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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 66
("Quid coniuratio est?")
By Sherman H. Skolnick
How do you get on the Clinton White House "enemies list?"
#1. Be on the cutting edge of investigating the apparent murder
of Clinton White House deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr. Say
that Foster, prior to his White House role and even while there,
secretly had the equivalent rank of general, in the super-secret
National Security Agency. And that Foster played a key part in a
clandestine project of spying on banks worldwide, both of friends
and foes. Part of a reported project by a reputed NSA
proprietary, Systematics, headquartered in Little Rock.
And while you are at it, say that Foster was the mysterious
Mr. X or Mr. Y in the Jonathan Pollard spy mess. And that Foster
arranged for Pollard, a low-level naval analyst, to get nuclear
missile tracking secrets to give to a foreign power. That Foster
did this on behalf of then vice president George Bush and Caspar
Weinberger, Secretary of Defense in the Reagan administration.
The foreign power, Israel, was owed a favor by Bush for their
role in aiding Bush in the "October Surprise," delaying the
release of the U.S. hostages in Iran so as to wreck Jimmy
Carter's bid for re-election as president and to put in the
Reagan/Bush ticket. (Israel was the go-between for U.S. weapons
to Iran, and Iran delayed release of the hostages until a few
minutes after Reagan's inauguration as president, 1981.)
Also, while you are at it, announce publicly that Bill and
Hillary Clinton covered up the Foster murder.
#2. Also to get yourself on the "enemies list," be about the
only ones digging into the secret transfer from Chicago to Little
Rock of 50 million dollars of federal funds -- used to cover up
the embezzlement of an Arkansas Savings & Loan (Madison Guaranty
S&L), for which Bill and Hillary Clinton can be put in jail.
And while you are at it, file an IRS form 211, Application
for Reward, for turning in the President and the First Lady for
massive tax evasion involving the 50 million dollars and much
#3. Talk publicly about how the records of Bill and Hillary's
high crimes have been covered up by the Acting Inspector General
of the U.S. Treasury Department, Robert Cesca, described by law
enforcement sources as the highest ranking mafia representative
in the U.S. government.
#4. And further, while you are at it, obtain, in the presence of
a witness, the confession of Hillary's close crony, attorney John
E. Gierum, from the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge (where Hillary
is from) -- that Bill and Hillary are trying to frame Gierum for
the secret transfer of the 50 million dollars of federal funds --
of which Gierum has been a part -- and admitting and confessing
that the high crimes you talk about are all true.
#5. And talk publicly about the IRS document, signed by an IRS
official, that in regard to your claim for reward for turning in
Bill and Hillary on the 50 million dollars, that "recovery was
too small to warrant payment of reward." And that apparent IRS
high-level corruption blocked your form 211 Application for
Also, offer and give the details publicly of the confession
of an important IRS official of high level corruption of her top
bosses -- the confession of the one speaking for the Acting Chief
of the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS in Chicago.
Details including how the IRS bosses stole millions of dollars of
property for their own personal benefit; properties rightfully
belonging to Joseph Andreuccetti, a Chicago-area caulking
contractor. Details how U.S. Bankruptcy Court trustees in
Chicago are permitted to file false and fraudulent tax returns by
way of screwing debtors being plundered in the Bankruptcy Court.
How the Chief Judge of that Court, John D. Schwartz, has a
reputed net worth of 140 million dollars offshore, and is being
blackmailed by the IRS and others to promote IRS corruption and
that Judge Schwartz has not filed a proper income tax return in
30 years.
#6. And talk publicly how a federal prosecutor in Chicago,
William R. Hogan, Jr., accused of misconduct in prosecuting
narco-terrorist street criminals, counter-attacks the Clinton
Justice Department -- his bosses -- by saying the Justice
Department is covering up evidence, known to them, that six
federal judges in Chicago take bribes, including Chief Bankruptcy
Judge John D. Schwartz.
