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º Welcome to the º
º Strictly Business!BBS º
º Free (or very low cost) Offers º
º To Help Your Business Grow º
º º
º (C) 1992 All Rights Reserved º
FREE ÿ- ÿGuides to financial planning. ÿReceive: ÿA ÿÿConsumer ÿGuide ÿTo
Financial Independence, ÿConsumer Bill of Rights for Financial ÿPlanning,
The Registry Consumer Guide To Comprehensive Financial Planning, ÿplus up
to ÿ4 names and addresses of qualified financial planners in ÿyour ÿarea.
Available ÿÿby ÿcontacting: ÿÿInternational ÿAssociation ÿfor ÿÿFinancial
Planning, Two Concourse Parkway, Suite 800, Atlanta, GA 30328. ÿOr call:
FREE ÿ- Advice on using mailing lists effectively. ÿLearn the 7 rules on
how to increase your chances for a return on your mailing ventures before
you ÿspend a lot money buying mailing lists. ÿAlso offers ÿresources ÿon
this topic. ÿWrite to: ÿCalagraphics Publications, ÿ247 ÿOld Bergen Rd.,
Jersey City, NJ 07305 or call 800-836-8266.
FREE ÿ- ÿReference Guide to answer questions about the UPC ÿsymbol. ÿÿIf
you're selling a product, one of the most important concerns today should
be ÿthe ÿscannability ÿof the UPC symbol. ÿThis ÿvaluable ÿguide ÿoffers
valuable ÿinsight ÿand answers some of the most common ÿquestions. ÿÿGet
yours today by calling 800-245-1168 ÿor writing to: ÿMattews Int'l Corp.,
252 Park West Drive, P.O. Box 318, Pittsburgh, PA 15230.
FREE - Booklet! ÿOffered by the QUILL Business Library, ÿthis publication
shows ÿyou how to save money by knowing how the office products ÿindustry
works, ÿhow to shop for better prices and recognize any extra charges and
available discounts on office supplies, ÿand how to avoid the mistake ÿof
more costly items because of the manufacturer's name. ÿYou will be ÿable
to ÿsave ÿyour company money, ÿimprove the service you receive, ÿget ÿthe
quality you need, ÿand make your job easier. ÿTo receive your free copy,
contact QUILL Corporation, 100 Schelter Rd., Lincolnshire, IL 60069-3621.
Or Phone 708-634-8000. ÿFAX: ÿ708-634-5708. ÿPut to the attention of the
Director of Advertising and Marketing.
FREE - Publication! ÿAimed at helping businesses understand issues unique
to the international market, such as pricing, accounting, legal and sales
information ÿto ÿdevelop ÿmarkets, ÿthe U.S. ÿÿPostal ÿService ÿhas ÿmade
available ÿa publication called the INTERNATIONAL DIRECT MARKETING GUIDE:
Regional ÿMarkets ÿand ÿSelected ÿCountries ÿ(IDMG). ÿÿThere ÿare ÿbrief
overviews ÿof ÿsix ÿregional markets as well as detailed ÿinformation ÿon
seven ÿselected countries. ÿAlso, ÿthere are more than 80 ÿpages of next
step resources - publications, ÿdirect marketing associations, ÿU.S. ÿand
foreign commerical services offices, U.S. embassies and consulates, int'l
ZIP Code information, ÿplus much more! ÿAvailable through a local Postal
Service account representative or marketing office.
FREE - Foreign Exchange Tips for anyone planning to travel overseas, ÿAND
Foreign ÿCurrency Guide Tips (converting to the U.S. ÿdollar equivalent).
These ÿtwo ÿpamphlets ÿoffer ÿa ÿwealth ÿof ÿinformation ÿto ÿhelp ÿÿyour
international ÿtraveling needs. ÿTo receive your free pamphlets, ÿsend a
SASE to: Ruesch Int'l, 1350 Eye Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20005.
FREE - Booklet! Careers In Advertising is a valuable resource for anyone
considering a career in this area whether you become a consultant or work
for ÿsomeone ÿelse. ÿAddresses creative aspects, ÿmedia ÿconsiderations,
research, support services, client issues, plus much more. Also includes
a valuable bibliography which includes periodicals, directories, national
groups in advertising, ÿmarketing and related fields. Contact: ÿAmerican
Advertising Federation, 1400 K Street N.W., Suite 1000, Washington, ÿD.C.
