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** Thank you for choosing GEnie **
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from General Electric
Copyright (C), 1993
GEnie Logon at: 22:37 EST on: 930205
Last Access at: 18:21 EST on: 930202
No letters waiting.
Entering GEnie*Basic Services
GEnie Announcements (FREE)
1. Jan. '93 GEnie Billing Complete - to review your bill, type:..*BILL
2. New Game, Free Weekend, New Features in.......................HYW
3. An automated Macintosh graphic interface for GEnie is in......MACPRO
4. It's back - Invest to Win Portfolio Contest...................*INVEST
5. AMA President Ed Youngblood Talks About Riding Issues.........MOTO
6. HURRY - join up, grab these games before it's too late........SOFTCLUB
8. CRAZY SALE PRICES on Video Laser Discs -- ONLY at.............LASERCRAZE
9. II Legit II Quit - 20,000 files can't be wrong................A2
10. How to Avoid Costly Sexual Harassment Law Suits...............HOSB
11. It's HOT, it's Out, it's _FREE_ and it's in...................GENIELAMP
12. Stocks Soar To Records Highs...Get The Latest Picks...........SOS
13. New instrument information now turning up in . . . . . .......MUSIC
14. Win FREE SOFTWARE in..........................................*FOOD
15. STUDENTS - Homework Help and Tutoring in......................CALC
Enter #, <H>elp, or <CR> to continue?
GEnieLamp Online Magazine The February is
sues of GEnieLamp is now
""""""""""""""""""""""""" online! Every issue is packed with news,
views, reviews, file and message highlights from the IBM, Macintosh,
Atari ST and Apple II RoundTables. And best of all...
IT'S GENIE*BASIC! Did you know that when you read or capture the
""""""""""""""""" latest GEnieLamp issue from a RoundTable menu it's
included in your GEnie*Basic package? For GEnie*Basic participants
GEnie's clock is turned off! This is true whether you read it from
the GEnieLamp RoundTable menu (Page 515) or from the IBM, Macintosh,
Atari ST or Apple II RoundTables or any of the dozen or so menus where
GEnieLamp magazine is listed.
Interested? To read the latest issue(s), just say yes below (or move
""""""""""" to page 515) and then choose the issue you want to
read/capture. Get into the GEnieLamp habit TODAY!
Move to GENIELAMP? (Y/N)?
Leaving GEnie*Basic Services
Entering the Computing on GEnie Newsletter area.
Welcome to...
|"""| |"""| |"""""""""""""""""""""""|
| | | ||"""""| | Your |
| T ||"""""|| L || R | | Computing RT |
| H || || A || O | | Resource! |
| E || G || M || U | | ~ |
| || E || P || N | | GEnieLamp Magazine |
| || n || || D | | Electronic Publishing |
| || i || || T | | Ed_NET |
| || e || || A | | Bookettes! |
| || || || B | | Online Magazines |
| || || || L | | ~ |
| || || || E | | Home Of The |
| || || || | | Disktop Publishing |
| || || || | | Association! |
|"""||"""""||"""||"""""| |"""""""""""""""""""""""|
|B33||B34.4||B35|| B64 | | C65.4132 |
|===||=====||===||=====| |=======================|
Your RT Hosts: John Peters [GENIELAMP]
Jim Flanagan [JFLANAGAN] & Mike White [M.WHITE25]
YES, it's FIXED!
Aladdin is now working again in the GEnieLamp RoundTable.
Due to the new menus, the GET THE LAMP scripts will no
longer work. Watch for new Aladdin and Mac GET THE LAMP
scripts to be released within a few days.
The GEnieLamp RT /
Welcome To The GEnieLamp RoundTable!
o WHAT IS GEnieLamp?
WELCOME! HI! And welcome to the GEnieLamp RoundTable. What is
"""""""" GEnieLamp? GEnieLamp is five separate online magazines that
bring you the latest news, product reviews, bulletin board and library
highlights from the IBM, Macintosh, Macintosh PRO, Atari ST and Apple2 and
Apple 2/Pro RoundTables. Each issue is released on the 1st of every month
here in the GEnieLamp RoundTable as well as other various Computing
RoundTables throughout the GEnie system.
Interested? To read the latest issue(s), just move to page 515
(m515) and then choose the issue you want to receive. And don't forget,
reading GEnieLamp from the menu on page 515 is included in your GEnie*Basic
package! Get into the GEnieLamp habit TODAY!
READ A BOOKETTE! You've read about it in Time and Newsweek. Sony is
"""""""""""""""" coming out with the Bookman, Apple is promoting the
PowerBook and IBM will soon be pushing their new bookmaker system. It goes
by many names - Electronic Publishing, Online Publishing, Electronic Books.
We call it Bookettes (a BOOK on a diskETTE, naturally). Find the future
here and now in the GEnieLamp Online Library. Your library card is good
here in the GEnieLamp RoundTable. Visit the online library and check out a
bookette today. You will find the Bookettes in libraries #8, 10 and
#11 thru #20. -> Have you read a Bookette today? <-
PUBLISH A BOOKETTE, ONLINE! Seems like everybody has written a book or
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" has wanted to write a book at one time or
another. But did you know that the odds of getting your book published is
practically nil? Not here on GEnie! Now you can publish and distribute
your bookette here in the GEnieLamp RoundTable _worldwide_. (It works for
programmers, why not authors too?) The world is waiting to read _your_
bookette whether it is a short story, mini_novel or even a report you did
in school. -> Share the knowledge! <-
ATTENTION NEWSLETTER EDITORS Never again wonder how you are going to
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fill the spaces in your next newsletter.
The Ed_Net (Library #26) are filling up fast with articles that you can
reprint in your newsletter. And btw, if you have some PD articles that you
would like to share with other newsletter editors, Ed_Net is the place to
do it.
DISKTOP PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION The GEnieLamp RoundTable is proud to be
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" called "home" for the The Disktop
Publishing Association (DPA). Simple put, DPA is an organization that
promotes the benefits of electronic publishing. These benefits include
online availability, on demand basis of electronic publications, faster
production time, lower cost, easier revision and updating, reduced
consumption of natural resources, and - using appropriate reader software -
enhanced presentation and readability. If you are interested in electronic
publishing, as a publisher, a reader or an author you need to be involved
with DPA. You can find DPA in CATegory #6 & 7 in the bulletin board and in
the library, #8. Leave feedback to Ron Albright, RALBRIGHT.
QUESTIONS? Talk to us! We're here to help. You can reach us via the
"""""""""" Feedback option in the main menu on page 515 or in the
GEnieLamp bulletin board (m515;1). We want to hear from you!
John Peters
GEnieLamp RoundTable SysOp
GEnieLamp Editor-In-Chief]
GEnie GENIELAMP Page 515
Computing on GEnie Newsletter
1. GEnieLamp Bulletin Board 2. GEnieLamp Real-Time Conference
3. GEnieLamp Software Libraries 4. About the RoundTable
5. RoundTable News (930205) 6.[*]FEEDBACK to GEnieLamp
7. GEnieLamp File Of The Week
8.[*]GEnieLamp IBM (930201) 9.[*]GEnieLamp Atari (930201)
10.[*]GEnieLamp Mac (930201) 11.[*]GEnieLamp MacPRO (930202)
12.[*]GEnieLamp Apple II (930201) 13.[*]GEnieLamp A2PRO (930201)
14. Newsbytes News Network 15. Computer & Electronics NewsCent
Enter #, <P>revious, or <H>elp?
Entering GEnie*Basic Services
|||||| |||||| || || |||||| ||||||
|| || ||| || || ||
|| ||| |||| |||||| || |||| Your
|| || || || ||| || ||
|||||| |||||| || || |||||| |||||| GEnieLamp ST
|| |||||| || || |||||| RoundTable
|| || || ||| ||| || ||
|| |||||| |||||||| |||||| RESOURCE!
|| || || || || || ||
||||| || || || || ||
GEnieLamp Atari ST ~ A T/TalkNET OnLine Publication ~ Vol.3, Issue 53
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
Publisher.................................GEnie Information Services
Editor-In-Chief........................................John Peters
Editor..........................................John Gniewkowski
TX2 Editor........................................David Holmes
~ GEnieLamp IBM ~ GEnieLamp [PR]/TX2 ~ GEnieLamp ST ~ GEnieLamp A2 ~
~ GEnieLamp MacPRO ~ GEnieLamp A2Pro ~ GEnieLamp Macintosh ~
~ Member Of The Disktop Publishing Association ~
~ February 1, 1993 ~
Notes From The Editor. Is That A Letter For Me?
Safe Fax. If It Ain't Broke...
COWTOONS ................ [MOO] MEL'S MANOR ............. [MEL]
Famous Cows. [*]More ST-Zip 2.1
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
Random Access. Atari & You.
PD_QUICKVIEW ............ [PDQ] REFLECTIONS ............. [REF]
[*]Yours For The Asking. Thinking Online Communications.
THE ONLINE LIBRARY ...... [LIB] ATARI ON GEnie .......... [AOL]
[*]HOT Files You Can Download. Getting The Word Out.
ONLINE FUN .............. [FUN] ST QUICKPICK ............ [QPK]
Search-ME! Download It!
Games People Play. Cut & Paste Scripts.
LOG OFF ................. [LOG]
About GEnieLamp.
[*] = With TX2 Pictures! SEE THE TX2 DIFFERENCE!
READING GEnieLamp GEnieLamp has incorporated a unique indexing
""""""""""""""""" system to help make reading the magazine easier.
To utilize this system, load GEnieLamp into any ASCII word processor
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
or text editor. In the index you will find the fo
llowing example:
HUMOR ONLINE ............ [HUM]
[*]GEnie Fun & Games.
To read this article, set your find or search command to [HUM]. If
you want to scan all of the articles, search for [EOA]. [EOF] will take
you to the last page, whereas [IDX] will bring you back to the index.
TX2 FORMAT What are you missing when reading the ASCII version of
"""""""""" GEnieLamp? EXCITEMENT! Whenever you see a [*] in the
index or in the article header, that indicates that the article contains
TX2 graphics and/or pictures. To see the graphics, you will need the
following files:
LMPxxx.LZH GEnieLamp in TX2 format.
LMPxxx_M.LZH Graphics/Pictures for MONOchrome users.
LMPxxx_C.LZH Graphics/Pictures for COLOR users.
MINI_TX2.LZH Mini-version of TX2 Viewer (File #20441).
(xxx represents the issue number)
MESSAGE INFO To make it easy for you to respond to messages re-printed
"""""""""""" here in GEnieLamp, you will find all the information you
need immediately following the message. For example:
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
(SMITH, CAT6, TOP1, MSG:58/M475)
_____________| _____|__ _|___ |____ |_____________
|Name of sender CATegory TOPic Msg.# Page number|
In this example, to respond to Smith's message, log on to page
475 enter the bulletin board and set CAT 6. Enter your REPly in TOPic 1.
A message number that is surrounded by brackets indicates that this
message is a "target" message and is referring to a "chain" of two
or more messages that are following the same topic. For example: {58}.
ABOUT GEnie GEnie costs only $4.95 a month for unlimited evening and
""""""""""" weekend access to more than 100 services including
electronic mail, online encyclopedia, shopping, news, entertainment,
single-player games, multi-player chess and bulletin boards on leisure
and professional subjects. With many other services, including the
largest collection of files to download and the best online games, for
only $6 per hour (non-prime-time/2400 baud). To sign up for GEnie
service, call (with modem) 1-800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH.
Wait for the U#= prompt. Type: XTX99368,GENIE and hit RETURN. The system
will then prompt you for your information. Call (voice) 1-800-638-9636
for more information about GEnie.
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "...she said she was contemplating getting an IBM compatible /
/ (Master, Master, it's a DOSMonster!) instead. I talked her /
/ out of it. Only time will tell if I did her a favor, but /
/ I won't give up my Atari until they pry my cold, dead /
/ fingers off the keyboard, pardner!" /
/////////////////////////////////////////////// D.HARRIS8 ////
Notes From The Editor
By John Peters
FROM MY DISKTOP When chatting online or when leaving messages to other
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
""""""""""""""" RoundTable members, sometimes probl
ems, misunder-
standings or downright angry confrontations are created simply because the
other person doesn't understand what you're _really_ trying to say. If
you're not careful in how you convey your thoughts via the keyboard, what
you meant as a joke or wrote in jest, can sometimes be taken the wrong way
or blown entirely out of context.
The problem is it's not _what_ you say that creates this situation,
but it is _how_ you say it. For instance, a sentence said with a smile can
take on a whole new meaning than if it was said with a frown or angry look.
Facial movements and voice inflections are difficult to interject into your
writing, especially when you're writing on the fly as in an informal
RoundTable Conference or when writing a message or reply online. Since the
reader can't see your face or body-language, he or she may not know that
you're making a joke or that you are teasing.
There is a solution. Over the years a "modem-language" has developed
to help take care of this predicament. By interjecting a smiley face, " :)
" within your message or a descriptive word in brackets, such as [grin] or
[laugh], you can tell the other person, "Hey, don't take this seriously,
I'm just having fun." A well placed [grin] can go a long way to help stop
a misunderstanding.
Another reason this modem-language developed is to help minimize the
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
amount of typing it takes to convey a message to some
one else while online.
For example, it is much quicker to type, "BTW" then to type, "By The Way"
or "IMHO" instead of "In My Humble Opinion."
Confusing? Not really. As you become more familiar with the lingo,
the strange characters and funny faces will be easier to figure out. If
you do come across an unusual cluster of letters and you don't understand
what they mean, by all means ask the person who sent them. To help you get
started, here's a partial list of some of the more popular modem-phrases
being used today on GEnie. (Note: The following has been collected from
online posts, unofficial dictionaries and other sources.)
Until next month...
John Peters
b4 - before BCNU - Be See 'N You
brb - be right back BTW - By the way
chuckle - something was kinda channel hoppers - someone who
funny jumps from one channel to
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
c u l8tr - see you later go pri - go into private
GR8 - that's great grin - something was humorous
groan - I can't believe you hahaha - something was funny
said that
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - something was MORF - Male or Female
REALLY funny
OIC - Oh, I see re - about (as in re last night)
rehi - hi again TTFN - Ta Ta For Now
turbo sta - doing a /sta * to get UR- you are
a list of all Chat Lines users
wave - to someone monitoring yawn - I've heard that before
(like "Waving at Fuzzball on
channel 15)
???? - I don't understand... [] = hugs
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
or What?
:) - a sideways smiley face ;) - a winking smiley face
:P - a smiley face sticking :( - a sad face
tongue out
:/ - frustrated/perturbed =:0 - surprise
:-I - Indifferent smilie. :-> - User made a really biting
Better than a Frowning sarcastic remark. Worse
smilie but not quite as then a :)
good as a happy smilie
>:-> User just made a really >;-> Winky and devil combined.
devilish remark. A lewed remark was made.
LOL - Laughing Out Loud ROFL - Rolling On the Floor
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion WTG - Way To Go!
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
Think about what you're typing. Does what you write really say what
you mean?
DARLAH'S TREAT This month's Darlah's Treat [p 475;9] is a complete
"""""""""""""" working Mono demo of Calligrapher 3, the next generation
of the ultimate writing machine from CodeHead Technologies and Working
Title. Calligrapher 3 no longer requires the installation of GDOS or
G+Plus. The Demo includes a thorough walk-through of all features plus a
listing of new features and upgrade procedure. This Treat runs in
Monochrome To run this treat in COLOR check out Treat II [p 475;10].
Product support is available in the Atari Bulletin Board,
Category 32, Topic 32.
REALTIME CONFERENCES Have an idea for an Realtime Conference? Wish to
"""""""""""""""""""" promote a product, show or service? Atari
Roundtable Realtime Conference provides an excellent platform for
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
announcements and discussions. Contact RTC$, for requ
irements and
information on holding formal RTCs. We also capture and edit the formal
conferences and uploads them into the Atari RT's Library for you.
Monday Realtime Conference Stop in for Monday's Desktop Publishing
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Realtime Conferences. Hosted by Lou Rocha
with regular guests dealing with all aspects of DTP and associated topics.
ATARI ST HELPDESK Atari ST Roundtable holds a Sunday Help Desk to answer
""""""""""""""""" your questions on GEnie, Atari ST Roundtable and the
line of Atari computers. Stop in and ask questions or just visit the Atari
RT staff and users. The Help Desk starts at 9:00 pm EST Sunday on page
RTC Transcripts
27028 GAMESRTC.ARC Gaming RTC - Eric Bitton
26809 BRODIE3.ARC Lots of Christmas Specials from Bob
26713 BRODIE2.LZH RTC Transcript/Bob Brodie
26683 WSI_RTC.ARC 25 Nov RTC with Phil Comeau
27339 IAAD_RTC.ARC IAAD RTC 13 Jan 93
27268 BRODIE4.ARC Falcon 030 and Software News!
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
New Demos
27049 PIXEL_DM.LZH Saving Screen Grabber Demo!
27008 CAMPAIGN.LZH DEMO of New War Simulator for Atari.
27203 BADTASTE.LZH 2meg demo of movie Bad Taste.
27177 EASYGO13.LZH Easy Go program launcher version 1.3
27452 URW_SLM3.LZH URW Font Chart 67-86 for SLM printer
27428 URWDJET3.LZH URW Font Chart 67-86 for Desk Jets
27423 URWHPLJ3.LZH URW Font Chart 67-86 for HP LaserJet
27418 URWBJET3.LZH URW Font Chart 67-86 for Bubble Jets
27414 URW24PN3.LZH URW Font Chart 67-86 for 24-Pin Ptrs
27413 URW9PIN3.LZH URW Font Chart 67-86 for 9-Pin Ptrs.
27389 CAL3MEDM.LZH <TREAT> Cal 3 Demo Files for Medium Res
27336 CAL3DEMO.TOS <TREAT> Mono Demo version of Calligrapher 3!
Press Releases
27113 3DFLPTCL.ASC Last Chance For 3-D Floptical Sale!!
27103 WONDERLA.TXT A new BBS!! Michael's Wonderland..
27078 CATALOG.ZIP D & P Computer Software Catalog
27295 FFD.TXT Freedom Floptical Drive = Quality
27280 PMC_CHNG.TXT PMC Changes Phone # and more!
27264 BESTPRICE.TXT Best Floptical - Best Price!
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
27258 SACINFO1.ASC SAC Expo Invite
27233 LAPEXPO.TXT FREE tickets for LAP&PALMTOP Expos
27230 SACEXPO.LZH SAC Expo Ad in Pagestream format
27229 NEW_DEAL.TXT PMC Beats all other Floptical prices
27221 TERA125.TXT TeraDesk v1.25 Press Release
27217 SPAR4.LZH The Electronic Book For Calamus SL!
27187 IAAD_DIR.ARC Updated IAAD Member Directory
27170 NOTASALE.TXT The "Sale That's Not A Sale"
27462 SHOW.ASC Press release for KC AtariFest
27396 UG_FFD.TXT Special for User Groups
[Looking for programs, games and utilities? See The Online Library [LIB].]
(John G. Hartman [J.G.H.] Atari Roundtable, PR Sysop)
PARTING SHOTS GEnieLamp Script users take note! The GEnieLamp RoundTable
""""""""""""" (M515) is undergoing some major menu changes.
Unfortunately, this means that your script files will no longer work. Once
the changes are in place we will be uploading new scripts to the GEnieLamp
Library. We're sorry for the inconvenience, but we think you'll like the
new menus. (Hint: Lots of new goodies in store! :)
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
NEW BBS ONLINE NEWSLETTER February 1, 1993 marks the start of a new
""""""""""""""""""""""""" online newsletter for members of the BBS
RoundTable. How the newsletter will be distributed is still undecided.
For more information, drop by the BBS RoundTable on page 610.
(Keyword: BBS)
ASK DOCTOR BOB Do you have a question about operating systems, GEnie or
"""""""""""""" anything concerning computers? If so, you can get your
questions answered here in GEnieLamp by Doctor Bob. Any question is fair
game...and if the good Doctor Bob doesn't know the answer, he'll find
someone who does. Stop wandering around in the dark, send your question
via GE Mail to GENIELAMP.
Until next month...
John Peters
//////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QW
/ "The best way to sum it up would be: /
/ $1CFA,$1C5A,$4310,$717E,$19FA,$09D2,$4620,$61F6 /
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
/ $12FA,$10D2,$4D20,$61F6,$0772,$105A,$5
8A8,$60F6 /
/ $9019,$7FF7,$7FF7,$0010,$71F7,$F22F,$4FF2,$1301 /
/ $A245,$54FB,$7DFB,$7DFB,$0FF0,$5300,$0630,$0110 /
/ $2FEE,$258E,$7F74,$40F2,$31EE,$2086,$7F74,$43F2 /
/ $3EEE,$2086,$7F74,$4012,$3DEE,$218E,$7E74,$40FA /
/ $3BE6,$2206,$7C7C,$40FA,$36EE,$2686,$7974,$43F2 /
/ $2F0E,$2916,$7074,$41F2,$31EE,$388E,$6074,$48FA" /
/////////////////////////////////////////////// D.ENGEL ////
Is That A Letter For Me?
By John Gniewkowski
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
[*] CAT18, TOP13, MSG{182}....ABCO Fraud suit filed!
[*] CAT18, TOP26, MSG{1}......Special ABCO Topic Hotline!
[*] CAT14, TOP41, MSG{174}....Atari Works - Name & Features
[*] CAT18, TOP19, MSG{144}....Shareware is stupid?
Cannon Bubblejet Info The Canon Bubblejets added Epson compatibility
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
""""""""""""""""""""" shortly after their initial p
roduction run. I
believe all current models support Epson.
Some programs, like PageStream, fully support the Bubblejet's native
mode with an appropriate driver. I myself uploaded a driver for First Word
Plus that accurately registers all printable characters in the ASCII window
that 1stWord users are accustomed to seeing on boot-up. The driver was
written by an ST guru, Barry Ober.
In addition, aside from their inherent mode, Bubblejets also have IBM
Proprinter emulation, so this driver will also work.
I own
both an HP 500C and an _old_ pre-Epson compatible Bubblejet
BJ-10e portable. (I also have 300 and 400 dpi PostScript laser printers,
and regularly output to imagesetters at up to 3,000 dpi).
