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Voice B.J. Guillot Data/Fax
713.893.9320 2611 Rushwood Circle 713.893.9124
Houston Texas 77067-1941
Copyright (C) 1993 B.J. Guillot. All Rights Reserved.
BGFAX 1.09 WED 22 DEC 93
Dedicated to Gene Roddenberry
ABSTRACT FidoNet 1:106/400.0
BGFAX allows SYSOPs to accept faxes on their BBS line. BGFAX can
also send faxes. (While BGFAX was originally designed just for
sysops, it can also be used by Mr. Joe User who, like me, hates
TSR based fax programs that all the commerical fax software
developers love for some reason.)
BGFAX is a tool designed for use with *ANY* Class 2 compliant fax
modem. The fax modem must also support fully functional ADAPTIVE
Common Class 2 fax modems include the Supra, Practical Peripherials
(may require purchase of a newer ROM revision if you are using an
older model), Zoom, etc.
BGFAX also directly supports ZyXEL fax mode. (AT#B1+FCLASS=6).
BGFAX will *NOT* function with Class 1 *ONLY* fax modems. Common
Class 1 *ONLY* fax modems include all non-v.32terbo USR fax modems,
Digicom Scouts, the AT&T Dataport, and the SupraLC.
BGFAX can be used in FOUR distinct modes.
FRONTEND MODE ... BGFAX will answer the telephone line ITSELF,
handle events, pass data calls to a front end
compatible BBS, and take fax calls.
REAR END MODE ... BGFAX will be called from another program when
an incoming fax is detected. FidoNet sysops
using front end mailers such as FrontDoor,
Intermail, D'Bridge, Dutchie, etc. are required
to use this mode. The mailer must support the
ability to exit to BGFAX when a fax is coming.
SEND MODE ....... BGFAX has the ability to send faxes to another
fax machine. (At this time, the file to be sent
must already be in converted fax format.)
INITIALIZATION .. BGFAX will only initialize the modem, and then
quit. This mode is provided for people who need
to use BGFAX in rear end mode, but their Fido
mailer (or BBS software) will not allow the long
initialization strings required for fax usage.
1. BGFAX.DOC -- general documentation
2. BGFAX.TXT -- release notes
3. BGFAX.EXE -- the main executable
4. BGFAX.CNF -- default configuration file, not required
if you plan on using only rear end mode
5. HELPME.ARJ -- specialized help files for various setups
6. REGISTER.FRM -- registration form
BGFAX and accompanying files are provided AS IS without any
warranty, expressed or implied. This includes without limitation
the fitfulness for a particular purpose or application and any
warranties of merchantability.
While I tried to be as through as possible in preparing BGFAX,
B.J. Guillot shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct,
indirect, special, incidental or consequential arising from a
failure of this program or accompanying files to operate in a
manner desired by the user. B.J. Guillot shall not be liable for
any damage to data or property which may by caused directly or
indirectly by use of this program.
In no event will B.J. Guillot be liable to you for any damages,
including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or
consequential damages arising out of your use or inability to use
the program, or for any claim by any other party. Individuals using
the software bear all risk as to its quality and performance.
FidoNet: 1:106/400 Voice: +1 713.893.9320
InterNet: st1r8@jetson.uh.edu Data/Fax: +1 713.893.9124
The latest versions of BGFAX can be obtained by Fido FREQ at the
above Fido node number with the magic name "BGFAX" and can be
obtained by anonymous FTP for InterNet users at the site
"uhdux2.dt.uh.edu" in the "/incoming" directory.
BGFAX can also be obtained from Fido 2:512/39. This system is
called The Owl's Nest and is the Dutch Supra Distributor. They
have three nodes:
+31 0.2155.10921 +31 0.2155.12571 +31 0.2155.28096
An alternate distribution site is Fido 3:635/552. Cloud Nine.
BGFAX takes the fax call itself. It does *NOT* require any special
TSR drivers to be used and does *NOT* pass control to another fax
program to receive the fax.
...HOWEVER... You *WILL* need some type of external fax program to
VIEW and PRINT the received fax. BGFAX currently supports two
popular fax formats. Smith Micro Software's Quick Link II, which
is included with several faxmodems, and ZyXEL's ZFAX software.
(ZFAX will not function on a normal Class 2 faxmodem, but it will
allow you to view and print BGFAX faxes stored in ZFAX format.)
