
1276 lines
45 KiB

Capture file opened 31-May-1994 02:31a
Fuck BT - make a Blotto Box =)
Today's date is: Tue May 31 02:33:51 1994
Last caller was: Gilby [72]
Logged off at: Tue May 31 02:07:13 1994
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: |ø|_\ | | \/| | \/|:|_\/< |_\/< |_\/
[Node 0] || _ | | | | || _\ \__ \ \__ \ Est 1990
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\| KP2+440636706467+ST
: Online 10.00pm-7.00am GMT
Operating at 3oo/12oo/24oo bps transmission rates
BrItAiNs LaRgEsT cOmPuTeR uNdErGrOuNd ReSeArCh BoArD
Newark, Nottinghamshire, England
SysOp: Phantasm
Enter account number, handle or '0' to logon as NEW. Logon:82
Account: [82]
Handle: Znote
Status: 2
Protocol: Zmodem
Credits: Unlimited
K's U/L: 148
K's D/L: 221
Age: 0
Computer: IBM or clone
Messages: 82
MailSent: 2
Mail Rec: 13
Last On: Mon May 30 05:12:59 1994
LastBaud: 2400
This is your call number 56 to the system.
Checking your mailbox...
Sorry, no mail for you today.
Scan new message posts (y/n)? Yes
Area: General Mail
Number: [43] of [50]
Title: 0500
From: Eck [137]
Time: Mon May 30 05:21:18 1994
heh, that a thought, everyone I know that has seazed a 0500 hasn't been
able to call where appart from transit calls... heh, whats so special
about merc. lines????..
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [44] of [50]
Title: Blackthorn
From: Eck [137]
Time: Mon May 30 05:36:03 1994
I think this bantering your going on about is a lot of fuqing bullshit,
just sit back and think about it, it's got jack shit to do with BT, to
prove, other countries have suddenly have trouble routing to the US to
(uncomfirmed, but would someone find out for sure please?).When you seaze
the trunk you are "sitting" inside that countrys exchange (or at least I
have allways thought of it in these smiplistic ways).. (oh and I just anit
buying this International Sender in Bath/Blackpool bull).. OK as for Z's
varios calls with BT, BT could just be playing along and getting very sick
of it, anyways I am not saying this IS how it is, but I am saying lets
take a freash look at it from a diffrent angle and forget about BT for a
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [45] of [50]
Title: My bullshit..
From: Mini Master [145]
Time: Mon May 30 22:45:22 1994
You do have a point there, I'm new to this bbs, and
havent had as much experience in phreaking as most of you guys,
but I don't know if we are breaking outside this country or where.
But I beleve it's breaking here, in sunny England. Why??
1) Line quality: When you break, listen, how many times have you
heard ANY international line sound that clear, NO excessive line noise,
bleed through.
2) Dialing back in to the UK: You didn't even need to send the SP,
which makes me think it's been routing the call as you dialed. If you were
dialing from outside the UK then surely it'd take longer than that to
establish a link?? And you didnt have to dial the UK country code.
3) The 'voice'. Sure it could be just a reaction from a UK exchange to the
OTC tone (is that it's name??), but it's an English voice.
4) Symaltanious country changes: ALL the backbone boxable numbers had
EXACTLY the same propterys, the broke EXACTLY the same and the all went
down EXACTLY the same time, I doubt all the countrys would collabourate in
attempts to stop boxing.
Right there are my ideas on the matter, noboubt they all have
something that could be talked around.
What do people rekon on it being BT's fone day changes that made it
possable for us to box back in to the UK? Heres and idea, I don't
neccessarely beleve it, it's only an idea.
Everyone knows you dialed Kp2-01*no- The * could have been any
digit, or even just a delay. This followed BT's fone day exactly with the
addition of the 1 in the area code... The delay was needed to establish a
trunk within the UK for the call... It was not possable before because the
routing table deemed any numbers beginning with 02* 03* 04* 05* 06* etc.
would be refused, but not 01* because after London changed it's area code
to 081/071 then no area code had the prefix 01*. (geez, did that make
sence??) BT could have overlooked this fact.... This could be taken
further to say BT realised this was happening and when they got around to
changing this they also decided to stop normal boxing. It seems BT had
a rushed job of it, only banning MOST area codes in America (But leaving
most of Hawaii 808 accessable). In recent days they have modifyed the
routing table so most of Hawaii is off limits, but you still can get to
some operators there.
