178 lines
7.4 KiB
178 lines
7.4 KiB
312-248-0900 ddsw1 UX/AKCS *8=
312-282-6929 Ultimate PC/TLGD *8- Jul-91
312-283-8564 Malachi Brothers PC/TLGD *8- Jul-91
708-328-8740 Evanston {224} PC/QBBS *8- Nov-91
312-528-5020 Ripco II PC/SLBB *8&M Oct-90
708-677-3249 Source (B) PC/WILD *8- Nov-91
312-743-5439 Crossroads (B) PC/TLGD *8- Nov-91
312-745-2808 Forge PC/TLGD *8& Jul-91
312-761-0274 Overdrive PC/TRIT *8~ Jul-91
312-764-4777 Warp Speed PC/SLBB p8+V Sep-91
312-784-1752 Impact III Powerboard PC/TLGD *8- Nov-91
708-864-6720 Evanston Library Online LC a0$
708-864-3690 Dave's Library PC/TLGD *8- Jul-91
708-982-0005 Sahakian's Business Info {982} PC/TBBS *8&
Please note the use of the various brackets:
{ } indicates FidoNet system, with node number; {xxx} is node
1:115/xxx (net ChicagoLand), {yyy/zzz} is node 1:yyy/zzz.
[ ] indicates Private or Fee-based system.
< > indicates board orientiation or specialization.
<?> .... We miss information here - Please contact us.
<*> .... Full Time: 24 hours, except for mail/maintenance.
<a> .... Part Time: 9am-9pm Mo-Fr, 1pm-5pm Sa-Su.
<b> .... Part Time: 7pm-7am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<c> .... Part Time: 6pm-6am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<d> .... Part Time: 5:30pm-6:30 Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<e> .... Part Time: 10pm-6am Su-Th, F-Sa closed.
<f> .... Part Time: 11pm-9am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<g> .... Part Time: 9pm-6am, Mo-Su.
<h> .... Part Time: 7pm-8am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<i> .... Part Time: 8:30am-9pm Mo-Fr, 9am-6pm Sa, 11am-5pm Su.
<j> .... Part Time: 9pm-7am, Mo-Su.
<k> .... Part Time: 6pm-9am, Mo-Su.
<l> .... Part Time: 6pm-7:30am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<m> .... Part Time: 7pm-7am, Mo-Su.
<n> .... Part Time: 8am-2:30pm Mo-Fr, Sa-Su closed.
<o> .... Part Time: 7pm-6am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<p> .... Part Time: 12am-6pm, Mo-Su.
<q> .... Part Time: 2am-12am, Mo-Su.
<r> .... Part Time: 7am-12am, Mo-Su.
<s> .... Part Time: 10am-10pm, Mo-Su.
<t> .... Part Time: 5pm-7am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<u> .... Part Time: 10pm-7am, Mo-Su.
<v> .... Part Time: 12pm-10pm, Mo-Su.
<w> .... Part Time: 7:30am-5pm, 6:30pm-9pm, Mo-Su.
<x> .... Part Time: 8am-12am, Mo-Su.
<y> .... Part Time: 6pm-12am M-F, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<z> .... Part Time: 8:30pm-6am, Mo-Su.
12am = midnight, 12pm = noon.
<0> .... UART settings = 7-1-Odd Parity.
<7> .... UART settings = 7-1-Even Parity.
<8> .... UART settings = 8-1-No Parity.
<P> .... TeleBit PEP/V.32/V.32bis Max rate = 18000 bps.
<=> .... TeleBit PEP (TrailBlazer) Max rate = 18000 bps.
<#> .... CCITT V.32bis Max rate = 14400 bps.
<E> .... USR Dual Standard HST/V.32bis Max rate = 14400 bps.
<D> .... USR Dual Standard HST/V.32 Max rate = 9600+ bps.
<&> .... US Robotics HST Max rate = 9600+ bps.
<~> .... Unknown/other high speed type Max rate = 9600+ bps.
<+> .... CCITT V.32 Max rate = 9600 bps.
<%> .... Hayes Smartmodem Ping/Pong Max rate = 9600 bps.
<"> .... CompuCom SpeedModem Max rate = 9600 bps.
<-> .... CCITT V.22bis Max rate = 2400 bps.
<$> .... Bell 212A Max rate = 1200 bps.
<!> .... Bell 103 Max rate = 300 bps.
<M> .... MNP5 error correction supported (omitted on 9600 bps).
<V> .... V.42bis error correction supported (fallback to MNP5).
<? > .... System unknown to us.
<64> .... System: Commodore 64/128.
<A2> .... System: Apple II.
<AM> .... System: Commodore Amiga.
