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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 48
("Quid coniuratio est?")
With this issue Conspiracy Nation is pleased to introduce a new
contributor: The Rumor Mill News Service, edited by "RU". The
following, from what I can tell, appears to be RUMOR ONLY. What
is more, I have NO IDEA who the author is; I received the
following anonymously, with the promise of "more to come".
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News Flash
Direct From the RMN Agency
Two breaking stories crossed our desks this morning.
Hillary and Bill: Parents again?
The wire services flashed this breaking story around the world.
Hillary Clinton told Time Magazine that she and the President
want a second child and will talk seriously about adopting once
the election is over.
Our sources, always skeptical of any sweeter than sweet news
coming out of the White House, decided to delve deeper into this
story to find the real news.
The truth behind these deceptively sweet headlines is stranger
than fiction. Bear with us as we try to give you the background
to help you understand the latest attempt from the White House to
make the First Lady and her husband appear like the everyday
loving couple across the street.... in this case, a heavily
barricaded street.
One must travel back in time to the college days of Bill and
Hillary. A time when both were recruited by elements of the CIA.
The pairing was strictly political, she was the brains and he was
the likeable trained parrot who could shift his daily rhetoric as
easily as a chameleon changes colors. She was promised power, he
was promised anything he could get. The pairing worked well and
the first couple from Arkansas easily won the White House.
Things started going downhill for them when they realized that
while they were in Arkansas, no one in the rest of the world
really cared what they did. They tried to bring their modus
operandi into the White House, and quickly discovered that the
brains behind the parrot could not continue to wield her
conspicuous power. Her revision of the health care system
exploded in her face. She had to retreat to the kitchen for
Then the Whitewater hearings brought more criticism on her when
her billing records mysteriously turned up after being subpoenaed
for over two years. After testing, the records showed her
fingerprints and Vince Foster's. More criticism was leveled at
her when it was discovered that she was the one who had ordered
the firing of the White House Travel Office, and was probably the
one who ordered the investigation by the Justice Department which
was supposed to prove that the head of the White House Travel
Office was guilty of theft and fraud. Instead, it proved that he
was innocent, but it cost him everything he and his wife had,
just to pay the legal bills. At about the same time, the First
Lady released a book about how to raise children: "It Takes a
Village....". Following close on the heels of the release of
this book, she made history by becoming the first First Lady to
be called before a Grand Jury.
To many in the know inside the Beltway, it looked as if her star
was rapidly sinking. But would she bring down the President as
well? Now this is where the story gets stranger than fiction and
we have to ask your indulgence as we begin to weave the threads
that will eventually bring you to the understanding of why the
first lady needs an heir... preferably a male heir... one named
William Jefferson Clinton, Jr.
The President and his wife were 15 years old when their hero was
murdered. His death shaped their future and sealed their
destinies. President Clinton has invoked the memory of JFK more
than once to bring himself closer to the generation that revered
the slain President.
JFK was cut down while he was still immensely popular. There
were many right wing groups who were openly threatening war,
revolution, impeachment and even assassination in order to rid
themselves of what they considered the worst President ever.
While this loud revolution was fomenting, another, quiet and more
deadly revolution was simmering.
Within the Federal Reserve, blood pressures were rising as
President Kennedy began to issue United States Treasury notes.
Kennedy knew that to defeat the Entrenched Eastcoast
Establishment he had to kill their cash cow. He had to abolish
the Federal Reserve and take the control of the United States out
of the hands of international bankers. There were no altruistic
reasons for this. Kennedy knew full well that to build his own
dynasty, he had to destroy the one that preceded his. He felt
himself to be the first President elected since the formation of
the Federal Reserve that did not work for it, and he knew that if
he were to be successful in placing a Kennedy Dynasty at the helm
of the United States of America, he had to put a stop to the open
spigot of money that flowed into the Federal Reserve stock
holders, their non-profit foundations and think tanks, and the
candidates that were spawned out of these think tanks.
Kennedy did not have a chance to implement his plan because he
underestimated the power of his enemy. If JFK had been
successful, he would have been the first of a long series of
Kennedy Presidents. He would have served 8 years, Bobbie would
have served 8 years and Ted would have served 8 years. Ted would
have retired in 1984, just in time for the second generation of
Kennedy clan to take over. And with all the senior Kennedy
statesmen still around as advisors and Ambassadors, the Camelot
dream would have lived forever. At least that was what Joe
Kennedy envisioned when he groomed his sons for the White House.