Last thing: I rekon it beeing Goon Hilly Cornwall..
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Area: General Mail
Number: [46] of [50]
Title: what the fuck!
From: Falastur [164]
Time: Tue May 31 00:53:49 1994
Yes, you are being charged for the call. What you have done is effectivly
pressed your RECALL button. This causes a 'hook flash' signal. Dialing 1
on a pulse dialing phone almost imitates this signal.
The hook flash signal is only processed on new digital System X or System
Y exchanges. Once the signal has been acknowledged you get a dial tone
whilst the original caller is placed on hold at the exchange. They get a
recorded anouncement every 30 seconds or so.
If you want to find out more about the facilities on your exchange, dial
150 during business hours and ask for more information of Star Network
There are two network services you get for free; Reminder Call and Charge
Advice. They only cost you when you use them. Some other neat facilities
are things like Three Way Calling, Call Waiting, Call Divert/Forwarding,
Call Barring etc.
There will be some other services available to the rest of the UK later
this year. There are currently being beta tested in London and wide area
beta tested in Scotland.
Have phun! ;-)
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Area: General Mail
Number: [47] of [50]
Title: Still Working on it!
From: Falastur [164]
Time: Tue May 31 00:56:06 1994
Yup, same here. Hard at work at finding new routes. There has been a
national change in the international routing structure. Probably in
preparation for the new number system in the UK. This will be coming
online in mid June, in conjunction with the old system.
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Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [48] of [50]
Title: phreakin meets
From: Falastur [164]
Time: Tue May 31 00:57:19 1994
I'll be there! Missed the last one, so I hope to meet ya all! ;-)
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [49] of [50]
Title: Znote u turd!
From: Kixx [20]
Time: Tue May 31 01:20:49 1994
Hay Znote... How come ure slagging everybody off u fucking smelly asshole!
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Public reply
Press <RETURN> with no input to abort
Enter a title: Znote u turd!
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>Kixx : Only you my lame bud.
5>PS: Notice the lack of such words as fuck, ass,arse,cunt,bastard,turd etc
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Area: General Mail
Number: [49] of [50]
Title: what the fuck!
From: Kixx [20]
Time: Tue May 31 01:23:33 1994
Fankx for the help man.. I'll do that.
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: Znote u turd!
From: Znote [82]
Time: Tue May 31 02:36:29 1994
Kixx : Only you my lame bud.
PS: Notice the lack of such words as fuck, ass,arse,cunt,bastard,turd etc
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Board 1 choice? Quit to next
Area: Market Place
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: BUY!
From: Eck [137]
Time: Mon May 30 05:43:46 1994
Good time to buy a v32t/vfast/HST/etc just think of all the poor warez
dood that'll have to sell off thier modems and get thier 12 lines
disconnected now they cant' manage to Blueboz anymore (snigger)
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Current board is: Market Place
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Area: Phone Phreaking
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: ccitt 4
From: Eck [137]
Time: Mon May 30 05:53:02 1994
Has anyone got the correct freqs and relatile timings for ccitt-4
exchanges? I have some set, but the problem is that c4 exchanges use a
diffrent seaze for transit and International calls, and I think I have the
transet set :[.. all help appreacted...
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Board 3 choice? Quit to next
Area: Cellular Phreaking
Number: [48] of [50]
Title: cell/modem
From: Eck [137]
Time: Mon May 30 05:55:57 1994
Re: Am I wastinfg my time with cell/modem:
No, with a good line adaptor, cell/modem are very compatiable, the maximum
connect you can get with a cell phone is 12,000 (i.e just under 14.4k).
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: Cellular Phreaking
Number: [49] of [50]
Title: Transport
From: Bigboy [35]
Time: Mon May 30 22:41:22 1994
If anyone wants an old Mitsubishi transportable phone and they will pay
postage mail me and I will send it.
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Area: Cellular Phreaking
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: ESN
From: Cyber Scout [33]
Time: Tue May 31 00:19:22 1994
All info on ESN grabbing wanted...