FREE - Export Hotline! This FAX-back retrieval service, ÿoperated by AT&T
and ÿseveral ÿmultinational ÿcompanies, ÿhas ÿup-to-date ÿdetails ÿof ÿ50
industries of all the US' ÿmajor trading partners. The service's mission
is ÿto help small and growing US businesses get into the ÿexport ÿmarket.
Call 800-USA-XPORT(872-9767) ÿfor the menu and code numbers of ÿavailable
documents. You then use your fax machine to reach the system and receive
the custom reports. Cost is only the fax call. You can receive additional
information via your fax or postal mail, call 800-872-9767.
FREE - Marketing Reports! ÿReceive from the National Center for Database
Marketing, ÿtwo special reports - 38 ÿRADICAL, ÿNEW TRENDS: ÿCHANGING THE
DATABASE ÿMARKETING TIPS. ÿIn addition, ÿyou'll receive their new ÿInfo-
Source ÿDatabase ÿMarketing catalog, ÿa ÿcomprehensive source ÿof ÿexpert
information ÿon database marketing strategies for beginning and ÿadvanced
professionals. ÿIt includes workbooks, ÿaudio & video tapes, books, ÿand
unique software. ÿAll this is available for FREE by calling (916) ÿÿ292-
3000, fax your request to 916-292-3504, or write: The National Center for
DATABASE MARKETING, ÿInc., Suite 888, 14618 Tyler Foote, Nevada City, ÿCA
FREE - Publication. ÿThe National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and
the Department of Energy have jointly published a booklet called ÿ"Energy
Efficiency - The Competitive Edge". ÿIt discusses how mid-size and small
companies can take advantage of energy-efficient programs. You can order
your FREE copy by contacting: ÿNAM, ÿAttn: John Cohen, 1331 ÿPennsylvania
Ave. NW, Suite 1500-North Lobby, Washington, D.C. 20004-1703. ÿPhone 202-
FREE - Demo Disk! Stay in Contact! The CONTACT PLUS(R) System will help
you ÿÿincrease ÿyour ÿpersonal ÿproductivity ÿthrough ÿthe ÿcomplete ÿand
automatic tracking of all your personal and professional ÿcorrespondence.
Every ÿdetail ÿof past letters, ÿmemos, ÿnotes and phone calls to ÿfuture
correspondence is instantly accessible at the touch of a few ÿkeystrokes.
After ÿdialing ÿthe ÿphone, ÿCONTACT PLUS(R) ÿwill ÿrecord ÿthe ÿoutcome,
duration ÿand ÿa ÿshort message of each ÿconversation, ÿÿquickly ÿpreview
previous correspondence, ÿbrowse through contacts, ÿmail merge or report,
popup ÿwindows, ÿtickler, ÿview appointments and ticklers in ÿ"week-at-a-
glance" ÿÿcalendar of easy scheduling. ÿAlso includes unlimited ÿhistory,
laptop compat., mailing labels, data import/export, record sorting, 'hot'
keys, ÿuser's manual, online help, optional interfaces, auto. backup. ÿTo
receive ÿyour FREE demo disk of this powerful contact management ÿsystem,
call 1-800-366-9876. ÿOr write to: ÿCONTACT PLUS Corporation, ÿP.O. ÿBox
2577, Satellite Beach, FL 32937-2577.
FREE ÿ- ÿBook! ÿÿHow to make $500 ÿA ÿDAY EVERY DAY IN YOUR ÿMAIL ÿORDER
BUSINESS. ÿThe author made over $1,000,000 ÿa ÿhome mail-order business,
and started with only $500. ÿThe 165-page book shows you how you can ÿdo
it too! To receive your free copy, write: Eileen K Rohleder, 305 E. Main
St., Suite 104, Goessel, KS 67053. Or call 1-316-367-2600.
