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Press Releases by Companies Long Forgotten
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/ [ 10253] PRESS RELEASE: Number Nine Visual Technology Reshapes PC Games Marketplace with Stunning 3d/2d Graphics Board for PCs (November 13)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/3do-m2.txt [ 11561] PRESS RELEASE: 3DO Unveils 64-Bit M2 Technology (May 2, 1995)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/900suprt.txt [ 8672] PRESS RELEASE: 1-900-PRO-HELP for Novell Netware (January, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/accton.txt [ 7925] PRESS RELEASE: Accton Technology Corporation Introduces the EtherCombo-16
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/accupwr.txt [ 3560] PRESS RELEASE: Emerson Computer Power Releases the AccuPower GOLD AU750 (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/acme.txt [ 3274] PRESS RELEASE: Safecon Software from Acme Electric
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/adiarc.txt [ 7634]
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/adic.txt [ 8407] PRESS RELEASE: ADIC Announces the 4mm DAT AutoChanger
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/adiether.txt [ 22562] PRESS RELEASE: AQUILA ANnounces New NEtworking Products (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/alcom.txt [ 4183] PRESS RELEASE: Alcom LanFax (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/alpha.txt [ 2970] PRESS RELEASE: Alpha Wire Announces New Cables (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/ancoethr.txt [ 5284] PRESS RELEASE: Anco Corporation Announces Parallel Port Adapters (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/answrset.txt [ 4694] PRESS RELEASE: AnswerSet Corporation ANnounces Clientele (February 10, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/antivir.txt [ 5917] PRESS RELEASE: Symantc Corporation Announces Norton Antivirus 2.0 (January 13, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/anywhere.txt [ 5194] PRESS RELEASE: Symantec Announces Norton pcANYWHERE (January 20, 1993)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/ata.txt [ 2940] PRESS RELEASE: ARCNET Announces The Local Area Network Standard (October 15, 1991)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/ati_rage.txt [ 11117] PRESS RELEASE: ATI Technologies Announces 3D Rage (November 13, 1995)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/attsec.txt [ 11376] AT&T Introduces Breakthough in Telephone Security (September 10, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/attvod.txt [ 11595] AT&T Delivers Videophone (May 4, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/avalan.txt [ 2636] PRESS RELEASE: Avalan Technology Announces Remotely-Possible LAN (February, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/barrsys.txt [ 4640] PRESS RELEASE: Barr Systems ANnounces the SNA RJE and 3270 Gateways (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/betteryt.txt [ 5582] PRESS RELEASE: Output Technology Corporation Showcases the BetterYet Line (February 10, 1991)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/eagle.txt [ 4418] PRESS RELEASE: Eagle Technology Announces Futurus Lite Mail Software (February 10, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/earn$.txt [ 11295] PRESS RELEASE: Matrix Software Marketing Company
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/ec24-33.txt [ 6272] Information on the Ven-Tel, Inc. 2400 Plus II: A Full Featured Modem with Security
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/ec96.txt [ 9600] Advertisement for the Ven-Tel 9600 Plus External Modem
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/edseries.txt [ 3160] Information about some of the latest Modem Protocols: V.42bis and MNP-5, as well as V.32 and V.22bis by the makers of the Ven-Tel 9600 Plus Modem
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/eicon.txt [ 4916] PRESS RELEASE: Eicon Technology Announces Access for OS/2
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/emerald.txt [ 3793]
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/emerson.txt [ 7962] PRESS RELEASE: Emerson Computer Power's Accumon Power Surveillance Software (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/enable.txt [ 5101] PRESS RELEASE: Enable Software Announces Enable Office (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/et400032 [ 3429] PRESS RELEASE: Tseng Releases the ET400/W32 Chip (September 4, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/evergrn.txt [ 5964] PRESS RELEASE: Evergreen Systems Announces the CAPcard and CAPserver (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/extrawin.txt [ 5218] PRESS RELEASE: Attachmate Unveils Host Graphics Option for Windows
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/fastback.txt [ 6498] PRESS RELEASE: Fifth Generation Systems FastBack Plus Windows (February 4, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/felcomp.txt [ 2421] PRESS RELEASE: FEL Computing Announces Release 3.0 of LANlink-DECnet
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/fibernet.txt [ 3642] PRESS RELEASE: Fibernet Research Announces FDDI Cards (1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/folio.txt [ 4808] PRESS RELEASE: Folio Mailbag
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/forval.txt [ 9648] ADVERTISEMENT: Forval Modems: Super High-Speed Internal/External Dial-Up Modem
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/fpvd64pr.txt [ 2694] PRESS RELEASE: Farenheit Pro Video 64 (April 3, 1995)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/frye.txt [ 7666] PRESS RELEASE: Frye Computer Systems releases LAN Directory