Ive heard of someone cloning for 40 quid but i still don't
understand how they manage to get away with it as surely all
numbers called are recorded?!? So a grabbed and cloned phone is
surely gonna have log of who been called from cloned phone?!?
2ndly-Anyone got sw to reprogramme the motorola 4500x ?!?!
Or programming details on re-programming the panasonic
3rdly-Anyone know anything about the orange phones?!? As iknow of someone
with a couple of theones which look like Nokia's with smartcards in the
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Current board is: Cellular Phreaking
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Area: Technology Abuse
Number: [44] of [44]
Title: Postage Stamps
From: Eck [137]
Time: Mon May 30 06:00:00 1994
Max Overdrive,
How much "smashing" power dose this little hammer in the payphone
have?.. any would a thin duraiable see-thru obstical between the hammer
and the card not do the trick then?.. or would it just cripple the hammer?
(even better! :])
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Current board is: Technology Abuse
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Board 5 choice? Quit to next
Area: Electronics
Number: [38] of [38]
Title: StUfF...
From: Mini Master [145]
Time: Mon May 30 21:43:35 1994
Ok just a few thoughts on general shit...
STUN GUN: Night not work, but if you got a mains transformer and applied a
decent sized battery via a micro switch to the secondary you should get a
fucking big voltage output but little currlet so unlikely to be fatal =(
Yeh I know transformers dont like DC so keep flicking the micro switch
then to will get 2 pulses per turn a posative spike and a neagtive..
HardWare Blue Box... The jolly box uses a R-2R network (simple D-A
converter??) to convert the binary image in to the tones all controled by
the processor which doesnt look like it's dping much work... Surely it
would be possable to make a cheap Z80 circuit with a 128K EPROM to do the
same thing... without the sounds in binary images on a chip get the
processor to output to a PIA or something and use a D/A chip to do the
rest.. I'm only starting on this shit so this may sound like total drivvel
;) So I dont give a toss - what do you think ?? =)
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Current board is: Electronics
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Area: Illicit Substances
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: Buzz Gum
From: Mini Master [145]
Time: Mon May 30 22:51:27 1994
Haha, BUZZ GUM = Guana (SP?) plant origionally found in rain forests of
S america. The main active ingredient is VERY clost to our friend
CAFFIENE. I tried it just like downing a med. coffe nothing special. Get
Pro plus much better..
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Current board is: Illicit Substances
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
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Completed visiting new posted messages
Scan new uploaded files (y/n)? Yes
Completed visiting new uploaded files
All users are hereby notified that a mandatory 1:1 post/call ratio is now in
effect. If you do not post at least one message per logon, your account will
be deleted from this bulletin board system.
News Update: Tuesday 24-May-94 21:01:45
The Hayes Optima 28.8k modem should arrive any day now. I will do my best
to get everything configured and running upto 14.4k as soon as possible.
Due to the fact that my serial port will not support 28.8k, this system
will probably be running on a 386/486 before the end of 1994.
Sorry for the delay, Phantasm (SysOp)
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\\____|nAuThOrIsEd |__|__|cCeSs Recent User Action v1.øø [Node 0]
Valid user logon: [145] Mini Master REAL:
Phone Number: Baud rate: 2400
Remaining Time: 41 minutes
[Main Menu]
[? = Menu] -=>Did you post (y/n)? Yes
Connected at: Tue May 31 02:33:22 1994
Current Time: Tue May 31 02:37:45 1994
Total Time On: 4 Min & 23 Sec
Remaining Time: 41 minutes
Capture file opened 1-Jun-1994 05:05a
Today's date is: Wed Jun 01 05:04:22 1994
Last caller was: Jono Bono [194]
Logged off at: Wed Jun 01 03:41:50 1994
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\| KP2+440636706467+ST
: Online 10.00pm-7.00am GMT
Operating at 3oo/12oo/24oo bps transmission rates
BrItAiNs LaRgEsT cOmPuTeR uNdErGrOuNd ReSeArCh BoArD
Newark, Nottinghamshire, England
SysOp: Phantasm
Enter account number, handle or '0' to logon as NEW. Logon:82
Account: [82]
Handle: Znote
Status: 2
Protocol: Zmodem
Credits: Unlimited
K's U/L: 148
K's D/L: 221
Age: 0
Computer: IBM or clone
Messages: 83
MailSent: 2
Mail Rec: 13
Last On: Tue May 31 02:37:46 1994
LastBaud: 2400
This is your call number 57 to the system.
