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Intro Maker V3.0 (c) Sauron and ZigZag of THG F/X
Seven months in the making, the THG F/X crew finally makes it happen. Intro
Maker V3.0 is HERE! Now you can create intros that are at the cutting
edge of IBM demo technology. A major problem with the previous intro makers
was the interface. Now we have taken more time in that department and the
results are very impressive. There are 2 different types of demos you can
choose from in this release. Here are the features of the intros.
úExiting ANSI (80x24)
ú4 Types of VGA Fade In/Out Routines
ú2 Types of TEXT Fade Out Routines
ú20 Different Palette Cyclings
úMEGAFONT Scroller Font
úText Codes
úMOD/STX Playing
úAllows the scroller to go ALL over the screen (MEGAFONT ANYWHERE only)
Intro Maker V3.0 Interface:
Using the Intro Maker v3.0 Interface should be easy and efficient. The
interface provides a few commands that are available almost everywhere within
the interface itself. Besides these commands, Mouse Support has been added
for quick and easy use. These commands are listed here:
Keys in the Interface
ALT - D ú View Directory
ALT - P ú View palette
ALT - V ú View Picture
ALT - X ú Exit to DOS
ESC ú Previous Menu
When starting out to make your Intro, you must choose two pictures, one a
background picture file, and one font file. These both must be 320x200x256c
compressed in either GIF/LBM/PCX formats (All trademarks of their respective
companies. Screw the legal shit, promise you won't see it again!)
Intro Maker v3.0 was designed to make two different types of Intros for
BBS ads, or those VGA groups that just can't get it up when it comes to
programming. The first type is just called a MEGAFONT Intro. This intro is
a straight scrolling program. In other words, you just give the Y-Offset
of where on the screen you want your scrolly. This uses the MEGAFONT System
which is an external 320x200x256c Font. You must create a Coordinate File
(CRD) with the MEGAFONT external Program. The Second type of intro is called
a MEGAFONT-ANYWHERE Intro. This intro uses the CRD Coordinate file again for
the external 320x200x256c screen, but instead of the Y-OffSet, you need to
create a Anywhere Path File (PTH). The Anywhere Path Editor allows you to
set how the font appears on the screen, either striaght up and down, like you
drew it in your Paint Program, or slanted automatically. After defining
how the font will appear, simply draw on the screen you intend to use where
you want the scrolly to go. This could go backwards, in circles, etc. The
possibilities are endless.
Now that you know what kind of Intros you can make, let us look at the
interface a little more indepth. Upon entering the interface, it checks
for mouse support, and brings you to the main menu. From here, you can run
any of the external programs or batch files. DO NOT CHANGE THE NAMES OF
THESE BATCH FILES. They are hard coded in the program. You may change the
contents, but not the names. After deciding on an external font and picture
in a GIF/LBM/PCX format, you must decide on which type of intro you wish
to make. Choose the menu option accordingly.
Once in the appropriate menu option for the Intro Type you desire, another
set of menus is displayed showing the specifications required to create your
new demo. The easiest way I can think of describing the two intro menus is
to go through each one's specifications giving a little blurb about it. Some
of the options are the exact same thing in both Intro Menu Sets, so I will
be short on a few of them, so we don't get tired of reading docs all day
just to make an Intro.
MEGAFONT Intro Menu Set:
HotKey - Data Category - Description
A Picture FileName Intro's Background Picture in either
B MEGAFONT Picture External 320x200x256c Font File name.
FileName This will be your font or icons that
will appear in the scrolly.
C MEGAFONT Coordinate MEGAFONT's Coordinate File which shows
FileName IM30 where each font in Scrolly is.
D Text FileName Scrolly Text File. Look below for listing
of MCI Codes.
E STX FileName Internal SoundBlaster Music file name.
Not required. When no name is given
it reduces the size of the .exe
by about 10k.
F ANSi FileName Yes, no THG F/X Signature on your intros.
Use TheDraw to make your 1 screen ANSi
and save it in BINary Format.
G Line For Scroller This is the Y-Offset for your Scolly. This
tells IM30 where to put it on the screen
between 0-319.
H Scroller Speed How many pixels to advance every Vertical
Refresh of the screen. This will control
the speed of the scrolly.
I Text Fade Out There are two ways for the text fading.
1 .. Pop Out / 2 .. Palette Fade
J VGA Fade In VGA Picture Background Fade In.
