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The Changing BBS
(c) 1992 by Lois B. Laulicht
The BBS world is growing rapidly in users and is changing in character
faster than one might ever suspect. A new and different BBS orientation may
be in the process of being created; not simply a place to download
shareware but rather a BBS with highly specialized materials catering to
the needs of a targeted clientele. The public BBS as we presently know it
could be in a transitional state and could be taking on characteristics
quite different from what most BBS users have learned to expect.
Sysops have already zeroed in on specialized areas such as Windows and
OS/2, programming languages and tools, more accurate and current data base
files on many topics, and several specifically geared to the problems of
new DOS and new BBS users. Some random notions of where the BBS is heading
could include the following.
As newspapers which take advertising, editorialize, and have all
the features of a hard copy daily.
As vehicles for political parties, pressure groups, other countries,
and lobbyists.
As super stores for computers and computer peripherals or anything
consumers are likely to buy through catalog sales.
As real estate and investments hubs where principals can send and
receive information for ongoing transactions; match clients to
property and generally speed up negotiations and routine paper work.
As independent local advertisers for local communities similar to Green
Sheets and Penny Saver publications. One free access BBS already
exists in the Los Angeles area with advertisers paying all the
Conditions are already in place for the beginnings of some these issue
oriented BBS' and a number could already be functioning in the terms
described without the knowledge of its membership.
When doing a simple search on James Toro's THE LIST by topic, one finds
BBS' already specializing in files which provide information about
investment and real estate to world peace and women's issues with much in
between. A sampling includes but is not limited to coin and stamp
collecting, the environment, writers workshop, substance abuse, the
handicapped, animal rights and one of the most popular... genealogy. As
fast modems and the increased number of computers shorten the overland
distance from one community to another, the potential for efficient
national organization along these various interest areas increases.
It is interesting to speculate how long it will take, if it hasn't
already happened, for the various political parties to begin to use their
local BBS and the nets as another way of accessing individuals to support
their cause with funds and volunteer time. Think of the possibilities to
assign campaign tasks of organization, fund raising, and voter registration
through linked BBS'es with a single professional organizer calling the shots
on-line. Pressing flesh takes on new meaning. The problems of leadership
and other resources are all but solved using this strategy. Already there
are active discussions and controversy in conferences like Opinion and
Politics on ILink touting one candidate over another. This could well
represent a natural recruiting ground for individuals with compatible
political sympathies. Joining a party controlled BBS might be like joining
a political club down the block. A call to the regional FBI made it clear
that this would be quit legal under present statutes so long as campaign
contributions are handled in the normal way. I have been told that both
major political National Committees have actively discussed this as a
viable link in their total campaign strategy.
I wonder if the present laws governing lobbying practices would require
registration of these kinds of activities. I wonder if disclosure is
required in order to conduct on-line lobbying activity. I wonder if Sysops
lease their expertise and services to the political parties they support as
do other political consultants. And finally, if this has already occurred,
I wondered if the members who support a BBS are informed about these
activities before the fact. The analogy of what newspaper one reads and
supports has meaning within this context.
As sort of a joke I recently recommended to a Sysop that perhaps his BBS
become a Computer Super Store. With adequate planning and capital one
might easily create an exciting business opportunity. We already buy
shareware, modems, new and used computer components and chips using the
BBS. Additionally many of us turn to the various conference areas and the
huge pool of user expertise for problem solving purposes. Why not one stop
shopping at The Super Chip BBS ?
The obvious point however, is that the BBS makes possible rapid transfer
of information which is NOT necessarily computer related. In Washington and
New York there are several search agencies which regularly use the BBS to
gather resumes to match with open jobs and their requirements where all
parties retain anonymity. I wonder how successful these operation are for
both job seeker and employer? There is little reason why they shouldn't
work and work well. In most states, however, there are regulations which
limit the activities of employment agencies with stiff fines and penalties
to enforce their rules. Could this be one of several areas where regulation
becomes an issue?
The question of what is legal and what regulations limit constitutional
freedoms has already surfaced. Allegations of improper law enforcement as
well as abuse of the public forum aspects of the media are under fierce
discussion and could well create legal disputes between users, Sysops, the
various nets and law enforcement agents ending for settlement in the
Supreme Court. I see controversy occurring in areas of soft and hard
pornography, rate differentials for telephone line users with modem speed
as the decisive criteria, extremist groups advocating violence and/or
exclusion against minority groups, as well as illegal trafficking in
substances, children, animals and other fencing operations.
As our technology has increased in sophistication, as in medical
services, we have increased the proportionate number of sick people. As our
information technology has increased in sophistication and use there is a
decrease in literacy and access to that information. I believe that this is
a worrisome phenomena!
Very recently I've been in touch with Animal Net out of Ft. Collins, CO. My
impression is that their focus is upon animal rights. Their Sysop Jim
Cherry was very helpful and hospitable. He was knowledgeable about the
enforcement side relating to experimental animals. Because of their
commitment to a relatively narrow social issue there was little that they
could provide in the way of information relating to interstate trafficking
of animals for resale to individuals as opposed to research facilities. The
notion of simple theft, punishment and disgrace, or focusing upon the
return of stolen animals to their owners were simply issues which were not
priority items. I am sure this represents a resource problem. However
related the issues may be there was no coordination of information
gathering or dissemination to and from the public and more importantly
law enforcement. This is a high profit enterprise!
Very frequently newer users or business have difficulty in defining their
specialized need for computer systems. Because we have traditionally used
computers for word processing, accounting, data tracking and statistical
modeling we tend to think in traditional terms and a larger picture mode.
Most of us conduct our affairs in a much smaller arena. As we begin to
translate what we know and ordinarily accomplish into what we wish to
accomplish using the computer, learning to "computerize" these ends become
very much easier. Additionally, we become more able to instruct computer
professionals in what software and hardware needs are required.
The Federal and State governments have not done much to carry services to
either contract providers or their varied client constituencies through the
use of the PC and a relatively simple data base and access. The state of
Maryland is beginning to deliver an information base FOR welfare
recipients. Having been involved in the very early and failed effort of a
national Job Bank, one learns that it is far more complex than simply making
data available. Whether you're talking about information which contractors
must supply to qualify to perform services or information to parents about
student loans the problems of easily understood access are endemic.
Instructions are poor to non-existent. Access to information about these
data base sources are not readily available to the general public. Public
access to computers or terminals in libraries, municipal buildings and
shopping malls are practically nonexistent.
As the public begins to discover the value of this information in their
daily lives the gaps between literate users and those without experience
and training will narrow. Perhaps our society will then begin to regain its
reputation for organization and efficiency.
Next time the BBS and national politics!