William Jefferson Clinton was moved to seek public service
because of his love for JFK. He patterned himself after his
fallen hero. The climate he created in Washington invokes
comparisons with JFK. In his mind he sees the comparisons as
favorable. He sees himself influencing a whole generation of
children in the same way that JFK influenced a whole generation,
and by doing so, insure that the Democratic party stays strong
for the next 20-30 years.
Other people do not see his similarity to JFK in such a positive
light. Others compare the mood of the conservatives to the mood
of the right wing at the time of JFK's assassination. The front
page of a major Texas newspaper called for his impeachment the
day he arrived in Dallas. There were many forces within
government that saw what Kennedy was doing to their hard won
power base. Many of these forces were in enemy camps, but they
knew that if they did not cooperate with each other, they would
soon all be out in the cold.
By removing Kennedy in the way they did, they created many
problems for themselves. His assassination made him a martyr.
It also made the Democratic party a force to be dealt with for
the next generation. It also created a clan of Kennedys who know
the truth and who are only biding their time to claim what is
rightfully theirs.
The martyr image was easily dealt with because the control of the
media was in the same hands as those who ordered the trigger to
be pulled. The image of the slain President could be manipulated
and created in any way that the powerbrokers wished. The young
hoardes of enthusiastic Democrats who followed their slain leader
into the halls of leadership could be easily molded with the help
of the think tanks that were fed with Federal Reserve money. The
Democratic party became the party of the Federal Reserve and
their think tanks. This isn't saying that the Republican party
doesn't have its traitors too, but true conservative
constitutionalists have always been in the Republican wings... at
least since the days of Barry Goldwater.
Bill Clinton and his wife rode to power on the unspoken promise
of restoring Camelot. Every chance he could, he invoked
Kennedy-esque mannerisms and speeches. He wanted the American
people to love him, just as they loved JFK. What he didn't
bargain for was the transference of the hate that certain
Americans felt for JFK.
Now that the background has been properly laid, let's lay out the
problems that face the President and his wife in regaining the
White House. Hillary Clinton is a liability to the President.
Whenever she exerts the brains that put Bill where he is, she is
jumped on by the conservatives and shown to be the power hungry
woman behind the parrot.
Now that Bill is firmly in power and has advisors surrounding him
that come from the hallowed halls of Federal Reserve think tanks,
such as the Brookings Institute, the Council on Foreign
Relations, etc., it is now viewed by his supporters that it might
be time for Hillary to fade away.... permanently. Just in time
for him to take a new wife and produce legitimate heirs to the
But wait... is this what's really behind the announcement that
the first couple wants a baby? Hold your breath because the
rollercoaster is nearing the top.
Bill and his advisors believe that Hillary is the problem. When
Ron Brown was threatening to take down the first couple if he was
indicted in the gas pipe line scandal, a convenient air crash
silenced him and the investigation. As one special prosecutor
was heard to say, "You can't indict a dead man, so we're wrapping
it up." By wrapping up the investigation into bribery and
payoffs in regards to the Oklahoma gas pipe line, the first
family's involvement was kept out of the newspapers.
The lesson learned by the Ron Brown crash must have really made
an impression on someone, because it was duplicated a short time
later to prevent former CIA Director William Colby from
testifying behind closed doors in a Senate subcommittee
investigating banking scandals stretching from the Nugan Hand
Bank in Australia, to Hillary's home town, and down into
Arkansas. "Gee whillakers, guys... do you think it could work
The scenario for Hillary's demise had been laid months ago.
Rumors have been fed into the rumor mill that she and Vince
Foster were lovers. DNA analysis of the hairs found in Vince
Foster's underwear show that they match Hillary's. Other
sources, rumored to be allied with the CIA, have published
articles stating that Hillary and Foster have been Mossad moles
within the National Security Agency for years. Foster is said to
have sold Israel the codes used by the President to launch
nuclear missiles. A rogue group within the CIA is said to have
uncovered Foster and his partner in the White House. According
to the same article, this group of Rogues drained the Swiss bank
accounts of Foster. All of this is supposed to make the public
think that Foster was just about to be exposed as an agent of a
foreign government. When Jonathan Pollard was discovered selling
secrets to the Israelis, he was sentenced to life in prison.