If anyone can get me the formats for other popular packages, I
will gladly add them to BGFAX if its not too much trouble. A
number of people have requested WinFax format, but I can't find
any information on Delrina's WinFax file format.
PLEASE NOTE: BGFAX does not need nor use a FOSSIL driver. BGFAX
has internal communication support for all UART types including
the 16550A FIFO chip. BGFAX assumes ...
COM1=3F8x4 COM2=2F8x3 COM3=3E8x4 COM4=2E8x3
If you are using a nonstandard port configuration, whenever BGFAX
requires a port number to be entered (such as po=2), instead of
entering the port number, enter the base address and IRQ seperated
by an 'x' character (such as po=2E8x5). BGFAX requires the base
address be given in hexidecimal notation.
If you are using a ZyXEL modem, whenever you specify the com port
for BGFAX, you will need to put an exclamation point, !, i.e.,
po=2! so that BGFAX will not attempt to relock the DTE. Most
modems work fine without the !, but remember this option is
available. I've also heard that the Zoom VFP Internal Fax Modem
may also require this ! option.
BGFAX supports Desqview's alternate video buffer zone, if used, and
will return ticks to other tasks.
This program was compiled under Borland's Turbo Pascal 7.0.
I do all testing with a Supra Fax Modem (ROCKWELL based) v.32bis
external with V1.80-02 firmware and FrontDoor 2.02/NC running on
a 386DX/40. I also routinely test BGFAX with a generic no-namer
2400 data, 9600 send/receive fax (SIERRA based) modem from Computer
City running on the ever-so-slow 286/8.
This command will allow you to see if your fax modem supports
the "unofficial" Fax Class 2 standard. The modem should report
back a string similar to:
0,1,2 or 0,2 or 0,1,2.0 or ERROR
0 = Data
1 = Fax Class 1 capable
2 = Draft Fax Class 2 "compatible"
2.0 = Fax Class 2.0 capable
ERROR = no fax capabilities
Do *NOT* use the "AT+FCLASS=n" command in any of your intialization
strings. (Unless you are using Class 2.0).
Many people are often confused between the terminology "GROUP" and
"CLASS" regarding fax modems.
ALL FAX EQUIPMENT is "GROUP 3" compatible. This includes fax
machines, fax modems, standalone PC fax cards, etc. Group 3 just
defines the fax specifications, e.g., black-and-white, the
resolutions, etc. When Group 4 fax machines are available to
consumers, they will offer color and/or ISDN fax capabilities, but
our fax modems will still only do black-and-white.
"CLASS" refers only to fax modems. CLASS has NOTHING AT ALL to do
with fax machines. Class 1, Class 2 and Class 2.0 are different
methods of sending commands to a fax modem from a computer serial
port. Many fax modems offer the Class 2 command set.
This command will put your modem in ADAPTIVE ANSWERING mode. This
means your modem will properly mate with either a standard modem
data call or a fax machine/fax modem. Some modems, such as the
Supra, will report a "FAX" response the instant a fax CNG tone is
heard from the remote end. Some modems are brain dead and will
report "FAX" whenever an "ATA" command is issued to the modem
regardless of whether the incoming fax is data or fax.
All modems, on true fax calls, will report a "+FCON" response code
when the fax connection is truly established. (This is similar to
a "CONNECT 14400" on a data call.)
Many modems are slightly brain dead and will forget the +FAA
setting when another command is issued to the modem. To ensure
you always answer in adaptive mode, rather than using "ATA" to
answer the phone, use the following: "AT+FAA=1;A".
The ";", semicolon, is used as a seperator for fax commands. Some
modems, such as the Supra, do not require it. Others, such as the
PPI, will "ERROR" out if the semicolons are not used.
A final note about adaptive answering: IT IS NOT 100% ACCURATE.
Every now and then, your modem may get confused and think a data
call is a fax call. There is nothing I can do about this as it is
most likely a firmware problem with the modem. Some modems are
very brain dead and allow low speed data callers to call the BBS,
but all high speed callers are treated like they are fax machines.
(That is NOT GOOD.) The only way to cure this is get a ROM chip
upgrade to the modem, if a newer version exists. You'll just have
to experiment and make sure your adaptive answer works about
95% of the time, or whatever you decide is good.
