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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 10 Num. 74
("Quid coniuratio est?")
By Sherman H. Skolnick (with Brian F. Redman)
COKIE ROBERTS is the daughter of the late Rep. HALE BOGGS.
Hale Boggs expressed doubts about the Warren Commission
findings regarding the assassination of JFK, but daughter
Cokie, an apparent journalist, has no big problem with the
Warren Report. Cokie's brother is THOMAS H. BOGGS, JR. He
is of the law firm, Patton, Boggs, and Blow. Partner in
that law firm was RON BROWN, the late Commerce Secretary.
On the day Ron Brown died under suspicious circumstances,
Cokie's brother Thomas Boggs was himself the target of an
assassination attempt. WHAT DOES COKIE KNOW ABOUT IT???
[Editors note: Since 1963, Mr. Skolnick has been
founder/chairman of The Citizens' Committee To Clean Up The
Courts, probing judicial bribery and political murders. Updates
of their work are available (a regular phone call) at: (a)
recorded message, 773-731-1100; (b) office, 773-375-5741. Write
to 9800 S. Oglesby Ave., Chicago, IL 60617. Call before sending
Some reporters rise to the very top, by showing they can help
cover up political assassinations.
ITEM: Dan Rather, a relatively unknown reporter at the time, was
standing in the shadows under the Triple Overpass Bridge, near
Dealey Plaza in Dallas, awaiting the President Kennedy motorcade.
Rather later claimed he was there to hand some rolls of film to a
messenger. Right near where he was standing was a hidden storm
sewer, not discovered for 25 years after, from which one of the
assassins shot JFK from straight in front. Also right near Dan
Rather was the infamous Grassy Knoll where, from behind a picket
fence, another assassin, in co-ordinated military-style fire,
blew away the President.
The motorcade, after having slowed down for a hairpin turn,
passed right under Rather's nose. He was the only one on the
planet to rightaway be able to look right close-up into the
murder car, to confirm for the military and CIA plotters that
Kennedy had been mortally wounded.
As a cover-up pay-off, Dan Rather was made CBS White House
correspondent, later their evening network news anchor face, paid
millions of dollars. He hosted a CBS faked up documentary
contending JFK and Dr. King were murdered by lone assassins.
ITEM: Congressman Hale Boggs, of Louisiana, sat on the Warren
Commission, which concluded that President Kennedy was slain by a
lone assassin, that there was no conspiracy. Later, in 1971 and
'72, Boggs began grumbling that the Warren Report was false and
more, that J. Edgar Hoover's FBI not only helped cover up the JFK
murder but blackmailed Congress with massive wire-tapping and
spying. {1} Boggs fingered Warren Commission staff member Arlen
Specter as a major cover-up artist. For the Warren Report,
Specter created the fake scenario of "the magic bullet," to frame
the dead Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA patsy, as the lone assassin
-- a single bullet that supposedly mortally wounded JFK and went
on to severely wound John Connally, yet the bullet emerged still
in pristine condition. (Specter later became U.S. Senator from
Pennsylvania, with the aid of CIA.)
Boggs knew that Richard M. Nixon was in or near Dallas from
several days before the JFK murder to late that day, Nixon being
part of the military and CIA planning group. (To supervise the
assassination, the group met on the nearby ranch of Nixon's
crony, Clint Murchison the oil man, as described in the book
"Farewell America," written under the pen-name James Hepburn, and
published about 1969 in Europe, in English and 14 other languages
-- a best-seller in Europe but suppressed in the U.S. In the
appendix of the book is the only known list of secret JFK
political assassination documents, implicating the CIA, in the
National Archives.)
In 1972, a month before Nixon was re-elected President,
Congressman Boggs' plane disappeared on a flight to Alaska.
Privately, investigators later said the plane was found, but the
monopoly press, the military, and the CIA publicly proclaimed the
plane could not be located. CONGRESSMAN BOGGS' DAUGHTER, COKIE
ROBERTS, was a lowly-paid mouthpiece for National Public Radio,
supervised by the Rockefellers. (John D. Rockefeller IV's wife
once headed NPR.) In an interview on the radio (5/21/93), Cokie
Roberts said she and her mother Corrine (Lindy) Boggs, who later
took her husband's seat in Congress, went to Alaska and figured
out Hale Boggs' plane must be at the bottom of the sea and were
troubled by the statements of "conspiracy theorists."
Cokie Roberts once made the false statement that her late
father believed Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin and that
she believed it also. With Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" escalating
talk of conspiracy, Cokie was paid off by being made top dog of
ABC Network's Sunday morning one-hour political cover-up show.
Cokie Roberts' brother, Thomas H. Boggs, Jr., is part of a
highly corrupt group of lawyer/lobbyists, Patton, Boggs, and
Blow. His partner in the firm was Ron Brown, once a top honcho
of the Democratic National Committee. Ron Brown was known as
"THE COLLECTOR," chief blackmailer and extortionist for Bill
Clinton. Facing imminent federal criminal bribery charges, Ron
Brown, in April, 1996, as Secretary of Commerce, died in a plane
crash in Croatia. Some claim it was sabotage. At the time of
the crash, Cokie's brother, Thomas H. Boggs, Jr., Brown's
partner, was himself the target of an assassination attempt.
Boggs' firm fronts for Guatemalan big businessmen who, on behalf
of the American CIA, supervise "death squads" murdering
dissidents. {2}
Prior to his last plane flight, Ron Brown confided to his
business partners that when he is prosecuted he intended to
finger Bill and Hillary Clinton as part of the bribery schemes.
But dead men are not prosecuted and don't talk.
ITEM: During his 1988 primary election bid for President, Al
Gore said, if elected, he intended to get to the bottom of who
assassinated President Kennedy, which would have to include the
CIA. Now, Cokie Roberts and Dan Rather are part of a team sworn
to blow a hole in the line of succession to the presidency, by
falsely scandalizing Al Gore. This, so that their man, John D.
Rockefeller IV, calling himself "Jay" to be cute, could become
President without an election.
Apparently, the secret agenda now is that Clinton will not be
forced out by scandal and threats of impeachment, until Al Gore
is first removed and Jay Rockefeller inserted as Vice President.
Then, upon the downfall of Clinton, Jay Rockefeller becomes
President without an election. If Al Gore does not "go quietly,"
will he be the target of political assassination? Some contend
that Cokie Roberts' brother, Thomas H. Boggs, Jr., and his
confederates, are part of a dirty scheme to falsely accuse Al
Gore of various offenses of which Clinton himself is primarily
---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
{1} Regarding Congressman Boggs' doubts about the Warren
Commission: see the Oliver Stone movie, "JFK." In that film,
District Attorney Jim Garrison chats, while on a commercial
airliner, with a certain congressman (portraying Rep. Hale
Boggs.) That congressman voices skepticism to Garrison about the
Warren Report, saying, "That dog won't hunt."
{2} From *The Wall Street Journal*, 3/23/82, "The Power Brokers":
It is hardly a secret, for instance, that the firm's
[Patton, Boggs, and Blow's] foreign clients -- including
retainers of $100,000 a year from the government of Oman
and $60,000 from Amigos del Pais, the Guatemalan business
group -- are based on political connections...
...[Patton, Boggs, and Blow's] lobbying operations have a
distinctly bipartisan coloration. The Democratic side is
led by Mr. Boggs, former Congressman O'Hara, former Sen.
William Hathaway of Maine and Ronald Brown, a former deputy
chairman of the Democratic National Committee and a top
adviser to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's 1980 presidential
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