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Documentation for Allnet Hacker v4.0
Of course you should never under any circumstances use this program for
illegal purposes (HaHa!).
To (ab)use Allnet you must realize that at the time of this writing they are
using a 7 digit base code plus a 2 digit PIN code.
The complete code is divided as follows: BBBBBBB-PP (B=Base code P=PIN code)
When hacking Base codes, the program will enter the 7 digit number that
is written under "Current Code- XXXXXXX" plus your formula. (I also have
a formula hacker, if your interested leave mail)
When hacking PIN codes, the program will enter the Base Code plus a PIN code
that is either defined or random plus your target number (which should be
a non-valid number. Example "8189762222"
Setup Program (option 6 from Main Menu) will set your defaults. Explanations
Comport- Defaults to "COM1:". This is simply the comport that you will be
dialing from.
Setup String- Default to "ATM3X0S7=255 S9=255 S11=50". This is the command
that will be sent to your modem prior to dialing. Consult your modem guide
to make any changes. With the string as it is set now, on a US Robotics
2400 baud modem, it will: 1-Turn the speaker on after dialing is completed.
2-Set the result codes to minimum. 3-Wait 255 seconds for a carrier (which
is overridden by other setup commands). 4-Say that a carrier must be present
and constant for 25.5 seconds before a result code will be sent. 5-Set your
touch tone spacing to 5 milliseconds per digit. The fastest that my telephone
company's switches can always recognize.
Dial up- Defaults to "9501444". This is so that you people who aren't lucky
enough to have the 950 dialup for Allnet work in your area, can change it
to the 800 dial up.
Base Code Filename- Defaults to "ALLNET.COD". This is the filename that your
[M]arked base codes will be saved under.
Base timeout- Defaults to "350". This is the number that the computer will
count to when hacking Base Codes and then hang up and try the next code.
PIN timeout- Defaults to "350". Same as above except it's hacking PIN codes.
Target number- Defaults to "4159763482". This is the non-valid number that
will be sent after the PIN code when hacking PIN codes.
Formula- Defaults to "111*". This is the series of digits that will be sent
after a base code when hacking or testing base codes. I will try to update
this as much as possible. You can also get my Formula Hacker which will
work with any LD companies that use 2 part codes.
Re-test base- Defaults to "20". Because of the fact that in some areas Allnet
has been killing base codes pretty regularly, I added a feature in the random
PIN code hacking section of the program that will re-test the base code after
so many tries to make sure that it is still a valid base code. This will
default to every 20 tries.
Wait time between dials- Defaults to "75". This is the time that your line
needs to disconnect from Allnet and redial. You may need to extend this time
depending on the speed your computer runs at.
Dial command- Defaults to "ATDT". This is the command to send to the modem
to tell it to tone dial. Consult your modem guide if needed.
Commas after dialup- Defaults to ",,". This is the wait time between dialing
the dialup and diling the possible code. If your using the 950 dialup and
not change S8 in the modem initialization string, this should be perfect for
ASCII code for return- Defaults to "13". This is the ASCII code that the
keyboard will return whenever Return (Enter) is pressed.
Reset modem command- Defaults to "ATZ". This is the modem command to reset
all modem variables to thier initial values.
Also be sure to read the instructions within the program. Have Phun!
Great White