To wit:
The 500C always edges the Bubblejet in
throughput, though the
Bubblejet always edges the 500C in quality (black ink). That's the
_portable_ BJ beats the _desk model_ 500C. I can't vouch for the desk model
BJ's excepting for seeing one printing straight text off an IBM - it was
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
Using the available and preferable Strathmore Le
gacy Pen Plotter
Paper, Product No. 01-075 in the Bubblejet can deliver output from a
program like PageStream that will actually fool a knowledgeable observer
into thinking the BJ is a 300+ dpi laser. This will _never_ happen, using
_any_ paper, on the Deskjet, as far as my experience with some half dozen
HP's has proved, printing in all sorts of conditions from low to high
humidity, temperatures, etc., from coast to coast in the U.S.
The BJ-10e also has a straight-through page option, allowing oddball
papers, like cut up grocery bags, to be used.
On the HP side, try the Laseredge line from Schoeller papers.
Especially in color mode you will find a striking improvement in print
quality. I have worked with the inventor of these papers (the secret is in
the coatings), and can hands-down say that Laseredge brings the HP up to a
very satisfying quality level, but, still, not quite up to Canon black-ink
You have to remember that the Deskjet prints at 300 dpi, or at about
70 percent of the Bubblejet's 360 dpi resolution. Therein lies the quality
difference. For either printer, to obtain maximum quality, you need to find
papers that do not bleed the ink through soak-in or capillary action. Each
machine has vastly different ink formulations: HP even changes formulation
between its color and black inks (papers good for color on the HP500C,
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
including HP's own brand, are not necessarily OK for
HP black ink
The Legacy Pen Plotter Paper has a caveat: the ink does not soak in _
AT ALL _, rather, it lies 'in a hi-res puddle' on the surface of the paper.
Handling the paper at the bottom of a just-printed page can cause smearing.
Drying time (about 15-30 seconds) must be allowed for prior to handling.
Though it may seem a hassle, you immediately get used to it because the
quality is a couple orders of magnitude better than your best expectations
for an-ink spraying printer.
Bubblejets are also compatible with Macintosh computers through
products like the "Grappler", which provides the software and hardware
necessary for regular printing. My BJ is now on loan to a Mac user - I've
seen the results and they look very good.
(R.BROWN30, CAT4, TOP5, MSG:23/M475)
Clipboard Standard Support The Let 'Em Fly form_do() replacement
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" available in the library has clipboard support
for editable fields. Nice.
If this question isn't appropriate here, let me know, but I've
wondered about the statement that Atari hadn't settled on a clipboard
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
standard until recently.
As I understand the clipboard functions, there is a place built into
the AES that stores a path. You can read and change this path with two
functions provided by the AES. This has been available since version 1.0
and has worked the same way all along. Am I correct so far?
So what was the problem? It seemed pretty obvious to me that if an
application needed to store something in the clipboard, it checks the AES
function that tells it the clipboard path. If there isn't one available, it
makes one, then stores what it made using the other AES function. From then
on, any other application (in the same session) knows where to read and
write clipboard files. Why did Atari have to come out and say that? It
seemed obvious to me.
I'll grant, Atari probably should have included the function of the
SDS Clipboard CPX in the General Setup CPX, but what the heck. I just don't
see why developers ignored the availability of the two AES functions that
were intended for clipboard support. If an application uses those functions
as they are documented, it's handling the clipboard according to the
"standard." (EXPLORER.5, CAT17, TOP9, MSG:47/M475)
Parlez Vouz Falconaise? Gregg, language on the Falcon is not an issue.
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
""""""""""""""""""""""" Several languages are built
into ROM. You run a
little installation program which identifies the language you want to see
in your operating system instructions, andvoila! you have it! The computer
figures out what voltage is coming at it and automatically adjusts; the
only concern would be whether your power cord will fit the outlet in a
foreign country, and extra power cords are easy enough to come by. As for
the video, VGA shouldn't be a problem... but tv could be. My Falcon was
designed for use with a German tv, and it has a PAL chip. Now, I don't
understand the reasons behind all this, but I have heard of another
stateside dev simply changing some crystal in the same kind of unit and he
was able then to use US tvs.
As a linguist who has reason from time to time to run in languages
other than English, I really appreciate the Falcon's approach to language.
(D.A.BRUMLEVE, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:7/M475)
How Many Files in Aladdin? My understanding is that the file limit
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" upgrade was all set to go into 1.5 however the
wrong commands were given during compilation and the old commands were used
instead of the new one. Like you said I am waiting for 2.0 and grinning at
all the problems the MS\Dos users are having with 1.61 of theirs. Also
telling them how great Aladdin is and how trouble free. ;^)
(W.PIKE, CAT6, TOP6, MSG:192/M1000)
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Maximum Output Software Located! First let me introduce myself. I am
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Lynn Johnson, Doug's father. Doug left
Houston on September 15 for a 2 year mission for his church. I was unaware
that he had not communicated this information to Genie users. I apologize
for this, but we have been addressing bug fixes since the software release
in mid-September. I read several of your messages this morning, which was
the first time I have logged onto the BBS since he left.
Would you please compile a list of the problems you have encountered
with V2.0 and send to me. Several of those mentioned have been previously
reported and fixed. Please fill in your Software Registration card and
send it in. I have been addressing problems via mail.
MOS has not been hung on a nail. I have been taking care of
custodial functions since Doug left, and in the cases of sticky problems, I
send them to Doug to look at. We are addressing each and every issue.
I would appreciate you sending me a letter with any comments you
desire, as that is the only way I can meet your needs. Please inform me
about your observations about the competing product and how it is doing in
the market as well. (D.JOHNSON52, CAT2, TOP47, MSG:58/M475)
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Computer Insurance I've heard that homeowners insurance will cover power
"""""""""""""""""" surges. I've never had the experience myself (knock
on wood) though. I also understand that there is an insurance company
(Safeware?) that covers computer equipment. Again, no first hand knowledge
(although Dave Small seems to like (and use) them a lot.
Alternate ST Monitors If you get a computer shopper and look in the
""""""""""""""""""""" "USA*Flex" ad (in the very back), they have a
section on "Brand name monitors". This lists specs on most of the popular
monitors today. Look for a Maximum horizontal scanning frequency of AT
LEAST 48kHz, since that is what the ISAC and AlberTT output. And as Jim
mentioned earlier, it must be a NON-INTERLACED monitor.
While the NEC 3D WILL work with an unimproved ST (you need a
switchbox), it will NOT work with the ISAC or AlberTT cards because it only
has a maximum horizontal scanning frequency of 38kHz. Once you get up into
the higher priced NEC stuff, such as the 4D, 5D, 3FGx, 4FG, 5FG, or 6FG,
they all work with Jay's cards.
One nice thing I've heard (can't guarantee it's true) about the NEC
monitors is that they come with a DB15 to DB9 adaptor. Most of the monitors
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shipping today have signal cables with a DB15 connect
ion, whereas Jay used
the older DB9 standard on his cards. If you need the bigger size and can
afford the price, the NEC makes for less hassle, since you will have the
adaptor ready to plug into the ISAC or AlberTT.
I just got the FLEXVISION 14", which was designed by MAG. It was only
$329 plus shipping. Obviously, I couldn't afford the more expensive
monitors, but I'm sure I'll be really happy when my ISAC card comes in!
Imagine having a screen just slightly bigger than the SC1224, but with 1024
x 768 resolution and 16 colors instead of 320 x 200 at 16 colors!
(W.JESSOP, CAT4, TOP28, MSG:42/M475)
>>>>> I hope I don't sound too much like a wet blanket but a 14" monitor
""""" is really too small for 1024x768. The text gets so small it will be
hard to read. 800x600 is about the practical limit for a 14" screen. You
might want to see about getting the parts with your new board to do
800x600. (J.SPANDE, CAT4, TOP28, MSG:43/M475)
>>>>> To get an idea of size just take your monitor width in inch's and
""""" divide it by the number of pixels. That will give you the number
of pixels per inch. Since a desktop Icon is 32 pixels you can then see
what size they'll be on different monitors.
My Atari monitor is 13" diagonal and the display width is roughly
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9-3/8" at 640 pixels. That's roughly 68 pixels per i
nch. If I tried to
display 1024 on my monitor I would have roughly 109 pixels per inch. Now
to find your Icon width in inchs take 1" and divide by your pixels per inch
68 then multiple that by 32 (the width of your Icon). You can see at 640
my Icons are 15/32" and at 1024 there only 9/32" wide.
If you want an idea, take the monitor you have now and figure out the
resolution your currently using. You can also figure out what display
width you'll need to get the size icons you want. In order for me to keep
the same 68 pixels per inch, I would have to take 1024, divide by 68. That
tells me I roughly need a 15" display width. I think monitors are roughly
at a 3:4 ratio so you can figure the height to be 11-1/4". So you could
figure out the diagonal measurement using that famous triangle formula
c2=a2+b2.:-) Anyway that works out to 18.75" so roughly I would need a
19" monitor to have the same size Icons at 1024 pixel width. That's
basically why I said don't get smaller then a 17".:-) Plus I've used a 17"
with the AlberTT and the Icons are smaller then what I would consider
normal. (REALM, CAT4, TOP28, MSG:47/M475)
Some Suggestions Panasonic PanaSync C1391 will work, they are no longer
"""""""""""""""" being made but can be found in Computer Shopper at cost
out price of $290 - $330 a nice monitor with all the controls up front, I
have one of these.
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NEC 3D will work, there are refurbished monitors for sale in computer
shopper for $399. This is the most versatile for the ST, in has dash pot
controls up front that allow you to program where your screen should be
centered in each rez. I have been told it has a better Hi Rez mode then the
ACER 7015 will work, some people like this monitor, I had one for 10
days then sent it back, I thought it had terrible Hi Rez, my PanaSync is 10
times the quality of the ACER in Hi Rez.
Sony 1302 works very good, it has the best Hi Rez mode I have seen on
the ST, it has a different cable then most of the other Multi-Sync
monitors, so a adapter will be needed or you might have to build your own
switch box on this one. $450 - $590.
Princeton Ultra 1400 works a has a good Hi Rez mode, $399
All of these monitors can be found in Computer Shopper. I would
suggest the NEC 3D or the ATY Multi-Sync monitor. If cost is a factor you
maybe able to find the Pana
Sync C1391 for around $290. It does not have as
good Hi Rez mode as the NEC or ATY monitor, but it is still very good.
Color on all of these monitors is as good as the Atari color monitor or
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I will have a review on Multi-Sync monitors in our next
Newsletter\Magazine (PSAN) Pacific Side Atari News. Another good article
on Mluti-Sync monitors for the ST by Gregg Anderson was in the December 91'
issue of AtariUser, "MultiSync Myths and the Atari ST, page 20.
(J.STRAND1, CAT4, TOP34, MSG:96/M475)
Board + Monitor Upgrades Well guys, I got my ISAC board allright, but
"""""""""""""""""""""""" due to ignorance on my part (and lack of
information proliferation on this topic!) I am still on my old monitors. So
now I'm awaiting some TOS 1.4 ROMs (which are being supplied by a very kind
helper--hip hip hooray for Jim Allen!) so I can be up and flying in
high-res color. Of course, in the meantime I had to learn the hard way,
unrigging and re-rigging my computer hutch, dropping the new monitor on my
foot, OUCH!! ;&( (which, as you can see above, got my nose bent out of
So, in the interest of cutting away injury & ignorance, and
proliferating important information (and for all you guys & gals starting
to think about upgrading your monitor output ability),
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
To operate an ISAC board with a multisync monitor you
absolutely must:
1) Have TOS ROMS of version 1.4 or above
2) Download the Atari CPX software (do a search under XCONTROL)
3) Have a multisync monitor that has a maximum horizontal scan
frequency of AT LEAST 48kHz (higher is OK) NON-Interlaced.
4) Download file #21647 (Extended Palette Driver ver. 1.0) which
gives you 4096 colors to choose from instead of just 512... not
too shabby! I've been told that this tiny AUTO folder TSR program
is better than the 4096 driver included with the ISAC, and should
be used instead of it.
5) Have a source for an adaptor from 9-pin D-shell (VGA) to 15-pin
D-shell (SVGA- which most monitors today come with), unless your
monitor has a 9-pin monitor signal cable (in which case it will
plug right into the ISAC).
6) And finally, of course, you must have the ISAC board! ;^)
For those of you without a lot of money for a new multisync monitor,
I just saw a DAMARK catalog with a TAXAN 15" flat-square tube monitor, with
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1024 x 768 at .28 mm dot pitch (I'm assuming its hori
zontal scan ratio will
be high enough and that it is Non Interlaced--only a call to them will
tell). Price: only $499...not a bad deal for a nice monitor. If you can't
afford that, you'll have to go down to the 14" monitors made by many and
available for $320 to $400 + shipping. Most experienced ones recommend 16"
or larger. (W.JESSOP, CAT4, TOP28, MSG:58/M475)
DON'T DO THIS! Yup, the high capacity cartridges are not refillable.
"""""""""""""" The regular carts have a sponge-type-thing inside that
soaks up the refill ink. Once you puncture a high-capacity cart you're left
with a sieve, as you discovered.
(GRMEYER, CAT4, TOP9, MSG:43/M475)
Math Chip, Is It For Me? The math chip _socket_ is claimed to be standard
"""""""""""""""""""""""" on every Falcon030. It should be a simple
matter to install the chip or have your dealer do it.
Depending on what you plan to do with your Falcon030, you may not
even need the 68882. Since it only assists with "Floating Point" math,
having one will not just simply make the computer faster. It _can_ make 3-D
graphics faster. I _cannot_ speed up your desktop (like warp9). It _can_
make your DTP
program scale and rotate quickly. It _cannot_ make your "LZH"
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
or "ARC" program quicker. Of course you may be aware
of this already and I
apologize if I'm repeating what you already know. I just see a lot of PC
users complaining because they just spent $150 on a coprocessor and their
"Windows" is not faster. Sometimes they accuse the math chip of not
However, it is important to point out that the math coprocessor is
also useless unless you have software which is "Coprocessor Aware". Since
the ST lacked any way of installing a math chip for many years, most
software is written assuming none is present. Most of the high-end
graphics and CAD programs for the ST/TT have been updated to use the chip,
and their speed will be improved greatly by installing the chip. The
majority of other programs which you may have do not know how to access the
math chip, and will not see any improvement with one, provided they even do
floating point math to begin with.
Also of importance: most "math intensive" games, like flight
simulators and other 3-D graphics games achieve their speed through
mathematical "cheats" and other tricks, and probably will never use the
math chip either, since "cheating" is often faster than a fast math chip
that "plays by the rules".
If you do a lot of CAD and perhaps DTP and Graphics (especially
RayTracing and 3-D rendering) then the 68882 is for you, but you have to
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get software which uses it. If you plan to use the Fa
lcon030 for games,
word processing, and telecommunication, you may want to wait on it.
(D.ENGEL, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:109/M475)
True Color Explained I'm glad you asked about "true color". Allow me to
"""""""""""""""""""" clear up what I perceive to be a misinterpretation
I believe you are having, from your post.
"True Color" doesn't mean "unlimited colors", as you inquired about.
There are varying definitions of "True Color". Since this _is_ a topic
about the Falcon030, we will start with "True Color" as defined by Atari.
In a nutshell, they say that "True Color" is a graphics mode where a given
number of bits is taken from RAM, and the binary number those bits
represent is a color value which is placed on the screen as 1 pixel. In the
Atari ST, the colors are represented by a group of bits in RAM which
contain a binary number also. However, that binary number is _not_ a
direct color value, instead it is the number of a "palette box" which
contains a binary number which is then used to color the pixel on the
The advantage of using a "palette box" is that you make the palette
box big enough to hold as many bits as your design/price dictates, and you
can keep screen RAM down to a small size because you only need enough bits
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of screen ram for each pixel group to represent the n
umber of "Palette
Boxes" you have included in the computer. This is why the ST can display
"16 out of 512" colors. The ST has 16 "Palette Boxes" (you only need 4 bits
of screen RAM to choose one of them), while each "Palette Box" is big
enough to hold 8 red intensities, 8 green intensities, and 8 blue
intensities (8 x 8 x 8 = 512 colors, which would require 9 "True Color"
bits to display). So, this makes a cost saving technique of providing a
lot more _possible_ colors to choose from.
Many people suggest that "True Color" mode simply does not have
"Palette Boxes", and displays each group of bits in screen RAM as whatever
color it is.
Is truth stranger than fiction? You be the judge... going by this
definition of "True Color", your ST is displaying "True Color" when in the
monochrome mode. 1 bit of screen RAM represents the actual color of 1
screen pixel. The "Palette Box" concept is gone. (The Palette is used for
another function in monochrome, however. But this is not important now.)
The "True Color" mode of the Falcon030 uses 16 bits of screen RAM to
represent any of 65,536 different colors. Many SVGA cards use 24 bits of
screen RAM to represent any of over 16 _Million_ different colors.
As for the color detection ability of the human eye... it varies from
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one person to another. I'm sure everyone here has an
opinion, and I do not
have any documented proof from experts to say a specific figure. I was told
by Bob Brodie words to the effect that most people cannot distinguish
between a screen with 16 million and a screen with 65000 colors. This is
perhaps true. I have no reason to doubt it.
I will say that I have been told that the human eye is many times
better at distinguishing _shades_ (or intensities) of colors, than
distinguishing different _colors_ themselves. This brings us to a critical
point. It is up to you to decide for yourself what you feel is important,
after you read what I am about to say:
I have been told that the Falcon030 is capable of displaying a
MAXIMUM of 64 _different_ shades of green (a maximum of 32 for red and
blue) in "True Color" mode. (The ST has a maximum of 8 for a reference
point) A 24 bit "True Color" card for the PC can display a maximum of 256
_different_ shades of _any_ color. (There are special cards which I have
been told can do more than this) So, what does that mean to you??? Well, if
you're an artist and you're drawing a blue sky which fades from blue at the
horizon near the bottom of the screen, and black at the top of the screen,
your "sky" will consist of 32 "bands" of blue each one a little brighter
than the one above. Since your eye can _easily_ detect 32 different
_intensities_, you will be able to distinctly see each shade as a band. In
a 24 bit "true color" PC, your sky will have 256 bands of color each one
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much closer in intensity to the one above and below i
t than on the
Falcon030. in fact, most people agree that with 256 shades, the transition
is imperceptible, and you "see" a smooth transition from black to blue.
There are techniques of "stippling" adjacent shades in computers with small
numbers of possible shades, and these work well even in a lot of ST
graphics you probably have seen (only 8 shades).
So, you will have to judge for yourself based on what you perceive
what "True Color" means to _you_. Many people feel that "True Color" means
not less than 256 shades of each color. Other people feel that "True Color"
means the lack of "Palette Boxes". You make the call.
I will say that a 16.8 million color hard copy from a photo printer
is visibly much better to my eye than the same picture printed in 65535
colors (stippled). The graduated shading is much smoother with 24 bits. On
the monitor I also see a difference, but not as great.
(D.ENGEL, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:122/M475)
Forget The Easy-Off Oven Cleaner! Perhaps Atari could package a really
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" nice mouse instead of the battle gear
standard Atari mouse. Sure they work great, but a more rounded and maybe
self-cleaning mouse would be great. I would trade the good mouse for the
language or terminal any day!
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GEnie Made Easy Sandy, it sounds to me like the 'dense' choice, but
""""""""""""""" don't feel bad about it, I made the same mistake the
first time I tried it, and lots of others do it too. It stems from a
misunderstanding about what Aladdin is. It is _not_ intended to be a
terminal program, i.e. one that you operate 'live' and control while
online. It is meant to be setup offline (not connected to GEnie), tell it
to do an AutoPass 1, then it will automatically log on, get messages you
have 'told' it to get, check for new files in areas you specified, and then
hang up. All this while you can be doing something else. Then you return,
read the new messages, compose answers, etc., pickout the listed new files
that you want to download, etc.
When you are done with this, you tell it to do an Autopass 2. Then
Aladdin logs on, posts your replies, gets any messages posted to the topics
while you were reading an composing your reply, downloads the marked files
and then hangs up.
It is your computer software robotics program for navigating GEnie
and getting what you want out of GEnie while you just sit and read a good
novel, have dinner, or whatever. It may take you a while to get the knack
of how to set it up, but once you learn that you'll wish every board and
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service had such a front end.
Basically the first thing you want to do is go to the File Menu and
configure RTs, i.e. pick the ones from the Product Index that you are
interested in. Click on the text that says something like Product page no.
and you will see the product index and then you can look thru' it for stuff
you want. Click on the days you want Aladdin to check that area, etc. The
tell Aladdin to update all topic lists. It will download the topic lists
for the RTs you have just set up. Go into the Roundtable menu and
mark/reply to topics to tell Aladdin which topics you want to ignore, and
which to read. Then you're ready for your first Autopass1.
This was long, but the manual is longer. If you haven't downloaded
the manual, do so. RTFM, it takes a long time to absorb whats there but its
worth the effort. Try it you'll like it.
(D.FLORY, CAT6, TOP1, MSG:15/M1000)
Calligrapher 3 Tips Besides GDOS problems (which will no longer exist
""""""""""""""""""" with version 3), the most common problem people have
had with Calligrapher has been in setting the paper size. This problem
occurs because of a number of things.
First, Calligrapher installs with a default paper size of "European
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Fanfold". It's understandable that most folks dive in
and try to print
before discovering this setting, which is buried in the "Paper Size" dialog
Second, if the user discovers the "Paper Size" dialog box, it is
logical to assume that he should just set it to "US Letter". However, this
is seldom the best setting.
Third, the manual only briefly discusses the concept of "Physical
Page" and "Virtual Page" (on page 70). This is a tutorial section of the
manual and not all users will have read this before printing. If they have
printing problems, they would naturally turn to the section on printing,
which does not discuss this concept. Furthermore, the concept is not very
clearly spelled out.
What needs to be stressed is:
The user must set his "Paper Size" to the "printable area" of his
printer. This will vary from printer to printer, but is usually in the
neighborhood of 8.1 x 10.4. This setting is made only once and is then
saved globally within Calligrapher. The user need only be sure that his
"virtual page" is smaller than the paper size. The width of the virtual
page is determined by the widest margin on any particular page. The height
(Page Length) of the virtual page is set in th
e Customize box and is saved
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with the document. The virtual page is positioned wi
thin the physical page
by the settings of vertical and horizontal alignment in the preview and
print box.
