2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

166 lines
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Public Domain/Freeware/Shareware by Ralf Brown:
The MSDOS Interrupt List
A comprehensive listing of nearly 6400 functions available through
interrupt calls on IBM PCs and compatibles. Includes both
documented and undocumented functions.
Current version: INTER42A (release 42, 8/7/94)
INTER42D (conversion and utility programs)
An extract of the MSDOS Interrupt List containing the DESQview
and QEMM API calls. Updated whenever there have been significant
additions to the DESQview/QEMM calls in the Interrupt List.
Current version: DVINT40 (4/3/94)
A DESQview-aware communications program which sports seamless DSZ,
PCZ, or PUMA/MPt integration for file transfers; ANSI/VT102, VT52,
and AVATAR emulation (including 132 columns); speeds to 115200 bps;
a powerful macro language; dialing directory; ANSI music; and
more. Runs in 65K with DSZ, 46K without. While it works under
plain DOS, additional features are available under DESQview.
Current version: RBCOM341 (v3.41 1/10/93)
A replacement for the Turbo C and Microsoft C spawn..() functions
which swaps the current program to disk, EMS, XMS, or raw extended
memory while the spawned program executes, leaving less than 300
bytes in memory. Also includes a variant for Turbo Pascal v4.0 or
Current version: SPWNO413 (v4.13 12/12/92)
Price: libraries free, full source code $100.
Exchange left control and CapsLock keys, as well as Esc and `/~.
Loads itself high, using just 64 bytes; needs only 128 bytes low
if no high memory is available.
Current version: RBKEYSWP (v2.0 6/22/91; v3.0 included in AMISLIB)
Public Domain library (with full source code and five sample TSRs)
for creating self-highloading TSRs which may be unloaded in any
order. Up to 256 TSRs created with AMISLIB may be installed
simultaneously, and TSRs can be as small as 128 bytes resident,
1.4K on disk. One of the sample TSRs is a popup which accesses
Current version: AMISL091 (v0.91 10/16/92)
DESQview API bindings for Turbo C.
Current version: DVGLUE10 (source)
DVGLUL10 (compiled)
DVGLU101 (update) (v1.01 8/12/88)
Note: a very early beta of the next release is available on
FTP.CS.CMU.EDU and SoundingBoard (1/3/93)
"Poor man's version" of TAME. Makes programs give up CPU time when
they are in an idle loop polling the keyboard for keystrokes.
Current version: DVKPOLL2 (6/18/88)
Note: This program has been superseded by DVPTAME.
"Not-so-poor man's version" of TAME. Tells DESQview to give the
remainder of a time slice away if the program is in an idle loop
polling the keyboard for keystrokes. Uses 0 bytes of memory.
Current version: DVPTAME (6/4/91)
Load device drivers only in those DESQview windows which need the
services of the driver, reducing the pre-DESQview overhead and thus
permitting larger DESQview windows.
Current version: DVDEVL12 (v1.20 1/3/93)
Note: as of DESQview 2.40, Quarterdeck's DEVICE.COM is able to install
drivers into the device chain in the same manner as DVdevload;
however, DEVICE uses eight times as much memory as DVdevload and
has a serious interaction with 4DOS/NDOS that can lead to system
Switch the CPU speed of an Intel Pentium motherboard using the
"Neptune" chipset. Public Domain.
Current version: RBSPEED1 (v1.00 9/8/94)
An integrated environment for Borland's Sprint word processor and
Turbo C, Turbo Pascal, Turbo Assembler, Turbo Debugger, and CDECL.
Knows which compiler to invoke based on the file's extension, and
can run MAKE for multi-file projects.
Current version: SPTURBO (v2.3 Aug 1,1989)
Note: Do not expect any updates, as I no longer use Sprint as a
programming environment.
Delete or copy *.MSG files such that you only see those messages
from a Fidonet echomail area which interest you.
Current version: PURGEMSG (v1.00, 8/4/91)
Note: beginning 1/1/91, all packages are distributed in PKZIP archives with
authenticity verification (v1.1 before 4/1/93, v2.0 after). Please
redistribute only the original archives to preserve the authenticity
information. If you receive an archive dated after 1/1/91 which fails
the authenticity check, you should treat it with caution. If you
receive an archive which passes the PKZIP check but displays an
authenticity code other than NWS235, then the archive has been
deliberately tampered with and should be deleted IMMEDIATELY.
On the Internet, by standard anonymous FTP from FTP.CS.CMU.EDU [].
Change directly to directory /afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/ralf/pub with a
single command (directories above this are not accessible via
anonymous FTP). [DV-GLUE is not available here]
Don't forget to set "binary" mode! If you are refused access to
the directory, try again later; a fileserver may have been down.
If connected to AFS, you can simply perform standard Unix/VMS/whatever
directory listing and file copies from the above directory.
On FIDOnet, from Soundingboard BBS 1:129/26 1-412-621-4604 14.4k HST, file req.
My programs are kept in file area 8 for those wishing to download
Alternate Distribution Points (new versions will be available here
usually within 24 hours of release):
Internet: SimTel Software Repository mirrors in directories /pub/msdos/X.
X is 'info' for the Interrupt List, 'modem' for RBcomm, 'c' for
SPAWNO, 'asmutl' for AMISLIB, 'desqview' for DV-GLUE/DVKPOLL/DVPTAME,
and 'sprint' for SPTURBO. Note that you must use mode "binary" to
successfully FTP the files. The SimTel mirror sites include
oak.oakland.edu [], wuarchive.wustl.edu [],
ftp.uu.net [], nic.funet.fi [],
src.doc.ic.ac.uk [] and archie.au [].
FIDO: SyncPoint BBS 1:261/1008 1-410-529-2584 File Requests.
Bitnet users may also retrieve items on SimTel via the following automated
mail servers:
(in Europe) TRICKLE@AWIWUW11 (Austria)
TRICKLE@DKTC11 (Denmark)
TRICKLE@HEARN (Netherlands)
TRICKLE@EB0UB011 (Spain)
(elsewhere) TRICKLE@UNALCOL (Colombia)
Send a mail message containing the line
in the body for instructions.
DV-GLUE, DVKPOLL, DVINT, DVPTAME, DVdevload, and RBcomm are also available on
Fidonet BBSs belonging to DVNet (the DESQview Distribution Network).
The Interrupt List and SPAWNO are also available on Fidonet BBSs belonging
to the Programmer's Distribution Network.