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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 33
("Quid coniuratio est?")
[CN transcript of remarks by west coast researcher Dave Emory.]
So, again, he [Pottinger] is being investigated in
connection with... That is to say, W. Stanley Pottinger,
longtime paramour of Gloria Steinem (9 years, to be exact),
is being investigated in connection with an arms smuggling
case, which in turn is connected with a possible attempt to
seek the release of the American hostages in Iran in 1980.
It certainly isn't conclusive, obviously, because, first of
all, Pottinger's only being investigated in connection with
the case. But that his name should turn up at all... And
I understand from broadcast news reports on the subject
(there haven't been many in print), apparently his voice
was on wiretaps of the Hashemi's, the Iranians involved in
this arms smuggling scam and also the attempt to obtain the
release of the hostages from Iran.
Well, of course, arms smuggling is a major focus of
intelligence activity. And Iran, of course, has also been
a major focus of intelligence activity for many years. And
among the many people who crop up in connection with
attempts to obtain the release of the American hostages,
Frank Turpel(sp?) and former congressman John
Jenrette(sp?), who went out in the ABSCAM convictions, were
among the many names that crop up in connection with
various attempts to win the release of the hostages.
And of course that whole crisis, the Iranian hostage
crisis, in many ways is viewed by many people as having
brought President Reagan into power.
So, again, we have Gloria Steinem, associated with the
Independent Research Service, a documented CIA domestic
funding conduit. We have her making statements about the
"fact" that the CIA is a liberal and far-sighted
organization. And we have her attempts, through attorneys
and major stockholders in Ms. [magazine], to attempt to
suppress the information concerning her affiliation with
Independent Research Service. In addition, she's
9-years-involved with one of the Nixon/Ford
administration's Assistant Attorneys General, this one in
charge of civil rights, whose name crops up in connection
with a major arms smuggling scam. So, nothing conclusive,
but very interesting indeed.
That concludes the tape segment.
Now one of the things that's intriguing about Steinem's
association with Pottinger concerns the fact that Pottinger was
not only possibly involved in an arms smuggling scheme to Iran.
What is very intriguing is the fact that J. Stanley Pottinger was
involved, while working for the Nixon/Ford Justice Department,
not only in helping to block the investigation into the
assassination of Martin Luther King, but also in operating in
connection with former Director of Central Intelligence and
current Vice-President of the United States [1981-89] George Bush
in covering up the assassination of Orlando Letelier, a dissident
Chilean diplomat who was blown up (as many of you, I'm sure, here
know) in the middle of Washington, DC. Although U.S.
intelligence has disclaimed any involvement in that, that claim
has been destroyed by a number of different books. One of those
is an excellent book we've used before on this program. It's
called *Death In Washington*, co-authored by Donald Freed and
Fred Landis. It was published in hardcover by Lawrence Hill &
Co. and it was copyrighted 1980.
And of J. Stanley Pottinger's role in blocking the investigation
of Martin Luther King [assassination], when it began to lead in
the direction of the FBI, Freed and Landis write as follows in
*Death In Washington*:
At the Department of Justice, J. Stanley Pottinger and
Michael Shaheen(sp?) were working overtime to blunt the
charge that the Federal Bureau of Investigation might have
murdered Dr. King and certainly had not investigated the
Pottinger was not only involved in blunting the investigation
into the assassination of Martin Luther King, but he also was
involved in a milieu that helped block the investigation, not
only block the investigation into the assassination of Orlando
Letelier, but to deflect it into the direction of the Chilean
Some of the people involved in not only setting up the [Letelier]
assassination but covering it up are names that we've used here
before. The two names here, Frank Turpel and Edwin Wilson, are
going to be "front and center" here. Specifically, Frank Turpel
supposedly met with (according to this account here) James
Buckley, in New York City, shortly before the Letelier
assassination. And according to Landis and Freed, some of the
explosives used in the Letelier assassination were provided by
Edwin Wilson and Frank Turpel. Of course, we've looked at the
fact that Turpel and Wilson were by no means ex-CIA agents when
they worked with Moammar Khaddafi in Libya. And certainly, since
this took place before that, they were not ex-CIA agents at this
time too.
So what we have is, Turpel and Wilson, George Bush, and J.
Stanley Pottinger, as well as James Buckley (and later, William
F. Buckley), working not only to assassinate Orlando Letelier,
but to cover it up and deflect blame for the crime in the
direction of the Chilean left.
Again, reading from *Death In Washington* by Landis and Freed.
(The "Townley" referred to here was Michael Vernon Townley(sp?),
the man actually convicted, along with a couple of anti-Castro
Cubans, in performing the Letelier assassination.)
Townley met with Frank Turpel one week before the Letelier
murder, on the same day that he met with Senator James
Buckley and aides in New York City. The explosives, sent
into the United States on Chilean airlines, were to replace
explosives supplied by Edwin Wilson, according to a source
close to the office of U.S. Attorney Lawrence
Barchella(sp?), Jr. Barchella had worked with Eugene
Propper(sp?) on the Letelier/Moffit(sp?) case.
Each increment of American involvement in the crime leads
to the threshold question: What did George Bush and the
CIA know, and when did they know it? On October 4th, 1976,
Director of Central Intelligence Bush met with Eugene
Propper and J. Stanley Pottinger, and promised cooperation
in exchange for FBI caution in any national security
matters. Then, on November 8th, Bush flew to Miami on the
pretext of "a walking tour of Little Havana." Actually, he
met with FBI Special Agent in Charge Julius Matson(sp?) and
the chief of the Anti-Castro Terrorism Squad. According to
a source close to the meeting, Bush warned the FBI against
allowing the investigation to go any further than the
lowest-level Cubans. This was a secret meeting, but
publicly, Bush was selling headlines like, "Left Is Also
Suspect In Slaying Of Letelier," to Jeremiah O'Leary and
the Washington Star [newspaper].
And just the week before, on November 1st, the Washington
Post had quoted both Bush and Kissinger to the effect that
the [Chilean] Junta was not involved.
This is obstruction of justice, and misprision of a felony
at the least. Why would the Director of the American
Central Intelligence Agency violate the law in the
interests of the Chilean Junta?
Well I think that the reasons are fairly obvious, because of the
involvement of the CIA in installing and preserving that very
Junta are a matter of public record.
So again, Michael Vernon Townley cooperating not only with Frank
Turpel and Edwin Wilson on the actual assassination of Orlando
Letelier, but interestingly enough, he meets with Senator James
Buckley on the same day he meets with Frank Turpel. And both the
Buckleys were involved in helping to circulate the myth that the
Chilean left had been involved in killing Orlando Letelier.
[...to be continued...]
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