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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 7 Num. 32
("Quid coniuratio est?")
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Does the press really tell us what spying is all about?
Some years ago a brave journalist compiled and circulated data on
hundreds of reporters showing many of them were so-called assets,
or used by, various espionage agencies, such as CIA.
Various spy terms need to be defined. Such as, *assets*, meaning
not directly an employee but used to spy and distribute false
information and pro-CIA propaganda. *Counter-intelligence* is to
infiltrate, such as an opposing operation, or dissident movement.
The FBI had the COINTEL Program, designed to discredit and
destroy civil rights and peace movement leaders, by falsely
blaming them for crimes, such as fire bombing ROTC Centers during
the anti-Viet Nam War period. *Agent Provocateur* is a French
term, meaning to lead well-intentioned persons -- suckers -- into
committing some wrong so they could be busted by the authorities.
The most infamous FBI program was to stop the rise of a so-called
"Black Messiah". So the FBI arranged to assassinate Dr. King and
falsely blame it on a lone assassin.
In 1995, a series of government counter-intelligence operations
sprung up, just about the time of the bombing of the federal
building in Oklahoma City. Some of the operations were actually
in formation just prior thereto, but immediately escalated after
April 19 of that year. It tends to prove the bombing was by the
Central Government to promote repression.
Suddenly, various periodicals showed up, as well as postings on
the Internet. Some publications started with very small
circulations, yet the tell-tale sign was they seemed to have
great globs of money behind them. Some with 5,000 monthly
circulation had enough money and equipment for a long-going
100,000 circulation magazine.
Funny thing, one or more of these operations had key personnel
who were apparently still with government counter-intelligence.
So, they would show up -- as so-called "reporters" -- to pick the
brains of persons in the controversial militias or the tax
protesters. Were the interviews just for background, for some
secret government dossier, or for a news article?
Catchy ads were run implying you could stop paying your income
tax and urging you to write or call an 800 number for literature.
Savvy folks suspect some of this was to set up an operation known
as a *"shooting gallery"* -- where the dissidents are all
identified and photographed, and put on the FBI Security Index,
to be rounded up and herded into detention camps in case of a so-
called "national emergency".
This is supposedly justified because the President said, after
the Oklahoma bombing, that certain political activists were out
to overthrow the federal government.
From nowhere, suddenly so-called commentators, using the latest
technology, would post stories on Internet. Known as "mushrooms",
they would work the propaganda-disinformation game called "60-40"
-- namely, 60 percent true, to gain credibility, and 40 percent
false to mislead poorly informed folks. These "commentators" were
not known as being long-involved with any known, public-interest
research and investigation group. These characters were just
*"flippers"* -- that is, flipping stories on behalf of secret
patrons from one side of the street to the other.
To understand all this, you really need to have been involved, as
I and my associates have been for more than three decades, in
identifying government spies and fingering provocateurs. (In
1972, we came out with a fact sheet identifying the Foundations,
acting as conduits for CIA funds, promoting the provocateurs at
the so-called "riots" at the 1968 Democratic Convention in
Chicago, which discredited the Democratic presidential candidate
and helped install Nixon as president. The CIA-Naval Intelligence
riot makers included the "Chicago Seven", Rennie Davis, Abbie
Hoffman, Tom Hayden, Jerry Rubin, et al. For college student
governments and at a radio broadcast school I taught an extensive
course on Foundation Tax Returns [which are a public record]
showing links to CIA funds.)
You also need to know and understand that in 1988 the CIA
switched their secret subsidy in the mass media. Previously, they
subsidized CBS News to have well-staffed, expensive offices all
over the globe, compiling intelligence, even if few actual
stories went on the air from such locations. After 1988, ABC News
got the CIA subsidy and CBS shut down many of their overseas
offices. ABC's "Nightline" Program with Ted Koppel (with
espionage background) puts on so-called "experts", without
telling you the expert is actually with a CIA or NSA sponsored
Think Tank or so-called "Foundation".
What will make this Gestapo-like operation further escalate? A
bad recession. Lots of anxiety over growing unemployment. A stock
market crash. A fake war scare. Hey, if a Cuban intelligence
plane dropped leaflets on Washington, urging the overthrow of our
central government, wouldn't we shoot down their so-called
"private" airplane?
In Chicago, some of the mass media/espionage operatives: Bill
Kurtis of WBBM-TV, Channel 2, reportedly does projects for CIA.
His link has been through his father, Brigadier General in the
Marines, liaison to CIA. WMAQ-TV, Channel 5 in Chicago, has a
secret, offsite, unmarked office for processing FBI covert video
of dissidents and so-called "terrorists". Do you suppose Channel
5's anchor face Carol Marin is unaware of all this? (Recently, a
radio commentator said she has more federal connections than any
Chicago reporter.)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
I neither necessarily agree nor disagree with either all or
portions of the preceding. Persons mentioned are invited to send
their rebuttals, of reasonable length, to bigred@shout.net for
probable distribution.
-- Brian Francis Redman, Editor-in-Chief
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Mr. Skolnick is founder/chairman, since 1963, of the public
interest reform group, Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the
Courts, investigating and researching judicial bribery and
political murders. Since 1971, he has been editor of a 5-minute
recorded phone commentary, HOTLINE NEWS, (312) 731-1100, a
regular phone call, on 24 hours per day, changed several times
per week. Since 1991, he has been a regular panelist, now the
moderator, of a weekly public access one-hour Cable TV Show,
"Broadsides", available to some 400,000 households. His comments
appear on several news groups on Internet and on the World Wide
Web. Office, 8 a.m. to midnight, 7 days/week: (312) 375-5741.
Call before sending fax. 9800 S. Oglesby Ave., Chicago, IL
A few highlights of the group's work: Biggest judicial bribery
scandal in U.S. history, collapse of the Illinois Supreme Court,
1969. The jailing for bribery of 7th Circuit Federal Appeals
Judge Kerner, 1973, highest ranking sitting federal judge sent to
jail in U.S. history. Downfall of Vice President Spiro Agnew,
bribery charges, 1973. 1983-1993, "Operation Greylord", touched
off by the group; 20 local judges and 40 lawyers sent to jail for
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Want to know more about Whitewater, Oklahoma City bombing, etc?
(1) telnet prairienet.org (2) logon as "visitor" (3) go citcom
See also: http://www.europa.com/~johnlf/cn.html
See also: ftp.shout.net pub/users/bigred
Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9