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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 36
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Conspiracy Nation Brings You....
News You Can Use
The following was handed to me by a mysterious stranger who did
not say her name.
News Release 10/1/96
The following information was secreted out of Lake County
(Florida) jail by a sympathetic official who is appalled at
the situation.
Dois "Chip" Tatum, who months ago came forward and exposed
extensive involvement of the United States government and
officials including Clinton, Bush and North in Central
American drugs schemes, now finds himself mysteriously in
incommunicado lockdown at this out-of-the-way facility
[apparently Atlanta] for a federal inmate. Tatum and wife
were federally charged, and guessed guilty at a trial in
which classified defense evidence was suppressed by a
federal judge, of a nebulous and discrediting white collar
wrongdoing only after he blew the whistle.
Moreover, this latest muffling of Tatum's voice, not
coincidentally until after election time, comes following
his doing radio broadcasts and newspaper releases
(including Tampa Tribune) from a Tampa jail, and Internet
releases, and immediately following the recent
corroborating exposes by the San Jose Mercury News and a
research professor from the University of Maryland.
Watergate and all subsequent "gates" pale alongside this
breaking revelation!
Update, 10/3/96: They had Chip moving. He was taken by
the Marshals on Tuesday, 10/1, and I found him in Atlanta.
They won't tell me where he's going or an ETA [Estimated
Time of Arrival].
(signed) Nancy Tatum
Speaking of drugs, some foreign newspapers are connecting the
dots as to the recent San Jose Mercury News expose on the
CIA-crack cocaine scandal. Screaming headlines from around the
globe are wondering, for example, "Bush, supercapo del
narcotrafico?" ("Bush, drug kingpin?") Let's hope wife "Babs"
Bush doesn't read Spanish, hey George?
Here in the U.S., conjecture (at least open conjecture) goes only
so far as Oliver North.
"Say 150 Witnesses Saw Missile Near TWA Flight 800"
"Citing high-level federal officials, the New York Post reported
Sept. 22 that the FBI has interviewed 154 credible witnesses who
described seeing a missile in the sky just before TWA Flight 800
exploded. The witnesses included scientists, schoolteachers,
Army personnel, and business executives. 'Some of these people
are extremely, extremely credible,' the Post quotes a 'top
federal official' as saying."
"The FBI sat many of the witnesses down with U.S. military
experts, who debriefed them and independently confirmed for the
FBI that their descriptions matched surface-to-air missile
attacks. 'There is no event on land or in the sky that can
explain away what these people saw,' said the federal official."
"The law-enforcement sources said the hardest evidence so far
suggests a surface-to-air missile was fired from a boat off the
Long Island coast." [New Federalist, 9/30/96]
More Americans than ever are living off their credit cards. As
of June 30, 1996, Americans owed $454 billion in credit card
debt, up $72 billion (or 18.8 percent) since the same time last
year. Cash-poor Americans are now increasingly purchasing even
their groceries on credit, and bankruptcies are reaching record
levels. Not to worry, though: Bill Clinton says, "'conomy
On the March: Toward Slavery. Latest trend is, why bring the
factory to the Mexican when you can bring the Mexican to the
factory? Mexicans are being recruited by corporate employers
down south of the border, then shipped up north to jobs in the
U.S. These workers are poorly paid and worked hard, but they know
they'd better not squawk: If they say "Union," the boss can say
"Migra" -- short for "immigration," as in, "Where is your green
Corporate honchos importing Mexican workers get an added benefit:
schooling, health care, etc. for their employees and their
families gets paid for by U.S. taxpayers. And if the taxpayers
squawk, bought-off intellectuals appear on the TV and say,
Meanwhile, most Americans endure a declining standard of living
-- perhaps in part because they compete for wages with illegal
immigrants. Corporate P.R. says, "Only immigrants will accept
these jobs." But if the immigrants weren't taking the jobs, the
jobs would pay better and Americans *would* take them.
In New York City, meanwhile, 500 Metropolitan Transit Authority
jobs are to be eliminated, by attrition. These union workers
will be replaced by semi-slaves, forced to handle menial tasks if
they want their welfare checks. And what about the 500 union
jobs that *someone* might have landed if not for this
development? Will those potential union employees now collect
welfare, and be forced to wash buses for the New York Transit
Not widely reported here in the U.S. has been the Belgian
pedophile scandal, with police and judicial authorities now being
arrested. The Belgian pedophile network is being tied directly
to international circles, says New Federalist (9/30/96). One
British arms dealer has told New Federalist that he expects the
scandal to spread to Great Britain. Could the network have U.S.
connections? Readers of *The Franklin Cover-Up* and *Trance
Formation of America* know of evidence suggesting even some U.S.
bigshots have peculiar ways of unwinding after a hard day of
A Roman Catholic newspaper alleged that the "highest circles of
power" in Mexico were behind the 1994 murder of ruling party
presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio. The newspaper,
*Nuevo Criterio*, an official publication of the Archdiocese of
Mexico City, said in an editorial that the murder was clearly a
plot and not the work of a lone gunman. [Spotlight, 10/7/96]
Thanks to a CN reader for sending a book by Budd Hopkins,
*Witnessed*, which covers the "UFO" phenomena. The back cover
carries a quote from the Houston Chronicle pointing to the human
race "being in for some large surprises by the year 2000." Why,
what a coincidence! The U.S. government itself has a "Goals
2000" plan, which coincides with the apparent "UFO 2000" plan! I
can see it now: "The 'Space Brothers' are your friends. Turn in
your guns to the 'Space Brothers.'"
The reader who kindly sent the book suggests that "the personal
encounters described in the book with 'aliens' will/have been
more widespread and involve multiple key people including
politicians, celebrities, military and religious figures from all
nations. They (the 'aliens') will never allow close scrutiny...
[Well-known celebrities, politicians, etc., will] tell us what is
on the mind of these 'aliens' and what they are doing and what we
are to do and expect."
I can see it now: Shirley MacLaine, Special Ambassador to the
"Space Brothers," will relay messages from the "Enlightened Ones
From Beyond the Stars." Special gimmicks will be utilized to
help razzle-dazzle the crowd. Dan Rather will go on CBS News
pumped up with Prozac and wearing a toga. "I am Trusted Rather.
All is well. Repeat: all is well."
Says Trusted Rather: "The 'Space Brothers' instruct that all
must lay down their weapons so Maximum Peace can bless the
planet. Then all are to congregate at the agreed location, there
to receive 'enlightenment.'"
Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those
of Conspiracy Nation, nor of its Editor in Chief.
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See also: http://www.europa.com/~johnlf/cn.html
See also: ftp.shout.net pub/users/bigred
Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9