Aside from this downfall of the Calligrapher manual, there are very
few complaints. It is very thorough -- so thorough that many people do not
fully read it (almost 400 pages) but use it only for reference since the
program is so intuitive.
(J.EIDSVOOG1, CAT32, TOP32, MSG:32/M475)
>>> WHAT'S NEW? <<<
STraight FAX Distributor We just wanted to drop in and say hi! Toad
"""""""""""""""""""""""" Computers is very proud to be the new worldwide
distributor and tech-support provider for the STraight FAX! To re-iterate
what has already been said here, it is very important that all legitimate
owners of STraight FAX! send in their registration cards to NewSTar
Technology. We at Toad Computers can _only_ fully support legitimately
registered users! So even if you've had the program for several months, go
ahead and send the card in today!
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
Toad Computers, in conjunction with NewSTar Tech
nology, intends to
make STraight FAX! _the_ exciting Atari software product of 1993! Toad
Computerswill provide aggressive marketing and complete tech support, as
well as adviseNewSTar Technology on possible new features, etc. So even if
you don't needany tech support, make sure you're registered with us!
You'll receive excitingupdates, by mail, about software upgrades, new
features, and even new software products from NewSTar and Toad!
Anyway, we just wanted to say that we're excited about STraight FAX!
If you'd like to order STraight FAX!, pleas
e call (800) 448-TOAD.
For technical support (Monday - Saturday 10:30 am - 6:00 pm EST),
call (410) 544-6943!
(TOAD-SERV, CAT4, TOP24, MSG:150/M475)
Moniterm Good News Some news for Moniterm folks. The guy who founded
"""""""""""""""""" Moniterm has a new company, which bought up their
stocks, so they are in a position to offer repair services on Moniterm
Monitor Technology, (612)-551-1478
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I don't actually know these people, but Jay Cras
well mentioned this
to me so I am passing it along.
(J.ALLEN27, CAT4, TOP25, MSG:161/M475)
Announcing the LAST in the G_MAN software DragonWare Software will
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" release G_MAN PRO (V4.0) this
will be the last Major upgrade in the most popular G_MAN Software. On the
25th of FEB 1993 DragonWare will release G_MAN LITE the common Users
Version of the G_MAN.
Following the release of these two products DragonWare has no plans to
continue upgrades to the G_MAN software.
On March 15 1993 DragonWare will release it's latest Application
software. D_GRAPH is the ultimate Graphing Package for the TOS based
computers and will run on ALL versions from the Falcon030 to the 520ST.
D_GRAPH will export in the following
formats. IMG. COLOR IMG. .GEM .CVG
D_GRAPH will also graph in 3-D with BAR PIE COIN Stair step and in
color and Black and white.
DragonWare Continues to create the best in application software for
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the Atari Platform! (DRAGONWARE, CAT13, TOP4, MSG:76
Transcendance BBS Support Transcendence BBS will no longer be supported
""""""""""""""""""""""""" by David Brown. David has turned over all rights
to the program to me. I will be maintaining, selling and supporting the BBS
as of now. His BBS will not be online as of Jan. 15th. All references to
Twilight Zone Software should be replaced by Southern Software. Any
shareware payments that you plan to send in should be sent to the address
David has decided to get out of support for the BBS as he doesn't
feel like he has the time to put into it that he thinks he should. Other
things are taking precedence. All currently registered Sysops will still be
supported and updates will still be free.
David wants to get into other things as well. He will still be
around. I wish him the best of luck. We have been working tog
ether on this
thing for 11/2 years now and I have learned a lot from him. Now maybe my
phone bill will return to normal. :-)
You can contact me here on GEnie or at 1-803-879-4186 (my BBS).
(R.WATSON15, CAT8, TOP13, MSG:37/M475)
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Lexicor's New Location LEXICOR software has moved to a new location,
"""""""""""""""""""""" with NEW Telephone numbers.
Lexicor Software
1726 Francisco Street
Berkeley calif, 94703
TEL AC510/848-7621
FAX AC510/848-7613
Lexicor will continue to take orders for software products and provide
support. The will be a few days delay in shipping due to the down time of
production Computers. If you ordered between Dec 15 and Jan 4 your order
is now in transit. Orders from Jan 5 and Jan 10 should be shipped by Jan
14, all orders processed after Jan 11 should be shipped by Jan 21. After
Jan 25 all orders and support will be back on normal scheduling.
Lexicor has moved to accommodate the increased work loads imposed by
Lexicors expansion into the UNIX world and increased demand for Lexicor
products in Europe. Lexicor wishes to thank all it's customers for their
interest and support in the past two years, and is pleased to announce that
there are several new and interesting products about ready for release.
watch this space for late breaking news.
(LEXICOR, CAT25, TOP10, MSG:18/M475)
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Calligrapher and WordPerfect I began work on a Word Perfect import pak,
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" but ran up against a roadblock -- the
Working Title folks in the UK have never fully documented all the info
needed for an outside party to construct paks, and the documentation we did
get proved to be inadequate to the task. At this point, we're going to ship
the Word Perfect document format to England, and let Nigel (the programmer)
handle it himself. Word Perfect importing is still an important goal for
By the way, the new version of Calligrapher now includes an RTF
(Microsoft's Rich Text Format) import/export pak, which lets people who use
Mac/PC wordprocessors (including Word Perfect) easily exchange formatted
documents with Calligrapher. (CODEHEAD, CAT32, TOP32, MSG:178/M475)
Falcon Specs Revisited
[] CPU: 68030 Microprocessor running at 16MHz and the following
<> multi-tasking capable via on-chip demand-paged memory
<> separate on-chip 256 byte instruction and data cache.
<> independent data and address buses for increased performance.
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<> pipelined architecture allows fetching and exe
instructions and data simultaneously.
<> internal CPU BUS: 32-bit data, 32-bit address
[] FPU: Optional Motorola 68881/2 16MHz Floating point coprocessor.
[] RAM: 1, 2 or 14 MB of memory.
[] ROM: 512 KB internal plus 128 KB external cartridge.
[] Static RAM/RTC: on board real time clock and battery backed up RAM.
[] Keyboard Processor: separate processor to control keyboard and mouse
to reduce CPU overhead.
[] Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
<> Motorola 56001 DSP operating at 32 MHz
<> 16 MIPS performance
<> 32K words of 0 wait state static RAM
<> DSP connector for easy connection to low-cost modems, voice
mail systems,
direct-to-disk digital audio recorders
[] Expansion Bus Connector: Internal Direct Processor slot for
286,386SX, and 486SX processor boards to run Windows and
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applications, DMA co-processors, Mac emulators, a
[] Broadcast TV Quality Graphics:
<> Super VGA 640 x 480, 256 colors
<> "True Color" 16-bit mode allows display of 65,536 colors
<> 262,144 possible colors
<> standard ST video modes with a 4096 color palette
<> RF modulator, ST monitors or VGA monitor connections
<> optional overscan
<> accepts external video sync signal to allow high quality
<> overlay mode for easy video tiling and special effects
<> BLiTTER Graphics coprocessor
[] CD-Quality Stereo Sound:
<> eight 16-bit digital audio DMA record and playback channels
with up to 50KHz sample rates
<> stereo 16 bit DMA digital audio inputs
<> stereo 16 bit DMA digital audio outputs
<> stereo 8 bit STe compatible PCM sound
<> ST compatible 3 channel PSG sound
<> built-in monophonic speaker
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[] Standard Ports:
<> SCSI 2 peripheral interface (hard drive, tape drive, etc.)
<> high-speed LocalTalk-compatible local area network (LAN) port
<> connector for VGA, composite video, or broadcast (ST) analog RGB
<> connector for television RF
<> enhanced modem/RS232 port
<> bi-directional parallel printer port (also suitable for image
<> cartridge port (128 KB capacity)
<> MIDI in and MIDI out ports
<> stereo microphone audio input using miniature stereo plug
<> stereo headphone audio output using miniature stereo plug
<> two 9-pin ST and STe compatible mouse/joystick/controller ports
<> 2-button mouse supplied as standard
<> two 15-pin enhanced digital/analog controller and light pen
[] Data Storage:
<> 1.44MB floppy drive
<> optional built-in IDE 2 1/2" hard drive interface
<> MS-DOS file format compatible
[] System Software
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<> pre-emptive multitasking with adaptive priorit
zation capable
with MultiTOS
<> inter-process communication through Unix like MultiTOS messages
and pipes
<> operating system (TOS) in ROM
<> MS-DOS compatible hierarchical file system with subdirectories
and pathnames
<> on-line help
<> multiple window user interface with icons and drop down menus
<> NewDesk desktop and eXtensible Control panel allows
customization by user
(EXPLORER.1, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:78/M475)
CyberPaint Upgrade Regarding the upgrade, yes, CyberPaint is being
"""""""""""""""""" upgraded as we speak. It'll probably be going to the
beta testers fairly soon (and, BTW, if anyone reading this has extensive
experience with CyberPaint and now uses a TT or MegaSTE and would be
interested in beta testing, please contact me in email). The first upgrade
will be more of a maintenance upgrade than anything. The alphas we now
have run on all current production Atari computers. This is a major step -
believe me! The next upgrade will be for support of resolutions other than
320x200x16. We're looking especially at the Falcon true color mode.
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The addition of sound output capabilities is not
likely in the near
future. Remember, this program is called CyberPaint - it's meant to be a
paint and animation program. However, that doesn't mean we won't add sound
capabilities at some future date. A lot depends on the Atari market and
the support we get for our first upgrade. I understand the need for "sound
with animation", but I'm not sure that that capability should be added to
CyberPaint itself. It would make for a cumbersome interface (integrating
sound and visuals at the same time), at least in its current incarnation.
~ Rumors, Maybes and Mayhem ~
Falcon Delay I'd like to back up Bob on this 'Falcon delay' issue. I've
"""""""""""" been hearing from all over that the Falcon030 MAY not even
be available in quantity in the U.S. until Feb/Mar '93, but that some of
the reasons for the delay included many more developers being interested in
developing for it (and Atari setting aside more machines for them) plus
getting all the packaging (bundled software/etc.) settled (you MAY see
several more bundled pieces of software than have already been mentioned).
Two of the biggies, MultiTOS and SpeedoGDOS, are also very close, but not
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quite ready (from what I've heard) and I'm sure we'd
hear LOTS of people
bitching if the machines were released without these (and other bundled
software). Just give Atari a chance to deliver in early '93 (when they
said the REAL rollout would be).
(S.JOHNSON10, CAT16, TOP20, MSG:134/M475)
That Mega Case By the way, EVERYONE (magazines, dealers, developers,
"""""""""""""" etc.) in Europe is claiming that Atari U.K. has flat-out
STATED that there will be a new Falcon design in Spring '93 (and most are
saying that it's a 'Mega Falcon030'). Along with that, practically ALL the
European Atari magazines are convinced that the current UK499 list Falcon030
will be reduced in price to UK399 list(a 20% price reduction, which would
bring the U.S. list pricing from $799 to around $649) when the new Falcon
design comes out, although Atari U.K. are NOT COMMENTING on THAT piece of
>>>>> Come now, we've heard these stories before. R & D for the Computer
""""" projects is in Sunnyvale, not the UK! Remember an article in STR
that said that "his little birdie spied an order for 500 Falcons", or
something to that effect. Gossip is gossip is gossip. I was doing a
little house cleaning on my hard disk Monday. Came across a capture from a
session on CIS about a year ago where a developer was telling an excited
audience on CompuServe all about the upcoming TT040 that we would be
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showing in March. By now, it's obvious that the machi
ne wasn't a TT040, but
rather the Atari Falcon030. More gossip, gossip, gossip. Joan Rivers take a
PLEASE, remember that these magazines have a lead time of 90-120
days. They give out information that can become WAY dated before the mag
even prints.
Doesn't it strike you as funny that everyone is saying that "Atari
has flat- out STATED that there will be a new Falcon design in Spring '93"
yet there isn't a press release from Atari??? It should. :)
(BOB-BRODIE, CAT14, TOP20, MSG:153/M475)
Atari Interface Magazine AIM last issue was dubbed the "Fall" issue,
"""""""""""""""""""""""" after having been released on a near-monthly
basis up to then. I asked Pattie a week or so if a new issue would be out
anytime soon, and she indicated no. That doesn't necessarily mean that AIM
is "no longer publishing", but it does mean it will be a while before
there's another issue.
(D.A.BRUMLEVE, CAT15, TOP11, MSG:89/M475)
Other Falcon News The Falcon030 should offer serial port rates of up to
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""""""""""""""""" 115.2kbps (that's what I've HEARD
anyway). Any SCSI
CD-ROM that's PhotoCD compatible will work on the Falcon030. There's word
that Atari's working on a CD-ROM drive that will interface with the DSP
port or somesuch and that will only cost around $200, I don't know if
that's true or not.
The Falcon030's SCSI-II port has DMA and Atari decided to drop its
proprietary interface for an industry standard one.
(S.JOHNSON10, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:57/M475)
New Atari CPU? On Tuesday evening Bob Brodie showed up to the Delphi
"""""""""""""" conference. The following questions and answers are
paraphrased a bit, but are as close as I remember them.
Q: Can you squash the rumor that Atari has designed a 64-bit CPU?
A: No, I can confirm that rumor as true.
Q: Will it be used in a future computer? (non-game console)
A: Its only logical a CPU be used in a computer.
Q: Is it RISC or CISC based?
A: That would be risky to say. (notice the pun :)
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For me this was the first confirmation from Atar
i I have heard on
this 64-bit chip as fact. The question still remains to me if this is
really a CPU or a GPU, and that I guess will remain to be seen, as has
already been discussed a general CPU would be next to unbelievable.
(S.JOHNSON10, CAT18, TOP5, MSG:124/M475)
[Editor Note: This was a reprint of a post from the Internet that
Steve Johnson was kind enough to upload...]
And now for some good news. The first Falcons (not pre-production or
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 'first' production machines) are being
delivered to dealers in Germany. Some were even sold and in the hands of
end users before Christmas. :-) Many dealers are or have increased their
earlier orders believing the first few batches will be completely sold out
and that at suggested Atari retail prices.
(F.BELL1, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:134/M475)
MultiTOS Drawbacks Good point on the need for MultiDesk even when
"""""""""""""""""" MutiTOS becomes available. I understand that MultiTOS
imposes two penalties on the operation of an ST, TT or Falcon that
MultiDesk does not:
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1. Overall operational speed drops by perhaps 20
to 40 percent,
depending on what M-TOS is doing.
2. M-TOS, unless it is sold in ROM (which it will not be, for some
time, if I understand correctly), takes up a huge amount of memory.
I suspect many of us self-proclaimed power users will still be running
MultiDesk even when we have M-TOS in our hands ... and in our computers.
The only use I would have for M-TOS right now is in running STraight FAX in
the background while I am using the TT for other things.
(A.FASOLDT, CAT17, TOP3, MSG:200/M475)
Serial Fix 1.1 Problem Unfortunately, Serial Fix 1.1 disables the second
"""""""""""""""""""""" (and I think third and fourth) modem ports on the
TT and Mega STE. Therefore, I don't regularly use SerialFix. Apparently,
Bill Penner has been working on a new version. I recently sent him e-mail
to remind him. (E.KRIMEN, CAT17, TOP3, MSG202/M475)
>>> HOT TOPICS <<<
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Falcon Delay Questions... Bob! Wait a minute! Befo
re you and the other
""""""""""""""""""""""""" Atari employees leave on your two week
vacations, how about a few words of EXPLANATION as to why the Falcons are
not yet available for sale? You say that developers now have Falcons, but
that was supposed to have happened MONTHS ago. I can understand why you
don't want to engage in a debate with Thunderbird and his ilk, but can't you
please offer some explanation and hope to the rest of us who would LOVE to
I remember ALL TOO WELL the statements from Atari that the ST Book
would be released in Sept '91, Oct. 91', Christmas 91, First Quarter '92,
June '92 and then without warning Atari pulled the plug on the ST Book. (I
know, I know, it's being re-designed for musicians . . . . riiight.)
Is this also going to be the story of the Falcon??? Say it ain't so
Bob! Tell us WHY the Falcon is late! Please! And don't just say "It's
not late. We always said we'd be 'ramping up' in January." Sam Tramiel
said in August that he "realistically expected" the first dealer shipments
to reach the U.S. in October. WHAT HAPPENED?
Give it to us straight Bob! We can take it!
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...And Answers David, You didn't read my post very carefully...I said
"""""""""""""" that I would be popping in and out of here, and doing day
trips in the bay area. I'm not running away for two weeks.
Sam did indeed realistically expect Falcons to hit in October, and the
date slipped for the US. There was a problem that I am not at liberty to
discuss, although I will say that it was not technical in nature. Among
other concerns were slow negotiations with companies for some of the
products that we want to have either bundled with the Falcon030, or have
available at the same time. For example, the Photo-CD software is
something that we very much want to bundle with the Falcon030. However,
that contract wasn't signed until November. That creates a rather obvious
problem in shipping the software.
The demand for units by developers (current, new, and returnees) has
been considerable. All across the globe Atari Falcon030s have been in high
demand. While it is disappointing that they are not for sale in North
America, it is very encouraging to see the demand from developers is
extraordinarily high! And it is for sale "on this planet", in Europe.
I take exception to your "riiigghht" description about the re-design
of the ST Book, David. We were highly criticized by people right here for
the lack of the backlight on the ST Book. We explained the intent of the
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unit, and the fact that backlighting it would dramati
cally reduce the
viability of the unit as a notebook. We went to NAMM and heard the very
same concerns...and reacted. "Without warning, we pulled the plug on the ST
Book." Hardly! We took the concerns of our dealers and users to heart and
have the unit in for re-design. If the "don't bother, it's no use"
sentiment of your message is indeed correct, I'll be happy to pass that
information along to the appropriate people here in Sunnyvale.
And again, even though you don't like to hear it, we always indicated
that the main push was slated for January. We got the "what no Falcon for
Christmas?" messages _way back_ in August. It was felt that by being up
front and telling you realistically what we felt we could accomplish we
were doing the right thing. I still think that we were correct in being up
front about it. We should always tell what we can do, and when we believe
we will be able to do it.
Will the "story of the ST Book be the story of the Falcon030?" NO!
The ST Book was regarded as an addition to the existing lineup of
computers. It was/is, a highly portable unit. It's main technical
advantages were the incredible battery life, which was rejected by users
and dealers as significant. The Atari Falcon030 represents a substantial
technical advancement in personal computing. Publications like EQ recognize
that, so does Electronic Musician, Keyboard, people like Jerry Pournelle,
Craig Anderton, and CNN is talking extremely positive as well.
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I'm happy to participate here, if there is something to discuss. Many
of the messages here lately have been about which clone bus is the best,
which one will "win". Where the best deals are on the most t advanced of
the clones. In short...nothing for me to comment on.
In almost every instance where a developer has a Falcon030, they are
pleased, and have new applications coming. HiSoft has a terrific paint
program coming, Lexicor is working on a bunch of stuff, JRI has a GENLOCK
and a video digitizer, and of course there are brand new products like the
voice mail system from D.O.A. I wonder why those aren't being discussed?
(BOB-BRODIE, CAT14, TOP20, MSG:116/M475)
Shareware Concept Questioned... >While some who never paid for PinHead
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" >might feel less guilty once they stop
>using it, that doesn't change the fact that they used it unethically for a
>period of time.
Unethically? As defined by whom? Please explain the ethics, or lack
thereof, of shareware contributions. Try to use the words "agreement",
"contract", and "property" in your answer.
The fact of the matter is that the shareware concept exists because
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programmers are sometimes too greedy to give their so
ftware away, but too
lazy to sell it commercially[1]. They may be naive enough to think they'll
make a lot of money in shareware, or they may just want anything they can
get. When they don't make a whole lot, of course it isn't _their_ fault --
it's ours.
So they embark upon a guilt-trip campaign in order to convince people
they should feel guilty about not paying for less-than-commercial software.
They claim _they_ are GOOD for releasing shareware instead of selling their
software commercially. It's not true. They are making their decisions
based on a cost/benefit analysis just like everyone else. But when the
cost/benefit analysis others make end
s in a non-payment of shareware
"fees", those others are BAD, guilty, unethical, and according to JWEAVERJR
(in another topic) thieves.
And if the messages in this topic are typical of the thoughts of the
majority, their campaign has been successful. It's a shame.
Shareware is a stupid concept, plain and simple. There are no ethics
on either side of the payment/non-payment argument. No agreement or
contract for payment in exchange for service exists between the creator of
a piece of shareware, and it's users[2]. Therefore, no violation of an
agreement or contract takes place upon non-payment.
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Say you download a piece of shareware. You _hav
e_ it[3]. It is in
your possession by right. This right is explicitly granted to you by the
software's creator at no cost to you. The software has legally and
ethically changed hands. Furthermore, you also hold the right to duplicate
and distribute copies of the software as you see fit. You also have the
right to test the software to see what it does. This is fine.
The problem, however, is that the creator of the software says if you
use the software, you owe him money. In other words, the creator of the
software claims the right to deny you the _use_ of software legally in your
possession. Does such a right exist? I don't think so. Where else in life
do these rights exist?
Shareware "fees" should be thought of as "contributions". They are a
like putting $3 in the box at the museum that says "Requested Donation $3".
It may be good to contribute, but it's completely optional. There is no
legal or ethical requirement to do so[4].
[1] This is not to say that there is anything wrong with either. It
is just a statement of fact.
[2] This doesn't include "shareware" for which, when you send in your
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money, you get something else back, like a poste
r or a different
version of the software. In these instances, the "shareware" is
not a product at all, it's an advertisement. The money you pay
is for the poster, or the new version, and it a legitimate
[3] You don't _own_ it though, ownership is a not a concept involved
in this discussion.
[4] There _may_ be a moral requirement, but morals are a question of
religion, and therefore not subject to logical argument.
I'd be more that happy to debate this with anyone.
PS. This may or may not be the opinion of Marlo Stueve, my partner,
and it certainly isn't the opinion of our company, because
companies don't have opinions. However, you can rest assured
we won't be releasing any products as shareware any time soon.