The Supra Fax Modem, for example, is pretty good concerning
adaptive answering. (Note that very earlier versions of the
Supra, did not offer adaptive answering until the 1.2-H and 1.2-J
ROMs appeared on the scene.) However, many older fax machines do
not send out a CNG tone when they are engaged. Many fax modems,
including the Supra, won't know what to do, and will assume the
old fax machine is really a data caller. Again, this is not good,
but its not that much of a problem. Tell the operator of the old
fax machine to push their "START" button *IMMEDIATELY* after dialing
the last digit of the telephone number instead of waiting to hear
the fax tones on our end like many office people do.
As silly as this command may sound, it gives permission to your
fax modem the ability to accept fax calls. The fax modems default
to *NOT* allow incoming fax calls (EVEN IF ADAPTIVE ANSWERING IS
ENABLED!) So, just make sure +FCR is always equal to 1.
AT+FLID="713 893 9124"
( The Class 2.0 command is AT+FLI )
The above command sets your modems fax ID string. This is the
string that is send to the remote end on fax connects. (It's the
deal that's printed on the little 'confirmation reports' that many
fax machines make.) The fax ID can ONLY BE A MAXIMUM OF *20*
CHARACTERS. If you try to stuff more than 20 characters in a fax
ID string, the modem will respond with an "ERROR". DO NOT USE
letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. (High-bit ASCII
characters include foreign accented letters, inverted question
marks, etc.)
I've been told that some older fax machines will go nuts if you
use a fax ID with ALPHABETIC letters and that the only true valid
values, as specified by the CCITT (PLUS, SPACE, DASH, and the
numbers ZERO through NINE). I've never seen this happen
personally, but am informing you of it nevertheless.
The above command is what the power on defaults to a 14400 fax
modem are, with one exception. The first number, 1, allows your
fax modem to accept high resolution fax documents. The power on
default to most modems are to accept only low resolution
documents. The second number, 5, allows your fax modem to use fax
speeds up to 14400 bps.
If you issue the above command on a fax modem with an upper limit
of 9600 on fax tranmissions, you will receive an "ERROR" or cause
the modem to behave odd. Use this string on a 9600 fax modem:
The remaining numbers are not that important. Changing them
around, though, may cause BGFAX to fail. The command can also be
abbreviated to "AT+FDCC=1,5" or "AT+FDCC=1,3".
A single command string can be made using what we need ...
AT+FAA=1;+FCR=1;+FLID="713 893 9124";+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0
However, if you are using BGFAX in rear end mode with a Fido
mailer, you may have a hard time of making an initialization
string that long, so you may be required to split the line into a
few pieces. Remeber to make your ATA command "AT+FAA=1;A" if it
is possible to change in your mailer.
( The Class 2.0 command is AT+FMI? )
If you want to find out who makes the fax datapump for your modem,
this command should tell you if you enter it in while in terminal
mode. My Supra (and many others) report "ROCKWELL". My Cheap
2400 data, 9600 S/R fax modem reports "SIERRA". Others report
"EXAR" and other things as well.
Probably 95% of you will be using BGFAX with a high speed modem
(v.32 or v.32bis). Many of you may have started off with slower
300, 1200, or 2400 modems from long ago. If you can remember back
that far, when an incoming data call came in, you would see a
string like "CONNECT 1200". If your port was set at 2400, you
would garbage on the screen unless you shifted your bps rate down
to 1200 to match that of the caller. Many newer terminal programs
refer to this speed shift as "Autobaud".
Modern modems require your serial port be locked at a specific
speed (such as 19200, 38400, 57600, etc.) so that you can achieve
higher thruput via compression engines such as MNP and v.42bis.
The modem-to-modem speed may only be 14400, but the modem-to-
computer speed stays "locked" at 38400. Autobaud is not required,
and if used, would result is garbage on the screen.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I don't know who's silly
idea it was, but the powers that be decided that fax modems should
use the ancient method of changing the port rate when a fax is
incoming or outgoing.
After your modem reports the result code "+FCON" all further
communications *MUST* be done at 19200 bps, even if you are locked
at 38400 or 57600. If the port speed is not relocked at 19200,
nothing but garbage will come on the screen.
I'm telling you this because I frequently get mail asking me why
I'm changing the port speed to 19200. It's not my fault! That's
the way is has to be done! The only modem that I know that does
not require this idiotic speed shift is the ZyXEL modem. In fact,
a special option must be used to tell BGFAX you are using a ZyXEL
or BGFAX will fail as it will try talking to the ZyXEL modem at
19200 instead of 57600 or whatever rate it's locked at.
To use BGFAX in front end mode, you say "BGFAX /HOST".