FREE - Demo Disk! BUSINESS VISION II(R), The Accounting System for Small
Business(tm). ÿÿIncludes: ÿAll-In-One/On-Line Time Accounting, ÿaccounts
receivable, ÿaccounts payable, general ledger, ÿinventory control, ÿorder
entry ÿ& ÿbilling, ÿÿpoint-of-sale billing/cash ÿdrawer ÿcontrol, ÿÿsales
analysis, ÿÿpayroll, ÿÿexport, ÿbank reconciliation, ÿautomatic ÿposting,
financial reporting, ÿmailing list/labels, ÿinteractive ÿtuturial/on-line
help/user handbook, no special forms/adapts to your stationary, adapts to
your business terminology, ÿplus much more! ÿ1000's of businesses across
North America recognize BUSINESS VISION II as a winner. ÿTo receive your
FREE demo disk of this IBM compat. program, call or write: BusinessVision
Management ÿSystems Inc., ÿ5000 ÿBirch Street, ÿSuite 3000, ÿWest ÿTower,
Newport Beach, CA 92660-2140. Or call 1-714-476-3770. FAX: 714-752-2160.
FREE - Booklet! ÿCall Shred-It and Forget-It, ÿA ÿGuide To Shredding For
Document ÿSecurity. ÿCovers type of materials to be shredded, ÿtypes ÿof
shreds, ÿÿrecycling ÿis ÿgood business, ÿtypes and ÿsizes ÿof ÿshredders,
shredding systems, plus more. For your FREE booklet, call 1-800-621-5528
or ÿFAX ÿ708-299-4939. ÿCUMMINS SHREDDERS, ÿCummins Allison ÿCorp. ÿÿ50+
Factory Offices Nationwide.
FREE ÿ- Send for a full-color Limited Edition Print. ÿThe spirit of ÿthe
early ÿWest ÿis ÿreflected in this painting by ÿwell-known ÿartist ÿDavid
Thatcher. Limited edition prints of this painting, ÿsigned by the artist
and individually numbered, ÿ17" ÿx ÿ14", ÿsuitable for framing, ÿand ÿare
accompanied ÿby a brief history of the stagecoach in the early West. ÿÿTo
order, ÿÿcall W.A. ÿCHARNSTROM at 1-800-328-2962. ÿWe'll send you a FREE
print ÿtogether with our current catalog of Mail Handling ÿEquipment ÿand
Furniture, ÿÿthe ÿmost complete line in the industry. ÿPlease allow ÿ4-6
weeks for delivery. Quanities of the print are limited, so call today! Or
write: ÿW.A. ÿCHARNSTROM, ÿ10901 Hampshire Avenue, So., ÿMinneapolis, ÿMN
55438-2385. LIMITED TIME OFFER!!
FREE ÿ- Demo Disk and Brochure. ÿMulti-User Software for lead ÿgeneration
and tracking, ÿtelemarketing, ÿcustomer service and more. ÿIncludes super
dialing/queueing, ÿÿintegrated ÿinbound, ÿunlimited fields ÿand ÿscreens,
direct ÿaccess to Paradox and dBase, ÿcreate custom databases, ÿup to 150
users ÿon a LAN, ÿscripts integrated with database, ÿscripts with ÿlogic,
colors and branching, realtime reporting, and Word Perfect interface. For
a FREE demo disk and brochure, ÿwrite to Digisoft Computers, ÿInc., ÿÿ245
East 92nd Street, New York, NY 10128 or call (212)289-0991.
FREE - Pamphlet: ÿIS THAT TRAVELING SALES JOB FOR YOU? ÿThis informative
publication ÿoffers suggestions on what to look for/lookout for when ÿyou
are ÿinterviewing ÿfor ÿa ÿtraveling ÿsales ÿjob, ÿÿsigning ÿa ÿcontract,
responsibilities ÿwhile on the job, ÿethical standards, ÿplus much ÿmore.
Receive your free copy by writing: ÿDirect Selling Education ÿFoundation,
1776 ÿK Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20006. ÿOr call 202-293-
FREE ÿ- Demo Disk. ÿAGENTY POWER is a powerful business oriented software
tool for Inbound Call Center Managers. ÿIt will forecast agent needs and
provide ÿwork ÿschedules to match staffing to workload. ÿÿAlso ÿprovides
marketing ÿdata ÿon ÿtransaction mix, ÿtracks agent ÿproductivity ÿdaily,
monthly, and year-to-date, displays current service levels and agent work
status, ÿÿshows ÿkey ÿinformation for agent ÿmotivation ÿon ÿeasy-to-read
Display Board(s), plus much more. ÿCall or write to receive a FREE AGENT
POWER demo disk. ÿProfessional Resource Management, Inc., 579 ÿFirst Bank
Drive, Suite 250, Palataine, IL 60067. (708)359-3990 or 1-800-PRM-9985.