Could Foster expect any less? Not wanting to heap shame and ruin
upon his family, he chose the noble way out...
At least this is what the CIA-controlled rumor mills want the
public to believe. But just in case you don't believe that he
committed suicide, a murder scenario was also set in place which
traces his murder to a rogue unit within the CIA. At the time
that Foster was murdered, the suicide of Hillary was mapped out.
A believeable scenario has been set up in which the First Lady
commits suicide because she is despondent over the death of her
lover Vince Foster. The suicide drill has been run several times
already. The group which has been assigned to carry it out has
planned it down to the last detail. They are now running
"suicide drills" in all the various cities that the First Lady
visits in the course of her work as First Lady. The moment they
get the green light, they will be prepared, no matter where she
The moles in the White House work both ways. Some are double
moles, seemingly working for both sides in the White House, but
in reality working for an unseen hand. These moles have already
carried back to Hillary the President's plan to get rid of her so
that he can have some fun in his next term. Knowing that the
circle around her husband was responsible for the deaths of Ron
Brown, Bill Colby and Vince Foster, Mrs. Clinton knew that this
rumor could be deadly if it was ignored.
Being a little sharper than her husband, she could read the
handwriting on the wall, and she knew that even if he did manage
to kill her, bury the Whitewater scandal and get himself
re-elected, she knew that the offshore bank accounts wouldn't
stay hidden forever, and all the Arkansas scandals involving
drugs, sex and murder would eventually surface. So far, the
President's advisors have sacrificed Hillary to the wolves and
have allowed the President to hide behind her broad skirts.
Being the smart one in the family has allowed Hillary to see
beyond the victory in November to the first year of the second
Once she has been removed from the scene, the full brunt of the
fraud and corruption that ruled Arkansas since Bill Clinton was
elected governor would be brought to bear on his shoulders alone.
She would no longer be there to deflect the media. Once full
scale investigations begin into the offshore accounts, which are
fully stuffed with drug money from Mena, Clinton would be forced
to resign or be impeached.
While Bill may be entertaining wonderful ideas of producing a
male heir to carry on his dynasty, Hillary is trying to figure
out how to keep Bill from destroying all of their futures... even
their yet to be adopted heirs to the kingdom. Because she is an
astute student of history... recent history... she knows that a
dead President is a martyred President and his family and friends
are bestowed special perks as a result. The widow is made into a
tragic heroine and the children become the princesses and princes
of the kingdom.
In her mind she had two choices, do nothing and allow the inner
circle to murder her in hopes of ending the Whitewater
investigation forever by creating a sympathetic President. And
how much more sympathy could you evoke than to have your wife
kill herself because she could no longer live without her lover?
Being brighter than the average Arkansan, Hillary knows that all
the work that she and her inner circle of friends have done would
be for naught if Bill was re-elected. He would be impeached and
disgraced. In other words, she has a choice between having him
go out like JFK or Richard Nixon. Being one who wishes to hold
onto her life as well as her position and power, she and her
inner circle have opted for the JFK ending to their problem.
The baby is the dynasty that must be in place for Hillary's
scenario to work. Of course, Bill thinks that if he gets
re-elected and serves out his term and then retires to the
position of elder statesman, that a young William Jefferson
Clinton will carry on his name and his dream. In this scenario,
they will not adopt a baby, they will find a 12-15 year old of
suitable intelligence and parrot personality. This boy will then
be sent to Oxford as a Rhodes scholar and the cycle will begin
again -- only in Bill's dreams, this child is his tool to
maintain power from the sidelines. Bill's dreams do not mention
the possibility of impeachment. (Nor do they yet entertain the
possibility of his marriage to someone young enough to produce a
real heir... but they soon will, if our second breaking story is
And so you have the rest of the story behind the desire for the
adoption of a baby for the first family. Let's wait and see who
implements their plan first.
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Want to know more about Whitewater, Oklahoma City bombing, etc?
(1) telnet prairienet.org (2) logon as "visitor" (3) go citcom
See also: http://www.europa.com/~johnlf/cn.html
See also: ftp.shout.net pub/users/bigred
Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9