Checking your mailbox...
Sorry, no mail for you today.
Scan new message posts (y/n)? Yes
Area: General Mail
Number: [39] of [50]
Title: CCITT#4 freqs
From: Oregon Kowboy [143]
Time: Tue May 31 02:53:20 1994
Eck: there was a file on here called 'phreak90.zip' that had all
the freqs for each of the signaling systems.
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [40] of [50]
Title: Znote u turd!
From: Kixx [20]
Time: Tue May 31 04:36:02 1994
Znote, i am NO BUD OF YOURS!
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Public reply
Press <RETURN> with no input to abort
Enter a title: Znote u turd!
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>Kixx : Shut up and grow up.
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Area: General Mail
Number: [40] of [50]
Title: Znote u turd!
From: Phantasm [1]
Time: Tue May 31 06:32:20 1994
Isn't it time the childish 'you are a lamer' conversation stopped?
Phantasm (SysOp)
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Area: General Mail
Number: [41] of [50]
Title: Keep trying !!!
From: Stealth [147]
Time: Wed Jun 01 00:03:31 1994
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Public reply
Press <RETURN> with no input to abort
Enter a title: Keep trying !!!
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>Stealth, what was the Keep Trying message aime at ? I have found something
2>that could bring me a lot of USA joy (a certain 0800 somewhere) that
3>breaks but DOESNT do the @COUNTRY YOU ARE CALLING SHIT@ ...
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Area: General Mail
Number: [41] of [50]
Title: Boxing within UK
From: Stealth [147]
Time: Wed Jun 01 00:04:07 1994
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [42] of [50]
Title: Boxing
From: Stealth [147]
Time: Wed Jun 01 00:05:14 1994
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Area: General Mail
Number: [43] of [50]
Title: Boxing
From: Stealth [147]
Time: Wed Jun 01 00:05:43 1994
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Area: General Mail
Number: [44] of [50]
Title: Boxing
From: Harlequin [99]
Time: Wed Jun 01 00:40:34 1994
Whats all this oooh you're so lame didn't you even know that stuff...
Some bloke (in this case Kixx) finds something new about the phone
system. So he decides to share it with everyone. So its just a regular
thing that he didn't know about/overlooked... That doesn't make him lame.
Thats makes him - yes you guessed it a phreak - just cos he hasn't had
much experience doesn't mean he's lame. They're are some guys about who
know more about the phone system than BT, but there was a time when even
they were starting out. Instead of slagging ppl off for discovering stuff
and sharing it we should be encouraging them. Yeah and I'm also pretty
inexperienced with phreaking and I want to learn. In my opinion 'lame' iks
an attitude not a level of knowledge gained...
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [45] of [50]
Title: Keep trying !!!
From: Falastur [164]
Time: Wed Jun 01 00:55:26 1994
Hey Stealth, how's it hanging man. Chalky Chicken!
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Area: General Mail
Number: [46] of [50]
Title: Blackthorn
From: Blackthorn [117]
Time: Wed Jun 01 01:34:22 1994
Well. U aint chatted to me personally but i have been round meekos when u
been 3 waying..U are fucking mad to do that shit!..One day Bt wilkl get
its own back on you..!
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Public reply
Press <RETURN> with no input to abort
Enter a title: Blackthorn
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>Blackthron, BT wont mess with me until I'm 16 ! :>
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Area: General Mail
Number: [46] of [50]
Title: chatlines
From: Blackthorn [117]
Time: Wed Jun 01 01:48:14 1994
For all those who used to love the chatlines in states, and thought you
would never be able to chat again 4 free. i have some some good news 4 U
ring up 0800 890 139 Kick it dial Kp2 592 11010 C
the 890 number is disconected number in trinadad..
