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The Journal of Stark County Telecom
Brought to you by: The Necropolis BBS
(216)/966-8970 (3/12/2400 8N1 24 hrs)
Running Renegade Beta
Located in North Canton, Ohio
Sept 20, 1992 : Volume #1, Issue #5
>> Now Serving Stark County & Summit County <<
[ Mandatory Participation: Growing Trend or Ancient Relic? ]
Just recently, Tim Stedman announced that his BBS, the
Amiga Asylum, will begin enforcing a mandatory
participation rule. Thus, the Amiga Asylum becomes the
third local bulletin board to enforce such a rule.
While many sysops feel that mandatory participation is
a great idea, there are others who feel that it is not
something that is necessary. This ideology is far from
how things used to be: expressions like "post or roast"
could be seen on just about every bulletin board. But
today, many sysops don't like the idea of using BBS
priveleges as an incentive to participate.
Mandatory participation goes beyond the mere upload-
download ratio. Mandatory participation often means the
use of PCRs -- Post/Call Ratios. For every call, the
user must post so many times or BBS rights will be
taken away. Often, the BBS program will automatically
do this for the sysop.
Mandatory Participation Stances in Stark County
The Necropolis - A post/call ratio is in effect for
online games. Long-time lurkers are
Arrakis - Selective rights: if a user posts,
he has access to the subs. If not,
his access there is revoked.
Amiga Asylum - New anti-lurker attitude.
Rising Power - None.
Canton Conn - None.
Walkman's Ware - Unknown.
The question that must arise is: do programs like these
work? Does mandatory participation help out a bulletin
board? The first few days after the Asylum began the
mandatory participation rule, people who never posted
began to post. Reports of success from the Necropolis
have also supported the theory.
It is the opinion of STARK NAKED that post-call ratios
and mandatory participation is in the best interest of
Stark County telecommunications.
[ The Shareware Update: Continuing News on New Releases! ]
STARK NAKED will attempt to offer readers current news
on Shareware programs in each issue.
PKWare :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
PKZip v2.x will be out soon, according to Phil Katz.
Remember that v2.01 and v2.2 are HACKS and you will
not want to use them.
PKWare has also signed a business agreement with ASi
(a multi-platform development company out of Dayton)
that will, among other things, allow PKWare Data
Compression libraries to be ported to other computer
platforms. In the plans right now are ports through
Unix, MacIntosh, MVS, Amiga, and Ultrix. A rep from
ASi hopes that PKWare/ASi will become an industry
standard for data compression.
TradeWars 2002 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Gary Martin is planning a release of TradeWars 2112
within the next two years. Current registered sysops
will have to re-register. Little other information
is available on TradeWars 2112.
[ Bob Larson Comes to Akron: Necropolis Users Set to Go! ]
Radio talk-show host and Christian fundamentalist, Bob
Larson, is coming to the Akron Civic Center to speak on
issues relating to occultism October 23. The Necropolis
BBS, which is known for "Bob-bashing," is planning on
organizing a Necropolis Caravan to see Bob speak. If
interested in going, users should contact the Sorcerer,
Elminster, or just leave sysop feedback on the
Necropolis. Information will be posted publicly at the
Necropolis BBS on the Theology Sub.
[ Akron Sysop Organization Cancelled: Pegasus Goes Down ]
The proposed Akron Area Sysop's Organization (AASO) was
recently cancelled along with the Pegasus BBS, an Akron
bulletin board running on Maximus. According to Dan
Steill, the ex-sysop of Pegasus, the bulletin board had
to be taken down because of personal reasons. With the
the Pegasus BBS went the sysop group. Steill does think
that a sysop organization would be helpful for all area
sysops. An FBI agent was scheduled for the first meet
to discuss pirated software and copyright laws.
[ Random Scribblings: Various Notes from Various BBS'es ]
... Still no word on the future of Seraglio BBS. Attempts
to contact the sysop have resulted in busy signals!
Stay tuned to Stark Naked for further developments.
... Power Man's BBS (the name of which is unconfirmed)
is allegedly going to be carrying the Boondock nets.
In response, the Necropolis BBS will be dropping the
Boondock nets in favor of an international network
which has yet to be named. One echo that will be
definitely pulled will be a Christian echo, which
will balance the Pagan/New Age selection currently
on-line. The Boondock/MSI/Wildnet nets are also
being carried by the Confederate BBS and the Pentagon
... Several issues of Stark Naked were recently sighted
on a bulletin board in South Carolina! The editors
of Stark Naked would like to know who uploaded them
there ... to thank them! Stark Naked has also been
making rounds on packet radio boards! The message
of Stark Naked (aside from the news of local events)
is for freedom of telecommunication ... hopefully
that message is being spread!
... A new conference at the Necropolis ... the Star
Trek / Science Fiction conference has been put up
not only for ST/TNG fans ... but also for political
reasons. Apparently, after a small war on the USS
Paramount BBS, the Sorcerer decided to put up a
"conference that would teach the Paramount how to
run a Star Trek theme." The conference features a
Star Trek echo, Science Fiction echo, TradeWars
2002 Echo, as well as a number of sci-fi related
files. The sysops of USS Paramount refused to
... Several changes have occured at Stark's first
commercial BBS ... Canton Communications. The
most apparent is the addition of a high speed modem.
