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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 54
("Quid coniuratio est?")
I tuned in the shortwave 5.065 Mhz, Monday, 7 pm CST (also on
Wednesdays and Thursdays), Mark Koernke radio show. Here is a
brief summary. (Note that I am not always sure who was doing the
speaking, Koernke, his guest, or the co-host.)
First qualifying what was to follow by saying that TWA 800 is "a
crash situation" and "that's about all we can say for it so far,"
Koernke then added, "but we obviously have other information
that's been 'going down the pike.'" As always, the mature
audience is assumed to be able to think for themselves.
GUEST: I think one of the things that's been most
interesting, Mark and John, is I had a nuclear launch
commander by the name of "Swamp Fox" on my program about a
month ago. And he, when I asked him, "What should people
be looking for?" he called this one. He said, "Look for a
major plane to be blown up, a major airliner to be blown
up. People think that this will be the next, if you will,
'step,' in the unfolding scenario.
The guest went on to add that, in the last two hours, he had
received some telephone calls. "One was from a gentleman who has
*really* strong Pentagon ties. He's claiming that the black
boxes were *found* off of TWA 800 at 11-and-a-half hours after
the accident."
Replied one of the co-hosts, "That makes sense. Because you keep
hearing on the mainline news, 'Where's the ping? Where's the
ping?' Because those things have ELTs built into them --
Electronic Locating Transmitters. And the *other* situation
that's interesting is, all of the talk of eyewitnesses of, if you
will, 'missiles,' in the vicinity -- I'm not saying 'missiles'
plural, but descriptions of a missile being fired."
Suppose, indeed, that the official story solidifies into "the
black boxes were 'never found,'" -- how can we know that for
sure? Added one of those on the broadcast, "It's like the
government making a whole building disappear because they don't
want anybody to evaluate the bomb blast. If they can make a
whole building disappear [i.e. Murrah Building], bury it, and
put guards on it, I don't think it's any big deal to carry away
an ELT [i.e. 'black box']."
The co-host went on to add that "Now people don't understand that
'infamous military vehicles' -- meaning helicopters, etc. --
have ECM capabilities, Electronic Counter Measures. And that's
what would have been the most likely, if you will, 'source of
jamming,' so that there would be no radar signature of that in
the area."
Does the co-host mean to suggest that evidence of a possible
missile attack was purposefully masked by mysterious "black
helicopters," utilizing sophisticated electronic jamming? That
wasn't clear to me.
One of the co-hosts again advanced the idea of government spin
doctors "rising to the occasion," including Clinton himself, who
urged caution and avoidance of a rush to judgement. That is
quite out of character for William J., who usually has no qualms
about immediately lashing out and muddying the waters. Was the
"urge for calm" a tactic to delay hard questions? Or was Clinton
actually being quite sensible in this request, with no ulterior
One of those on the show further suggested the possibility of an
"internal terrorist," a "rogue element within the government,"
that could be "trying, if you will, to initiate a major event."
Or, he added, it could possibly be international terrorists, but
controlled by the rogue element. "The key is that this is going
to, if you will, 'follow suit,' and we can look for more and more
events now."
This editor perceives that the New World Order gang is becoming
increasingly desperate as the public awakens from its sleep.
According to one of those on the broadcast of July 22, 1996,
"They're in their 'second wave.' This is the final wave of flat
out demonization. If they don't move quickly, the
'contamination' [of people waking up from past brainwashing] will
Koernke says that younger people are the special target now, for
winning hearts and minds. "We are going to have to concentrate
on what the enemy calls 'Generation X.'" The State, through
massive "education," exerts never before seen influence over
impressionable younger minds. Koernke urged that activists not
ignore the influential younger generation.
Koernke echoes this editor's opinion of the mainstream media
serving as a sort of "negative barometer," inadvertantly
providing clues as to what is really happening. People he has
spoken to "have *no* confidence in the press, do not believe what
the press is printing," yet, paradoxically, the press serves as
sort of a "litmus" for sophisticated observers. Tune in and see
what lies they are peddling and that can provide a clue as to
what the elites are up to.
Prognosis? The New World Order crowd is "going to become
outrageous, because they've *failed*. What happens is, as each
task fails or does not become complete, they have to go a greater
strain in the hopes that they'll succeed. It's kind of like the
gambler's sickness."
Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those
of Conspiracy Nation, nor of its Editor in Chief.
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9