PPS. JOKE---> This post is shareware. You may freely copy it as
many times as you wish, but if you gain any insight from it,
you must pay me a significant sum of money. Remember, if you
don't pay shareware fees, authors won't be able to continue
to write shareware posts such as this one.
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
...And Answers I used the word "unethically" for exactly the same reason
"""""""""""""" that you posted your opinions. I fully realize that many
people don't accept the facts in the shareware concept so I thought I would
give them the benefit of the doubt and not call them crooks. Instead, I
implied that they were simply unethical. You ask "As defined by whom?".
As defined by the federal laws of the United States of America.
Since you decided to dispute the "rights" of shareware authors, I'll
give you a few facts. A shareware program is protected by its copyright in
the same way that any commercial program is protected. Assuming that the
author has correctly displayed his copyright and stated clearly the means
by which he allows the distribution of his software, the users of that
software are bound _by_the_copyright_law_ to honor the copyright.
>They claim _they_ are GOOD for releasing shareware instead of
>selling their software commercially.
Who claims this? Maybe one author, or maybe more than one author,
although I personally have not seen these claims. You're certainly not
implying that _every_ author claims this, are you?
It has nothing to do with guilt-trips. You can whine all you like
about what you may perceive as the greed or laziness of an author, but that
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does not diminish his right to copyright his work. I
f you don't like it,
you can do what you please. But if you are violating the copyright of an
author's work, you are breaking a federal law, whether you feel there's an
"agreement or contract" or not.
>Say you download a piece of shareware. You _have_ it[3]. It is in
>your possession by right. This right is explicitly granted to you by
>the software's creator at no cost to you. The software has legally
>and ethically changed hands.
Herein lies the flaw in your supposition. The downloading of
shareware is only one part of the distribution process (assuming that the
author has clearly stated his copyright terms). Yes, the right to download
it is "explicitly granted", but the right to _use_ it carries additional
stipulations. The software has NOT "legally and ethically changed hands".
An evaluation _copy_ of the software has been made under the terms of the
author's copyright agreement. To use that software on a regular basis
requires additional compensation as requested by the author. Otherwise,
the copyright has been violated.
You're perfectly entitled to your opinion that "Shareware is a stupid
concept", but that doesn't change the law or the facts.
(J.EIDSVOOG1, CAT18, TOP19, MSG:25/M475)
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And Continuing... In thinking about my posts on this subject, I realize
""""""""""""""""" that it probably sounds as if I am defending the
concept of shareware. I'm not. I'm am defending the rights of software
_authors_, no matter what type of software they right (as pointless as it
is to argue with some people who refuse to face facts).
As for my views on the actual concept of shareware, I really don't
care much one way or the other. I feel it has its place. I have no
illusions that I can make any money at shareware. Most of the five
programs I've released as shareware have been written for my own needs.
Rather than hoard them for myself, I decided to basically "give" them away
by offering them as shareware. I really didn't expect to make any money
from them, but didn't want to release them as freeware either, for a couple
of reasons.
To me, there is a certain level of software that should be freeware.
If a program reaches beyond this level, it devalues other commercial
software to release it for free. Computer users then get the idea that
it's easy to write software, and that commercial software, including
shareware, is overpriced (if its price is more than zero). This leads to
piracy and a lot of complaining from those who are greedy and feel the
world owes them something.
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The other criterion I use to release something a
s shareware instead of
freeware is the simple amount of time it takes me to write documentation
and prepare a package for release. The software, I write for myself. But
the documentation is purely for the user. So I consider the dismal
response I get for shareware to be a payment for the extra effort I made to
prepare my personal tools to offer to the public (although it's really
supposed to compensate the author for writing the software).
I fully realize that the shareware I've released is mostly niche
tools which will not be widely used by a lot of people. So I don't expect
to get the number of payments that I'd expect if I'd written ArcShell or
XYZ or Superboot. In fact, some of my shareware is actually freeware when
obtained by the purchase of CodeHead's commercial software but shareware if
obtained otherwise. So most people are using those particular programs
without paying shareware, because they've purchased CodeHead software.
I couple of people have expressed curiosity as to how well other
shareware has done. Here is an accounting of the shareware I've received
in the last four years:
Product # of Payments Total
-------- ------------- -----
TopDown 8 $125
HotSaver 10 150
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CommTool 4 60.52
Icon Juggler 1 15
Captain Hook 0 0
Unspecified 6 75
----- ------
Totals 29 $425.52
I know these figures may shock some people. I know others will think
I'm "whining" (even though the above statements should show otherwise).
Maybe it will show some authors that there's no pot of gold at the end of
the Atari rainbow.
(NOTE: I know I said before that I had received a payment for Captain
Hook, but I was mistaken. I thought I remembered receiving a payment, but
I can't find any record of it.)
Above all, please do NOT view this post as a "guilt trip". If you're
looking at those figures and think you should send me a payment out of
sympathy, I don't want your money. That is not the purpose of this post.
In fact, I really don't know what the purpose of this post really is.
Last night my wife and I met with a group of professional studio singers we
call the Pro Bono Singers. In the past week we've donated our singing
talents by singing Christmas concerts (jazz arrangements) at two different
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V.A. Hospitals in the L.A. area. So I woke up this
morning thinking about
Christmas and the joy we provided for some very unfortunate people.
I then remembered the discussions here in the last few days and got a
real sour taste in my mouth. Color me strange, but I don't like sour
tastes. I've said my piece on this subject and it's time to wash out my
mouth and turn my attentions to other things.
(J.EIDSVOOG1, CAT18, TOP19, MSG:55/M475)
>>>>> While I wouldn't classify Shareware as 'stupid', I would say it
""""" would take a very idealistic, or unknowledgeable, shareware author
to think he/she is going to make much money from shareware - at least in
the U.S. ST market.
There are many reasons behind my statement, and others have already
stated most of them much better than I can (basic nature of shareware,
human nat- ure, low numbers of users, etc) But one reason that I haven't
seen stated is the length of ownership of the users in the U.S. ST market.
As we all know, there are very few new users ST users anymore. Most
of us have had our ST's several years. As such, we don't add much new
software to our libraries. I know that I can go months and never add
anything new to my hard drive (besides normal upgrades, data files, etc).
No matter how good a new ARCShell 'clone' might be, I already have one that
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I'm used to using, that does a good job and I have al
ready paid for it. It
would take an exceptional ARCShell 'clone' for m
e to move. BUT if there
were more new users (the total number of users could remain constant), many
of these new users would buy the new 'clone' instead of the older version.
The same goes for just about any other type of software. Until the
Falcon030 gets to the new users, shareware will be a losing proposition for
99% of the shareware authors - IMO.
Also, I disagree with some definitions of what is shareware. Some
speak of disabling some features in a shareware program. IMO, this means
the pro- gram is no longer shareware, it has become a fully 'commercial'
program that has a demo version. What is the difference between it and the
mono demo of Calligrapher 3? Would you call this version of Calligrapher
3 'disabled shareware'? The only difference is how the non-disabled
version is distributed - instead of just via the author, it's also
distributed via dealers, etc.
IMO, 'true' shareware is a fully working copy that I have a choice of
testing at my leisure, and then either paying for it or throwing it away.
(LEPULLEY, CAT18, TOP19, MSG:191/M475)
Kesmai Drops Atari AW Interface I've been in touch with Robert Wolf of
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Kesmai since I discovered that Kesmai
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planned to drop AW for the ST. After exchanging a cou
ple of GE Mails, I
received the following notes, which he has given me permission to repost
here publicly.
GE Mail
Message: 1059694, on December 22, 1992 at 18:43
From: AIR.WOLF Robert Wolf
To: MIKE.KELLER Michael Keller
Sub: Atari-ST RoundTable
I did read through your new BB topic. I have exchanged letters with
Bob Brodie but so far no phone contact. The holidays surely are
preoccupying everyone.
I'm sure that if we were in contact with the right people at Atari
they would have found a way to get us some development machines. At
this point the lack of machines may be a distraction from the central
issue. There isn't yet a demonstrated base of current owners of the
more powerful Ataris.
As for the suggestion to have an Atari only arena open, for at least
a month there will be a copy of each host arena from 870;2 to 868
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where the older FE's will still work. If a decent n
umber of Atari
players were keeping the 'old host' area active, we would have
something to think about. We can determine usage by machine type from
the log records.
Your idea for at H2H mode as a parting gift to Atari players is a neat
concept, but it is not practical for us to attempt, unfortunately.
I really meant what I said in the letter. We don't mind upping the
ante for machine horse power, but we really mind losing some great
people who came to Air Warrior from the Atari world.
Happy Holidays,
GE Mail
Message: 5378476, on December 22, 1992 at 18:43
From: AIR.WOLF Robert Wolf
To: MIKE.KELLER Michael Keller
Sub: Atari-ST RoundTable
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
Feel free to post the offer I described in my letter
. Please fix the
punctuation for me! (where DID those leading blanks go off to...)
I would rather lurk in the ST topic than post. I don't want to get
into a tug of war with anyone.
You have a point about the playing field leveling in 870 (old host).
I worry that it may be too sparse in there, but if you folks want to
use it and we see the activity, we will keep an arena for you. There
will be no changes to the Atari FE's unless a Falcon version can be
justified, but the host will be up to date with the other hosts that
are active on ARIES. Are we replaying the New Coke Old Coke
Best wishes,
Well, there's an offer there, of sorts. We can have an ST area, IF we
can keep it busy enough to justify it. They WILL upgrade the AW FE to the
Falcon (and I hope TT) IF Atari can show some numerical strength.
BTW, I had suggested that they incorporate the head to head mode into
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
the final ST FE as a parting gift.<g> Oh well.
(MIKE.KELLER, CAT14, TOP45, MSG:29/M475)
'Authorized' Dealer List Wanted I had a problem a year and a half ago
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" with a former Atari dealer who was no
longer an authorized dealer. It caused a delay of several months in getting
a Mega STE, which I ultimately got from DRYS, and I didn't understand why
the "dealer" wasn't able to get product from Atari. A list of dealers that
is kept current would be very helpful. I suppose, though, if the list is
short, it would be embarrassing to Atari and could erode confidence.
(K.VANDELLEN, CAT14, TOP12, MSG:192/M475)
Proto-Atarians? What? Dumping on Mac owners around here? Not a bit of
""""""""""""""" it, old chap. Mac owners are actually cherished, as
proto-Atarians. Sort of a case of slow development, retarded IQ, sloping
forehead children... we hope that someday their malady can be cured, and
they can join the ranks of real computists... the Atarians. At least
there's more hope for the 'Duhhhh' struck Macians then there is for the
DOSosaurus. They are a completely different, and vastly more primitive,
species. Although they may rule the world at the moment, the times, they
are a 'changing! But no need to feel uneasy in this environment! Most Mac
owners would be left brainless were they to cough up a hairball... but that
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
obviously cannot apply to yourself. Relax, and consi
der yourself
surrounded by fiends... er, friends.
(C.WORTON, CAT4, TOP15, MSG:235/M245)
Copyright Twist There has been some discussion on the topics of
""""""""""""""" copyrights for fonts, but there has been a tremendous
setback to just that. A recent Federal decision on a particular software
product said that the product could be copyrighted, but the producer could
not forbid uses that are contrary to good public policy. Such as,
disassembly of protected code and forbidding of code in particular products
or hardware.
This could have forbidden products from allowing add-ons with invasive
code. Say, the TOS ROMs could forbid use of shells or unapproved fonts or
unapproved graphics on the desktop. If you copyright it, you must allow
A font program or font name is copyrightable. The font design is
NOT. If you can design a copy that a court could not reasonably assume was
derivative of the original program, then you are free to. This is fairly
easy for Type 1's and exceptionally hard for GDOS or GEM fonts because the
structure is so rigid.
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
About fair use for copyrighted software or fonts
, courts have
generally held that public interest is paramount and onerous or grievous
licensing is unlawful. I can't print a book and then put a license in it
that forbids your reading it based on your religion or race. If it is in
your possession you must be allowed fair use (I love the one that says you
can't resell it without notifying the producer's lawyers by registered
letter of your intent to sell). However remember there must be a
significant change in your code if you intend to SELL it. And be prepared
to be sued if you want to go against the big guys. They can keep you in
court long enough to forget what the suit was originally about.
Finally, if you are using it for your own uses, and I mean PERSONAL,
if you purchased it or own it legally you are free to do just about
anything you want to and that includes conversions.
(S.GAREE, CAT13, TOP16, MSG:13/M475)
Falcon Manufacturing Woes I'm sure all Atari is angry at the factory
""""""""""""""""""""""""" which did things all wrong... I would like to
know more details about the Q/A findings and the factory, so I can be angry
Did Atari went their usual penny-pinching way? and sub-contracted to
the cheapest oriental factory possible? With inexperienced workers paid 50
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
cents a day, doing 80 hours a week... or something li
ke that... WHY was
that factory so bad?? Did Atari gamble on the choice of factory?
On a more positive note, this extra waiting period, until March, can
be good.
THE GOOD: - Prices likely to fall
- More software bundled
- More time to save money
- More software available at time of purchase
- It is worth the wait
THE BAD: - Competition becoming more and more tempting
- Long winter months ahead
- Patience running off
- Hits Atari's credibility
- May scare away developers
Oh well... What's 2 more months. I sold my COMPLETE Mega System four
months ago in anticipation--- good thing I got a deal on an used 1040.
(C.LABELLE, CAT18, TOP23, MSG:15/M475)
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
Falcon Memory Configurations No he wasn't kidding.
Actually, it is 16 meg
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" but, in that configuration, only 14 meg is
usable by the user. The other 2 meg is used for the system to do stuff.
Those extra 2 meg is only used by the system in the 16 meg configuration.
The 1 & 4 meg configuration gives the user all the ram (minus what TOS,
etc.) takes up.
The Falcon uses 4meg X 1 drams (or 1meg X 4). The price comes out to
pretty much the same as SIMMS in the catalogs. The prices I have seen from
dealers though are about $60 per meg which is WAY to high. I'll just
upgrade it myself cheaper. There are people supposedly working on memory
upgrade boards. Zram (I think) issued a press release price of $250.00 for
an unpopulated upgrade board. These people must be on some kind of drugs.
The Atarians that have been around know better about this kind of price
but, the unsuspecting consumer could get burnt.
Well, I just received the February issue of Byte and guess what I
found. They had a small review on the Falcon030 in the News "First
Impressions" section. Overall (for a quick review), it was pretty good.
From the way the article was written, they were impressed. The title says
"Atari's Falcon030 Leads the Pack". It talks about the DSP and gives a
general rundown of the features. He said that he plugged in a guitar and
used Musicom to add some special effects and then played it back while
mixing in a lead guitar and recording it onto tape. The article also talks
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
about some of the ports that it includes like, DSP, L
ocalTalk, SCSI-2, etc.
A pretty good review for one page. It's about time they noticed.
(R.WATSON15, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:68/M475)
>>>>> Actually, I tried in the past to find someone who could say what
""""" would happen if you populated only 8 megs in the falcon030. I'd say
that you could populate this amount, and then tell TOS that the unpopulated
portion was allocated to some bogus program, and it should work. Nobody has
been able to answer this yet.
In the falcon030, you populate 16Megs, but only can use 14 of them.
The other 2Megs are not accessible because they reside at the same
addresses as the physical I/O and ROM in the machine. Coming from the 8-bit
I _know_ you understand what I mean. It's like having that last 16K in an
800XL that resides 'under' the ROM and I/O register locations. The problem
here is that there doesn't seem to be any way of 'enabling' that extra 2
Megs 'under' there. All accounts say that it is _useless_. (Maybe it helps
keep the other chips nice and warm or something).
They could have moved the ROM and I/O higher in the address space,
but that would have caused way too many incompatibility problems. There is
talk of adding "TT RAM" in the addresses following the 16 Meg top, too.
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
Other surprises might include: 16Mhz clock rate,
CPU to RAM bus width
of 16 bits, CPU expansion slot with 16 data and 24 address lines. It _is_ a
vast improvement over the STe, even with these idiosyncrasies.
(D.ENGLE, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:69/M475)
Atari Member On MAA Board I am happy to announce that James K. Grunke,
""""""""""""""""""""""""" Corporate Director of International Music
Markets for Atari was elected to the five member Executive Board of the
MMA, Midi Music Association. James was elected over representatives from
IBM and Mac.
Just about everybody in the music industry has stopped by the ATARI
booth. Yesterday, one hour before the show opens, Thomas Dolby came
strolling into the booth. Thank goodness he was followed by Jay Patton of
ATARI. Dolby was very interested in what the FALCON and the D2D system by
Digital I/O could do.
I may be repeating myself but ATARI was the ONLY computer company to
have a booth at NAMM. IBM, not there. MAC, who are they?
(JOHN.KING.T, CAT15, TOP10, MSG:67/M475)
Atari Explorer Resumes Yes, we managed to get both the Nov/Dec and the
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
"""""""""""""""""""""" Jan/Feb issues out within a
month of each other.
We are starting work on the Mar/Apr issue and hope to have it (and all
future issues) out on deadline. :-)
The Nov/Dec issues are OUT. The Jan/Feb issues will mail/be on
newsstands around the end of the month. John picked up one of the copies we
sent to NAMM (the Jan/Feb issue being our special music edition). Expect to
see your issue in your mailbox starting the first of next month.
(EXPLORER, CAT14, TOP30, MSG:140/M475)
Atari-ST RoundTable
Category 18, Topic 19
Message 102 Thu Jan 21, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 12:59 EST
No, I'm not including you (or anyone in particular) in the group
possessing the "attitude" I posted. And no, the statement "shareware is
Press <RETURN> or <S>croll?
crazy" makes no more sense to me than "shareware is s
tupid". Your analogy
of comparing shareware to someone giving you his car keys to try out for a
while doesn't make sense -- it's simply not practical. Shareware is
You seem to feel the need to define shareware by some concrete,
strictly- defined rules. That's not the point of it. To me it seems
pointless to take this discussion into such an area. Shareware is a
flexible honor system. It's flexible because authors use such widely varied
means for distributing their shareware. It's an honor system because it
relies on individual integrity to work.
Of course, retail software is distributed by an honor system, too. The
producers of software rely on the honor of their customers not to make
illegal copies of their software -- much like audio and video recordings.
All of this is backed by law, but it's not practical or worth the time and
money to chase this type of theft. Instead, the theft is absorbed by the
consumer, just like it is in retail stores with petty shoplifting. We
_all_ pay for this in higher prices. That's why it makes sense for us to
try to instill a sense of integrity in our society -- a respect for one's
self and for others. When the stakes rise to a high enough point, the
judicial system gets involved, but at the petty level we all pay for the
wrong-doings of others. Anyway, let's get back to the discussion of
If you can't find a shareware author because he's no longer around,
ask your own conscience whether you should continue using it. Have you
made an attempt to find him? This whole concept only works (or doesn't
work) based on the individual consciences of each user.
Nobody's going to throw you in jail because you haven't paid a
shareware fee,especially if you can't find the author. Why not just accept
the "standard" shareware rule that has been given here over and over:
- If you use it, pay for it.
If you have to cover every possible condition and occurrence with
strict rules,then you're not understanding the concept. It's based on
trust. The author trusts that you'll be fair. If you don't know what's
fair, ask yourself. Ask your own conscience. Ask yourself how you'd feel
if you had spent your valuable time and talent to produce the software in
question and how you'd feel about a person using it in the way you're using
This should tell you whether you should pay or not. Not everyone
will answer the question the same way. The world is full of a lot of
different kinds of people and they all have different kinds of consciences.
Some will never pay for anything that they can take and get away with it.
I certainly am not going to lose any sleep over these people.
But what makes me lose a lot of sleep is people (not you, or anyone in
particular) who are doing the equivalent of "inciting to riot". Some
people's consciences bother them a little, because they know they're doing
the wrong thing. They can't seem to steer themselves straight. Instead of
doing the right thing to eliminate the bother, they speak out in an attempt
to convince others to join them in not doing the right thing -- as if this
will justify what they're doing wrong, and fix their consciences (it
Jails are full of these kinds of people -- gangs are full of these
kinds of people -- pirate BBSes are full of these kinds of people. Of
course, my problem with losing sleep over this type of person, should not
be made into _your_ problem, or anyone else's -- just as someone else's
problem with their own conscience shouldn't be forced on others.
In closing, I'd be happy to give you my _broad_ definitions of the
various types of software:
Public Domain: PD software is completely free and everyone is free to do
anything they please with it. It may or may not have an
author's name(s) attached to it. It may or may not
include the source code. But it definitely should not
have a copyright on it. Otherwise, it wouldn't be public
domain. (Actually, after a copyright expires, the work
becomes public domain, but no software has been around
long enough to reach this state.)
Freeware: Freeware is a gift from the author to everyone. It _usually_
contains a copyright (and should). There is no obligation on
the part of the user of freeware, other than to leave it
unmodified and distribute it only in the form that the
copyright holder has specified.
Commercial: Commercial software is any software which is "sold" for a
purchase price. It includes basically two types of software
-- shareware and retail.
Shareware: Some commercial software is distributed as shareware. This
covers a wide range of distribution methods. Some of it is
distributed as a fully-working version. Some is distributed
as a demo or in a crippled form, whereby the author will
provide the full version directly to the purchaser upon
receipt of payment. All of these methods are valid, but the
linking factors are the facts that the software is
distributed in electronic form or by hand, the publisher has
asked for payment for the software, and the software is not
available from retail outlets.
Retail: This is software which is purchased through a retail outlet.
It may be available from mail-order outlets as well, or
directly from the publisher, but it is always a "purchase" of
the type that we can all understand (and no one seems to
dispute) -- you pay for it and you get it.
I'd like to make one more point about software. The _only_ "owner"
of a copyrighted piece of software is the copyright holder. When you
purchase software, whether it's shareware or retail, or even if you've
obtained a copyrighted piece of freeware, you do NOT own it. The copyright
holder is the owner. He has provided you with a "copy" of his property.
If you've purchased a retail software package, you own the physical
materials that comprise the package, and you own the media on which the
software and documentation is contained, but you do NOT own the copyrighted
material contained on it. You may sell the retail package to another party
by transferring the physical contents of the package to the purchaser,
along with the rightfully obtained "copy" of the copyrighted work contained
on the media.