Other changes include a more efficient logon method,
addition of the Fred Fish library for Amiga, and
the entire CD-Rom collection for IBM and Amiga. A
new SIG, the Debate Sig, headed by Andy Curlutu,
was also added. The high-speed modem line number
is 478-0548.
... With the recent events in campaign politics, the
Perot for President ECHO has been re-activated.
The echo, which is part of the Searchlight net,
was running in an effort to spread information
about Ross Perot, the Texas billionaire whose name
is now on the ballot of every state.
... In the next issue of STARK NAKED, we'll be taking
an in-depth look at the world of x-rated BBS'ing!
Features will include an update on Akron Anomoly
(hopefully), a special section on Chat Sex, as well
as legal implications of running an adult board.
Also, a new feature that will hopefully be added to
STARK NAKED is a New BBS Spotlight. If you know of
a new bulletin board system in the Stark/Summit
area, let us know and we'll do a feature article on
them. The world needs more good boards!
[ NEW BBS Software on the Market: Spec Sheet Available ]
Synchronet Version 1a
* Designed from the ground up as a reliable and feature rich
multinode BBS
* Up to 250 simultaneous nodes with multinode chat and online
program support
* Enhanced DESQview operation mode
* Runs under DOS 3.0 or higher on any 80x86 compatible computer
with 500k free RAM - BBS can shrink to 16k to execute external
* Pay BBS features:
Time credits, user expiration dates, credits, and 900/976
* Interrupt driven COM I/O for the fastest through-put possible
- even with multiple nodes per CPU via DOS multitasker
* Any COM port configuration supported (one IRQ line per COM port)
* Blazing fast even on a 10mhz XT
* Familiar hotkey user interface with '?' activated menus at every
* The most advanced BBS security ever: Impenetrable to remote
hackers, 100 security levels with 52 sysop configurable flags
per user, Sysop can allow or disallow users to choose their own
passwords, Sysop can force periodic password changes (uniqueness
is also forced), External programs cannot access the command
* QWK mail packet support built-in
* Up to 10,000 message groups, up to 20,000 total message
sub-boards with up to 5,000 messages per sub-board.
* Up to 10,000 file libraries, up to 20,000 total file directories
with up to 5,000 files per directory.
* Extensive File Transfer Section:
Up to 500 transfer protocols with optional DSZLOG support
Batch uploads, downloads, and bidirectional file transfers
Transfer credit system is completely configurable
File viewing, extraction, and partial downloading of archives
File descriptions can contain content rating and multidisk
Personal user to user(s) file transfers
Optional batch download file flagging for user convenience
Internal support for offline directories
Multiple sysop file removal/move/edit search criteria
Directories can be sorted by filename or date, ascending or
Advanced extended descriptions
Complete CDROM and other slow media support
* Professional error handling and logging
* Sysop inter-node control (remote or local):
Interrupting - hang-up on any node
Locking - only sysops can logon a locked node till lock
is removed
Rerunning - reexecutes BBS, reinitializing configuration,
* Inter-node message services:
Current node status - user online, action, connect rate,
and more, User activity - credited downloads, mail activity,
logons, and logoffs, User communications - paging, one-line
messages, and multinode chat
* 48 Local macros and sysop function hotkeys
* Real-time user database:
Amazingly complete user edit function
Remote changes to online-user data are immediately effective
Disk image is always current for enhanced system fault tolerance
Linked free-form data file for every user
* Online, sysop configurable, chatting artificial intelligence
* Up to 500 online external programs:
Multiuser or single user programs
Programs that use DOS I/O (don't use COM port directly)
Multiple door file formats created
Supports native WWIV color code expansion
Free Software Development Kit (SDK) avaiable for program
* Multiple Events
Logon and logoff events
New user events
Upload events (integrity testing, adding of comments,
virii scan, etc.)
Node and system daily events
Timed event that supports forced exclusive execution
* The most configurable BBS available today:
Powerful object oriented menu driven configuration program
All menus, text, and colors are sysop configurable without
source code
The use of aliases can be allowed or disallowed
New User Questionaire is available and customizable
Source code available for nearly unlimited customization
(extra cost)
To download the DEMO version of Synchronet (and purchasing information),
call Vertrauen (Synchronet development site) at 714-529-9525 (2400bps)
or 714-529-9547 (V.32bis/HST)
STARK NAKED :::: The Journal of Stark County Telecom
Editor: The Sorcerer :::: Support BBS: The Necropolis BBS
Published Periodically :::: (216) 966-8970
September 20, 1992 :::: Sysops interested in becoming a
"If your sysop doesn't :::: Stark Naked Support BBS, please
carry Stark Naked on :::: contact the Sorcerer. Users who
a regular basis ... :::: are interested in reporting can
find out why!" :::: also contact the Sorcerer.
::: Stark Naked appreciates _any_ feedback that readers might
::: have. Stark Naked also accepts any letters to the editor
::: concerning issues raised in Stark Naked.