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61 lines
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04/22/90 5:37pm
Instructions for "The Ultimate Ansi Editor V1.10(BETA)
* * Introduction and Purpose * *
After growing very tired of it being nearly impossible to
create multi page ansi documents with most avaiable ansi
editors, and none of them supporting WWIVAnsi, I decided to
write a ansi editor that would include everything.
In the beta test version it contains hardly everything,
but rather only the parts which I considered the most
challenging to program, namely the scrolling ansi buffer and
the ANSI and WWIV ansi interruption. At this point the
program is exactly one week old, and during the next week I
will be adding such things as cut and paste, and more support
for the way WWIV stores its ansi files(ie B&W, ANS,MSG).
Unlike most ansi editors you absolutely do not have to
have your ANSI.SYS file installed. The program understands
ANSI and WWIVansi with out any external help.
Running the program.
Once executed you will see two title screens, then you will
enter the main program. Once inside the program you will be
able to move the hi-lighted part of the top bar and select
several pull down windows(NOTE: Mouse support is not setup
yet, as well as a few of the items on the top bar). To begin
drawing simply hit your escape key and you will be in drawing
mode. Hitting your escape key again brings you right back to
the top bar control. Use your escape key to toggle between
these two modes.
ALT-F: Change the color you are drawing with
ALT-B: Change the current background color
ALT-L: Load an ANSI or WWIVansi graphic
ALT-S: Save from beginning to current location
ALT-H: On-Line Help
ALT-C: Clear screen, and start over
<F1-F8> Display Graphic Characters
<F9-F10> Select Graphics Set
Copytight 1990 by Jeff Heaton