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/fs3000.txt [ 3414] PRESS RELEASE: Tallgrass Technologies Corporation releases the FS3000 (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/ftpswr.txt [ 9065] PRESS RELEASE: FTP Software Announces LANWatch 2.04
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/futurus.txt [ 5892] PRESS RELEASE: Futuris Announces Right Hand Man Product Line (February 10, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/madge.txt [ 3640] PRESS RELEASE: Madge Networks announces the Fastmax Toolkit (February 4, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/magee.txt [ 4480] PRESS RELEASE: Magee Enterprises Enhances Network H.Q. (March 31, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/master.lst [ 27573] Q/FAX, a Service of Quarterdeck Office Systems
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/meridian.txt [ 5187] PRESS RELEASE: PC Magazine awards Meridian's CD Net Product
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/microcom.txt [ 9370] PRESS RELEASE: Microcom Demonstrates Internetworking and Communications Hardware (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/microtst.txt [ 4610] PRESS RELEASE: IDC Announces the LANMODEM (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/mrp44.txt [ 3013] PRESS RELEASE: Expandable Software announces Release 4.4
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/oaz.txt [ 6028] PRESS RELEASE: OAZ Communications Announces NetFax Director (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/offer.txt [ 8560] Information on the Intel FAXmodem's "Sysop Program"
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/optima.txt [ 3853] PRESS RELEASE: Hayes Microcomputer Announces Optima 2400 Modems (January 20, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/optima14.fax [ 4445] PRESS RELEASE: Hayes Introduces Smartmodem Optima Data and FAX (May 18, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/otc800.txt [ 2766] PRESS RELEASE: Output Technology Corporation Announces a new 800 cps Office Printer (February 10, 1991)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/p6issc.txt [ 5112] PRESS RELEASE: Intel Presents P6 Microarchitecture Details (February 16, 1995)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/qmailmhs.txt [ 2999] PRESS RELEASE: Cesoftware Holdings Announces Quickmail for MHS (February 7, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/qmpro.txt [ 9076] PRESS RELEASE: Mustang Software Introduces Qmodem Pro (October 13, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/retixmac.txt [ 2256] PRESS RELEASE: Retix Announces Microsoft Mail for Macintosh Gateway (January 6, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/retixos2.txt [ 6125] PRESS RELEASE: Retix Announces OpenServer 400 Series of Messaging Solutions (February 5, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/rightfax.txt [ 3459] PRESS RELEASE: RightFAX 2.0 (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/shiva.txt [ 11053] PRESS RELEASE: Shiva at Networld 1992
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/smc.txt [ 5206] PRESS RELEASE: The SMC Interface Cards Recieve a 20-35 Percent Price Reduction (February 1, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/sofnet.txt [ 12157] PRESS RELEASE: ShareFax 2.5 (February 12, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/softsol.txt [ 4070] PRESS RELEASE: SoftSolutions Technology Corporation Announces SoftSolutions 3.0 (February 21, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/sport.sav [ 9143] ADVERTISEMENT: U.S. Robotics Sportster 1440 - An Unintended Bargain
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/sprasop.txt [ 6075] ADVERTISEMENT: Supra New 9600 Modems (February 21, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/supra96.txt [ 11329] ADVERTISING: Supra Breaks Price Barrier With Powerful SupraFAXModems 14,400 bps
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/suprtime.txt [ 5879] PRESS RELEASE: SuperTime Inc. Announces SuperTime 1.1 (November 14, 1991)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/sysbbs.txt [ 7547] ADVERTISEMENT: Sysop Offer For PM14400FXSA
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/sysdeal.txt [ 9251] ADVERTISEMENT: Ven-Tel Sysop Program
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/tallgras.txt [ 6935] PRESS RELEASE: Tallgrass Technologies Announces FileSecure Enterpriz (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/tconrad.txt [ 12566] PRESS RELEASE: Thomas-Conrad announces Micro Channel Adapters (February 10, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/techsint.txt [ 2886] PRESS RELEASE: Ziff Communications Announces the Acquisition of TECHS (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/tecmar.txt [ 5273] PRESS RELEASE: Tecmar Announces ProServe 4.0 (February 13, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/telebit.txt [ 3332] PRESS RELEASE: Telebit Corporation Announces Telebit Modemizer (January 27, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/triton.txt [ 7538] PRESS RELEASE: Triton Technologies Announces CO/Session 6.02 (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/untouch.txt [ 6872] PRESS RELEASE: Fifth Generation Systems Announces Untouchable (November 18, 1991)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/virusafe.txt [ 9456] PRESS RELEASE: ViruSafe/LAN from XTree Company (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/visisoft.txt [ 9420] PRESS RELEASE: Visisoft Announces VisiNet Network Management System (February 3, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/wperfect.txt [ 3498] PRESS RELEASE: WordPerfect Office 3.1 (January 31, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/xdb.txt [ 8237] PRESS RELEASE: MD-XDB Systems Announces XDB-LINK (February 11, 1992)
=> gemini://informis.land/textfiles/computers/PRESSRELEASE/xtreenet.txt [ 7773] PRESS RELEASE: Xtree Company announce XTreeeNet (February 11, 1992)