P.S. It really is silly to try to offer all these reasons why
shareware "doesn't work". The real problem here is that it doesn't work in
the _Atari_ market. There are many shareware authors for the PC that make
far more money than the owners of CodeHead Technologies do.
You might have noticed the emphasis on shareware debate in this
months 'Hey Mister Postman' coverage. This happened for two
reasons - First, it is an explosively important issue, especially
for the Atari platform. There are many utilities that make the
ST & TT line of computers more productive and easier to use, and
many of these are shareware! I would shudder to think of not
having PinHead, or the myriad of other programs, that I have had
the _luxury_ of downloading, trying and deciding to use and pay
or archive and upload (so that others may have the same luxury).
Second, since it is so explosive, many of the messages have been
purged from the topic (and uploaded to the library), so I wanted
to give you a sort of 'Shareware Message Reading' - If you find
them interesting, please download the archive from the library!
Remember, if you find something interesting, you can use the
message information line to quickly jump to that section and
get "the rest of the story." (See the beginning of GEnieLamp for
the lowdown on how to read and use the message info line)
John E. Gniewkowski
Editor, GEnieLamp ST
//////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "Hotwire can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. If /
/ you have no need for the more advanced features, ignore them /
/ at first, and come back to them later. There's a lot of power /
/ under the hood, but you don't have to stomp on the gas pedal /
/ unless you want to. ;)" /
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// GRMEYER ////
Safe Fax
Dr. B. Comfortable answers some of your questions....
Q.: Doctor, I am new to fax, I have not had much fax, and I am worried.
Is it safe to have fax?
A.: Fax is perfectly safe, providing both you and your partner maintain
your equipment in good order, keep it clean and have a regular
check-up by a qualified consultant. Do not be embarrassed at your
lack of experience. There are many excellent fax manuals available,
including my own "The Joy of Fax".
Q.: About how often should I fax?
A.: Those who are new to fax often can't get enough, and do it all the
time. We usually find, however, that as we get older and the novelty
wears off, the desire for fax decreases rapidly, particularly if we
still have the same old machine. (It is not unknown for jaded faxers
to have a brief "fling" with a new, exciting machine, but this, too,
will usually burn out quite quickly.)
Q.: Can I have fax with more than one person?
A.: By all means. This is perfectly normal, even necessary in most
circumstances. It is time we cast aside our hang-ups about fax, feel
free to "let it all hang out" and share your true self with the world.
Q.: Do I have to be married to have fax?
A.: Good Lord, no. People who hardly ever fax their wives will spend
most of their working lives faxing complete strangers.
Q.: My parents say they never had fax when they were young, and were only
allowed to write memos to each other until they were twenty-one, is
this true?
A.: Yes, but why worry about boring old twits like them?
Q.: If I fax something to myself, will I go blind?
A.: Certainly not, as far as I can see.
Q.: There is a place on our street now, where you can go and pay to fax,
is this legal?
A.: Yes. Many lonely people have no other outlet for their fax drives and
must pay a "professional" when their need for fax becomes too strong.
Q.: What are the consequences of indiscriminate fax?
A.: Very high telephone bills.
/////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "Techies write and writers go hungry. And users are baffled." /
///////////////////////////////////////////////// W.LIVELY ////
If it ain't broke....
By Sheldon Winick
~ Maybe NOT! ~
You'd be surprised at the number of Atari systems that make their way
into our service department for repair that have absolutely nothing wrong
with them; or worse yet, the number that actually did have nothing wrong
with them before their owner decided to open up the case to "fix"
Our Atari computer systems are, like most of today's high-tech
electronic equipment, extremely well-built and reliable. But, like most of
today's highly specialized equipment, they are also unforgiving of things
like "user errors". Give your computer incorrect commands, or instructions
which conflict with another set of instructions previously entered, and
you've given it no choice but to object. That objection frequently takes
the form of a system lockup or crash.
While it seems that most folks are quick to blame such malfunctions on
the hardware itself, the fact of the matter is that rarely are such system
crashes actually due to a faulty item of hardware. Most are caused by
software errors, conflicts with ACCessory programs and programs that are
preloaded from your AUTO folder upon bootup, or most commonly, user errors.
I know we hate to admit that we may be responsible for that irritating
system crash, but in most cases, the system is balking because of something
that will be directly related to something we ourselves have done that has
asked the computer to do something outside its design capability.
So, what should you do when faced with system malfunctions such as the
ones described above? First, you should probably take a short break, get a
cup of coffee and a piece of pie, or whatever else will allow you to cool
off and forget all that data that you just lost because you waited too long
between saves, so you'll be able to think the problem through more
logically and calmly. Then ask yourself just what did you do before the
malfunction occurred. What commands did you issue to the computer? Did
you just recently add something to your AUTO folder, or change the order of
programs in the AUTO folder? Did you recently add a new ACCessory program?
Did you do something in an order that you haven't done before?
One thing to NOT do is to immediately tear apart the computer itself
to look inside and mess with things you're not qualified to mess with. If
it ain't broke, don't fix it! You can't!!! And even if it is broke,
unless you're trained, qualified and have the proper diagnostic equipment
and tools, you probably won't be able to "fix" anything anyway. But you
can, and most likely will, damage something in the process.
Over the years, we've seen an incredible number of damaged systems in
our service department that wouldn't have needed repair if the owner hadn't
opened up the case. Have you ever walked across a carpet in the winter and
gotten a shock when you reached for the doorknob? Do you have any idea of
what that can do to a computer chip when you touch it? Hello La-La land!
And that static charge may not destroy the chip immediately -- it may cause
a gradual breakdown that may take days or even weeks before a total failure
occurs, making it seem even more like the next problem wasn't even related
to something you might have done.
Believe it or not, we've had systems come in for service that have had
chips installed backwards or installed in the wrong sockets, or chips with
broken or bent pins. As soon as we see the warranty seal has been broken,
we always expect the worst, and of course ask what has been done to the
system before it was brought in. Nobody wants to admit that they did
something stupid, but it really makes the job of a service technician a lot
more difficult if you don't give him all the facts to work with. So, how
did those chips get screwed up? How do you think? Believe it or not,
we've had customers with such systems try to tell us they really didn't
open up the case, and the chips must've always been that way. Right!
We've also had customers come in carrying a handful of IC's in their
had and ask us to check them to see if they're good. They're not any more!
Remember that static buildup from walking across the carpet?
I've had customers come in carrying the drum from their laser printer
and ask us to check it. No need to any more. That pretty green coating is
light sensitive; that's how the thing works. Do you know what happens to
photographic film if you expose it to the sunlight? Hello La-La land, you
have another visitor!
We've had systems come in with loose screws rolling around internally
and other internal parts missing, or dip switches incorrectly thrown, or
jumpers incorrectly placed or missing. How do you think they got that way?
And how do you really think those broken traces on the circuit board got
cut? Or how did that solder joint wind up shorting out between several
contact points? No, it didn't come from the factory that way and take all
these months or years before the system finally stopped working!
Remember that little warranty seal on the bottom of the computer? Why
do you think Atari put it there? It's not because they're trying to be
mean to their customers. They're just trying to remind you that you really
don't belong inside the case. There are no end user adjustments or
controls inside the case. But there are a lot of sensitive parts that you
can easily damage.
Here's my own list of "10 Commandments" to follow when you encounter a
problem with your computer:
1. Don't immediately assume the computer is broken and tear open
the case to look inside. What do you think you're going to see
anyway, a little chip waving a red flag telling you it's broken?
2. Try to document exactly what you recently did, and in what
order. Turn off the system and reboot. If it comes back up
properly, there's probably nothing "broken".
3. Try running another program. If it runs OK, there's probably
nothing wrong with your computer. Try another diskette. Does
it format properly? Speaking of diskettes, are you using good
quality diskettes from a reputable manufacturer? Would you
really want to put "generic" oil in the crankcase of your new
car? ;-]
4. Don't open the case to "look" inside!
5. If the problem can be repeated, turn off ALL ACCessories and
AUTO folder programs, and try again. If the problem goes away,
it's probably related to a software conflict with one of those
ACCessories or AUTO folder programs. Sometimes all it takes is
changing the order of the programs in your AUTO folder to
correct the problem. Remember, the actual "order" they load
isn't necessarily the order they're listed in on the directory
window. You will need a program such as AUTOSORT to view the
actual order and change it around. Check the GEnie library if
you need such a program. And when you re-enable those nifty
utilities, turn them back on one at a time and recheck
everything. That way you'll be able to find out exactly which
one caused the problem.
6. If you need to contact your dealer for help, have a list of the
contents of your AUTO folder handy, as well as a list of active
ACCessory programs you're using. Document exactly what the
problem is and what you were doing when it occurred. Be ready
to tell him, honestly, exactly what you've done to try to
correct it, or what you might've done that could have caused it.
7. Don't open the case to "look" inside!
8. Don't immediately jump to conclusions and take drastic action
such as reformatting the hard drive, or start disassembling the
9. If you choose to bring the system to a service center, bring in
the entire system including all power supplies, cables,
diskettes and programs that were being used when the problem
occurred. And remember, if the problem can't be repeated, it
most likely wasn't caused by a "broken" piece of hardware. More
likely software or user error.
10. And finally, don't open the case to "look" inside!
So, are you ready for your final exam? There's just one question to
see if you pass or fail. What do you think is the most important rule to
follow when you encounter a problem? ;-]
Seriously, folks, just remember: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Happy (Atari) Computing.
Sheldon Winick (GEnie Address: S.WINICK)
Computer STudio (Asheville, NC)
Sheldon owns and operates Computer STudio, a full-service Atari
dealership in Asheville, North Carolina. Sheldon is also a
registered architect (licensed in Florida, Tennessee, North
Carolina, and Colorado, as well as holding a National NCARB
certificate). His current architectural drawings are, of course,
prepared on his Atari TT030-based CADD system, using DynaCADD
software; and a current project in Colorado requires him to spend
several days a month in Snowmass Village (during ski season no
less.... poor guy ;-).
////////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "It's funny you should ask (although not too funny really, since /
/ that's the purpose of this topic)." /
///////////////////////////////////////////////// J.EIDSVOOG1 ////
Cows from Literature,
History, and the Arts
Volume I, Number 1 D============(==)==D
/ \
By Mike White `~~~~~~`
/~~~~ \/ ~~~~\ | \
| || *
Sir Thomas Mooer
1478 - 1535
A Cow for All Seasons
Moovie starring Paul Scowfield, 1966
~||\ ||~
|| \ ||
|| \ ||
|| \ ||
|| \ ||
|| \ ||
|| (__) ~||
|| \/ ||
|| ||
Moorie Antoinette
1755 - 1793
"Let them eat cake."
200 years later, all cows agree
| |
/ | ) ~~ Watch for another thunderin' herd of
* |/ || Moo Fun from Mike White in the next
||-------|| issue of GEnieLamp.
~~ ~~
Abraham Lincown
1809 - 1865
"...all cows are created equal."
( )
\_ /"\_/ /----------------------|
( ! ! ) / AN' A ONE, AN' A TWO. |
( " ) < |
/ / ~ \ \ \ _____________________|
/ / \ \
/ |X X X X X X| \
\_ | \ / \ /| _/
( | \/ \ / | ) CowTOONS? Stephen Litwin took us up
\| X X X X X |/ on our offer and sent in this month's
\ / CowTOONS selection.
\_ __ _ /
|| || If you have an idea for a CowTOON, we
|| || would like to see it. And, if we pick
]| |[ your CowTOON for publishing in GEnieLamp
we will credit your account with 2 hours
A Pol-Cow of GEnie non-prime time!
Playing His Cow-Certina
By Stephen Litwin
////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "It's "funny" we've generated MUCH more message traffic here /
/ talking abut the pros and cons of such a topic than many /
/ such messages would have otherwise :-)" /
//////////////////////////////////////////// JOHN.DENNING ////
[*]More ST ZIP
By Mel Motogawa
A fresh version of ST ZIP, version 2.1, has recently been uploaded to
the file library and is moving fast in the download counts (file #27231).
The reason why is not surprising. The program can archive files close to,
and sometimes smaller, than LH5 lzh compression, with comparable-to-better
speed. This archiver doesn't compress any smaller than 2.0, which
introduced the new Deflating routine, but has some bug fixes and a few new
features. O.k., I realize I just wrote about ST Zip 2.0 back in November,
but I'm still learning new things about the program and thought I would
share them with you.
The comment feature of ST Zip is superb for remembering what's in an
archive, or for saving some notes about a file within the archive. You can
do either, attaching a comment to the archive as a whole (single click on
the archive name in the title bar of ST Zip's left file selector) or to
individual files (double-clicking on these, in the archive). No more
forgetting what a file is for or you can use this feature to include brief
notes to others as to what's what in the archive.
If you double-click on a filename in the right hand file selector, a
dialog will pop up with some basic information and now allows you to rename
the file, besides displaying it in ST Zip's file viewing window.
A click on the right file selector's title bar rereads the directory
displayed. This is handy if you've deleted some files from there via
another file maintenance accessory or alternate file selector and ST Zip
hasn't caught up with your changes. To get to the system, or your
alternate, file selector while in ST Zip, I click on the close button of
the left file selector. If you don't select anything in the file selector,
you'll drop back to the archive you were last using.
You can control ST Zip via an external file. I believe this feature
existed in previous versions, but I never got around to exploring it
previously. What this means is that you can create an ASCII file of the
paths you'd like to back up and ST Zip will obey! I find this extremely
helpful for backing up frequently used files that I'd like to keep in one
archive, updating it as needed. I can back up my files in C:\ALADDIN,
C:\ALADDIN\DATA and D:\HOTFILES all in one operation. This eliminates the
need for me to maintain several Hotwire menu slots for ST Zip, each backing
up one path. It's kind of eerie to watch ST Zip parse the LIST.TXT file
and then go about its business archiving files here and there among my hard
disk partitions, but it sure saves time. Via a command line, you can also
tell ST Zip to archive all the files in a directory, except certain
extenders. Handy for when you want to back up everything except the
executables. See the ST Zip docs for more information on how to set up an
external list and the command line options.
I noticed that ST Zip displays the active drives right below the
"Help" Button. Interestingly, if you add another drive, like installing a
ramdisk, a button for it now appears automatically when you then boot ST
Zip. I don't know what will happen if you have more drives than A-L, since
it appears there's only enough room for that many drive letters. You can
save the current configuration of drives ST Zip is using when you save your
configuration through the "Config" button.
Clicking on the "Add mode" button brings up a dialog where you can
select whether your Add operation will be Normal, Freshen, Update or Add if
the file is newer than a certain date.
I was sad to see that Zip Jr., the basic TTP version of ST Zip, is no
longer being included in the updates. I guess everyone was using the
GEM-based version, but I appreciated the smaller size of Zip Jr., mating it
to the EDM Shell (file #24393) for fast and convenient conversions of ARC,
LZH and ZOO'd files to the ZIP format. Oh well, at least the GEM-based
version accepts command line input just like Zip Jr., although it is larger
to accommodate the interface.
Having a GEM-based interface built-in, ST Zip makes it very easy to
delete files from within a zip'ive. Say you just created an archive for a
program, with all of its docs and auxiliary files. Now all of a sudden a
new version of the archived program appears on GEnie the next day, in the
form of a new executable and readme file. Rather than starting from
scratch, you could quickly delete the old program and doc file from the
left hand file selector and replace these with the new ones in nothing
flat. Also, you can delete files from the right hand file selector.
Remember that since ST Zip runs in a window now, you can access desk
accessories and drag the window about, which is handy if you're using a
large screen monitor. A click on the close box accomplishes the same as
the "Quit" button. Although putting ST Zip into a window seems to prevent
Formdoit from working on the main screen's buttons, I've now automated many
repetitious tasks via Codekeys (demo file #16609).
As mentioned in my earlier writeup of ST Zip 2.0, don't underestimate
the power of the Display option. Double-click on a filename in either file
selector, click on the "Display" button and the file is extracted to a GEM
window with a fairly powerful set of viewing options, especially for an
archiver. A click of either mouse button or the Help key shows you the
available commands. You can activate them by clicking on the appropriate
one with the mouse or by the keyboard equivalent.
A new feature for ST Zip is the ability to extract all the files in an
archive to a folder, the first 8 characters of the archive name being used
for the folder name. Click on the "Config" button and select the "Extract
FFF.ZIP..." button to activate this feature. (YES! :) -ed.)
Here's a little trick I learned for highlighting all of the files in
ST Zip's file selectors. It sounds sort of weird, but it works. Position
the mouse pointer right above the first file or folder displayed, but below
the title bar. Click the left mouse button and while still holding it
down, begin to move it downwards. You'll notice the first file/folder will
inverse as the mouse pointer moves over it. When you get the mouse pointer
to the last file/folder in the selector, release the left mouse button.
Now all the files will suddenly highlight themselves. To deselect all
files, click on the words "Select" below the corresponding file selector.
If you want to archive all of the files showing in the right file
selector, just click on the "Compress" button and after asking you if this
is what you want, ST Zip will archive all of them. Ditto if you want to
extract all of the files in the left file selector without bothering to
select them all.
If you click on the words "Total Bytes", it will flip between the
source and destination paths, showing you how many bytes are used by the
currently highlighted files. There are little arrows to let you know which
directory is being referenced. One thing I keep forgetting to notice is
the free space display down in the lower right hand corner, for the current
The extraction routine has been speeded up in the self extracting
files created by ZIP2TOS. This is a real boon since, to my knowledge,
there is no available utility to create self extracting files with the LH5
lzh format. So for the smallest sfx files, use ST Zip 2.1.
And finally, click on the ST Zip 2.1 logo at the top for a message
from the author.
In summary, ST Zip is a great archiver for several reasons. It has a
GEM-based interface that is easy to understand. It achieves results
comparable to LH5 lzh compression, sometimes doing better in less time.
You can create self extracting files from its archives, which are easy for
first timers to use. And if you're archiving ASCII text in particular, ST
Zip is clearly the best, creating the smallest archives in far less time.
////////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "First thing is don't panic!! And, don't give up until you have /
/ found help from someone more knowledgeble than I!" /
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// R.MOSHER1 ////
3 ON 1: ST-ZIP 2.1
By John E. Gniewkowski
~ A GEnie Lamp Excellence Award! ~
Program Name : ST Zip
Filename : ST-ZIP21.LZH
Library Area : 40
Program Number : 27231
File Size : 86784
Program Type : File Archive Utility
Author : Vincent Pomey
Version Reviewed: 2.1
File Type : Postcard-ware
FROM THE AUTHOR STZip is a program that allows you to compress and
""""""""""""""" decompress files, i.e. to reduce their lengths. You
saves space on your disks and reduce the transmission time if you send the
files by modem. It also allows you to group several files in one single
file, whose extension in general is ZIP.
STZip uses files that are compatible with PKZip 1.93 on the IBM PC,
and the Unix Info-Zip programs Zip 1.9/Unzip 5.2. It will probably be
compatible with the up-coming version 2.0 of PKZIP.
MINI_BYTE BY RICHARD [97] Vincent Pomey's STZip 2.1, file #27231 proves
""""""""""""""""""""""""" itself a worthy addition to ST archiving
utilities. Its foremost attraction - speed, which seems much faster than
Quester LZH in both compression and decompression. In my tests,
compressing multiple text, and then multiple graphics files, the resultant
comparisons showed Quester LZH leading in graphics, and STZip leading in
text compression. The overall difference was never greater than a few
percent in either case. However, due to its excellent GEM interface, ease
of use, great speed, and IBM ZIP compatibility, STZip would be a boon to
any user. It rates a solid 97 on our scale of 100.
MINI_BYTE BY TERRY [95] STZIP Version 2.1 - - A better mousetrap from
""""""""""""""""""""""" France. This program is the latest version of a
native ST "zip" archiver from Vincent Pomey in France. It is unique among
PD/shareware programs of this type in that it sports both a full GEM
interface as well as a command line interface. As far as this reviewer can
tell, it is fully compatible with PKZIP 204C for MS/DOS machines (at least
it works with QWK mail packets) only most non-power user types would kill
for a "zipper" that is this easy to use. If you have TOS 1.4 or greater,
you can install it as an application with the extension "zip" and it will
work slicker and easier than any archiving program you will ever see.
How well does it work? Well in benchmarking this one, a text file
that started out at 282608 bytes compressed down to 97570 bytes (for those
of you trying to figure this out, that works out to 35% of its original
size). By comparison,the best ARC could do was 150792 bytes (53% of
original size) and a LH1 (LZH)archive came out to be 119452 bytes (42% of
original size). In addition, it was significantly faster than using either
of these other compression methods.
In conclusion, for being more efficient than any previous archiver
and easier to use besides, I would rate this one a solid 95 (out of 100).
When you consider the fact that all Vincent asks of users is to send him a
postcard, I would encourage everybody use it and send him a postcard to
register it.
MINI_BYTE BY JOHN [97] First there was ARC, then LZH, now ZIP archivers
"""""""""""""""""""""" have appeared on the scene, and ST ZIP is the
easiest to use and is more full featured of _any_ of the archivers
available for the ST, bar none! Plus the ZIP method of archiving is faster
and more compact than any of the old standbys!
For those of us who wish to add comments to an archive it is a snap
using ST Zip. You can comment the entire archive (up to 390 characters)
and comment each individual file (up to 65 characters) in a archive. I've
found this to be a wonderful feature (and is great to add mini 'read me'
instructions to an archive).
The program allows you to configure four algorithms for compacting
and has three levels for its best algorithm. The GEM interface was added
for MultiTOS compliance but is handy for using and desk accessory with the
program (I'm writing this using my Harlekin editor and switching back and
forth as I write). I can't say enough for this interface - you'll have to
see it for yourself. A MUST download!
~ A GEnie Lamp Excellence Award! ~
RICHARD ............................................ 97
TERRY ............................................. 95
JOHN ............................................... 97
MINI_BYTE SCORE .................................... 96.3
0 / 9 Not worth the download - pass on this one.
10/20 Bored? Looking for something to do?
30/40 Got money to burn? Go for it! A definite maybe.
50/60 You may like this one - unfortunately, I did not.
70/80 I like it! You will probably like it too.