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Terminate image saved 1-Jun-1994 05:08a
Area: General Mail
Number: [46] of [50]
Title: chatlines
From: Blackthorn [117]
Time: Wed Jun 01 01:48:14 1994
For all those who used to love the chatlines in states, and thought you
would never be able to chat again 4 free. i have some some good news 4 U
ring up 0800 890 139 Kick it dial Kp2 592 11010 C
the 890 number is disconected number in trinadad..
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option?
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [47] of [50]
Title: Call him Snail!
From: Jono Bono [194]
Time: Wed Jun 01 03:37:22 1994
Hi all, still working at our new routes, I can see you all are, thanks.
Just to get HACK10F at him, post him a message and call him a snail, why
;-) well because 1) he's to fucking slow at cracking anything and needs a
kick up the arse and 2) he's got to come out of his shell! you'll all
understand what I mean when you post him a message .......Jono..
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Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [48] of [50]
Title: Znote u turd!
From: Znote [82]
Time: Wed Jun 01 05:05:07 1994
Kixx : Shut up and grow up.
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
<D>elete Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [49] of [50]
Title: Keep trying !!!
From: Znote [82]
Time: Wed Jun 01 05:06:16 1994
Stealth, what was the Keep Trying message aime at ? I have found something
that could bring me a lot of USA joy (a certain 0800 somewhere) that
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
<D>elete Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: Blackthorn
From: Znote [82]
Time: Wed Jun 01 05:07:35 1994
Blackthron, BT wont mess with me until I'm 16 ! :>
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
<D>elete Message option? Next
Current board is: General Mail
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 1 choice? Quit to next
Area: Cellular Phreaking
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: ESN Changing
From: Eck [137]
Time: Wed Jun 01 00:24:08 1994
Anyone know of any makes of phones (apart from the oki 900) that are
directly ESN programmable from the handset, and still on the market?
Thanx... Eck
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Area: Technology Abuse
Number: [45] of [45]
Title: ATM
From: The Grim Reaper [6]
Time: Tue May 31 22:21:28 1994
Does anyone know what the current situation is regarding ATM security
(local spooling/mainframe dump, jackpotting etc.)
Has anyone successfully pulled off an ATM scam recently?
Any info greatly appreciated...
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Area: Trashing
Number: [19] of [19]
Title: CCs
From: The Grim Reaper [6]
Time: Tue May 31 22:23:26 1994
Can anyone recommend a fairly large store that still uses carbons (without
shredding them obviously) that is fairly accessible to trashing.
Petrol stations are fairly good, try Texaco.
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Area: Viruses & Trojans
Number: [20] of [22]
Title: Any Virus - PC.....
From: Matty [156]
Time: Tue May 31 23:29:24 1994
Help. Like fuck. Does any body have VCL and other virus creation shit
for PC.... Urgently Required..... HELP!!!!!!!!!
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Public reply
Press <RETURN> with no input to abort
Enter a title: Any Virus - PC.....
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>Matty, what yah want VCL for ? Gimme another call (when I'm awake) and I
2>can set you straight ...
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Area: Viruses & Trojans
Number: [21] of [23]
Title: SMEG
From: Harlequin [99]
Time: Wed Jun 01 00:47:01 1994
Apparantely a virus using the SMEG polymorphic encryption engine has been
found in dah UK... If anyone has a copy of the engine or the virus I would
be very gratful...
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Area: Viruses & Trojans
Number: [22] of [23]
Title: Maltise
From: Raven [102]
Time: Wed Jun 01 02:10:49 1994
Well i just suffered an attack from a mutant strain of the Maltise Ameoba
:)....fucks about with the CMOS :)
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Area: Electronics
Number: [39] of [40]
Title: Stun gun request...
From: Mini Master [145]
Time: Tue May 31 22:51:42 1994
HI, I dunno who but some 1 requested some stuff on a HT gun or something.
Heres a little thing I just dug up..
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Area: Electronics
Number: [40] of [40]
Title: Stun gun request...
From: Mini Master [145]
Time: Tue May 31 22:52:43 1994
Right so ya want a stun gun eigh - i'v uploaded 2 files...
They should both work well I havent built either.... What I did try
today is fucking about with some transformers. None of the ideas here
should kill but if placed on the mark in such a way that it went via his
heart, and the mark had a heart condition it COULD kill so be careful =)
The simplest thing I started with was a circuit like this
(Excuse the ASCII drawing!)