FREE - Report from the General Accounting Office (GAO). ÿCall to receive
"Management Practices: U.S. Companies Improve Performance Through Quality
Efforts." ÿOver 31,000 copies have been sold, ÿbut its now yours for the
asking! ÿCall the GAO general distribution center at (202)275-6241 or FAX
your request to (301)258-4066.
FREE ÿ- ÿWith ÿone call you will learn how to handle dozens ÿof ÿcustomer
calls instantly without increasing costs. ÿThe RobotOperator interactive
voice ÿresponse ÿsystem automatically answers calls on the first ring ÿ24
hours ÿa ÿday and processes routine inquiries such as: ÿAccount ÿBalance,
Stock Quotations, ÿEmployee Benefits, ÿOrder Status, ÿBilling Information
and ÿmore. ÿÿYour ÿcustomers ÿare never put on hold, ÿÿyour ÿservice ÿis
enhanced, ÿand your costs remain low. ÿCall for a FREE IBM PC-Compatible
demonstration ÿdisk. ÿÿ(212)669-3988. ÿOr ÿwrite: ÿÿinterVoice, ÿÿ17811
Waterview Parkway, Dallas, TX 75252.
FREE - Pop-Up E-MAIL Trial for Novell Users. ÿRequest a FREE trial ÿ(with
no ÿobligation ÿand ÿnothing to return) ÿand see why ÿmore ÿthan ÿ100,000
Novell(R) ÿÿLAN users choose Notework(R) ÿfor E-Mail, ÿFAX and ÿTelephone
Messaging: ÿÿSimple 5 minute installation; ÿUse on 5K RAM; ÿ5 ÿminutes to
learn; ÿÿWorks ÿunder DOS, ÿWindows or both; ÿFAX ÿOption; ÿÿWide ÿE-Mail
Connectivity; ÿScheduling available; Remote version. ÿCall Tim Harris at
1-800-767-6683 for a FREE trial!
FREE ÿ- ÿCatalog. ÿIf you can't find the computer and office supply ÿyou
need now, call VISIBLE. They offer: ÿfast shipping - most orders shipped
within 24 ÿhours, ÿeasy toll-free ordering, hassle-free returns, ÿmonthly
specials, ÿ100% ÿsatisfaction guaranteed. ÿTo receive your FREE 164-page
catalog, call 1-800-323-0628.
FREE - Pamphlet for the budget-minded travelers. "Traveling on a Budget"
from the Budgetel Inns gives advice on lodging, meals, transportation and
sightseeing. ÿÿList phone numbers of states' ÿtourism offices to ÿrequest
further information. Don't be fooled by advertised hotel discounts. ÿOne
hotel's everyday rate might beat a competitor's discounted rate. ÿCall 1-
800-428-3438 to order.
FREE ÿ- Demo Disk on Instant SCSI Capabilities! ÿTrantor's MiniSCSI is a
new concept in SCSI interface hardware: a pocketsized, ÿstandalone device
which ÿadds SCSI I/O capabilities to almost any standard parallel printer
port. Retains simultaneous use of the parallel port. ÿIncludes software
for ÿhard disks; ÿmagneto optical; ÿSyQuest/Bernoulli Box drives and ÿCD-
ROMs; ÿÿPowered ÿby ÿthe ÿSCSI device; ÿNo batteries ÿor ÿexternal ÿpower
required; ÿSimple external plug-in -- Perfect for laptops. ÿTo receive a
FREE Demo Disk, call 1-800-275-8344.
FREE - all new 1992 catalog. ÿData Communications Products - Short range
communications, ÿTI and DDS, ÿMultiplexers, Sharing Devices, ÿToken Ring,
Data Compressors, ÿFiber Optics, PC Devices, ÿplus much more! ÿSend your
business card to: RAD Data Communications, Inc., 151 W. Passaic, Rochelle
Park, NJ 07662-9968.
FREE ÿ- Publication "Money Sense Overseas." ÿIn this small brochure from
Travel Enterprises, you'll find advice on where to convert currency, ÿhow
to ÿget ÿthe best exchange rate, ÿhow to budget and how to pick ÿa ÿmoney
converter, ÿÿand tipping guidelines for hotels, ÿrestaurants, ÿtaxis ÿand
other services. ÿIncludes a checklist of necessities for travel planning
(like a passport and incoculations, canceling newpapers delivery, etc. To
receive your FREE copy, ÿsend a self-addressed, stamped business envelope
to: Traveler's Tips, 3602 W. Glen Branch, Peoria, IL 61614.