90/100 What? You haven't downloaded this program YET?
If all three reviewers give the program a 90 or higher rating, it
will receive the ~ A GEnie Lamp Excellence Award! ~
JOHN.......uses his Mega STe to improve computing
at a large USAF squadron in Washington, DC
Desktop publishing, spreadsheets and Data-
base work take up most of his CPU cycles.
RICHARD....uses the ST as a full-time professional
platform, emphasizing word processing,
spreadsheet, DTP, graphics applications,
and a host of utilities/accessories for
all exigencies.
TERRY......Uses mostly Wordwriter ST, Aladdin, and
ST_Talk Professional. He writes a lot and
is very hard to please. Loves sticking
pins in sacred cows (both computer and
political). He rarely has time for games
(either the enjoyable kind or Bureaucrap!)
/////////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ " >Good thing you're almost done! Ultima Underworlds II is out!" /
/ /
/ "Oh no! :)" /
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// J.JIMENEZ ////
Random Access
By Mark Quinn
"A Whole Buncha Milliseconds with Mark"
by Mark Quinn, DOA
GEnie address: NEWSIE
"Virtual Reality Check"
Most of us have heard about, seen, or even partaken of today's crude
"goggles and gloves" brand of virtual reality. The attraction and benefits
of the many-generations-removed grandson of such a technology are obvious,
especially at a time when ads for laser disc players proclaim that the
medium is "60% closer to reality", and during the year that Congress is due
to make a decision on which brand of HDTV (High Definition Television)
we'll all be drooling over in the closing years of this century.
The "goggles and gloves" forays into VR seem almost laughable when
compared to visions concocted by futurists and science fiction writers. No
one knows what shape tomorrow's VR will take. Speculations of VR couches
complete with Medusa-like helmets, or biochip interfaces, or simple
headsets are nice, but are merely icing on the VR cake: the importance of
VR lies in its applications.
So here are some of the obvious and the not-so-obvious applications
for virtual reality that occur to this tech-crazed modem monkey.
1) Medicine. How about training interns on virtual
patients instead of real ones? Or teaching someone who
has recently broken a leg how to walk on crutches? Or
spurring the memories of an amnesiac? Or bringing out
the true personality of someone with split
personalities? Listening to white noise in the
background is comforting, but how about _actually
being_ in a picturesque setting for as many hours as it
takes the hurt to disappear? How about letting a
paraplegic have the experience of climbing a virtual
Mount Everest? Letting a (however base and hackneyed
it sounds) neutered person have a universe-shattering
orgasm? How about having people relive experiences in
their lives in a _positive_ way -- actually going back
to childhood and stifling that mouthy person or bully?
2) Education. It is said that experience is the best
teacher, and virtual reality ought to be at least
second best. Virtual reality field trips could range
farther afield than any mundane one. Students could
descend miles into the earth, and leap light years into
space while in the comfort of a virtual reality
classroom. Students flying in a VR spaceship could see
relativistic physics at work, witness the birth of our
galaxy, and preview its eventual demise. Or they could
wing above a Jurassic landscape on the backs of
pterodactyls, phone home on a re-creation of the set
of _E.T._ to see how movies of our time were made, or
peek over Segovia's sheet music as he sight-reads
_Estudio Sin Luz_.
3) Military. Entire battles could be planned in virtual
reality. It's raining brickbats, the terrain is
muddy/rocky, the enemy is approaching from the east,
your men are fatigued -- don't kiss your corporal
goodbye, mister, DO something!
I might as well stop here. What I'd like to leave you with as you're
reading this on your screen or from a printout is that the idea is the
important thing. First comes the idea, then the hardware, then the
applications for that hardware. (So we're leap-frogging the middle step?
Who knew?) You've undoubtedly thought of other uses for virtual reality,
too. Uses which are as varied as virtual reality promises to be. And I
hope I've (very quickly) outlined some you haven't thought of.
What intrigues me so much about cyberspace/virtual reality is not how
it will take us where we will go, but what we will do when we get there.
////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "How do you kill the Mother Festor in Xenophobe? /
/ No hints, just tell me straight. /
/ I can take it! <G>" /
//////////////////////////////// ZRATH-SMILEY ////
Atari And You
By Richard Brown
~ Count Your Blessings ~
LISTEN UP! As one who works in the motion picture industry, years ago I
"""""""""" was immediately drawn to Atari as the "power without the
price" solution to my computing needs. Every once in a while, other things
remind me just how right my decision was to go for and stick with the Atari
In the movie business, inclusive of the once tiny, but now dominant
video arena, all manner of audiovisual equipment eventually passes before
your eyes and ears.
Many years ago, I became interested in planar speaker systems for my
personal use, and settled on the Magnepan line, one of the very first
manufacturers of these amazing eighth inch audio delights. That's right,
1/8 inch thick, but even their smallest speaker stands fully five feet tall
by about two feet wide. I'm still an advocate of their audio quality with a
fervor not unlike that with which I promote and defend the Atari computer
But just like Atari faced the improving IBM lot, my little ol'
Magneplanars had to endure the coming electrostatic marvels and other
companies attempting the planar approach.
However, not until today did I get to personally test my stubborn
A producer friend was closing down an office, and wound up at my door
with a massive pair of Highland Audio Aria speakers. No place to put the
five thousand dollar monsters, so, would I be so kind as to store them...
Slightly intrigued but fully aware I'd have to stow the Magneplanars
to make room (luckily, they store with a footprint of about two feet by
four inches).
So, I stowed them away, placing the magnificent, but oppressively
black Arias in their place. Well, they do have wood trim on the sides, but
the 30 inches by about five feet of black, well, that's oppressive in all
but the Marquis de Sade's house. Or maybe Joe Gideon's (as played by Roy
Scheider in Bob Fosse's _All That Jazz_).
Now, Aria speakers have inch long spikes for feet. Oddly, all black
and spikes, it feels like inviting a military dictatorship into your room.
Or the monolith from _2001: A Space Odyssey_.
The real test, and the point of this story, was in plugging it in and
giving a listen. All other variables equal, these multi thousand dollar
gems need a bunch of polishing. Swallowed midrange. Midrange, that place
where most things musically interesting, like vocalists, live. So, the
speakers, I hope, will be leaving soon. Ten times the price of my ancient,
"antiquated" Magneplanars, and one-tenth the sound.
Which brings up the Atari issue.
Every day, I am barraged by various people who tell me that bliss
lies with the purchase of a 486 66 megahertz DOS clone with a $400-$500
video board running at 50,000,000 'winflops' or something like that.
Will such a machine:
o improve my GEnie online time?
-- NO. ST Aladdin is far superior to the DOS version.
o improve my word processing?
-- NO, and I don't even own Calligrapher, or ProText, or
Le Redacteur - yet.
o improve my desktop publishing?
-- NO. PageStream still beats all things PC. So does Calamus.
o improve my spreadsheets?
-- NO on number crunching and sophistication.
-- YES on WYSIWYG PostScript "pretty" printout.
o improve my graphics?
-- NO. I have Dave Small's Spectre GCR and Mac's Photoshop.
-- I also have PageStream.
o improve my productivity?
-- NO. With CodeHead Technologies' Maxifile linked to
Charles F. Johnson's Little Green Selector coupled with
Multidesk Deluxe and Gribnif's Cardfile, I have more
desk accessory and file management power than many DOS
users have in total computing power. This is not to
mention my intercompatible capabilities, able to work
with all things Macintosh and most files, text or
graphics, from the DOS world with ease.
o improve my hardware choices?
-- NO. My Atari offers unbeatable output to the Deskjet,
Bubblejet, Dot Matrix, PostScript and Imagesetters I own
or use. Including my associates, we have optical,
Syquest, Quantum, and other hard drives running on
Ataris, flatbed and hand scanners, fax modems, and
again, cross compatibility with files from the various
and sundry PC, Mac, and Amiga machines that cross our
paths. Aside from larger mass storage devices, and more
megs of RAM for the TT, I can't imagine anything I need
to add to my three Atari systems.
o improve my screen display?
-- NO. For nearly the price of a 1040 STe, I can get a
true color capable graphics card for a DOS PC that means
business. If only the appropriate monitor for such a
graphics card were less than $2,000. However, there are
a variety of add-on graphics cards for the Atari which
allow similar performance, including Gribnif's import of
Crazy Dots, a European solution endorsed by the Calamus
o improve my ease of use?
-- NO. In all but the most pricey DOS clones, "Windows" is
a joke foisted on PC users. Slow, poorly designed,
cumbersome, and anything but slick.And that's after
having used it, folks, not looking at it. Sort of the
"command line prompt" of windowed environments, even on
a really fast machine delivering acceptable redraws.
Furthermore, when I see a computer literate person
spending six hours on the phone with the company that
programmed his multi-thousand dollar super duper video
graphics package, all in the quest to access extended
The Mac crowd is running a cute ad on television showing a couple of
well meaning company men trying to set up a DOS machine to make it more
productive. A passing secretary jabs the barb - by the time their ready,
they'll be out of business.
Atarians benefit by a windowed environment that has always been more
than respectfully fast and efficient. With the excellence of Codehead and
other products, Ataris become machines that vastly outperform its Mac and
DOS cousins. Macs have the interface, but lack good file handling, a
symptom further evidenced by the "balloon help" option within the "new"
System 7. If it were so simple to use, why waste so much effort and memory
to explain it?
DOS users have to resort to Microsoft's Windows, a program that is no
picnic and clumsy at best. Obviously, the semi graphical interface within
Windows somewhat improves the manual command line, and brings programs that
must have windows into the fore. I've seen some nice things, but still, the
slickest offerings in the DOS world abandon Microsoft in favor of their own
custom windowed interface. Further evidencing this division, soon, a new
windowed environment will be offered to DOS users, with supposedly far
greater capabilities, but at the price of gigantic size: beta versions
sucking up some 60-70 megabytes of hard disk space.
Which brings us to the Atari and GEM. It works. Always has. And it
will soon multitask. It is also very, very user friendly and fast, even on
the "antiquated" 68000 microprocessor.
So as I try to unload the Aria speakers which have robbed me of good
music, I think I'll stick to my Ataris which have yet to rob me of anything
at all.
////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "Just think how boring life would be without you guys... /
/ energize... 8^)" /
/////////////////////////////////////////// D.HARRIS8 ////
[*]Yours For The Asking
By Fred H. Koch
Program Name : Grocery Lister
Filename : GROCRY20.LZH
Library Area : 21
Program Number : 27144
File Size : 34304
Program Type : Grocery List Maker
Author : Randy Hoekstra
Version Reviewed: 2.0
File Type : Free Ware
WHAT IT IS Grocery Lister is a household utility program that allows you
"""""""""" to compile a list of grocery items complete with current price
and total estimated cost.
WHAT IT DOES The Grocery Lister can be used to determine approximately
"""""""""""" how much you will spend at the store if you know the items
that you need. It can also be used as a budget tool to allow you to select
the items you most need or want if you only have a fixed amount to spend.
With a small amount of database maintenance work each time you buy
groceries you will be able to maintain a fairly accurate file of the items
which you regularly purchase. This file can be very useful to remind you
of items which you may need as you compile your grocery list. Finally, for
those who have 'errand boys' do the shopping, the Grocery Lister will
generate a very neat and easy to read printout of the current grocery list.
Color and Mono.
PD_Q COMMENTS Grocery Lister is a very easy program to use. It provides
""""""""""""" an easy way to create not only an easily readable list, but
also one which provides a cost estimate.
Grocery Lister has two scrolling windows. One for the master grocery
list which contains all the products you can choose from and their price.
The other is for the list to go shopping with. The shopping list shows the
item in either selected order or sorted alphabetical order with the item
price. The shopping list also lists the quantity of the item with a
maximum of 9. A very convenient feature is the ability to press any letter
and have the master list move to items beginning with that letter.
The master list can have items added, deleted or item price changed.
The master list and shopping list can be saved. You can even have
different lists for each store. Besides printing the shopping list, you
can also print the entire master list.
The only problem I found with Grocery Lister is a sluggish mouse click
response when selecting items. Two enhancements I would like to see would
be a place for listing the row where the item is found so the list might be
sorted by row number making shopping more efficient. The other would be
providing a page break when printing the list or even double column
printing to make better use of paper.
Grocery Lister provides a great way of knowing how much that next
shopping trip will cost you, provides a reminder of the items you regularly
shop for and helps prevent missing those often forgotten necessities. The
author is actively seeking user comments for future updates which should
make this an ever improving program. Definitely worth a hard look.
////////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "We have to do something to be trendy. How about we all decorate /
/ our computers and hard drives with anchovies, wrap small wood- /
/ land animals around our necks, and chant Mexican operas while /
/ we embroider "Censorship is for the *" on our underwear. /
/ Either that, or we can go out for pizza." /
////////////////////////////////////////////////// R.MARTIN22 ////
Thinking About Online Communications
By Phil Shapiro
~ Part I ~
COMMUNICATION BARRIERS Have you ever stopped to consider the many types
"""""""""""""""""""""" of barriers that exist in human communication?
Some barriers are barriers of cost. Some are barriers of inconvenience.
And some are barriers of time delay.
It's interesting to take a closer look at these barriers to see how
online communication helps eliminate or minimize them.
The Barrier of Cost The barrier of cost takes on two principal forms:
1) The cost of transmission, and,
2) The cost of production.
The cost of transmission usually involves first class or second class
postage costs. And the cost of production usually involves editing costs,
page-layout costs, printing costs, and paper costs.
Online communications radically minimizes both transmission costs and
production costs. In some cases the transmission costs of sending ASCII
text can amount to a small fraction of the cost of sending the same text
via the postal service. This is especially true if people take full
advantage of flat-rate electronic mail.
Of all the many barriers, the barrier of production costs is the one
that most severely restricts useful information from passing between human
beings. The restrictive barrier of production costs was recently brought
to mind in a very personal way. Just last week a national magazine sent my
software publishing company a strongly favorable, but extremely brief,
review of my company's new educational software product.
Despite the positive tone of this review, I could not help but be
disappointed about the brief length of review. One can only speculate that
their production and transmission costs were so exceedingly high that they
had to condense each of their reviews to the absolute minimum number of
words. Another consideration could be that they wanted to give equal space
to fifteen or twenty new software products. The only way to be fair-handed
would be to give short shrift to each product.
Had this same publication been published online, the production and
transmission costs would be a fraction of their current costs. The editors
of the publication would then have no problem in "printing" complete and
informative reviews of new educational software products. The beneficiary
of such improved communication would include not only the software
publishers (who might benefit from increased sales), but also the teachers
and students who ended up using the software. In a very real sense,
society as a whole benefits from the opening of improved communication
Another example of the barrier of production costs can be seen in
newspaper classified ads. Whether it be employment, for-sale, or housing
classifieds, the content is almost always boiled down to twenty five or
thirty words, with each word so radically abbreviated as to constitute a
veritable dialect of the English language. (This "dialect" was charmingly
spoofed in the 1960's dramatic play titled: "4 RMS, RVR VU," about two
people who meet while searching for a four-room apartment with a river
Imagine if each classified fully and completely described the job
available, the merchandise for sale, or the housing situation offered.
People could actually browse the classified with a reasonable chance of
finding something that meets their needs. Currently, newspaper classifieds
can only give you an inkling of the opportunity expressed by the
Online communication does not place such rigorous limits on the length
of "classified" communications. On both local bulletin boards and national
information services classified notices often run to several hundred words
in length. Luxuriating in the available space, persons selling second-hand
computers have been known to list all two hundred titles of software
accompanying the computer. Buyers, likewise, can luxuriate in knowing the
complete details of the computer system they are purchasing.
The Barrier of Inconvenience The second barrier to human communication,
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" the barrier of inconvenience, is not as
obviously pernicious as the barrier of production costs. Yet this barrier
remains doggedly irksome.
A prime example of such inconvenience is the game of telephone tag.
Nobody but the most persistent person would continue the game of telephone
tag past the first few missed connections. Even when substantial benefits
could be gained on both sides, few persons have the resolve and tenacity to
continue playing telephone tag for more than a few days.
A second example of inconvenience is the trip to the post office that
is required each time you need more postage stamps. Next time you're
standing behind ten other people at the post office, take a moment to
consider the heavy burden of the "barrier of inconvenience."
A third barrier of inconvenience is the time-consuming chore of
affixing an address and postage stamp to your postal correspondence. (Not
to mention the chore of printing out, signing, and folding each letter you
Online communications almost totally eliminates the barrier of
inconvenience. E-mail makes telephone tag history (or at least more
bearable.) You'll never run out of postage stamps when sending electronic
mail. And you can bypass the "envelope game" entirely.
The Barrier of Time Delay A third barrier to human communications is the
""""""""""""""""""""""""" barrier of time delay. If it takes too long
for communications to travel back and forth, the rhythm of human
communication is seriously disrupted. The example that immediately comes
to mind is the interminable delays of sending and receiving mail between
the United States and Canada.
It's not unusual for an air mail letter to take ten days to travel
between the United States and Canada. That means that an ongoing postal
correspondence between the United States and Canada would yield a maximum
of two interchanges of letters in any given month. It is amazing our two
countries have remained such good trading partners given such slow-motion
postal exchanges.
A second example of the time delay barrier is overseas correspondence.
An air-mail letter traveling between Washington D.C. and Moscow takes about
two weeks to be delivered. Interestingly enough, the letter actually
travels to Moscow in less than three days. It takes the Moscow postal
authorities about ten days to sort and deliver their local mail.
Such time delays degrade the natural rhythm of human communication.
If you sent a letter on the first of the month, would you even remember
what you wrote when you received a reply on the 31st?
Conclusion As each of the above-described communication barriers is
"""""""""" eliminated or minimized, communication between human beings
flows smoother and faster. And history has repeatedly revealed that the
forward progress of civilization is directly proportional to the quantity
and quality of communication taking place.
Businesses grow through communication. Children learn through
communication. Social fabric is formed through communication between human
beings. Improved communications yields rippled benefits that extend far
out in all directions.
-Phil Shapiro
[The author can be reached on GEnie at: p.shapiro1; on
America Online at: pshapiro. GEnieLamp invites others to
share their ideas in this forum about our ongoing journey
into this new communications age. Submissions can be sent
via GEnie mail to any one of the GEnieLamp editors listed at
the end of each issue.]
/////////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "***** - Warning: Long post and lousy spelling ahead <G> - *****" /
////////////////////////////////////////////////// K.CAVAGHAN2 ////
[*]HOT Files You Can Download
By Mel Motogawa
>>> HOT FILES! <<<
FILES, FILES FILES! Another busy month of uploads for GEnie's ST
""""""""""""""""""" community. A few utilities for viewing/searching ST
Aladdin's file library .dat file can help you to get more out of ST
Aladdin. Many new versions of popular programs/demos were uploaded such as
the Calligrapher 3 demo, GEMview 2.13, Silkmouse 3.0, ST Zip 2.1, Payroll
Expert 2.1, B/STAT 2.44 are a few. And a Connections file was uploaded
that examines the Space Shuttle. Enjoy!
Any comments of my own are shown within double asterisks "**...**"
after the file description, in the ASCII GEnie Lamp version, and also in
italics in the TX2 version. (If you haven't experienced reading the Lamp
in TX2 format, why not download the TX2 file viewer (file #20441) by David
Holmes? You may be surprised at the versatility and power of this program,
above and beyond viewing TX2 Lamp issues.)
#27393 ELFBACK.LZH 31744 Replaces BACKUP.LZH Uses LHARC (not included)
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" to compress data, a ramdisk for speed, and a
GEM interface. Uses archive bit, similar to TURTLE Use latest version of
QUESTER's LZH program to extract
#27392 GVIEW213.LZH 406528 GEM-View 2.13 - New Features:
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" [2.10]: -NEU-> Loads "TIFF"-Pictures with:
o "uncompressed"
o "Hohe Packungsdichte"
o PackBits (Macintosh--RLE)
-NEU-> Saves "GIF87a"-Pictures
Fix bug in redraw windows and dialog Use latest version of QUESTER's
LZH program to extract
#27389 CAL3MEDM.LZH <TREAT> 39040 This archive contains the files
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" needed to run the Calligrapher 3
demo (uploaded separately) on a color monitor in ST Medium Resolution.
Instructions are included. ** May, or may not, still be a free download
Treat by the time you read this. **
#27378 CDAUD_12.LZH 20992 This version 1.2 of the audio compact disc
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" player for the ST/TT. New features are: You
can load in you own DATA file if you happen to have the SCSI commands of
your CD ROM which is not supported by the program. More user friendly than
before. Other features (v1.1): CD player like front control panel, buttons
instead of menus to perform a function, access to DAs, More than 1 (up to
your ACSI/SCSI port's capacity) drives controlled at the same time, .... .
This is the shareware version (only 12.00), full version will work as a
D/A. send comments to S.FARSHIDGH. >>>> Use latest version of QUESTER's LZH
program to extract
#27370 DINKUM2.ZOO 165248 Version 2 of Dinkum!, the Australian text
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" adventure. If you like text adventures, or
long for the glory days of Infocom, grab this! Search for treasure in the
Australian outback!
#27364 CHRNSGIF.LZH 80768 4 GIFs showing Chronos 3D Key-frame animator
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" in action. They are in TTMedium resolution
648X480 16 colors. The images show 3D2 ojects in solid mode plus the
windows for Ojects, Frames, View. Lexicor Software Corp. -- Must use the
latest GIF viewer. Extract with Questor's LHARC201
#27363 COPILOT2.ARC 278016 COPILOT2.ARC contains COPILOT 2.0A, the
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" latest (92/12/31) runtime version of eSTeem
PILOT 2.0, the multimedia authoring system for Atari ST, STe, Mega, TT, and
Falcon computers. COPILOT.PRG runs program modules created with eSTeem
PILOT. Included in COPILOT2.ARC are numerous modules demonstrating eSTeem
PILOT 2.0 capabilities which now include program control of laser videodisc
and CD-Audio/ROM players.
#27350 SYQ_BACK.LZH 21376 An easy incremental backup and restore
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" program for those of you with a SyQuest
drive. Save multiple fixed disk partitions to a single SyQuest partition
(NOTE: SyQuest MUST be the LAST partition online). Saves files to a folder
named after the drive letter it came from. Fast! Saves your file
attributes and dates! TT Compatible. Color or Mono. Should work on
Floptical drives, but not tested on one. MINIMUM 1MB REQUIRED! Use latest
version of Quester's LZH to extract.