1 ... Pop Screen In
2 ... Palette Screen Fade In
3 ... Block Screen In by the BLK File
4 ... Pan Whole Screen Up
K Block In Name This is required if option [J] is set to
3. This is the BLK file that is defined
by the BLOCKED.EXE External file. This
will add the screen in by how you define
the BLK file.
L Panning Up Speed This is Required if option [J] is set to
4. This is the speed of the background
panning up from the bottom of the screen.
M VGA Fade Out This is identical for option [J], but it is
for the Fading out of the Background
picture after ESC has been hit in your
1 ... Pop Screen Out
2 ... Palette Screen Fade Out
3 ... Block Screen Out by the BLK File
4 ... Pan Whole Screen Down
N Block Out Name This is required if option [M] is set
to 3. This is also defined through the
BLK files created with BLOCKED.EXE.
O Panning Down Speed This is required if option [M] is Set to
4. This is the speed of the background
panning down from the top of the screen.
P Cursor Upon Exit This is the location of the cursor after
ESC has been pressed in your demo. The
Value should be between 1-25.
Q Palette Mixing Y/N option to tell IM30 to automatically
mix and remap the font picture to fit in
the palette of the Background picture. If
this is left on NO, then it will just use
the Palette from the [A] option. If the
option is set to YES, then it will require
the option [R] be used.
R Palette Mixing This is a number between 0 and 255 to tell
Starting Color # IM30 where to put the colors used in the
MEGAFONT Picture Font File in the palette
of the Background picture.
S Palette Cycling See Below
T Load File This will Load the MF or MFA configuration
files in the appropriate Intro Type.
U Save File This will save the configuration of the
current Intro Type to disk for future
V Compile Intro This will create the EXE file for your
This will be a brief description because the menu sets are basically
same except that instead of the Line for Scroller, which gives the Y-Offset
of the scroller, is replaced with the option of giving the FileName of the
PTH Anywhere Path Data File.
Palette Cycling Configuration:
Upon selecting the option [S] in one of the menu sets, you enter the
Palette Cycling Configuration Menu. This gives you the option for up to
20 simulatneous Palette Cycles. Three categories are given for the Palette
Cycling. Category one is the Palette Color Start number. This is a number
between 0-255. Category two is the Palette Color Ending number. This is
also a number between 0-255. The last category is the Palette Delay. This
is the delay of the Palette cycling for which you have choosen.
Once you have figured out how to use the Intro Maker v3.0 fairly well,
you may start to use command line compiling options if desired. This will
skip the user interface all together giving quick compiling. You must have
the Configuartion file in the current directory with the extension of MF or
MFA. Here is the format:
Command Line Parameters
IM3.EXE <Intro Type> <Load File> <Compile File> [No Extension on File Names]
A ú MEGAFONT Straight Scroller
B ú MEGAFONT Anywhere Scroller
IM3.EXE /C ú Disables the Preview for the Intro
¯ .BAT Files ¯
You will want to edit these files for your computer setup.
PAINT.BAT - Your paint program
TEXT.BAT - Your Text Editor
remember to change the directory back to the intro maker directory before
exiting the .bat file
¯ MEGAFONT Coordinate Maker - MEGAFONT.EXE ¯
The MEGAFONT Coordinate Maker is an external program made to create the
.CRD files for defining your font, or your scrolly pictures. There are
external Docs for this program written by the author. Please look at them
for a better explanation on how to use this program quickly and easily.
The ANYWHERE Path Creator is an external program made to create the .PTH
files. This program was designed to let you actually draw the scrolly path
on your screen and to warp the font anyway you desire. Please read the
external Docs for this program written by the author for more information.
This program is for running just about any program and playing a mod in the
background. Infact I am typing this doc in turbo pascal while a techno mod
is playing in the background.
INTROMOD intro_name mod_name [options]
intro_name = Program to run while music is playing in the background
default extension is .EXE
mod_name = Filename of MOD to play
default extension is .MOD
options: -1 ... Output to SOUNDBLASTER (220) (DEFAULT)
-2 ... Output to PC Speaker
-3 ... Output to D/A Converter on LPT1
-4 ... Output to Disney Sound Source on LPT1
-q ... Do not display text message
-b ... Play MOD in background and leave you in dos. You must
supply intro_name. Type EXIT to quit mod.
Some examples:
INTROMOD . SPACECRU -b -q | This will allow you to stay in dos or run
| any program from dos and listen to
| the mod SPACECRU.MOD. Type EXIT at the
| dos prompt to stop music. It will also not
| display the credits for intromod.