FREE - Catalog to meet all your networking service needs. ÿIncludes: ÿLAN
service kits, ÿcrimping tools, ÿcoax strippers, ÿRS-232 ÿconnector ÿkits,
diagnostic ÿsoftware, ÿwire/cable & connectors, ÿtesting equipment, ÿÿLAN
connectivity devices, ÿshipping containers, and lots more! ÿTo order your
FREE catalog, call 602-968-6231.
FREE ÿ- ACCOUNTING/DISTRIBUTION Demo Diskette. ÿ"If you expect the ÿmost
out of your accounting system, get Macola." - PC Magazine 10/15/91. ÿThe
new MACOLA 5.0 ÿincludes: Graphic User Interface; ÿEasy to Install & Use;
Solutions for Manufacturing, Distribution, Service & Retail. To receive a
FREE Demo Diskette, call 1-800-468-0834.
FREE - Catalog! ÿWith MCM Electronics you can always count on the best of
everything ÿ- every time! ÿThe best service including toll-free ordering,
24-hour ÿshipping ÿand technical assistance. ÿThe best product ÿselection
with over 17,000 ÿitems stocked. ÿThe best catalog featuring hundreds ÿof
new items. Call 1-800-543-4330 for your FREE catalog subscription.
FREE ÿ- Small Business Success. ÿIf you are thinking about ÿstarting ÿor
already ÿown ÿa ÿbusiness, ÿa ÿFREE annual publication from the ÿSBA ÿand
Pacific Bell that might be of interest. Called "Small Business Success",
the 72-page edition covers how to get financing, ÿselling your ÿbusiness,
surviving ÿduring a recession, ÿautomating your company, ÿpurchasing ÿfax
machines, ÿcellular phones, computers, plus much more! Also, ÿan 18-page
directory includes references to agencies, ÿarticles, books, and more. To
receive your FREE copy, write to: Pacific Bell Directory, 101 ÿSpear St.,
ATTN: Communications Dept., P-CWS4, Room 429, San Francisco, CA. 94105.
FREE ÿ- ÿNew 288 ÿpage Catalog and Reference ÿGuide. ÿÿData ÿacquisition,
communications, ÿand software products. ÿfor IBM PC/XT/AT, ÿPS/2, ÿMicro
Channel computers an compatibles. ÿWrite: Keithley Metrabyte, 440 ÿMyles
Standish Blvd., Taunton, MA 02780-9962.
FREE ÿ- ÿWorks ÿwith ÿWindows! ÿJoin the ÿgrowing ÿranks ÿof ÿscientists,
engineers, ÿÿand other professionals who are using PLOT-IT(R) ÿto produce
and ÿpublish ÿthousands ÿof graphs and diagrams. ÿOver ÿ60 ÿÿgraph ÿtypes
including ÿ3D * Versions for DOS, ÿOS/2 ÿ& ÿWINDOWS 3.1 ÿ* ÿWordPerfect &
Ventura ÿcompatibility ÿ* ÿMuch ÿmore. ÿÿWrite: ÿÿScientific ÿProgramming
Enterprises, ÿPO Box 669, Haslett, MI 48840-0669. ÿ(Demo disk available
for qualified responders.) ÿInclude your name, ÿaddress, ÿcompany ÿname,
title, ÿÿphone #, ÿgraphics software now used, ÿand whether your need ÿis
immediate, 3-6 months, or 6 months+.
$9.88. ÿPublished every month, ÿreceive information on new products ÿand
ideas ÿto ÿhelp ÿautomate your business. ÿFind out whats new ÿin ÿPC ÿand
compatible products. ÿCall (813) 461-3317 or write: ÿTECHNOLOGY HOTLINES,
P.O. Box 719, Clearwater, FL 34617.
FREE - Samples & Catalog. Simplify The Accounting, Inventory Control and
Security ÿof ÿyour ÿvaluable ÿassets ÿwith BAR ÿCODE ÿTAGS ÿfor ÿProperty
Identification. Label equipment, tag inventory, mark installations. ÿFor
free samples and catalog, ÿcall 800-243-6624 ÿor write: ÿSeton Name Plate
Co., P.O. Box CD-1331, New Haven, CT 06505-9970.
FREE - Demo for Windows! Take a closer look at Drafix(R) Windows CAD(tm)!