P <----------| |----------_/o------
R ||||
O |||| +DCv
B ||||
E ||||
S <----------| |-------------------
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Area: Illicit Substances
Number: [47] of [50]
Title: K
From: The Grim Reaper [6]
Time: Tue May 31 22:24:05 1994
Anyone seen any Ketamine around recently?
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Area: Illicit Substances
Number: [48] of [50]
Title: 32
From: The Grim Reaper [6]
Time: Tue May 31 22:26:03 1994
Does anyone want me to post a list of various credit checking systems and
merchant numbers?
If there is any specific checking system you need to use (ie. rarer stuff
like Diners) drop me a message and I will get you the details...
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: Illicit Substances
Number: [49] of [50]
Title: CC Credit Checking..
From: Matty [156]
Time: Tue May 31 23:13:03 1994
Tel: 0268 822822
Merchant #: 543457040520322
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Area: Illicit Substances
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: Buzz Gum
From: Harlequin [99]
Time: Wed Jun 01 00:50:23 1994
This is available in most health food shops - you can also get buzz drinks
and bars... I have tried it and it just keeps you awake and alert. The
guarana molecule is similar to the caffeine molecule apparently.
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Completed visiting new posted messages
Scan new uploaded files (y/n)? Yes
Transfer Area: NEW Uploads
File Number: [5] of [6]
File Name: stinggun.doc
Origin: Mini Master [145]
Number of D/L's: 1
File Size: 3425 bytes, 3 credits
Transfer Time: 0 minutes 16 seconds for transfer at 2400 bps
Time Validated: Tue May 31 22:54:34 1994
Description: A HT 'shocker'
You have an unlimited number of credits to download
<A>bort to main <D>ownload <L>ast <N>ext <R>ead again <Q>uit
<V>iew this text file
<X> Mark file for download
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Transfer Area: NEW Uploads
File Number: [6] of [6]
File Name: stungun.txt
Origin: Mini Master [145]
Number of D/L's: 2
File Size: 4621 bytes, 5 credits
Transfer Time: 0 minutes 22 seconds for transfer at 2400 bps
Time Validated: Tue May 31 22:54:49 1994
Description: Another HT 'shocker' type gun (?)
You have an unlimited number of credits to download
<A>bort to main <D>ownload <L>ast <N>ext <R>ead again <Q>uit
<V>iew this text file
<X> Mark file for download
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be deleted from this bulletin board system.
News Update: Tuesday 24-May-94 21:01:45
The Hayes Optima 28.8k modem should arrive any day now. I will do my best
to get everything configured and running upto 14.4k as soon as possible.
Due to the fact that my serial port will not support 28.8k, this system
will probably be running on a 386/486 before the end of 1994.
Sorry for the delay, Phantasm (SysOp)
__ __ ____
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\\____|nAuThOrIsEd |__|__|cCeSs Recent User Action v1.øø [Node 0]
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Connected at: Wed Jun 01 05:03:52 1994
Current Time: Wed Jun 01 05:09:40 1994
Total Time On: 5 Min & 48 Sec
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Capture file opened 2-Jun-1994 02:11a
Call TERMINAL BOREDOM! PHaTE Euro HQ - +44-382-541091 24hrs. -Mael
Today's date is: Thu Jun 02 02:11:33 1994
Last caller was: Kixx [20]
Logged off at: Thu Jun 02 02:09:49 1994
__|\ |\ ___ __|\ _____ |\ / / ___ |\ ___ ___ ___
/ /| |/\ | |/ _ \ / /| /_ \/| | |/ //\ / _ \| |/ _ \ / _ \ / _ \
/ / |ø| \| | |_\ / / |:| | |\/ |_| / / \ \ | \ \ø< |_\/| |_\/|:| \ \
\ \ ||| | _ \ \ ||| | | | _ \ \ / / |_/ /||\__ \| _\ ||| / /
\ \|:| |\ | | | |\ \|ø| | | | | | |\ \\/| /|:|/\_| > |_/\|ø|/ /
\__/| | \/| | |/ \__/ |/ |_| |/ \/ |_|\_\|/ \___/ \___/ \__/
\| | | : ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
: \| / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \
: |ø|_\ | | \/| | \/|:|_\/< |_\/< |_\/
[Node 0] || _ | | | | || _\ \__ \ \__ \ Est 1990
|:| | | |_/\| |_/\|ø|_/\ /\_| >/\_| >
| | |/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/
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\| KP2+440636706467+ST
: Online 10.00pm-7.00am GMT
Operating at 3oo/12oo/24oo bps transmission rates
BrItAiNs LaRgEsT cOmPuTeR uNdErGrOuNd ReSeArCh BoArD
Newark, Nottinghamshire, England
SysOp: Phantasm
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Handle: Znote
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Messages: 87
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This is your call number 58 to the system.