INTROMOD IM3 SPACECRU.MOD -2 | Runs the Intro Maker V3.0's interface
| while playing the SPACECRU.MOD through the
| PC Speaker
If you want to use this program to play mods with your intro, you need these
a BAT file to run it all.
Here is an example of a BAT to run IM3.exe with spacecru.mod
* If you don't like BAT files, then you can have a EXE file with the program
that we included called BAT2EXE.
I have included QMEDIT.EXE for you to edit your scroller .TXT files but you
can use any ascii text editor you choose.
* The RETURN/ENTER key is filtered out so you can use it in your .TXT file
* You have a 4000 character maximum for each scroller
* We have added TEXT CODES to replace the ALT key combinations to make it
easier for the user.
* If you use any of the ADD palette,KILL palette, or SPEED commands then you
will need to return them to their starting state when the scroller ends.
For Example: If you speed up the scroller once in the middle of your loader
then you would want to slow it down again before you |E| (let it wrap) it
because if not, the next time it encountered that speed command, it would
do it again and modify the current speed which would mess your scroller up.
TEXTCODES for Intro Maker V3.0
|E| ú End Scroller Text
Put this at the end of you .TXT file to allow scroller to wrap.
|SU| ú Speed Up Scroller
For the MEGAFONT and MEGAFONT ANYWHERE, you must keep using this
code to go up in speeds till you are a # divisible by the
character's row. For example, if your FONT set is 16x,18y and
your current speed was 2 then to advance to the next speed,
use the |SU| command twice to get to 4 since 4 is divisible by
16 (the #'s that are divisible by 16 are 0,1,2,4,8,16). If you
wanted to go to the next speed, you would have to use |SU| 4
times to get to 8 and so forth. 0 is stop
|SD| ú Slow Down Scroller
For the MEGAFONT and MEGAFONT ANYWHERE, you must keep using this
code to go down in speeds till you are a # divisible by the
character's row. For example, if your FONT set is 25x,13y and
your current speed was 5 then to decline to the next speed,
use the |SU| command 4 times to get to 1 since 1 is divisible by
25 (the #'s that are divisible by 25 are 0,1,5,25). If you
wanted to go to the next speed, you would have to use |SU| 1
time to get to 0 which would stop the scroller till you speeded
it up again.
|PAa,b,c| ú Add a palette Cycling Range (EXAMPLE: |PA10,30,0|)
a) Color Start Number (0 - 255)
b) Color End Number (0 - 255)
c) Color Delay (0 - 255) (Faster > Slower)
|PR| ú Kill palette Cycling Range With palette Reset
This option will return your palette colors effected to their
natural state. This command only removes the last palette
cycling added. Think of it like a STACK in programming. You
must take something off the bottom before you can get to the next
|PW| ú Kill palette Cycling Range Without palette Reset
This command will remove the last palette added and leave the
colors of the palette just as they were when this command was
executed. This command only removes the last palette
cycling added. Think of it like a STACK in programming. You
must take something off the bottom before you can get to the next
|PCa,b,c| ú Copy Colors From palette (EXAMPLE: |PC50,60,25)
This feature copies a range of colors from the palette that
doesn't change to the current palette of the picture on the screen.
In the above example, it copies the colors from #50-#60 and puts
them on the current palette starting at #25.
a) Color Start Number (0 - 255)
b) Color End Number (0 - 255)
c) Starting Color Number to Copy to (0 - 255)
¯ 8x16 Font Editor - FONTED.EXE ¯
If you want to modify the 8x16 fonts for the Intro Maker v2.0 loader then
this is for you. The commands are on the screen so I don't think I need to
copy them here. Enjoy!
If you choose to use the internal MOD player then we have to convert it
to a STX first. Use this command to convert your MOD to a STX. This will
run the MOD2STX.BAT file which takes care of all the parameters.
Thanks to DJ Ski for writing us a better converter of MOD2STM!!!
We have included BMOD2STM and MOD2STM so if one doesn't work, try the other.
This option will execute a batch file called PAINT.BAT. You can change this
batch file to execute your favorite paint program. You do not have to make
it return to the directory Intro Maker v3.0 is stored in, it will
automatically do this.
H I N T S & T I P S
úIf you want 2 different fonts on the scroller then use a paint program
to put 2 different fonts on the same font map. Then use the MEGAFONT editor
to select the BIGGEST FONT as the BOX BORDER then assign A-Z for one font
style and a-z ad the other font style. Your message could look like this
"FONT STYLE ONE font style two"
úThe palette copy feature can be used to change the entire color of the font
or do simple animation. Just make something like your logo that you want
to pop up later and then change the palette color of that logo to black.