Send for a free output restricted working CAD model for Windows! Explore
the ÿfeatures ÿand ÿeasy-to-use ÿinterface of Drafix ÿWindows ÿCAD ÿ($695
suggested retail). ÿCall 800-231-8574 or FAX (816)891-8018. ÿOr write to:
Foresight Resources Corp., 10725 Ambassador Dr., Kansas, MO. 64153.
FREE - Booklet called "The TRUTH About: ÿFINANCING A SMALL BUSINESS". ÿTo
get your copy, you must include your business card or business letterhead
(to ÿshow you are really in business). ÿInclude $2 ÿP&H. ÿWrite to: ÿJ.F.
(Jim) ÿStraw, ÿFINANCING YOUR SMALL BUSINESS, ÿ301-JL Plymouth Drive N.E.
Dalton, GA. 30721-9983.
FREE ÿ- ÿBooklet on what to look for in a ÿcopier. ÿÿContains ÿobjective
advice without alot of promotional hype. Write: Xerox Corp., 1 Xerox 05B-
IB, Rochester, NY 14644.
FREE - Employer's legal responsibilities under federal law and lists ÿthe
number of to call for further information. Request: Wage Withholding For
Child Support: ÿAn Employer's Guide For Small Business. ÿWrite to: ÿChild
Support, Pueblo, CO. 81009.
FREE ÿ- 'A Guide For Small Business Owners' ÿanswers insurance ÿquestions
such ÿas how to structure a health care plan, ÿhow to attract & hold good
employees, ÿÿprotecting ÿyour company, ÿhow state & ÿfederal ÿregulations
affect your health insurance choices as a small busines owner, ÿand more!
For a free copy, ÿcall 1-800-942-4242 or write: Health Insurance Associa-
tion of America, 1025 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036-3998.
FREE - Export Opportunity Hotline. Call 1-800-243-7232. Operated by the
Small Business Foundation of America.
FREE - EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION, published by Price Waterhouse, is a 19 pg.
booklet ÿwhich addresses executive-compensation options including phantom
stock, ÿÿstock-appreciation ÿrights, ÿand ÿdeferred-performance ÿbonuses.
Brief descriptions explain how each technique works and its advantages ÿ&
tax ÿconsequences. ÿÿFor a free copy, ÿcall Price Waterhouse's ÿNational
Headquarters at 1-212-819-5000, or call one of their local offices.
PAYROLL ÿTAX ÿGUIDE - Free publication offers changing facts, ÿforms ÿand
figures ÿevery employer should know. ÿDetails deadlines. ÿÿCovers ÿlast
year's 500 ÿstatutory tax law changes. ÿWrite to: ÿADP Response Center,
335 ÿBishop Hollow Rd., Newtown Sq., PA 19073. ÿOr call 1-800-225-5237,
FREE COPY of 'Common Concerns'. ÿAddresses insurance questions and needs
affecting small businesses. ÿWrite to: National Life Insurance Co., ÿOne
National Life Drive, Dept. IN3, Montpelier, VT 05604.
FREE ISSUE! ÿ- TECHNOLOGY & LEARNING is the #1 information source to over
80,000 computer and technology-using educators and administrators. ÿEach
issue ÿoffers ÿcurriculum ÿplanning, ÿsystem development, ÿÿand ÿcreative
computing. Call 1-800-543-4383 or write to: Technology & Learning, ÿ2451
E. River Rd., Dayton, OH 45439.
FREE ÿReport. ÿDiscover why silver may be one of the best investments of
the '90s. ÿInternationally respected economist John Pugsley, ÿauthor ÿof
the bestselling book, ÿCommon Sense Economics, explains in this exclusive
report ÿwhy ÿhe believes silver presents one of the ÿgreatest ÿinvestment
opportunities ÿof ÿthe ÿ1990s. ÿGet his FREE report. ÿÿLook ÿinto ÿthis
important investment opportunity new. ÿThere's no obligation. ÿCall ÿour
24-hour toll-free information hotline today. 1-800-854-3361.
FREE FOR ONE YEAR. The Total Personal Excellence Catalog. ÿNow get over
80 ÿÿfree recommendations every 90 ÿdays on the best things available for
improving your life. ÿYou'll get detailed suggestions for making all the
money ÿyou need, ÿbeing health, ÿhaving the most rewarding relationships,
finding your ideal job...and more! For fast delivery, ÿcall 714-393-8454
or write: ÿThe Total Personal Excellence Catalog, ÿ16143 ÿFirestone Lane,
Chino Hills, CA 91709.