If you plan on using BGFAX in Frontend mode, you need to do a
couple of things first.
1. An evironment variable called BGFAX needs to be inserted in
your AUTOEXEC.BAT or someother batch file. Example:
This environment variable points to the location of your BGFAX
configuration file and the directory where faxes will be
received into.
2. Make sure the BGFAX.CNF configuration file is in the directory
pointed to by the BGFAX environment variable and make any
changes you think necessary. The included configuration file
is self explantory. I won't repeat the format here.
3. BGFAX can exit with 5 possible errorlevels:
5 - fax was sent successfully
4 - fax was received
3 - local logon
2 - data call
1 - restart batch file
If no errorlevel is encountered, it means the sysop aborted
BGFAX by pressing the [Esc] key or a serious error occurred.
4. When BGFAX is waiting for a call, pressing Ctrl-R will reset
the on screen counters. Ctrl-A will force BGFAX to send the
answer string to the modem.
5. When a data call comes in, BGFAX creates a DOBBS.BAT file that
looks like so:
The first parameter is the DCE data speed, then the com port,
number of minutes until the next event, and then the error
correcting string, if any. The EXEBBS.BAT file must be created
by you so that your bulletin board software is loaded up in
frontend mode (ie., the data connection is already hot.) When
you speed to specify the DCE rate in your EXEBBS.BAT file use
the variable %1 and the com port is %2, etc.
If you wish to have BGFAX send a fax file that it has received to
another fax number or send a fax file that has already been
converted by Quick Link II or ZFAX.
BGFAX /SEND FAX0001.ZFX 893-9124
See the BGFAX.CNF file for more info, such as maximum amount of
busy signals and failures before exit, etc.
At this time, only previously converted fax files can be sent.
(i.e., ASCII files have to be translated to ZFAX .FAX format or
QLII .QFX format.)
BGFAX will exit with an errorlevel of 1 if the fax was not
successfully sent, or errorlevel 5 if everything worked okay.
If you want BGFAX just to initialize the modem, you can have it do
so with the BGFAX /INIT parameter. BGFAX will get the port,
speed, and initialization strings from the BGFAX.CNF file in the
directory specified by the BGFAX environment variable.
This mode is provided for people who need to use BGFAX in rear end
mode, but their Fido mailers (or BBS software) do not allow them
to use the long initialization strings required for fax usage.
Rear end mode is useful for those of us who are FidoNet members
where a Fido mailer is required to be running 24 hours a day. It
will be your job to figure out how to get your mailer to exit to
BGFAX when your modem informs the mailer a fax call is coming
through. (See the BGFAX.HLP file for hints on specific mailers.)
First of all, though, you need to discover what string your modem
sends when it has reliably mated with an incoming fax. My Supra
Fax Modem for example returns "FAX". All modems eventually report
"+FCON". In my opinion, it is better to trigger your mailer to
exit on "FAX" *IF* your faxmodem supports it. I've heard about
some brain dead modems to report "FAX" whenever an "ATA" is sent
to the modem. If your modem does that, do *NOT* use "FAX" as the
trigger string in your mailer.
Why is it better to use "FAX" as a trigger string? My Supra
reports "FAX" as soon as it hears the CNG tone from the remote fax
device. It takes about 1.5 seconds or so for the fax machine and
my Supra to mate, which gives BGFAX plenty and plenty of time to
load up and take the fax, even on slow computers. (It should be
noted that your mailer must exit *IMMEDIATELY* upon receipt of the
fax trigger string, because after those 1.5 seconds, if the remote
fax machine cannot mate, it will hangup!)
For those whose modems do not report "FAX", you will have to use
the "+FCON" string as the trigger string. One downside to this is
that it makes timing much more critical and you will probably miss
your chance of obtaining the remote fax ID string.
Your mailer should run BGFAX as soon as the trigger string comes
in the port. It should call BGFAX in the following manner:
BGFAX /how [faxpath port faxtype [pid]]
FAXPATH will be the directory where incoming faxes are to be
placed. PORT is a valid communications port from 1 to 4, or,
optionally, a hexidecial base address and IRQ formatted as
followed "3F8x5". Also, optionally, if the port has a bang, !,
following it, it will force the port to stay locked at the current
speed rather than shifting to 19200 on fax connects. (THIS '!' IS
WHAT THEY ARE DOING.) FAXTYPE is a single character 'Z' or 'Q'.
