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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 92
("Quid coniuratio est?")
"Big news" now is that there is a new, high-purity type of heroin
being sold. Warns CNN: "With this high-purity heroin, needles
are unnecessary."
Yet Chicago investigator and regular contributor to "Conspiracy
Nation," Sherman Skolnick, has been *screaming* about the
high-purity heroin problem for years! Here are some excerpts
from past issues, with approximate dates of publication:
CN 2.45 (10/14/94):
Over a period of years, the dope center has been moved to Joliet,
just south of Chicago! Brought in here, in great quantities, is
a superior narcotic known as "China white". It comes in by
barges up the waterway from New Orleans, up the Des Plaines
river, past Moose Island. *And*, also into the airports in
Joliet, and the Chicago suburbs of Lansing and Prospect Heights.
CN 2.83 (11/16/94):
[Sherman Skolnick was interviewed on *Radio Free America*
(Shortwave, 5.065 MHz, mon-fri, 9 pm cst) on October 20, 1994. ]
...reasons of (quote) "national security" (unquote). Because
what was being brought in, in large quantities, flooding in
through Joliet and then being distributed across the country, was
a superior narcotic called "China White". It comes from the
Laos, Burma, Thailand, "Golden Triangle" connection. And the
supposed explanation by the espionage agencies was that
high-level members of the Chinese secret police are operating in
the United States as scientists and technicians, and that the
espionage agencies have got to stop the Treasury from interfering
and investigating this because, for reasons of national security,
they want to keep track of these people -- even though they're
bringing in dope!
CN 3.03 (11/28/94):
Now the Golden Triangle produces the very high class, high purity
narcotic -- "China White", it's called. And it goes for a very
high price, because it can be cut down and so on in laboratories.
And basically, what was gonna happen is, the NSA and the CIA
leaned on the Treasury [Department] unit and says, "You must not
continue to investigate, because it's 'national security'." But
they *continued* to investigate, and that led to a break between
the Justice Department and the Treasury [Department].
CN 3.31 (12/30/94):
[Tom Valentine's guest on *Radio Free America* (Shortwave, 5.065
MHz, mon-fri, 9 pm cst) on November 30, 1994 was independent
researcher and founder of the Citizens Committee to Clean-up the
Courts, Sherman Skolnick.]
No, no, no, no, no. We... As I explained on a previous program,
there was a Treasury [Department] unit investigating this dope
smuggling since '83. Because it's a foreign thing, involving
some espionage people bringing in "China White" (which is a very
pure opium; it's high-purity), that the CIA and other espionage
groups, the NSA and others, wanted... they didn't want it checked
out! So the Treasury Department had compiled, in their unit,
about 30,000 pages of surveillance reports. And they got very
upset and (when they tried to shut down their operation) they
turned it over to a private investigator. (And you can figure
out who *that* might be.)
CN 3.64 (1/24/95):
This comes in the wake of our exclusive stories, on cable TV,
about "China White", the high-purity heroin flooding into the
United States by way of Joliet, just south of Chicago.
CN 4.13 (2/26/95):
ITEM: In November '94, on our cable TV show, we did an exclusive
one-hour presentation on "The CIA and the Dope Business",
relating to "China White", the high-purity narcotic flooding into
the united States by way of Joliet, just south of Chicago. The
dope smuggling is reportedly orchestrated by Rockefeller's long-
time agent, Jim Thompson [a.k.a. "Big Jim"], former Illinois
Governor and later, chairman of the worldwide law factory called
"Winston & Strawn".
CN 5.60 (7/19/95):
By 1986, the First National Bank of Chicago (a Rockefeller
entity) had loaned billions and billions of dollars to mainland
China which reneged on their promises to pay back in gold. To
help China pay, the CIA and the Bank arranged for massive amounts
of "China White", high purity heroin, to be smuggled in through
Joliet, just south of Chicago. Supervising this was Bush's
crony, Jim Thompson, Illinois Governor until 1990.
CN 6.04 (9/12/95):
A public access cable TV show in Chicago (run by this writer)
fingered Household as the reputed money laundry for "CHINA
WHITE", high purity heroin now flooding the U.S., smuggled into
the U.S. through Joliet, just south of Chicago. (The DEA and
Justice Department bosses -- including Mark Prosperi, head of the
Organized Crime Drug Task Force -- confronted on this by this
writer, have planted misleading stories that "China White" is
being smuggled into the Chicago area by Nigerians.)
So why is it that now, for some reason, the news media have
"discovered" the new, high-purity heroin problem? It can be
assumed that massive "news" organizations must have known about
it for at least as long as Mr. Skolnick, so what makes it a
"news" story at *this* particular time?
One key is that *not* being widely reported is the heroin
addiction problem amongst Wall Street finance types. The
newspaper USA Today had a story on this aspect of the problem
within the last few months, yet now the surge in heroin use is
being covered with focus of "troubled teens." Why is the Wall
Street aspect being ignored?
Why now? Here we move toward theory. (We *must* theorize
because the true story is routinely withheld!) My two theories
1) Election season. Big panic created about "we must save our
children from this menace." How (by the way) can Clinton, with
drug abuse tolerated *even* *in* *the* *hallowed* *White*
*House*, lead our nation in the noble crusade to protect our
2) More repression. As noted, the widespread heroin abuse
problem amongst Wall Street types is being underplayed in the
"news" media. Why? Possible answer: Who cares about "saving"
and "protecting" Wall Street yuppies? But the human species *is*
protective of its young. So, will we next see a crusade that "we
must save our kids from heroin," with even further "war on drugs"
Contacted this morning (August 21, 1996) and asked "Why is this a
story *now*, since this thing has been covered for years now,"
Mr. Skolnick opined: "It's a story now, for politics. They want
to blame Clinton for the increase in dope. He *has* cut back,
severely, the DEA. It's primarily politics."
Final note from Conspiracy Nation: Heroin *is* a dangerous drug,
even if smoked. Also, if you give your money to drug dealers, it
gets washed by bankers and the profit goes to yuppie scumbags.
Also, if you use illegal drugs you help justify government
repression under the guise of "saving us" from drugs. Bottom
line: Not necessarily for *their* reasons but for *your*
reasons, don't do drugs.
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of Conspiracy Nation, nor of its Editor in Chief.
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