Then somewhere in the scroller, introduce your group name and then do a
palette copy and give your logo some color!
úBesides fonts in your scroller, you can have pictures like a group logo,
a car, a jet,ect... Just use your paint program to put in whatever picture
you want to use and then assign it to a few letters. Lets say you used a
logo like SDA. The logo takes 5 font spaces and you assigned it to $%^&*.
When you are typing your text just insert the $%^&* anywhere inside the
.txt file. The fonts that we use are nothing more than just drawn
characters so you could use anything in their place or anywhere on that
screen and assign some leftover letters that you are not using to put
special graphics inside your scroller.
úRemember, almost anything is possible, we have not thought of all the
possibilities of this thing yet. There are limitations because of computer
speed, but that should be fixed in the next version. Be creative, and don't
be afriad to try ANYTHING.
úUse INTROMOD as the modplayer. It is much better than the internal .STX
player. Try STX first and if it doesn't sound right, then use the external
úYou can do a star field with pallete cycling.
úAutodesk Animator Pro is the best art program to use.
úCompress your .EXE with pklite to make it smaller
úIf your graphic picture takes up too much space, run GIFLITE on it.
(It reduces quality somewhat but saves K)
úChange the .BAT files with IM3 to run your own programs (be sure to change
back into the directory IM3 is in before exiting the .BAT)
úView SAMPLE1,SAMPLE2, and SAMPLE3 for any extra help
úDon't forget COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS... they help expedite the process of
making a demo. Just put the command line inside a .BAT file that looks like
this (using SAMPLE1 as the example)
and this will create sample1.exe with sample1.mfa and it will run sample1.exe.
It's very nice for going from back and forth from your graphic program/text
úUse the brush map features inside anywhere.exe for creating bending fonts.
If you stack all the blocks at the top against one another and then draw
a vertical line, it will seem that the scroller is on it's side! It's good
if you want to do a sideways demo.
úIt's been some time since we did the FONT??.crd files so if there are mistakes
in the coordinates, please correct them with megafont.
úIf you are having problems seeing your mouse/cursor with the megafont/anywhere
then press the - or + keys till it changes to a color you like.
úIf the speed of your loader with ANYWHERE is too slow or the scroller is
"jerky" then use a smaller path for your scroller or use a smaller font.
U P D A T E S / B U G S
We are going to be releasing MEGAFONT Packs about once a month or so with
10-20 fonts.
If you find any bugs, please report them to a THG F/X member so that we
can put out an update to fix these.
If you create any fonts for this program please upload them to a THG f/x
board so it can be put in future releases/fontpacks.
Sauron - Intro Maker Idea, ASM Code for all intros, INTROMOD.
ZigZag - Coder on Intro Maker v3.0 Pascal Interface,
MEGAFONT Editor, MEGAFONT ANYWHERE Editor in pascal.
QuickSilver - Coder on Intro Maker V3.0 Pascal Interface, BLOCK Editor,
and 8x16 Font Editor.
Dawnrazor - Block Fade Routines
If you are an excellent coder/artist and want to become a member of THG F/X,
get in contact with a THG F/X member on any of the below boards. Also, if
you create any demos then please upload them to one of our boards. It's
always nice to see what the competition is upto. Also, remember, we do not
have Distribution Sites. All distrubtion is either done by the THG F/X Crew
and or through their boards.
We have been going through some changes lately, welcome new members. To
those people we had to let go, good luck, hope to see some good stuff from
you in the future. Nothing personal...
----------------------------- The THG F/X Crew ------------------------------
North American Crew:
Sauron - President, Artist, and Main Coder
ZigZag - Vice President, Coder, Courier
Renegade Bithead - Coder/Artist
The Necromancer - Coder/Artist
QuickSilver - Coder/Artist
The Grand Elf - Head of Art Division, Artist
European Crew :
Dawnrazor - Coder/Artist
Excessive Freddie - Coder/Artist
Peeping Tom - Coder/Artist
BOARD NAME Number Member's Board
The Warriors Guild - (708)653-1839 - Sauron THG F/X WHQ
The Projects - (317)578-1091 - ZigZag
The Rush - (313)348-6057 - The Necromancer
Garden of Delight - +43-1-214395633 - Excessive Freddie
The Elven Underground- (704)847-8032 - The Grand Elf
- SAURON & ZigZag '92 |