161 lines
7.7 KiB
161 lines
7.7 KiB
B64dCode Conversion Utility Version 2.4
A Little About B64dCode
B64dCode (Base 64 Encode/Decode Utility) will decode MIME/Base 64 files back
into their original configuration or encode any other file type into
MIME/Base 64. MIME is an acronym for Multi-part Internet Mail Encoding, a
specification commonly used for Internet email attachments. Base 64 is a
coding standard that allows 8-bit files (graphics, compressed files, word
processing documents, etc.) to be transported via Internet email.
B64dCode is a 32-bit program developed with Microsoft's Visual C++ Version
2.0/4.0 and thus runs in the Windows 95 environment (it's untested in NT,
but should also run in that environment). B64dCode will NOT run under DOS
or in a 16-bit Windows 3.1 environment. It has NOT been tested in the
WIN32S Windows 3.1 environment.
B64dCode does no checksum or hash accumulation or verification. When
decoding a Base 64 file, any text or other extraneous data found in it is
ignored except for the file name. If more than one encoded document is
stacked in one file, only the first will be processed.
If you have a multi-part Base 64 file, you can use a text editor to cut and
paste the multiple files into one. If you do this, you must be careful at
the point where they are joined. Any change in the encoded line size or the
presence of an equal sign ("=") within the encoded data will terminate
The converted output file will be directed to the input file's directory by
default. Unless you've activated the Auto Save option, you will be given the
opportunity to change both the output file name and/or destination after
conversion via the standard "Save as" menu option.
When converting from Base 64, B64dCode attempts to determine the correct
output file name and file type from the input data. If the file name cannot
be determined, it defaults to the input file name. If the file type cannot
be determined, a psudo extension of "001" is presented. The user is
notified when this occurs and given the option of saving or discarding the
file because the integrity of the converted file is probably suspect.
B64dCode supports command line initiation ("batch" mode) as well as Drag and
Drop. Keep in mind, however, that when starting B64dCode from the command
line (or via Drag and Drop) the only way it can determine whether to Encode
or Decode is by the input file type extension. If you pass it a file with
the expected Base 64 file type extension (changeable via the Configuration
Options), B64dCode will assume you are DECODING. If you pass it a file with
any other file type extension, B64dCode will assume you're ENCODING.
o AUTO SAVE: B64dCode can be configured to automatically save a
converted file (the default is OFF). The full path name of the saved file
will be shown to the user after processing ("interactive" mode) and the file
will be saved in the directory where the input file resides. This is always
the default when executing B64dCode in "batch" mode.
o AUTO PURGE: B64dCode can be configured to delete the Base 64 input
file after a successful conversion (the default is OFF). This will occur
with no user notification.
o AUTO LAUNCH: B64dCode can be configured to launch the application
associated with the converted file (the default is OFF). This is based on
the association between the target application and the file type extension
of the converted (Decoded) file. (Converted files with .EXE, .COM or .BAT
file extensions are excluded for your protection.) The application to be
launched must exist in your WIN.INI file under the [Extensions] section with
a matching file type extension. B64dCode will search your WIN.INI file,
extract the application's path name and "spawn" the application.
o LINE SIZE: The default Base 64 line size (when creating a Base 64
file) can be changed to any value between 60 and 80. It must, however, be
evenly divisible by four. The initial default is 76. Smaller sizes will
result in larger Base 64 files because of the additional lines generated
(extra CR/LF pairs).
o FILE EXTENSION: You can optionally change the default Base 64 file
type extension (the default is "B64") to any unused file type extension you
choose. The new extension must be valid and cannot already exist in your
WIN.INI file's [Extensions] section. If you change the file type extension
in B64dCode, be aware it will NOT change the system file association for the
new file type. B64dCode will NOT update your System Registry with the new
file type extension. If you wish to start B64dCode by double-clicking a
Base 64 file while in Explorer, you must manually change the file type
association yourself from ".B64" to the new one via My Computer in the
Control Panel/View/Options dialog then choose File Types from the property
o B64dCode will remember it's window size and position from one session
to the next. These parameters and the configuration options are maintained
in the B64DCODE.INI file residing in your C:\Windows directory. If this
file is not present, B64dCode will create one.
Just unzip the B64DCODE.ZIP into whatever directory you wish (generally
C:\Windows) and create any shortcuts you desire on your Desktop or in the
Windows 95 "Start Menu" folder. You can even put a shortcut to B64dCode in
your "Send To" folder and "send" a file to it from Explorer.
B64dCode will also "remember" the last directory used and will display on
the File menu the most recent four files you've converted (these are
maintained in the B64DCODE.INI file in your C:\Windows directory and in the
System Registry).
If you wish, you may configure sound effects for B64dCode. It uses the
following system sound events: Asterisk, Question, Exclamation.
B64dCode requires MFC30D.DLL (this should be standard with Windows 95) in
your Windows directory in to order to function. When B64dCode is executed
for the first time, it will create it's own B64DCODE.INI file in your
C:\Windows directory.
The B64DCODE.INI file contains the [Recent File List] entries for display on
the File menu along with the window settings and configuration options.
B64dCode is shareware, not freeware. Unlike many shareware products,
however, it contains no ugly reminder screens or devious expiration date
schemes. There is nothing to stop you from continuing to use B64dCode
for free. You're on your honor. But if you're honest and you find B64dCode
useful and you continue to use it, I would certainly appreciate a
contribution of $10 (cheap) in cash, check or money order delivered to the
following address:
Warren A. Smethurst
P.O. Box 2146
Antioch, TN 37013-2146
If you have any problems with B64dCode or you would like to offer some
suggestions or comments you may reach me via Internet email at
warrens@concentric.net or you may visit my Web page at
http://www.concentric.net/~warrens/ and send me any comments or suggestions
directly from there.
You may use B64dCode freely on your computer system. You may distribute
B64dCode freely on Online Services. You may NOT sell copies of B64dCode
(i.e. disk vendors) without express permission from the author. You may
NOT decompile, reverse engineer, or modify B64dCode or its resources. You
may NOT modify the B64DCODE.ZIP file or its contents.