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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 10 Num. 83
("Quid coniuratio est?")
. . . To Crusades
. . . To Nazis
. . . Through Paraguay and the Phillipines
. . . And Now Leads To Austria
In a phone conversation with "Ru Mills" (pseudonym) on August 9,
1997, she let me in on what she has heard, learned, and
speculated upon about a maze of gold smuggling carried on through
the centuries.
The gold, says Ru, originated in the legendary King Solomon's
Mines. Circa 12th-Century, that site was discovered and its
location became known to a select few. That group propagated the
Crusades: ostensibly a religious undertaking whose purpose was
to rescue the Holy Land from the Moslem "infidel," but actually a
cover for secret relocation of gold and ancient books from
Solomon's Mines to Austria.
In Austria, the treasure of gold and library of priceless texts
(said to rival the legendary collection once held in Alexandria)
was hidden away deep within the Festun Castle, near Salzburg,
Austria. According to Ru Mills, the alchemical quest of the
Middle Ages, where some were supposed to have knowledge on how to
transmute base metals into gold, was actually just another
subterfuge to disguise the real source for the sudden influx of
gold. The recovery of King Solomon's vast library would also
explain the leap in esoteric knowledge at that time. Dating from
about that time is also, according to Ms. Mills, a long-time
insider well-acquainted with covert machinations, the connection
of the Austrian Royal Family with the Knights Templar.
In 1938, Adolph Hitler and the National Socialists (Nazis)
"annexed" Austria -- the *Anchluss*. It will mean "peace in our
time," exulted then-British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain,
regarding his betrayal of Austria in promised return for
cessation of further Nazi land grabs in Europe. World War II
Nazi Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of their intelligence
organization, *Abwehr*, was also, says Ru Mills, then-head of the
Knights Templar. Admiral Canaris reportedly began taking plane
trips about twice a month to Spain, via Switzerland. In
Switzerland, Canaris unloaded what *seemed* to be gold bars into
Swiss bank vaults secretly registered to Hitler and the Nazis.
But according to Ru Mills, the supposed gold being unloaded in
Switzerland was really only cheap metal painted over with gold.
Reportedly the actual gold -- much of it from the Austrian
treasure trove -- travelled on to Spain. (For further
background, Ms. Mills suggests a book named, "The Canaris
The gold was kept in Spain, a nation then under the domination of
the Nazi-friendly dictator Francisco Franco, until the end of
World War II. Then the gold was reportedly smuggled out, by
submarines, to Paraguay. In this allegation there is some
corroboration: recall Conspiracy Nation Vol. 6 Num. 89 (CN 6.89)
where Trenton Parker also insists that Nazi gold was hidden in
Spain. Parker's scenario, however, has the gold staying in Spain
after World War II, then being converted into South African
Krugerands in the 1970s when Franco finally died. Ru Mills
explained the apparent discrepancy in accounts, but I forget
exactly how. (Stay tuned to Conspiracy Nation for updates.)
According to Ru Mills, in 1954 word leaked out that the gold was
hidden in Paraguay, so it had to be moved again. The horde was
taken to the Phillipines, where aboriginal natives were tricked
into believing it had been placed there by "Gods from the sky"
and that it was their duty to protect it. Certificates proving
ownership of the gold were also stashed in the Phillipines.
Forces in Austria wanted the gold back. It was feared, says Ru
Mills, that openly recovering the treasure might lead to claims
by Israel that the gold rightfully belonged to *them*; that it
originated *not* in King Solomon's Mines but rather from Jews
murdered by the Nazis in their death camps. Clearly, to get the
gold back to Austria, savvy intelligence-type operatives would be
Enter Gunther Russbacher. His father, claims Ru, was one of the
Canaris conspirators, connected to an attempted assassination of
Adolph Hitler. Karl Russbacher, Gunther's father, reportedly
faked his death in 1944 to avoid revenge from Hitler. In the
U.S. State Department, Cordell Hull is said to have hated "Wild
Bill" Donovan of the OSS -- forerunner of the CIA. When
President Roosevelt favored Donovan in that feud, Hull allegedly
created his own intelligence agency within the State Department,
known as "Consular Ops." Hull and his Consular Ops reportedly
assisted Karl Russbacher, helping smuggle him into the United
States after he faked his death. Later, at age 11, Ru Mills was
introduced to Gunther Russbacher, then aged 17. Since Ru Mills'
grandfather is linked to Cordell Hull, and Hull reportedly helped
Karl Russbacher's father enter America, was this youthful
introduction between young Gunther and Ru *arranged* for a
specific purpose, such as a planned eventual marriage between two
up-and-coming families?
One of shady-character Charles Hayes' girlfriends, known as "the
Revlon model," also, says Ms. Mills, just happens to be Gunther
Russbacher's half-sister. Hayes, you will recall from past
issues of CN, was convicted and sent to jail under suspicious
circumstances -- to say the least! And the *real* Gunther
Russbacher is God knows where at the moment. Is he the new
Director of Covert Ops for CIA, and a double is living with
"Jane?" (See CN 10.81 for background. "Jane," by the way, may
have had close contact with Father Malachi Martin, said by some
to have once headed Vatican intelligence.)
Listening to Ru Mills' narration brought to mind early
conversations I'd had with Sherman Skolnick: one thing would
lead to another until the situation seemed hopelessly
complicated. Yet I am confident that given time, slowly and
surely the picture will come into focus. At any rate, we now
have gold to be smuggled into Austria, Gunther Russbacher, and Ru
Mills who, she says, only gets bits and pieces of what goes on,
partly through tangential contact with the actual players
involved. The gold is and/or was said to be going through an
area north of Athens, Greece, on its way back to Austria. In
Greece, reportedly, a smelter is converting it into a more
easily-disguisable form.
Ru Mills speculated that Israel may be somewhat knowledgeable
about the recent history of the gold horde. If so, a deal may
have been worked out whereby that embattled nation gets a portion
of the gold and/or access to secret Swiss accounts.
Ru made a minor correction to my last report. According to her
fax source, August will be the *month* of the long knives, and
not the *night* of the long knives as I had erroneously reported.
Late-breaking news from the fax source is that the crash of
Flight 801 in Guam is the beginning of things to come, vis a vis
previous predictions of political upheaval in August and through
the Fall.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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