy the office of the presidency for all time.
Let's see what the coming week brings. If my sources in
Washington DC are right, then we should have about 100 more women
coming out of the woodwork. I have heard that they had booked
the press club for all of Clinton's "girlfriends" to make their
statements... but the list is growing so long that they are
negotiating with the Redskins to use their Stadium.
Also, rumors have it that Clinton and the IRS are trying to make
a deal regarding the Mustang Ranch, the famous brothel in Nevada
that is currently being run by the IRS for payment of back taxes.
The IRS has told Clinton that they would make him a real deal on
it. He is considering turning it into the first of a chain of
Willypeter's Sexual Addiction Clinics.
As more and more sleeze begins to stream out, Clinton will begin
to withdraw more and more into himself. He will begin
demonstrating clear signs of mental disturbance. When he finally
is analyzed, the diagnosis will be a temporary phychosis brought
on by a sudden withdrawal of his "addiction"..... ie sex. Once
the diagnosis has been made, and Clinton has agreed to go into
treatment, then he will lend his name and whatever else he can,
to a brand spanking new busines for America... we will see the
sudden birth of thousands of new sex clinics around the nation...
and because so many Americans still love their president, they
will rush to join him in his time of need. They will offer
themselves as willing clients to his new sexual addiction
clinics, not so much because they are sexual addicts, but because
they don't want their president to feel so alone with his
Stay tuned, maybe my sources will supply me some more informaiton
on what to expect in the next few weeks. In the meantime, I will
be checking out the rumored first sexual addiction clinic....
Club Bed.
Ru Mills, Rumor Mill News Agency
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