#27348 EXPAND14.LZH 25344 This is version 1.4 of Expand-o-matic, .
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Expand-o-matic is a shell to make
un-archiving files easier. Once you have set it up, you simply give it the
name of the file you want to uncompress and it will hanldle things from
there. Works with drag-and-drop file loading and wildcards. You will need
copies of the archivers you plan on using (i.e. arc.ttp, zoo.ttp, etc)
Extract with Quester's LHARC201
#27342 SACE_ADV.LZH 45312 Here it is the latest on SAC Expo. This is
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" a slide show that works in ST low. Check it
out and mark your calendars for March 13th - 14th, The Sacramento Atari
Computer Exposition. Sacramento, California. Please use the latest
version of Quester's LZH to extract (LH5 archive).
#27338 PAYX_V21.LZH 110464 Latest version of this excellent GEM
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" payroll program. Now has support for 2
separate state tax deductions, or 1 state and 1 city deduction. Lots of
new features including hotkeys for menu items, active/inactive flags for
employees, archival of payroll data and much more. There's no better
payroll program available for Atari computers! Check it out! -- Works in
ST Medium, ST High and TT Medium. Please use the latest LZH to extract,
file #21687. ** A screenshot is included in the color/mono TX2 versions of
the GEnieLamp. **
#27336 CAL3DEMO.TOS <TREAT> 375168 This self-extracting file will
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" create a complete working mono
version demo of Calligrapher 3, the next generation of the ultimate writing
machine from CodeHead Technologies and Working Title. Calligrapher 3 no
longer requires the installation of GDOS or G+Plus. Demo includes a
thorough walk-through of all features plus a listing of new features and
upgrade procedure. Floppy disk users will need STZip 2.0 to extract the
files. ----- Note: This treat is currently MONO only. ** May, or may not,
still be a free download Treat by the time you read this. **
#27330 PHNX_TUT.LZH 20864 Sample tutorial document and objects for
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Lexicor's Phoenix Object Renderer Demo. This
tutorial walks through several of Phoenix's more important features. From
Lexicor Software Corp. Please use the latest version of Quester's LZH to
extract (LH5 archive).
#27328 SILKMSE3.LZH 19840 Version 3.0 of SilkMouse, the definitive
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ST/STe/TT mouse accelerator. Resolution
independence now extends down all the way to speed zero in all resolutions;
smoothness is further enhanced at all speeds. Top acceleration ratio is by
default slightly higher than before, and can be adjusted in small
increments up to twice as fast as version 2.6's fixed setting. If you are a
registered user of version 2.6, there is an automatic upgrade package for
you; download that, not this. Shareware from SilkWare, written by Mark
Slagell. Please use the latest version of Quester's LZH to extract (LH5
archive). ** Check file #27327 for the upgrade package for registered
users. **
#27319 SOFT_CAT.TXT 3712 This file describes the International
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Software Catalog currently available from
Atari. Ordering info is included. File can be <L>isted or <D>ownloaded.
#27306 BSTAT244.LZH 253056 B/STAT is a business graphics and
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" statistical analysis program. It is
shareware. It requires a minimum of 1 meg and preferably 2. It can use GDOS
if installed but does not require it. B/STAT may not be distributed in
FRANCE. Use latest version of QUESTER's LZH program to extract TT
Compatible, but menu's are hard to read in TT Resolutions. Graphic works
fine in all resolutions tested.
#27305 ALADSH02.ARC 29696 ALADSHOW shows/searches the file list
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" maintained by GEnie's automated front-end,
ALADDIN. ALADSHOW version 0.2 is still in its BETA release form; so only
download if you are interested in doing a little beta- testing.
Improvements for since 0.1: slight speed increase, imbedded resource file,
configuration info saved to program file, file listing order changed from
oldest->newest to newest->oldest, medium res 'Preferences' dialog box 'OK'
button moved, width of display window increased by one character. Only
tested on TOS 3.06 and 1.0. ST/TT LOW resolutions are not supported. Hard
drive recommended. >>> Use ARC602ST.TTP (#13310) to extract. ** A
screenshot is included in the color/mono TX2 versions of the GEnieLamp. **
#27292 HSC140.LZH 474496 This is a K&R (ie, non-ANSI) C compiler for
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" the ST. This archive contains a complete
development system, there's nothing else to download. Includes GemFast
v1.8 GEM programming library. The compiler is based on the Sozobon
compiler, but contains many modifications, bugfixes, and extensions. The
compiler features an automatic installation process. Just unpack the
archive and run INSTALL.PRG to install and configure the compiler on your
system. The associated INSTALL.DOC file describes the process in detail,
including how to upgrade from prior versions (also handled by the install
program). Can be installed to hard disk or a 720k floppy. Please use the
latest version of Quester's LZH to extract.
#27286 DMASND12.LZH 33280 This is a digitized sound sample player for
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" the STE DMA hardware. Plays mono or stereo
sound samples at the 6khz, 12khz, 25khz, or 50khz sample speeds built into
the STE hardware. Can be installed as an application for sound sample
types. Plays 'Signed' samples only. For STE, TT, Falcons only. Does not
work on standard ST's! Version 1.2 fixes bug of bombing on some sound
samples. Shareware from Mountain Software. Use Quester's LHARC201 (lh5) to
#27284 SEAGATE.ZIP 164480 Very useful information if you have a
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Seagate. Jumper settings, and technical info
for the drives. Use STZIP2.x to extract.
#27239 RSCARDS.TOS 28544 This is the front end program for GEnie's
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" RSCARDS Multi-player games (Blackjack,
Backgammon, Checkers, Poker, Reversi, and Chess). For more information on
RSCARDS games, type RSCARDS from any GEnie menu prompt. This program
requires an Atari ST with either a standard color or monochrome monitor. .
This program is distributed as a self-extracting archive file - after
downloading, just double-click on "RSCARDS.TOS" from the Desktop to
extract. Please read the READ.ME file included in the archive for further
operating instructions.
#27231 ST_ZIP21.LZH 86784 Vincent Pomey latest version Dated 27th Dec
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1992 with some new features and less Bugs..
the best archive program for the Atari.. Use latest version of QUESTER's
LZH program to extract ** A must-have download for extracting/archiving in
the ZIP format on the ST. **
#27177 EASYGO13.LZH 44416 This is an updated version of Easy Go, The
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" program launcher. New features include: Easy
Go no longer has to reload from drive when returning to menu. Capacity has
been increased to 65 items per menu, and title increased to 14 characters.
Menu switches to medium if run from low resolution, and back to low for
running the program. Can now run chained programs. (Shell type programs).
Also, several minor bug fixes. Easy Go is Shareware from Mountain
Software. -- Extract with an LH5 (Quester) compatible version of LHARC.
#27166 FIXAGIF.LZH 15616 Utility to fix Broken Gifs -- works on some,
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" not on others. this is a .5beta version.
NOTE: This did not fix the GIF in falcon_s.lzh Use latest Questor lzh to
unlzh 2.01L
#27165 VIEWFONT.ARC 28928 Analyzes and displays GDOS fonts at thirty
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" sizes, with all attributes, with GDOS
Typewriter for you to try the font out. DOES NOT REQUIRE THE GDOS PROGRAM!
Sample font included. From the author of SEURAT. Use ARC602ST.TTP to
extract. (File #13310) ** A screenshot is included in the color/mono TX2
versions of the GEnieLamp. **
#27152 89A87A11.LZH 12032 DMJ's version 1.1 of 89a_87a convert program
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" now will allow converting of GIFLite files.
Use the latest version of Questor lzh to extract 2.01L
#27144 GROCRY20.LZH 34304 This version has seen a major overhaul in
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" the user interface with the upgrade to GFA
BASIC 3.5e. It is now entirely GEM based with proper window handling and
dialog boxes (including correct window redraws with ACCs). The program
itself helps you keep up with shopping lists. Use latest version of
QUESTER's LZH program to extract TT Compatible in ST Medium and ST High
resolutions ONLY ** A screenshot is included in the color/mono TX2
versions of the GEnieLamp. **
#27133 SS110111.LZH 51456 This file contains a patch to upgrade
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Spelling Sentry from version 1.10 to 1.11.
Use latest version of QUESTER's LZH program to extract
#27089 GET_WAIT.LZH 2304 This uncompiled script is a countdown or
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" countup timer for STalker. It will wait xx:xx
hours/minutes until it starts a script, or waits until a preset time is
reached. System clock must be set for one of the two functions to work.
This just provides the timer functions. Useful for letting STalker log on
while you're in bed. Unfortunately, BackTALK logon scripts can't be used
:-( (or I haven't figured out how to!) Use Quester's LHARC201 (lh5) to
#27085 MAXID_22.LZH 26240 Maxidisk version 2.2 is an upgrade from an
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" earlier version. When run from the AUTO
folder, Maxidisk installs a reset-proof RAM disk that compresses data that
resides in it. For example, you could have set up a 500K RAM disk, yet it
will store around 700K of files. Decompression from the RAM disk is
automatic when files are copied, deleted, executed. This upgrade seems to
consist of compatibility fixes. Documentation is included. Use Quester's
LHARC201 (lh5) to extract.
#27074 ALADVU20.ARC 25728 This is Version 2.0 of Aladdin File Viewer.
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" It is much improved over version 1.0. It
now features a standard GEM interface, an improved search function and
other improvements. See the DOC file for a complete description. If you
liked version 1.0, you'll love version 2.0. Use ARC602ST.TTP to extract.
(File #13310). This file may not work with the TT. ** A screenshot is
included in the color/mono TX2 versions of the GEnieLamp. **
#27073 SPACSHUT.LZH 192000 Space shuttle Connections family. Graphics,
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" text, animation, digitized sound and more
in a completely interactive multimedia presentation. Requires the
Connections program available here online, a mono monitor and a hard drive.
Freeware. Please decompress into a folder. -- Extract with Questor's
LHARC201 ** A screenshot is included in the mono TX2 version of the
GEnieLamp. **
#27071 CFN_SHOW.LZH 14976 This desk accessory/program (rename as
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" needed) will display the name and example
text from each Calamus CFN font found in the path you specify. Shareware,
entirely in German, but easy enough to figure out. Extract with Quester's
#27049 PIXEL_DM.LZH 34432 Pixel Grabber allows the capturing of screen
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" images and icons from within any program!
You can now save in .ICN, .PI?, .NEO, .PNT, .IMG (GEM,XIMG,STTT or Seurat
formats), GFA DATA statements for Mice, Sprites and Pictures. A complete
working version costs just $15 and includes much more! This Demo allows
the saving of just 1 picture per session but it does Save. Supports ST,TT,
Moniterm, AlberTT and Isac most mono modes on other cards and ICON's on
everything so far. Have any questions drop by Category 2, topic 17!
Thanks! Please use the latest version of Questor LZH to extract this LH5
#27019 PRINTALL.LZH 27648 PrintAll v1.0, the first public release,
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" recognizes, reads and prints the following
file extensions/formats in color or greyscale on the HP 500C Color DeskJet
printer, and in greyscale on the HP 500: GIF, MTV, NEO, PC1, PC2, PI1,
PI2, QRT, SPC and SPU. This program has a very nice, friendly interface,
with many features and options. This is absolutely a MUST-HAVE for HP
users! FREEWARE. Use Quester's LHARC201 (lh5) to extract. ** If you have
a color/regular Deskjet, check out those filetypes that this program can
load and print! **
#27014 EZBASE10.LZH 67200 Easy Base is an Easy To use database that
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" can be adapted to most common tasks such as
address lists, inventories, checkbooks, grocery lists, etc. Easy base runs
on any ST in any resolution 640x200 or greater. (St medium, ST high, TT
medium, etc. COLOR OR MONO) Features include the usual database functions
such as next/previous record, jump to start/end, search for string, etc.
Easy base allows you to sort ascending or descending on any field, includes
an autodialer function (Dial from any field), features built in math
functions for automatically calculation of grocery lists or checkbook
totals. Use Quester's LHARC201 (lh5) to extract. ** A screenshot is
included in the color/mono TX2 versions of the GEnieLamp. **
#27005 PRE_EDIT.PRG 30336 This new version (v1.4) of the Desk Manager
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Preset Editor fixes the problem some folks
have been experiencing when a preset file contains 6 desk accessories.
(Custom files were not saved in this circumstance.) This version was
compiled with the latest GFA compiler, and should work on any ST, STe, or
TT. No documentation included; see the complete Desk Manager package for
docs. PLEASE NOTE: This program file is uncompressed -- just download it
and run it! Copyright 1992 Little Green Footballs Software. All Rights
Reserved. Sysop's Note: No significant savings is achieved by compressing
//////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "That's "Voila!", not viola. <grin> Your fans are going to /
/ wonder how to fiddle (uh, viola) with their cash flow." /
/////////////////////////////////////////// K.VANDELLEN ////
Getting The Word Out
By John Gniewkowski
'Universal' Power Supplies The Power supplies for the MegaSTE, TT, STacy,
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" and STBook are 110-220v, 50-60~, auto
switching. No other power supplies in Atari equipment are guaranteed to be
The 220 power supplies in early sample developer Falcons do work on
110v, but they also do not meet FCC Class-B. The final Falcon030 power
supply will be a 110v unit for North America. (B.REHBOCK, CAT14, TOP22,
Atari CD-ROM? The CDAR504 was never a released Atari product. If the ICD
""""""""""""" driver doesn't work, leave "MIKE-FULTON" e-mail requesting
the old METADOS driver for the drive. It will take some digging :-)
(B.REHBOCK, CAT14, TOP28, MSG:124/M475)
Speedo Font Availability You can pick up any of the Bitstream "Type
"""""""""""""""""""""""" Essentials" font paks that are readily available
for about $70 street price. You can also call Bitstream's Font Order line:
1-800-522-FONT. Simply tell them that you would like to order fonts in
PC-Speedo format. (You may have to specify 720k disks, too.) I have seen
Type Essentials at Egghead and Comp USA.
(B.REHBOCK, CAT14, TOP35, MSG:88/M475)
Get Your META.SYS At... The latest SLM and META.SYS drivers are in the
""""""""""""""""""""""" FontGDOS archive in the ST Library.
(B.REHBOCK, CAT14, TOP39, MSG:96/M475)
Falcon Bundles We have not committed to bundling Atari Works with
"""""""""""""" Falcon030, but as Atari Work's product manager, I'd
naturally like to see it bundled :-)
All of the software that does come with Falcon _is_ pre-installed on
the harddisk, ready-to-run. Unlike the Macintosh Performa, we also include
back-up floppies of everything, too.
We do intend to upgrade Atari Works as time goes on. Sam has already
agreed to letting me do a free (postage and handling) upgrade when we
finish the telecommunications module. It did originally have one, but it
was too weak in by opinion. I want to make sure it has X, Y, and Z-modem so
that it is fully useful.
If users think a language would be a useful thing to be bundled with
Falcon, please send me e-mail saying so. I need to persuade the marketing
people. :-) (B.REHBOCK, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:9/M475)
GEmail Software Catalog Orders! Simply e-mail your order to G.LABREC,
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" include quantity, Credit Card number,
expiration date, and name as it appears on the card. Visa and M/C
accepted. The pricing details are listed in message #1 or 2 of this topic.
There are special user group rates, too!
(B.REHBOCK, CAT14, TOP42, MSG:56/M475)
Falcon Video Solutions One of the great things about Falcon is the fact
""""""""""""""""""""""" that unlike the Mac or PC, no expensive composite
solution is needed. Atari is manufacturing an adapter block similar to the
VGA and ST blocks that will be available. The block has two RCA connectors
on it, the yellow supplies composite video and the white has a left and
right mix-down of the stereo output of the sound system.
It is set up so that people can get their animations and graphics, in
living color, completely overscanned out to video tape as easily as
possible. In Europe, we will have a Peritel/SCART cable available to do the
equivalent video stuff over there :-)
(B.REHBOCK, CAT14, TOP41, MSG:182/M475)
Atari Media Product Placements It looks as if there is some dissension
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" about whether or not the Fuji or name
Atari was prominently shown...which tells me that if it was, it was a
fleeting moment. :) As others have indicated, there are other spots where
our products have shown up, like The Arsenio Hall Show. I was up late last
night watching a "Year in Rock" program on MTV. During the presentation,
they dwelled for a while on Black Rappers/The LA Riots. At the point they
were interviewing one set of artists, an Atari Mega ST & Atari Monitor were
clearly visible in their studio.
The ATARI name on the Stacy was especially made for the unit on
Arsenio's show. No other machine has that sign on it. There are limits on
this kind of stuff...some of it a sort of Catch-22. If the Stacy was
bigger, we could have a bigger sign on it. :) And we do have an agreement
with them for using the machine, and "credits" with it. In showbiz terms,
it's called "a bump". After a commercial, the band is playing, and the
camera pans the band, giving strategic looks at the nameplates on the
equipment. Some of it is ours, lots of it isn't.
There have been a number of movies over the years, including Blade Runner,
and another movie who's name escapes me at the moment, a spy kinda thing
with Dabney Coleman in it.
(BOB-BRODIE, CAT14, TOP3, MSG:11/M475)
Air Warrior Support Dropped We'll see what can be done. Bill Rehbock was
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" caught completely off guard by this, and so
was I. I don't understand how we can be on GEnie and not hear a word from
In any event, Bill has the number to contact them now, and I'm sure
the situation will be in good hands.
(BOB-BRODIE, CAT14, TOP45, MSG20/M475)
Speedo GDOS Soon! Well, the software is just about wrapped. In fact, we
""""""""""""""""" put together what we consider a "user version" right
before we left on vacation. I imagine that we will want to beat on it for
a little while longer while all the last minute issues are dealt with. I do
know that the licensing from BitStream is apparently a done deal.
So, at this point.. it is pretty darn close. Us software folk are
pushing very hard to release this baby! (TOWNS, CAT14, TOP35, MSG:80/M475)
More Speedo News As for SpeedoGDOS.. it will be sold. Sorry folks, but
"""""""""""""""" we are talking about a product with licensing fees and
Atari can't just eat those fees and forget about them. But, I don't think
SpeedoGDOS will be expensive. Hopefully, we will have more information for
you soon! (TOWNS, CAT14, TOP35, MSG:86/M475)
WHERE'S JOHN? Just a short note to all my friends who have ask where
""""""""""""" were you ... Well I was here in NY wishing I was there but
due to a hole in My pocket I couldn't make it I too have had good reports
from dealers and such about NAMM had hope to see you all Next year.
-John Morales@Atari East
(ATARI-MIDI, CAT11, TOP9. MSG:18/M475}
////////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "...honor and morals _do_ help when you don't have X$...In fact, /
/ it's when you can't pay that honor and morality will most often /
/ be brought into play." /
//////////////////////////////////////////////// D.A.BRUMLEVE ////
By Scott Garrigus
THE PHOTO RT Hi everybody! Yep, it's February already. Can you believe
"""""""""""" it? Boy, I wish I could build myself a time machine and
relive some of those great moments. Though I'm not too sure if there were
really _that_ many great moments to relive but it would still be nice. :-)
We _do_ have the next best thing. Photographs. Yes, everyone's talking
about photographs these days, especially since Kodak's unveiling of that
new CD photo stuff.
Well, guess where I visited this month... Yes, you guessed it. The
Photo RT! And what a great place it is! Some of the best photographs
you'll ever see in your life are in the libraries there. There are
pictures in all the standard formats available for downloading and viewing
on your computer. You can also contribute your own pictures to the library
too! You send your pictures through the mail to the sysop and he'll scan
your photos and put them in the library for free! Neat, huh? And if your
into picture taking at all, the Photo BBS is a great place to talk to other
people just like you! To get there, type PHOTO at any prompt.
So visit the Photo RT this month and have some fun with pictures! But
before you do, be sure and solve this month's puzzle. You want to be hip
by showing everyone you know all the latest buzzwords right? :-) Have fun!
~ PHOTO PAGE 660 ~
GIVE UP? You will find the answers in the LOG OFF column at the end of
"""""""" the magazine.
This column was created with a program called SEARCH ME,
an Atari ST program by David Becker.
A "Must" Download!
By Fred H. Koch
Program Name : Atari ST Graphics Prg. Cross Reference Chart
Filename : STGRAPH.LZH
Library Area : 21
Program Number : 27138
File Size : 7808
Program Type : Graphic Format Data Base
Author : Lee W. Benjamin
Version : Not Stated
File Type : Public Domain
THE PROGRAM ST Graph provides a ready reference to which program will
""""""""""" handle which graphic formats. It is not really a program but
a collection of information. The info is presented in two file formats,
one in Lotus compatible WKS format created with VIP Professional, the other
an ASCII printout of the file so anyone can use the information.
This little file contains a wealth of information. A great help for
determining which program can be used to examine that new graphic you just
received. It provides a listing of 60 picture formats and common file
extensions down the left side with 34 program names across the top. At the
intersection of each is a series of codes showing the program capabilities
with the listed format.
This file is just what I was looking for and about to create myself
until I found it. It greatly reduces the frustration of trying to figure
out which program will handle each picture format.
If you collect pictures of various types this file is a must. Hats
of to Lee for sharing this useful information.
///////////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "What? Dumping on Mac owners around here? Not a bit of it, /
/ old chap. Mac owners are actually cherished, as proto-Atarians. /
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// C.WORTON ////
Games People Play...
By John Hoffman
o GAMER'S UPDATE: In The Pipeline
o SHADOWORLDS: A Science Fiction Role Playing Game
IN THE PIPELINE This month there aren't a lot of new games that have been
""""""""""""""" announced. There are still quite a large number of
games that are on the way. The two most interesting to add to our list are
Civilization from Microprose and Bat 2 from UBI soft. So since I keep
talking about a list here's the list of games that I'm expecting to see in
the next several months.
Arriving within the next 3 months
o Legends of Valour
o Bat 2
o Palladin II
o Frontier - Elite II
o Daemons Gate
o Civilization
Arriving sometime in 93
o Ambermoon
o Realms of Arkania, Vol 1 Blades of Destiny
Civilization is a port of the PC version of the same game. Basically
this is a "god" type game. You start off with a small tribe of primitives
in the stone age. You then have to develop villages, towns, cities,
technologies, societies, and of course defeat all encroaching competing
societies. This game spans from 4000BC all the way through the future.