<AT> .... System: Atari (not ST).
<CP> .... System: Any CP/M system.
<LC> .... System: Any library catalogue system.
<MC> .... System: Apple Macintosh.
<PC> .... System: IBM PC and compatibles running DOS or OS/2.
<ST> .... System: Atari ST.
<TI> .... System: TI-99/4a.
<TR> .... System: TRS-80.
<UX> .... System: Any UNIX (or XENIX, 386/ix etc) system.
<AKCS> .... A Killer Conferencing System <UX>.
<ANET> .... Unknown <A2>.
<AUNT> .... Auntie <PC>.
<BBPC> .... BBS-PC <AM>.
<BBSE> .... Unknown <ST>.
<BPRO> .... BBS-Pro <AT>.
<CARI> .... Carina <AT>.
<CELE> .... Celebrity <PC>.
<CL64> .... Color 64 <64>.
<CNET> .... C-Net <64,AM>.
<COLI> .... Collie Bulletin Board <PC>.
<CUST> .... Custom BBS software.
<DBBS> .... Dan Doman's dBBS for MS-DOS networks <PC>.
<DIAL> .... Diversi-Dial Chat System <A2>.
<DLXB> .... DLX (Deluxe) BBS <PC>.
<ELIT> .... Elite <AM>.
<EXPR> .... BBS Express Professional <AT>.
<FALK> .... Falken <PC>.
<FIDO> .... FidoNet International BBS Network Software <PC>.
<FORM> .... Forum-PC <PC>.
<FREM> .... Forem-ST <ST>.
<FSTP> .... Fast Plus BBS <PC>.
<GAPC> .... GAP Communications <PC>.
<GBBS> .... GBBS <A2>.
<GENE> .... Genesis <PC>.
<GTBB> .... G.T. PowerComm System <PC>.
<HRMS> .... Hermes <MC>.
<IBBS> .... PC Bulletin Board System (not PC-Board!) <PC>.
<IMAG> .... New Image BBS Software <64>.
<LSDB> .... L.S.D. BBS <PC>.
<LUIS> .... Library User's Information System <LC>.
<MAJR> .... GalactiComm MajorBBS <PC>.
<MEPS> .... Matchmaker Electronic Pen-Pal System <UX>.
<MGPE> .... MagPie <UX>.
<MICH> .... MichTron <AT>.
<MTRO> .... MetroBBS <AM>.
<MTRX> .... Matrix <PC>.
<NITE> .... NiteLine <AT>.
<NVLP> .... Nova-Link Pro <MC>.
<ONLN> .... 64 Online, a chat system <64>.
<OPUS> .... Opus Computer-Based Conversation System <PC>.
<ORAP> .... OraComm-Plus <PC>.
<PARA> .... Paragon <AM>.
<PCBB> .... PC Bulletin Board System (PC-Board) <PC>.
<PHOE> .... Phoenix Remote Communications System <PC>.
<PLIN> .... ProLine <A2>.
<PROT> .... ProTerm <A2>.
<PUNT> .... PC-Punternet <PC>.
<PYRO> .... Pyroto BBS <PC>.
<QBBS> .... Quick BBS <PC>.
<QHST> .... Qmodem Host Mode <PC>.
<RACC> .... Remote Access BBS <PC>.
<RBBS> .... Remote PC Bulletin Board (RBBS-PC) <PC>.
<RRDH> .... Red Ryder Host <MC>.
<RTWO> .... R2HOST <PC>.
<RYBS> .... RyBBS (Greg Ryan BBS System) <PC>.
<RYEB> .... Rye-BBS <AT>.
<SBBS> .... Scooter BBS <PC>.
<SILB> .... Silver Bullet BBS System <PC>.
<SLBB> .... Searchlight <PC>.
<SPIT> .... Spitfire Bulletin Board System <PC>.
<SUPR> .... SuperBBS <PC>.
<TAGG> .... T.A.G. (The last G? Oh, it just looks good) <PC>.
<TBBS> .... The Bread Board System <PC,TR>.
<TCOM> .... Total Communications System <PC>.
<TELF> .... TeleFinder <MC>.
<TLGD> .... Telegard board system <PC>.
<TPBS> .... Turbo Pascal Board System <PC>.
<TRIT> .... Tritel <PC>.
<UBBS> .... UBBS <A2>.
<UNIX> .... Public access UNIX system <UX>.
<ULTR> .... UltraBBS <PC>.
<VBBS> .... VBBS <PC>.
<WAFF> .... Waffle <PC,UX>.
<WILD> .... Mustang's Wildcat <PC>.
<WWIV> .... World War IV <MC,PC>.