And if you talk about such things on a public access cable TV
show, of which you are the moderator; and on a recorded phone
commentary; and post your comments on Internet, worldwide -- WHAT
Well, Hillary Rodham Clinton will arrange to privately tell state
and federal officials, including judges in your part of the
country, that you are a domestic terrorist and that your
constitutional rights are to be cancelled as an "enemy of the
state." In fact, a federal judge will blurt it out in Court.
And then Hillary will send in a Justice Department official to
threaten you, in the presence of your friends, in the hallway of
the Chicago federal courthouse -- that if you don't stop
investigating Hillary and related items, terrible things will
happen to you.
And Hillary will fly into Chicago and go on the Oprah Winfrey
Show, distributed nationwide, and describe you as an evil person
and that YOUR cable TV show should be blocked. And Hillary will
arrange with her White House consultant, Amy Zisook and her
brother Mark, to get into your private residence and spy on you
while pretending that Mark Zisook is an insurance agent.
Maybe you figured it out already -- this is just a small sample
of what happened to me and an associate of mine, Joseph
Andreuccetti who helps with our cable TV show.
On July 18, 1996, I and Mr. Andreuccetti filed a lawsuit, No. 96
C 4373, in Chicago Federal District Court, against Hillary Rodham
Clinton, the Justice Department official, Amy and Mark Zisook,
two IRS officials, and John E. Gierum, who are part of a dirty
scheme to interfere with our constitutional rights, such as
Freedom of the Press. Although Hillary has an office in the
White House, the suit points out, she has no actual authority,
constitutional or statutory, to do such things. The U.S.
Constitution, Article I, Section 9, clause 3, outlaws a Bill of
Attainder, that is, to falsely label us as domestic terrorists
and "enemies of the state," without any Due Process of Law.
We do not think we can get a fair hearing at the hands of the
Chicago Federal Judges who we have publicly accused of bribery
and corruption. You can, if you wish, get a complete copy of our
lawsuit, with attached documents, by sending fifteen dollars to
Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 So. Oglesby
Ave., Chicago, IL 60617-4870. The lawsuit with the documents
attached is lengthy and highly detailed.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Mr. Skolnick, since 1963, has been founder/chairman of a
public-interest group, CITIZENS' COMMITTEE TO CLEAN UP THE
COURTS, researching and disclosing certain instances of judicial
corruption and political murders. Since 1971, as editor of
updates of the group's work, called HOTLINE NEWS, a 5-minute
recorded phone message, changed several times per week -- a
regular phone call -- (312) 731-1100. Since 1991, a regular
participant, now moderator, of a popular, public access cable TV
program, called "Broadsides", in Chicago and suburbs -- on most
every Monday evening in Chicago, on Channel 21 cable, 9 p.m.,
available to some 400,000 households. His comments appear on
Internet on several websites; archives of his stories can be
pulled up and printed out. Also, on Internet, his stories appear
on some five categories of news groups, such as
alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater and alt.activism. Office
(8 a.m. to midnight, 7 days): (312) 375-5741. 9800 So. Oglesby
Avenue, Chicago, IL 60617-4870. Call before sending FAX. (After
October 12, 1996, AREA CODE changes to 773.)
A few highlights of the group's work: Caused the biggest bribery
scandal in U.S. history, the collapse of the Illinois Supreme
Court, 1969. Investigation of the sabotaged Watergate plane
crash, 1972-73. 12 Watergate figures perished including Mrs. E.
Howard Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar. One of the first to
comment on the Vice President Spiro Agnew bribery mess, resulting
in his downfall, 1973. Investigation and disclosure causing the
jailing for bribery of the highest level sitting federal judge in
American history, Chicago Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner, Jr.,
1973. Touching off "Operation Greylord," in which 20 local
judges and 40 lawyers jailed for bribery, 1983-1993.
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Want to know more about Whitewater, Oklahoma City bombing, etc?
(1) telnet prairienet.org (2) logon as "visitor" (3) go citcom
See also: http://www.europa.com/~johnlf/cn.html
See also: ftp.shout.net pub/users/bigred
Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9