Checking your mailbox...
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Scan new message posts (y/n)? Yes
Area: General Mail
Number: [42] of [50]
Title: Strange routing?
From: Jono Bono [194]
Time: Wed Jun 01 05:53:29 1994
Hi again, I tried the number that Blackthorn left 0800-890-139 break, then
KP2-592-1-1010C and you get a US but international Party line as he said.
But the 1 in the middle can be 5 or what ever but it must be there
otherwise it doesn't work? The number reported back on connection is
011-592-1010. Any ideas of how this is routing and why that odd routing
digit gets lost :-() .....Jono Bono....
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [43] of [50]
Title: Harlequin
From: Matty [156]
Time: Wed Jun 01 22:09:19 1994
Yes, I agree with Harlequin, would everybody stop slagging everybody else
off, everyone has to start somewhere, so all you real lamers (the
slaggers) please FUCK OFF!
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Area: General Mail
Number: [44] of [50]
Title: Keep trying !!!
From: Huxley [113]
Time: Wed Jun 01 22:56:15 1994
who asked you big boy !!!
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Area: General Mail
Number: [45] of [50]
Title: Boxing
From: Kixx [20]
Time: Thu Jun 02 00:37:20 1994
thankx man.. Thats exactly what i thought when i read the message in the
first place.... If it was a scam ( which is DEFO wasnt :) ) at least i
told everybody, and didnt keep it to meself which i could have done.. and
payed the fone bill, but thats not the point :)
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [46] of [50]
Title: New CodeLine
From: Kixx [20]
Time: Thu Jun 02 00:43:56 1994
OK there's a new code line up run by me.
number is 0800 899 075 and ext. 210 .. nothin on there *YET* so give it a
call and leave some stuff.. I'll update it every 24-48hrs, depending on
what is on there..
Cheerz guyz.
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Area: General Mail
Number: [47] of [50]
Title: SJC
From: Maelstrom [39]
Time: Thu Jun 02 01:31:13 1994
Didn`t you understand Z-N0te`s msg? I mean I don`t agree with the way he
put it but he`s certainly right with his info...Why won`t changing routing
codes stop us finding them? with 10,000 possiblities it`s certainly going
to delay it, and with their new SCAN system only someone who has suffered
a crainial lobotomy would attempt to use new routes anyway...`nuff said.
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [48] of [50]
Title: My bullshit..
From: Maelstrom [39]
Time: Thu Jun 02 01:34:16 1994
The countries didn`t pool resources to stop blueboxing...it is my beleif
(confirmed by long chats with int. ops) that they just press a button
marked UK toi place the call...so to them it is of no consequence whether
the route is b440number-st or b236465234878242-44-number-st...you see what
I`m getting at? only a select handul of top engineers responsible for
their country`s international routings need know of the changes, and
that`s merely a phonecall away (as the BT ad`s say...)
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: General Mail
Number: [49] of [50]
Title: Znote u turd!
From: Maelstrom [39]
Time: Thu Jun 02 01:35:35 1994
"Can`t we all just get along?"
(c) Rodney King.
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Area: General Mail
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: Mail box.
From: Kixx [20]
Time: Thu Jun 02 02:09:39 1994
OK, who's the tart leaving messages on my codeline?? Saying 'LAME!'?
OK at the mo it is very lame, for the reason that i only set up a few hrs
ago, not much on there AT ALL, i have just added a few things now.. but it
aint lame! I'm trying to get it to b godd, so i need the callers!