Wow! Now you get to redo the world right. :) As you play the game you
will even meet major historical figures. I guess that makes this game
educational. Shouldn't be hard to justify buying since it's going to teach
you something. Now if only my wife will buy that line...
The other game that is coming out soon is a Science Fiction Role
Playing game called Bat 2. This game puts you in the role of a Bureau of
Astral Troubleshooters (BAT) Agent. In this game a nasty corporation,
Koshan, has taken over the whole solar system of Shedishan. Seems the key
to this control is the ownership of the planet Bedhin which is the source
of a valuable mineral, Echiatone 21. It also appears that the ownership of
the planet Bedhin is somewhat in doubt. So, as the BAT agent, all you have
to do is rescue Shedishan from the nasty corporation.
The game is going to be very large containing a large number of places
to go and people to talk to. The graphics will be to be great but
unfortunately the game play interface isn't going to be very good. If
you've played BAT 1, then BAT 2 is supposed to be better.
ShadoWorlds Ok, enough discussion of things to be. Let's get to what
""""""""""" is! Just recently ShadoWorlds was released in the US. The
game ShadoWorlds is by Krisalis Software. To play ShadoWorlds requires an
ST or STE with 1 MB of memory and a color monitor. The game comes on two
720KB floppies. Included in the package were two 720KB floppies, one
instruction booklet and one novella.
ShadoWorlds takes place in the distant future on the remote solar
system of Magna 6 a galaxy-class space station which has been setup to
conduct research on the most powerful weapons the universe has ever known.
For two months there has been no contact with the station. Naturally, the
rest of the know galaxy is getting a bit concerned about the status of this
station and all it's high tech weapons.
A team needs to be put together to investigate the station. This team
is to be composed of four individuals that need to be trusted and
expendable. Your team of four characters board there ship and enter
cryogenic sleep for the 17 month trip to Magna 6. When they awaken they
are at the station and the adventure begins. Your mission is to explore
the station and the other planets in the system and find out what went
You are in a dark hallway on the spacestation. There is a light
illuminating a door at the end of the hallway. Your party stands in
complete darkness. You turn on your suit light to shine its light around
the hallway and you spot a pistol...
Game Play You start the game by selecting your four characters from a
""""""""" list of characters. The various characters are displayed as
portraits complete with stats, historical information and special
abilities. Stats displayed are Strength, Health, Combat skill, and Tech
skill. The characters range from bloodthirsty criminals to psychic aliens
- a good collection of expendable characters. After you've selected the
four characters game play begins.
Your party starts in an outer hallway of the spacestation. The screen
layout is split into two parts. The lower part of the screen displays five
squares. The two squares on the left and two squares on the right are
character portraits that display the your characters portrait in a space
helmet. Also displayed in the portraits are what you are carrying in the
both your left and right hands. Finally, there is a colored bar that
indicates your health points. In the center of these portraits is the
central control character (CCC).
The CCC is picture of a characters arms, legs and head and is used to
control your characters. When you click on one of the portraits the color
of the CCC changes to match the character selected and the microphone in
the character portrait's space suit lowers to his mouth. Commands are
issued by clicking on different body parts displayed in the CCC.
The upper 2/3 of the screen displays the game area in which the view
is in the 3D isometric style (as in the popular games Legend and Hero
Quest). All action in the game is real time - so as you stand around
waiting robots may come after you or shoot at you. Clicking the right
button in the game area of the screen will center the screen on you
characters. This centering occurs automatically as you move but it happens
in jumps. Sometimes you need to be in the center to see what's ahead
before moving.
Clicking on various parts of the CCC makes the selected character do
an action. For example, you can have him or her read the computer displays
that are scattered about. As you move around there are screens which set
up high on some of the walls. These are the computer screens that you can
read, not the actual computer terminals that you find scattered around.
Reading these displays will display critical information.
Another action is you can make the character use an object that is in
their hand. One handy option to use is a gun. You use the gun and select
a spot or an enemy displayed on the game display to shoot at.
You can also operate an item or pickup an object. This is how you
retrieve things that you find laying around. You also use this command to
refill fluid containers, recharge batteries, and recharge or refill guns.
Lastly you can have your characters to walk around as a group, as
individuals or in two separate groups.
If you click the right button in the character portrait area the
screen switches to the inventory screen. In this screen you can see all
of your character current status. There are 4 bar charts displaying the
health, strength, fluids level and overall battery power. There is also an
eye and iv icon displayed for each character. Clicking on the eye puts
that character to sleep. The IV is used to connect fluid bags
intravenously. These bags can increase your fluid level or special ones
can heal you. There are also two areas to define team formations. You can
use the team formation area to define two independent teams. Teams can
move together and stand in defined formations. Also on the inventory
screen you can click on items found and a short message is displayed
describing the object and its charge level. Characters that are standing
next to each other can have their items exchanged between them. The
inventory screen is also where you load and save games. Saving the game
requires one blank floppy.
One of the nice features of this game system is that all the
characters are multitasking. This means that you can tell one character to
walk somewhere while another character is shooting a nasty critter and the
last character is pushing a button.
The Photoscape Another big aspect of the game is the clever use of light
"""""""""""""" and dark. This characteristic is call the photoscape.
You will find many uses for light. Early in the game you learn that you
need light to spot the details of special objects. First using flares or
your helmet light you can create light to view your surroundings. The
flares create a circle of light around that character who is using the
flare. As the flare burns down the circle of light shrinks and finally
goes out. The helmet light is more of a directional light. Using the
mouse you an aim the beam of light at a specific point. As your character
moves the light moves with him. Eventually, the light's battery burns
down the light gets dimmer. Remember to collect batteries!
Besides vision, light has other effects as well. It is important to
experiment with lights to see what impacts they have on your environment.
For example, lights can make certain doors open or close, some robot's
responses are varied based on the light and sometimes when you have your
flare lit the robots can't see you. Extinguish the flares and the robots
will come straight for you!
As you explore the Photoscape you will discover several important
objects. You will discover chests hidden in the darkness. Chests when
held in a hand will display 6 container slots for objects. You will also
find recharge points for batteries or weapons. These chargers only work
once. There are also fluid dispensers that can be used to refill fluid
bags. There isn't a limit to the number of refills.
Combat As you explore the station you will find a variety of weapons,
"""""" many of which come in two parts, the weapon and the barrel.
This is important as different combinations of weapons and barrels have
different affects on the operation of the weapon. As you travel you will
find recharge points for weapons. Unfortunately, these chargers can only
be used once.
Combat is a largely a realtime "arcade like" activity. To be most
effective you will need to coordinate several of your characters attack
strategies. One character is to lead the bad guys into an ambush where
your other three characters are strategically placed. Or, one character
could scout ahead while three other characters follow behind.
Exploration As you explore the space station you will have to solve
""""""""""" various puzzles dealing with light. Some puzzles will also
use pressure plates and even others use card keys to operate elevators
or open doors. As you explore the various rooms you will also encounter
traps and various nasty droids.
So What's The Bottom Line? This game is very similar to an earlier game
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" called Shadow Lands from Domark. There are
several area that this game has improved on. First the control system is
better than the Shadow Lands system and the overall speed of the game
looks like it might be slightly faster. I also like the missile weapons in
this game. But as in Shadow Lands if you are too close to the creature
you're shooting you may take damage from the backlash.
The graphics are good and there have been some improvements in the
operations of the 3D environment since Shadow Lands. All the images and
functions are clear. In Shadow Lands you could see what was on the other
side of a wall before you went in - that isn't the case in ShadoWorld.
Unfortunately, there isn't much in the way of sound effects.
I've found one major bug in the game: In the inventory screen if I
take the bag of fluid to the character portrait and click the game dies
shortly thereafter. This is a rather strange bug since it only happens
with the fluid. I'll bet the user interface changed to the IV thing late
and some of the code for putting fluid in the portraits mouth is still
The documentation is complete and covers every aspect of the game.
The Novella that is included is a nice touch but I found the storyline
disappointing. (The Novella concept is a nice idea. The one in Amberstar
was actually pretty good.)
The game comes on floppies and is not installable on the hard drive,
Surprisingly, this isn't a problem. Once the game is booted and running you
don't have touch the floppies unless you want to save. On the downside,
there is only one save per floppy - I would have preferred the ability to
save several save games on a single floppy.
Final Thoughts... ShadoWorlds is a good game. The photoscape provides a
""""""""""""""""" great atmosphere and adds a new twist to problem
solving. ShadoWorlds provides a combination of arcade like action, puzzle
solving and role playing all rolled into one. And although I personally
prefer non-arcade role playing games I still would rate this game highly.
ShadoWorlds is a game worth checking in to!
//////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ "BTW All you wantabe Fast users listen up - Jim is nearing /
/ Sainthood so get your Fast products now before the prices /
/ go through the roof!!! you know how fame raises prices;-)" /
////////////////////////////////////////////// J.LEMLEY ////
Cut & Paste Scripts For Aladdin
By Jim Lubin
TURBO-ALADDIN! The following script will log onto GEnie and capture the
"""""""""""""" latest 100 World News Stories to a file for viewing
~ cut here ~
Script # Latest 100 World News Stories
log onto "8013"
sendline "2"
waitfor "Reuter World Report"
erasefile "world100.nws"
capture "world100.nws"
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline ""
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline ""
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline ""
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline ""
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline ""
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline ""
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15"
capture "world100.nws"
waitfor "Item Time Headline"
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline "16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30"
capture "world100.nws"
waitfor "Item Time Headline"
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline "31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45"
capture "world100.nws"
waitfor "Item Time Headline"
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline "46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60"
capture "world100.nws"
waitfor "Item Time Headline"
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline "61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75"
capture "world100.nws"
waitfor "Item Time Headline"
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline "76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90"
capture "world100.nws"
waitfor "Item Time Headline"
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendline "91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100"
capture "world100.nws"
waitfor "Item Time Headline"
waitfor "or <Q>uit"
sendcommand "Q"
~ cut here ~
Installing The Script First of all, you will need to separate this
""""""""""""""""""""" script from the magazine. To do this, just load
this magazine into any word processor or text editor, and cut or block this
script file out to it's own separate file and save it as SCRIPT.TXT. Place
SCRIPT.TXT into your Aladdin folder. Your script file will now
automatically load in when you boot up Aladdin.
IMPORTANT! If you are already running one or more script files, you will
"""""""""" need to append this file to the end of your present
SCRIPT.TXT. To do this in...
Aladdin IBM
o At Aladdin's main menu, call up an available script, or
overwrite an existing script:
[F7,A] -to use an available script entry
[F7,E,n] -to edit a script already used
(n is the number of the script)
o Make note of the script number in the script editor.
o Use CTRL-Y to delete ALL the current text lines in the script
o Use CTRL-K,R to read the script file into the script editor.
o Change the # in the line SCRIPT # to reflect the script
number you've previously noted.
o ESC to save
o Under the "File" menu, click on the "Edit User Script" option.
This will load in your current script file.
o Position the cursor at the end of your script file. Now, using the
"Paste File" option under "Edit" add the new script file.
o Change the # in the line SCRIPT # to reflect the script number
you've previously noted. For example, if you have already
installed 3 files, the line would like like this:
Script 4 Latest 100 News Stories
o ESC to save
//////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
/ A A A I I I I /
/ I I /
/ I E /
/ E ~~~~ /
/ E _____ ..~ /
/ E ______ O / /
/ E _____ /== / // /
/ ! // / ==/ /
/ \ ! / _ / / /
/ \ ! / ____ \\//\\ /
/ \ / _____ \/ \\_ /
/ _______SPLAAT!_______ \/ /
//////////////////////////////////////////// R.MARTIN22 ////
GEnieLamp Information
o COMMENTS: Contacting GEnieLamp
o GEnieLamp STAFF: Who Are We?
o GET_THE_LAMP Scripts & Macros
o SEARCH-ME! Answers
GEnieLamp GEnieLamp is monthly online magazine published in the
""""""""" GEnieLamp RoundTable on page 515. You can also find
GEnieLamp in the ST (475), the Macintosh (605), the IBM (615) Apple II
(645), A2Pro (530), Unix (160), Mac Pro (480), Geoworks (1050), BBS
(610), CE Software (1005) and the Mini/Mainframe (1145) RoundTables.
GEnieLamp can also be found on CrossNet, Internet, America Online and
many public and commercial BBS systems worldwide.
We welcome and respond to all GEmail.To leave messages, suggestions
or just to say hi, you can contact us in the GEnieLamp RoundTable (515)
or send GE Mail to John Peters at [GENIELAMP] on page 200.
GEnieLamp Online Magazine
Atten: John Peters
5102 Galley Rd. Suite 115/B
Colorado Springs, CO 80915
>>> GEnieLamp STAFF <<<
GEnieLamp o John Peters [GENIELAMP] Editor-In-Chief
ATARI ST o John Gniewkowski [J.GNIEWKOWSK] Editor
"""""""" o Mel Motogawa [M.MOTOGAWA] ST Staff Writer
o Terry Quinn [TQUINN] ST Staff Writer
o Sheldon Winick [S.WINICK] ST Staff Writer
o Richard Brown [R.BROWN30] ST Staff Writer
o John Hoffman [JLHOFFMAN] ST Staff Writer
ATARI TX2 o David Holmes [D.HOLMES14] TX2 Editor
ATARI [PR] o Fred Koch [F.KOCH] Editor
IBM o Robert M. Connors [R.CONNORS2] Editor
""" o Peter Bogert [P.BOGERT1] IBM Staff Writer
o Brad Biondo [B.BIONDO] IBM Staff Writer
o Tippy Martinez [TIPPY.ONE] IBM Staff Writer
MACINTOSH o James Flanagan [JFLANAGAN] Editor
""""""""" o Richard Vega [R.VEGA] Mac Co-Editor
o Tom Trinko [T.TRINKO] Mac Staff Writer
o Bret Fledderjohn [FLEDDERJOHN] Mac Staff Writer
o Bill Garrett [BILL.GARRETT] Mac Staff Writer
MacPRO o James Flanagan [JFLANAGAN] Editor
"""""" o Erik C. Thauvin [MACSPECT] Supervising Editor
o Chris Innanen [C.INNANEN] MacPRO Staff Writer
o Paul Collins [P.COLLINS] MacPRO Staff Writer
APPLE II o Darrel Raines [D.RAINES] Editor
"""""""" o Phil Shapiro [P.SHAPIRO1] A2 Co-Editor
o Mel Fowler [MELSOFT] A2 Staff Writer
A2Pro o Jim B. Couch [J.COUCH2] Editor
ETC. o Jim Lubin [JIM.LUBIN] Add Aladdin
"""" o Scott Garrigus [S.GARRIGUS] Search-ME!
o Bruce Faulkner [R.FAULKNER4] CrossNET Support
o Mike White [M.WHITE25] Cowlumnist (CowTOONS!)
o Steven Weyhrich [S.WEYHRICH]
o Dan "Remo" Barter [D.BARTER]
o Jeffrey O. Panosian, M.D. [J.O.P.]
o Stephen Litwin [S.LITWIN2]
+ + + + + + + + + N + + + + + + N + + + + + +
D + M G + + + + + + I + + + + + A + + + + + +
+ I + I + + + + + + + K + + + + I + + + + + +
+ + G F N + + + + + + + O + + + N + + + + + +
+ + + I + O + + + + + + + N + G O + + + + + +
+ + + + T + L + + + + + + + E + S + + + + + E
+ + + + T I + T + A + + + P + + H + + + + R +
+ + + + N + Z + A C V + J + + + T + + + U + +
C + + + I + + E + I + I + + + + I + + T + + +
+ O + + R + N + + N + + E + + + M + C Y + + +
+ + N + P O + + + O + + + W + + S I R + + + +
+ + + V N + + + + R + + + + E + P E K + + + +
C + + A E + + + + B + + + + + R L + + A + + +
I + C D A R K R O O M + + + + L + E A + D + +
H O + + + + S + + + + + + + A + G R + + + O +
P T O + + + + I + + + + + G + A T + + + + + K
A O + E + + + + O + + + + + M N + + + + + + +
R H + + D + + + + N + + + I + A + + + + + + +
G P + + + I + + + + + + + + + C + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + V + + + + + + + + S + + + + + + +
Material published in this edition may be reprinted under the
following terms only. All articles must remain unedited and
include the issue number and author at the top of each article
reprinted. Reprint permission granted, unless otherwise noted, to
registered computer user groups and not for profit publications.
Opinions present herein are those of the individual authors and
does not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or staff of
GEnieLamp. We reserve the right to edit all letters and copy.
Include the following at the end of every reprint:
(c) Copyright 1993 T/TalkNET Online Publishing and GEnie. To join
GEnie, set your modem to 2400 baud (or less) and half duplex
(local echo). Have the modem dial 1-800-638-8369. When you get a
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GEnie GENIELAMP Page 515
Computing on GEnie Newsletter
1. GEnieLamp Bulletin Board 2. GEnieLamp Real-Time Conference
3. GEnieLamp Software Libraries 4. About the RoundTable
5. RoundTable News (930205) 6.[*]FEEDBACK to GEnieLamp
7. GEnieLamp File Of The Week
8.[*]GEnieLamp IBM (930201) 9.[*]GEnieLamp Atari (930201)
10.[*]GEnieLamp Mac (930201) 11.[*]GEnieLamp MacPRO (930202)
12.[*]GEnieLamp Apple II (930201) 13.[*]GEnieLamp A2PRO (930201)
14. Newsbytes News Network 15. Computer & Electronics NewsCent
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1992 (Year-to-Date) Average Per Trade Profit/Loss : + 31.2%
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New users are strongly advised to download and read the USER GUIDES (menu
options 8 and 9).
To better evaluate the SOS services, we suggest you review the Past Security
Portfolios in the Software Library (menu option 3 - Library 4).
GEnie SOS Page 1295
SOS Registered Investment Advisors
1. About Security Objective Services
2. How to use the SOS Newsletters
3. SOS Software Library
4. SOS Newsletter Rates
5. Retrieve today's Wall Street SOS (updated at 5:00 p.m. ET)
6. Retrieve today's Wall Street SOS Options Alert (Updated at 5:00 p.m. ET)
7. SOS Weekly Market Commentary
8. Wall Street SOS User's Guide
9. Wall Street SOS Options Alert User's Guide
10.[*]Feedback to Security Objective Services
11. Investors' RoundTable
12. Dow Jones News/Retrieval
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Welcome Dave Burns
Last visit at: 23:23 on: 921230
Atari ST Roundtable
Dateline Atari with Bob Brodie, February 5, 1993, 10 PM EST.
Bob will discuss Atari Works and other Falcon-bundled software.
This package contains the two programs, DigiPlay Plus 1.8 and ANSITerm
version 1.9. DigiPlay Plus is a digital sound player/editor with the
ability to add sound effects like echo. ANSITerm is a 16-color
80-column fully ANSI compatible terminal with blinking and file
transfer abilities (X/Y/Zmodem, Ymodem-G and Batch). Both programs
are fully STe/TT compatible and require a color monitor.
Note: The various download protocols are supported by using
Alan Hamilton's XYZ.TTP which is included in this file.
NEW VERSION of CYBERDROME 1.1 DEMO! --- The Hoverjet Simulator by Rhea-FX
and Fair Dinkum Technologies. Cyberdrome combines the realism of a
real-time low-level flight simulator with the maze exploration of an
adventure game. The demo also supports a 2-player/2-computer mode.
Minimum 1Mb RAM and color monitor required. ST, STE and *TT*
Dateline Atari! with Bob Brodie is now in session.
Please join us in the RTC by typing M475;2 from any command
prompt or type "2" on Page 475. Then choose Room 3.
Welcome ****** ******** ** ** **
To the ** ** ** ** **
GEnie ****** ** ST ** ** **
ATARI ** ** Roundtable ** ** **
****** ** ** ** **
*** ** ***
The Official Online Resource of Atari Corporation *** ** ***
Regular Open Conference every Wednesday night, 10PM EDT, 7PM PDT
DTP conference every Monday at 10PM eastern in room 3.
Atari Help Desk every Sunday night, 9PM eastern in room 1.
The ST Roundtable Staff wants to thank everyone who has taken the time to
upload. Uploading is FREE but we sure do appreciate the effort and the time.
New Files in Your Library
No. File Name Address Description
----- ------------ ----------- -------------------------------------
27595 MNDL_ALL.ZIP GRMEYER All res Fractal generator (Holland)
27594 PAD_24.LZH GRMEYER German monochrome drawing program
27586 PUNKMAN.LZH R.QUEZADA Version 1.0 of a pacman clone(COLOR)
27585 DONGLE.PRG DITEK DynaCADD screensaver-dongle program
27582 TLCEURO3.LZH T.HAYSLETT European version of TLCBOOK3.
27581 TLCBOOK3.LZH T.HAYSLETT Organize addresses and date keeper.
27579 JCVUE11F.LZH GRMEYER JC View mono art editor
27578 T_SPLITZ.LZH GRMEYER Split Screen Chat for Turbo BBS
27576 BAGGETTA.TXT D.FINCH7 Press Rel. re Connecticut Atari Show
Darlah's Treat of the Month [Page 475;9] - TWS.ZIP
Darlah's Treat II [Page 475;10] - CYBRDEMO.LZH
Other NEW FILES available in the Atari RT Libraries are Sound Files
(library 11), Digitized Sounds (library 17), Graphic pictures
(library 5), Atari Archives (library 13), and Sale/Wanted Files
(library 26). Sale/Wanted items are also available in the Bulletin
Board Category 27.
ZNET is now in our libraries. Check it out today!
File# 27528 (ZNET9305.LZH)
GEnie ST Page 475
Atari ST RoundTable
1. Atari ST Bulletin Board
2. Atari ST Real-Time Conference
3. Atari ST RT Libraries
4. About the RoundTable
5. RoundTable News (930111)
6.[*]Feedback to Sysops
7.[*]GEnieLamp Atari Newsletter (930201)
8. Search Softsource Knowledgebase
9.[*]Darlah's Treat of the Month
10.[*]Darlah's Treat of the Month II
11. Computer & Electronics NewsCenter
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