FREE ÿFOR THE FIRST 90 ÿDAYS! ÿReady or not--postal rates have gone ÿup!
Now's ÿthe perfect time to try metered mail from Pitney ÿBowes--and ÿit's
free ÿfor ÿyour first 90 ÿdays. ÿ(Basic unit). ÿTo order ÿor ÿfor ÿmore
information, ÿcall today: 1-800-MR BOWES. 8am to 8pm Eastern time, Monday
thru Friday. (Basic unit. Trial offer for new customers only).
FREE copy of "Employer's Guide to Investigation Services." ÿFind out how
to ÿspot ÿa crook...Before you sign a deal, ÿfind out about the ÿcompany.
Background investigation on any business, ÿfranchiser, ÿor person ÿyou're
thinking ÿof trusting with your funds. ÿPre-employment job ÿapplications
checked. ÿTo receive your free copy, ÿcall Pickerton's at 1-800-232-7465
or FAX: 404-364-8592.
FREE ÿCOPY ÿof ÿWhy Salesmen Fail!...And What To Do About ÿIt! ÿÿHow ÿto
qualify in the first 10 ÿminutes. ÿEnd call-reluctance forever. ÿHow to
overcome price objections. And much more! Call 1-800-638-5686.
FREE DEMO! ÿFOLLOW-UP software program reminds you who and when to call.
Produces form letters with the built-in word processor or works with your
present ÿone; ÿÿalso prints mailing labels. ÿKeeps multiple ÿappointment
calendars. ÿÿMaintains "to do" ÿlists. ÿEasily produces accurate ÿsales
forecasts and sales call reports. ÿFor IBM PC and compatible desktop ÿor
laptop. ÿÿNetwork version available. ÿCall 1-800-428-8457. ÿÿOr ÿwrite:
FOLLOW UP Software Co., 2456 Lakeside Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114.
FREE ÿMAILING ÿLIST CATALOG! ÿBusiness, ÿÿFinancial, ÿÿMedical, ÿÿLegal,
Technical, ÿInstitutional, Consumer, and all mailing lists. ÿCall 1-800-
243-4360 or write: Research Projects, P.O.Box 449, Woodbury, CT 06798.
FREE Six-Month Trial Subscription to the HOPE HEALTH NEWSLETTER. ÿSee if
you ÿdon't agree that the HOPE Letter is the ideal publication to commun-
icate your company's health promotion and cost-containment ÿobjectives...
and ÿthe perfect publication to motivate employees to become more health-
cost conscious. ÿFor fast service, ÿcall 616-343-0770, ÿext.159, ÿor FAX
616-343-6260 ÿor write: HOPE Health Publications, ÿInt'l Health Awareness
Center, 350 E. Michigan Ave., Suite 301, Kalamazoo, MI. 49007-9833.
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Strictly ÿBusiness!BBS and it's Sponsors & Members is not affiliated with
nor ÿwill ÿnot ÿbe held responsible for anything ÿthat ÿmay ÿresult ÿfrom
contacting ÿany ÿof the persons/organizations listed in ÿthis ÿdirectory.
The listing is provided as an informational service only. We've tried to
list ÿthe ÿinformation as accurately as possible. ÿYou assume all ÿrisks.
Offers ÿmay ÿbe voided, ÿcancelled or withdrawn by ÿpersons/organizations
listed in this file without notice.
This file may be freely distributed on other computerized bulletin board
systems as long as it is not edited, altered or changed in any manner.
HEY! Do you have a FREE or 'verrry low cost (next to nothing)' ÿbusiness-
related ÿoffer ÿthat ÿyou would like to be included ÿin ÿthis ÿdirectory?
Great! Contact Bruce via any of the following ways listed below.
Questions ÿor ÿconcerns about this directory ÿand ÿStrictly ÿBusiness!BBS
should be directed to: Bruce Kullberg, Sysop, Strictly Business!BBS.
Mailing Address: 933 Varsity Ave., Columbus, OH 43221
Strictly Business!BBS: 614/538-9250 (modem)
FAX: 614/777-1924
CompuServe: 70421,1373
H A V E A G R E A T D A Y !
(C)opyright 1992 Strictly Business!BBS. All rights reserved.