And that number again is 0800 899 075 extension 210 leave anything at all
on Hacking, caling cards, credit cards ANTHING worth posting, and i'll
make it public when i hear it ( approx 24hrs ) so the more messages i get
left, the more info to share wiv everybody else if ya know what i mean :)
Ok, chow guyz, and call and post something... very little there at the mo!
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Current board is: General Mail
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Area: Cellular Phreaking
Number: [49] of [50]
Title: Transport
From: Maelstrom [39]
Time: Thu Jun 02 01:38:46 1994
Me bigboy me! i`ll pay postage...for sure...any phone, whether it need a
large canvas backpack or not, i`ll abuse it! :)
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: Cellular Phreaking
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: ESN Changing
From: Maelstrom [39]
Time: Thu Jun 02 01:39:48 1994
Erm, erikson something or other...I`ll find out the model number for
you...it allows to to store 2 esn`s in nram...and I beleive the default
code is *75 or something similar to enter reprogramming mode...
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Area: Technology Abuse
Number: [46] of [47]
Title: Postage Stamps
From: Archaos [104]
Time: Thu Jun 02 00:20:09 1994
Yep, phone cards are optical...if ya want info on them then there is a
file around on this board ('scribed by me from BT sources) that tells you
how they work. I don't think that stopping the h"hammer" woukld do
anything as the gauge is only for humans not the machine- it counts hte
units from the card using light techniques. Anyway, see the file for more
info (can't remember what its called xactly - perhaps someone eklse
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: Technology Abuse
Number: [47] of [47]
Title: Postage Stamps
From: Maelstrom [39]
Time: Thu Jun 02 01:41:55 1994
I thought the phonecards worked on a `refractive index` that refracts
(hence the name) the light at a certain angle when the unit is valid, and
is burned out (in some way, ok so I don`t know the specifics) when used
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Area: o8oo Scan Club
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: Need areas
From: Scribla [140]
Time: Wed Jun 01 23:55:10 1994
Since the fall of boxing in the uk i have found my self scanning 0800's
i have just finished scanning the 0800-89x-xxx range with some good
results, Are there any other areas worth scanning or better ones than
i have scanned ?
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Current board is: o8oo Scan Club
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Area: Home Chemistry
Number: [46] of [46]
Title: devil bangers
From: Archaos [104]
Time: Thu Jun 02 00:25:42 1994
Probably made with something akin to the ammonium-whatsit crystal touch
explosives...but much less powerful...
PS. How about dissecting loads of the things and putting them together as
one large banger?
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
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Current board is: Home Chemistry
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All users are hereby notified that a mandatory 1:1 post/call ratio is now in
effect. If you do not post at least one message per logon, your account will
be deleted from this bulletin board system.
News Update: Tuesday 24-May-94 21:01:45
The Hayes Optima 28.8k modem should arrive any day now. I will do my best
to get everything configured and running upto 14.4k as soon as possible.
Due to the fact that my serial port will not support 28.8k, this system
will probably be running on a 386/486 before the end of 1994.
Sorry for the delay, Phantasm (SysOp)
__ __ ____
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\\____|nAuThOrIsEd |__|__|cCeSs Recent User Action v1.øø [Node 0]
Valid user logon: [156] Matty REAL:
Phone Number: Baud rate: 2400
Current Time: Wed Jun 01 22:04:50 1994
Sent mail to: [99] Harlequin
# & subject is: [47] Virus toolkits
Posted message: "Harlequin" in "General Mail" area.
Logged off: Dropped carrier.
Logged off at: Wed Jun 01 22:13:19 1994
Valid user logon: [145] Mini Master REAL:
Phone Number: Baud rate: 2400
Current Time: Wed Jun 01 22:15:34 1994
Sent mail to: [1] Phantasm
# & subject is: [15] hello
Sent mail to: [156] Matty
# & subject is: [44] Hi-Power Stun Gun...
Logged off: Dropped carrier.
Logged off at: Wed Jun 01 22:20:49 1994
Valid user logon: [166] Codewalker REAL:
Phone Number: Baud rate: 2400
Current Time: Wed Jun 01 22:23:13 1994
Remaining Time: 42 minutes
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Current Time: Thu Jun 02 02:14:20 1994