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Management Overview °°° Review of Compaq DeskPro 286 °°°
°°° °°°
The Compaq 286 is the latest in the °°° by °°°
evolutionary cycle of the °°° °°°
microcomputer. This current generation °°°Bob McDuffee, Sysop, Grizzly King °°°
machine utilizes a true 16 bit °°° °°°
processor as well as 16/8 bit bus °°° Hardware Review °°°
interface. This allows the INTEL 80286 °°° °°°
microprocessor chip to perform at least °°° °°°
twice as fast as the IBM XT and the °°° °°°
Compaq Deskpro series. The test system °°° °°°
contained a 30 Megabyte hard drive, 10 °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Megabyte tape backup unit, green °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
text/graphics display monitor, 640K of
RAM and a 1.2 Megabyte floppy disk drive. Throughout the test the machine
performed without fail. All software currently approved for purchase by the
DPIC ran without modification on the 286. This demonstrates that the machine is
fully compatible with the current installed base of microcomputers while
offering efficiency enhancements (clock speed of 8.00 MHZ compared to 7.2 MHZ
for the DeskPro) and, expanded memory and secondary storage options. Several
times during the test the high density disk drive was used to format and write
the standard 360K diskettes to transfer data to an older PC, and performed
Given the desire to off load the VM machine of `non-mainframe' systems as much
as possible, the need for a machine capable of handling large data files (PC-SAS
or PC-FOCUS for example) with reasonable speed and yet is compatible with even
the first IBM PC's is apparent.
Benchmark testing was performed to allow comparison between the Compaq Deskpro's
currently in use at StorageTek and the new generation of Compaq 286 Deskpro's.
Data Base Sort and Index Benchmarks
Test 1 Test2
Sort 3911 records on one indexed field. Add five (5) indexes to a file contain-
3911 records.
Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286 Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286
30 min. 18 sec. 5 min. 23 sec. 2 hrs 9 min. 30 sec. 43 min. 59 sec.
Spreadsheet Load, Recalculate, and View Benchmarks
Test 1 Test 2
Load a 59136K file from the hard disk. Recalculate a 59136K file
Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286 Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286
7 min. 45 sec. 1 min. 43 sec. 4 min. 45 sec. 0 min. 45 sec.
Test 3
View a graph.
Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286
0 min. 20 sec. 0 min. 4 sec.
Word Processor Search and Block Move Benchmark
Test 1 Test 2
Search for a phrase located near the Block Move in a 26 page document.
end of a 26 page document.
Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286 Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286
6.48sec. 4.12 sec. 8.14 sec. 2.59 sec.
File Operation Benchmarks performed on a file of 578 records.
Test 1 Test 2
Random Record Read Sequential Read
Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286 Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286
21.69 sec. 9.77 sec. 8.78 sec. 4.61 sec.
Test 3
Random Record Write
Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286
12.74 sec. 7.19 sec.
Prime Number Generation
Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286
13 sec. 7 sec.
Integer Addition
Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286
.23 sec. .07 sec.
Floating Point Arithmetic
Compaq DeskPro Compaq 286
.50 sec .29 sec.