'Z' for ZyXEL ZFAX format, 'Q' for Smith Micro Software's Quick
Link II fax format.
The /how deal is the most critical switch. There are three
possible settings.
/FAX ... Modem reports "FAX" or "CONNECT FAX".
BGFAX will automatically detect whether it should
use Class 2 (Supra, Zoom) or the ZyXEL fax mode
based on the next message (ie, "+FCON" or "ZyXEL").
/FAST ... Modem reports "+FCON" (PPI, other Class 2 modems)
/FCON ... Try this option if /FAST doens't work.
/FCO ... Modem reports "+FCO" (USR 21.6K)
/FCOS ... Try this option if /FCO doesn't work.
/FZYX ... ZyXEL owners use this if /FAX doesn't work.
Here is a schematic of how each option behaves:
/FAX [ Supra, ZyXEL, i.e. all modems that report "FAX" ]
1. keeps port at locked DTE
2. waits for "+FCON" _or_ 2. waits for "ZyXEL"
3. drops port to 19200 3. waits for high CTS
4. waits for "OK" 4. sends <DC2>
5. sends "AT+FDR"
/FAST [ PPI, i.e. all modems that report "+FCON" ]
1. drops port to 19200
2. waits for "OK"
3. sends "AT+FDR"
/FCON [ PPI, use this if above options don't work ]
1. drops port to 19200
2. blindly sends "AT+FDR"
/FCO [ USR, i.e. all Class 2.0 modems that report "+FCO" ]
1. keeps port at locked DTE
2. waits for "OK"
3. drops port to 19200 _only if_ DTE rate is 38400
(leaves port alone if set at 19200, 57600 or 115200)
4. sends "AT+FDR"
/FCOS [ USR, i.e. all Class 2.0 modems that report "+FCO" ]
1. drops port to 19200 _only if_ DTE rate is 38400
(leaves port alone if set at 19200, 57600 or 115200)
2. blindly sends "AT+FDR"
/FZYX [ ZyXEL, use this only if /FAX doesn't work ]
1. waits for high CTS
2. sends <DC2>
When a fax is inbound, I call BGFAX in rearend mode with the
following command line for my Supra:
The /FAX means that I used the modem response "FAX" as a trigger
for FD (see BGFAX.HLP for more details), C:\BGFAX is the path
where I want all faxes to be stored, "1" is the communications
port, and the "Z" represents I want faxes saved in ZyXEL's ZFAX
image format.
If you want to run BGFAX on a multinode system, an optional fifth
parameter can be used. This fifth parameter can be up to three
characters and it is called the PID. Example:
The only difference between the command above and the previous one
is that rather than making a BGFAX.LOG, all log entries will be
written to a file called BGFAXpid.LOG, in this case, BGFAX99.LOG.
The name of the fax file will be FAXnnnn.xFX where "nnnn" is a
number that is padded with zeros and "x" is the letter "Z" or "Q"
depending upon which fax format you save the file in. If you ever
see a BGFAX.TMP file in your directory, it should *NOT* be there,
as it should have been renamed in the FAXnnnn.xFX format. If it
is there, it means some kind of problem happened during the fax
BGFAX creates a BGFAX.LOG file that contains a bunch of
information that is mainly only for debug purposes. A much
cleaner log file is called FAXIN.LOG and looks like this:
Date Time ET Bytes Rate Filename Remote Fax ID Pgs Notes
12-21 11:52 00:42 18183 9600*FAX0001.ZFX Unknown 2 Finished
12-21 18:04 00:38 18182 9600 FAX0002.ZFX Unknown 2 Not Done
12-22 21:30 00:29 17793 14400*FAX0003.ZFX 7138939124 1 Finished
12-22 21:42 00:29 17541 14400 FAX0004.ZFX TRANQUILITY BASE 1 Finished
12-23 06:44 00:32 16941 9600*FAX0005.ZFX Null ID Received 1 Finished
12-25 17:21 01:22 107392 14400*FAX0006.ZFX 7132424708 1 Finished
The asterick between the fax DCE rate and the filename indicates
the fax was marked as high resolution. "Not Done" under Notes
means that BGFAX believed more pages were to have followed, but
were not actually received. "ET" is estimated time. Everything
else is self explanatory.
After you successfully receive a fax, BGFAX will exit with an
errorlevel of 4 and append (or create) a DOPRINT.BAT file.
