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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 14
("Quid coniuratio est?")
Allegations of Planned "Hit" on Terry Reed Corroborated
In the current book, *Boy Clinton*, by R. Emmett Tyrrell,
Jr., mention is made of how then-Arkansas State Trooper and
Clinton protege L.D. Brown was being brought into the CIA. With
help from then-Governor Bill Clinton, Brown was gradually
introduced into CIA covert operations.
Those familiar with legendary CIA figures will recognize the
name Felix Rodriguez, a.k.a. "Max Gomez." According to Tyrrell,
Clinton was in contact with Rodriguez and knew him at least
fairly well.
Brown began to have misgivings about a CIA career after
flying with the infamous Barry Seal to Central America. He
discovered that cocaine was being brought back on the return
flight. Upset by the discovery, he nonetheless was persuaded to
embark on a new operation, urged on in part by Rodriguez.
Brown was sent to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to carry out an
assassination plan. He flew there on June 18, 1986 and there was
given an "FN Light Automatic Rifle," commonly referred to as an
Brown went to the Hotel Playa Conchas Chinas on the morning
of June 21st. But when his prospective target was pointed out to
him, Brown had a change of heart and did not carry out the
According to Tyrrell's book, Brown's prospective victim was
none other than Terry Reed, co-author, with John Cummings, of the
best-selling book, *Compromised*.
My thanks to Mr. Cummings for pointing out to me
corroboration for Tyrrell's and Brown's allegations which can be
found in the aforementioned book, *Compromised*, in the chapter
entitled "Escape from Freedom." Therein the reader will find
that Reed was indeed in Puerto Vallarta on June 21, 1986 where he
had a pre-arranged meeting with a shady character named Mitch
Marr. It appears that Marr, either knowingly or not, was there
to help set up target Reed for L.D. Brown. Marr helped position
Reed at an oceanside bar and, with endless talk, kept him there
that morning.
Marr was to have met Reed again that evening, but
suspiciously did not keep the engagement. Marr met again with
Reed the next morning.
Don't Mess With Bill
Patricia Mendoza, arrested for "disorderly conduct" when she
dared to shout at Bill Clinton, "You suck," describes herself and
her husband as boring people. "We own a station wagon. We're
very boring people," she reportedly says.
But since she dared to "diss" Brother Bill, she has been
locked up for 14 hours, subpoenaed by the SS (Secret Service),
and has received a letter from the IRS saying basically,
according to the Washington Times National Weekly Edition
(9/8/96), "We're going to take your house."
She is said to be frightened that her children will be taken
away from her. "I didn't let my kids out of my sight for a month
and a half," she is quoted as saying. "I thought they were going
to take my kids."
What's next? Will Lord Clinton declare her hometown, the
Chicago suburb of Westchester, a "no-fly zone?"
United Nations Drug Smugglers
According to The Spotlight (9/9/96), "Bosnian police
officials and U.S. officers in the U.N. mission have linked
senior U.N. police force officials in Bosnia with corrupt
practices including drug smuggling."
Mexico To Explode By December 1st?
Lyndon LaRouche blames International Monetary Fund policies
for "mass murder" which "could have the whole hemisphere in
flames within the next two months." He warns that "Mexico is
going to blow up before December 1st."
According to Gretchen Small, writing in *The New Federalist*
("Mexico Could Blow Up by Dec. 1," 9/2/96), Mexico faces
"imminent physical and economic disintegration." She claims that
"Foreign-run narcoterrorist armies, masquerading as 'defenders of
the poor and the Indians,' are proliferating."
Justice Department Boosts Prison Labor
Also in the same issue of *The New Federalist*:
"In a new publication titled, 'Work in American Prisons:
Joint Ventures with the Private Sector,' the U.S. Department of
Justice issued a blanket endorsement and promotion of 'private
sector' firms opening up industry in America's booming prisons.
The 15-page pamphlet reads like a glossy promotional, encouraging
companies to use prison labor because 'inmates represent a
readily available and dependable source of entry-level labor that
is a cost-effective alternative to work forces found in Mexico,
the Caribbean Basin, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Rim
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9