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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11 Num. 36
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Great Britain, frustrated in her colonial designs upon the United
States, after the War of 1812 ceased her machinations for awhile.
She was occupied elsewhere, for example in the Crimean War. But
by about 1856, the eyes of the British imperialists turned once
more toward America. "A close business relationship had grown up
between the cotton-growing aristocracy of the southern states and
cotton manufacturing England, and the southern states were
swarming with British agents." (*The Empire of "The City"*, by
E.C. Knuth) Stirred up by these British agents, the South chose
to secede from the united States.
And why *couldn't* the southern states secede? They had joined
into the Union voluntarily, so why couldn't they later choose to
withdraw from that union? The south wanted a divorce, and it had
never promised "until death do us part." An article sent to
Conspiracy Nation by a reader ("How Lincoln Destroyed the
Jeffersonian Ideal," by Thomas J. DiLorenzo) asks the same
question. Secession "was the very principle upon which the
American Revolution was based." During Thomas Jefferson's
presidency, New England Federalists, upset at rule from the
agrarian Virginian, Jefferson, plotted secession themselves.
"During this time there was no debate among the New Englanders
over the *right* of secession, only over its wisdom as a
political strategy." (DiLorenzo)
Why was Abraham Lincoln so fixated on preserving the Union? We
are told in "history" books that he felt strongly that "the Union
must be preserved." But *why* must it? Apparently Lincoln never
explained the "why" of it. Two possible "whys" are (1) a strong
Union deters European designs on North America, and (2) Lincoln
was the servant of East Coast capitalists, with their own
imperialist designs on the continent. Perhaps the two reasons
suggested are not mutually exclusive.
As his "reward" for helping save the Union for the greater wealth
and glory of East Coast capitalists, these same capitalists had
Lincoln murdered when he threatened to get in the way of their
plan to rape the South via "Reconstruction."
During the Civil War, with U.S. energies concentrated within, the
European imperialists tipped their hand. "In December, 1861, a
large British, French and Spanish expeditionary force was landed
at Vera Cruz [Mexico] in defiance of the Monroe Doctrine."
(Knuth) The Archduke Maximilian of Austria was installed as
Emperor of Mexico.
The American Civil War "officially" ended at about the time
General Robert Lee surrendered at Appomattox in April of 1865,
but according to Del Schrader (*Jesse James Was One Of His Names*
by Del Schrader, with Jesse James III. Arcadia, California:
Santa Anita Press, 1975. Library of Congress Catalog Card
Number: 74-33962), Nashville, Tennessee continued on as the
underground capital of the Confederacy for *nineteen* more years.
And as for the secret society known as "The Knights of the Golden
Circle" (see CN 11.35), it did not apparently disband until 1916.
After Lee's surrender, a force of 2,000 Missouri cavalry and "a
full regiment of Confederate-led Red Bone Indians from East
Texas," led by General J.O. Shelby, headed south, into Mexico.
(Schrader) They naturally went to join with their ally, the
European puppet Emperor Maximilian. This force became threatened
by Mexican patriots, followers of Benito Juarez. Sent to rescue
Shelby's troops, says Schrader, was an elite force led by
Colonels Quantrill and Jesse James.
While in Mexico, Jesse James reportedly was introduced to Emperor
Maximilian. James was enlisted to help the dictator smuggle a
huge treasure out of his tottering empire. Included in the
treasure were jewels and heirlooms of the House of Hapsburg,
Aztec gold hidden, long ago, from the *Conquistadores* by
servants of Montezuma, and a great quantity of other gold on loan
to the emperor from the House of Rothschild.
James and his band began moving the treasure northward. Shortly
thereafter, they learned that Emperor Maximilian had *apparently*
been executed by Juarez's patriots. But the emperor, says
Schrader, had *not* been killed. Shot, with others, by firing
squad, the bodies were loaded onto carts and hauled away for
burial. At the gravesites, a group of Red Bone indians had
infiltrated the burial ceremony. When they noticed signs of life
in the emperor, the indians finagled the Mexicans into allowing
them to give the "dead" dictator a separate burial. Maximilian
was nursed back to health, and made his way to East Texas, where
he was met by Jesse James.
Grateful for the help James had given him, Maximilian gave him $5
million in gold. The Knights of the Golden Circle received an
additional contribution of $12.5 million, says Schrader.
Reportedly, Jesse James persuaded Maximilian to change his name
to John Maxi and live undercover in America. James also
reportedly went to Europe, found a look-alike of Maximilian's
wife, Charlotta, and then smuggled the real Charlotta back to the
U.S. There, she became re-united with her husband. Now buried in
Maximilian's grave in Vienna, says Schrader, is a German seaman
who had died in a gunfight in Vera Cruz. "Switching bodies is a
subterfuge as old as mankind, and the Golden Circle certainly had
no monopoly on this practice." (Schrader)
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