You do not have to do anything with this at all, but it is
provided for those of you who wish to print faxes as they are
received. It will call the EXEPRINT.BAT file and pass it the
parameter with the path and name of the fax file that was just
received. If you are using Smith Micro Software's Quick Link II,
for example, and are one of those people that leave your printer
on 24 hours a day, your EXEPRINT.BAT file might contain this:
@echo off
printfax %bgfax%\%1 24pin.qlp
Remeber to delete the DOPRINT.BAT file after you process it.
When BGFAX reports "Problematic fax reception", it will indicate a
fax hangup code, such as [+FHNG: 73]. This chart, taken from the
Supra CLASS_2.TXT fax command set documentation (which, I believe
was taken from the Rockwell Class 2 documentation), allows you to
match up the +FHNG message with its true meaning. For example,
+FHNG: 73 would indicate "T.30 T2 timeout, expected page not
received", which really does not say much, but it may give you
some clue. I don't know what most of these mean myself, so I
don't know whether it will provide you any luck or not, but, many
people asked that it be included, so here it is.
| 2.0 Class 2 | Cause Description |
| 00 0 | Normal and proper end of connection |
| 01 1 | Ring Detect without successful handshake |
| 02 2 | Call aborted, from +FK/+FKS or <CAN> |
| 03 3 | No Loop Current |
| 04 n/a | Ringback detected, no answer (timeout) |
| 05 n/a | Ringback detected, answer without CED |
| 10 10 | Unspecified Phase A error |
| 11 11 | No Answer (T.30 T1 timeout) |
| 20 20 | Unspecified Transmit Phase B error |
| 21 21 | Remote cannot receive or send |
| 22 22 | COMREC error in transmit Phase B |
| 23 23 | COMREC invalid command received |
| 24 24 | RSPEC error |
| 25 25 | DCS sent three times without response |
| 26 26 | DIS/DTC received 3 times; DCS not recognized |
| 27 27 | Failure to train at 2400 bps or +FMS/ |
| | +FMINSP value |
| 28 28 | RSPREC invalid response received |
| 40 40 | Unspecified Transmit Phase C error |
| 41 n/a | Unspecified Image format error |
| 42 n/a | Image conversion error |
| 43 43 | DTE to DCE data underflow |
| 44 n/a | Unrecognized Transparent data command |
| 45 n/a | Image error, line length wrong |
| 46 n/a | Image error, page length wrong |
| 47 n/a | Image error, wrong compression code |
| 50 50 | Unspecified Transmit Phase D error |
| 51 51 | RSPREC error |
| 52 52 | No response to MPS repeated 3 times |
| 53 53 | Invalid response to MPS |
| 54 54 | No response to EOP repeated 3 times |
| 55 55 | Invalid response to EOP |
| 56 56 | No response to EOM repeated 3 times |
| 57 57 | Invalid response to EOM |
| 58 58 | Unable to continue after PIN or PIP |
| 70 70 | Unspecified Receive Phase B error |
| 71 71 | RSPREC error |
| 72 72 | COMREC error |
| 73 73 | T.30 T2 timeout, expected page not received |
| 74 74 | T.30 T1 timeout after EOM received |
| 90 90 | Unspecified Receive Phase C error |
| 91 91 | Missing EOL after 5 seconds |
| n/a 92 | < Not assigned > /--- Rockwell only |
| 92 -Note-> 94 | Bad CRC or frame (ECM {or BFT} modes) |
| 93 93 | DCE to DTE buffer overflow |
| A0 100 | Unspecified Receive Phase D errors |
| A1 101 | RSPREC invalid response received |
| A2 102 | COMREC invalid response received |
| A3 103 | Unable to continue after PIN or PIP |
| n/a 120-255 | RESERVED CODES |
I would like to thank the following people for their assistance
during the beta test phase.
Bill Huther
Brian Wood
Russell Kroll
Ethan Brofman
Ed Lucas
...and many people from the InterNet and FidoNet.
If you use this program for more than four weeks you are required
to register it for its low cost of only $25 US DOLLARS.
Registrations encourage frequent updates.
If you are paying by check or money order, please print out the
REGISTER.FRM file, fill it out, and mail it to my address.
If you are paying by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover or
American Express) you can (1) mail the form to me, (2) fax the
form to me, (3) netmail the form to me, or (4) call my BBS and
open door #6 and instantly register.
All people will have to call my BBS and open door #6 to pick up
the BGFAX.KEY registration key file.
I will mail (or air mail) registration letters out.
B.J. Guillot